Well, I will take a stab at this. You pretty much need a book though and I am too old and unhealthy for that. But I can direct you to the right path
I have posted a lot already. My collection can be found here. In a short post (hopefully) its hard to cover too much though.
Viruses -Vaccines- Pandemics-Evil
The beginning actually goes back to the late 19th century with the almost simultaneous birth of Malthusian Ideology espoused by Thomas Malthus and the invention of the Small Pox Vaccine with Jenner experimenting on a 10 year old boy. There was no FDA to worry about then, and there were no RCT’s so you just had to have FAITH that they worked
Then I suppose we can jump forward to the middle of 20th century where improved sanitation, hygiene and nutrition led to the reduction in mortality due to childhood disease, except for one disease called Polio which was increasing for some strange reason.
Polio Cases
We now believe this increase was a result of DDT spraying, along with financial incentives by the March of Dimes to diagnose cases as Polio. Remember the ads, DDT is good for me?
This set the stage for the Polio Vaccine, the Vaccine hailed by the Church of Vaccinology as ending Polio just as DDT spraying was being curtailed and as the Medical Profession changed the criteria for diagnosing Polio (reducing cases drastically), and of course March of Dimes financial support dried up removing the financial incentive to report. Reported Polio cases did plummet. Vaccine got the credit.
An Unauthorized Modern Vaccines Timeline
They don’t tell you the Polio Vaccine came with the price of a new respiratory virus released into the human population (RSV) from monkeys whose kidneys were harvested to grow the virus, and the release of the cancer causing SV-40 virus from contaminated Polio Vaccines
This led to more Vaccines for diseases already waning but the industry and regulators had to be careful since they had liability and could be sued.
Measles and the Vaccine (More than You Want To Know)
Wiping Out Adult Herd Immunity to Measles
However, thanks to Reagan signing the 1986 Vaccine Act manufacturers were given a liability waiver contingent on improving safety. This led to more vaccines and regulators increasing the number of vaccines required before you could go to school, and an explosion in autism and childhood disease. The promise to make them safer was replaced by hiding the safety signals better and denying any knowledge of any safety issue
And mercilessly attacking anyone that questions the vaccines safety
But the path to COVID really started with HIV and CFS in the 1980’s and a budding biotech industry in conjunction with the development of ONE HEALTH ideology which sprung to life at Rio in 1992 as the offspring of Climate Change.
Right before Rio the Club of Rome published the First Global Revolution
The First Global Revolution
“Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, “new enemies must be identified.” “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself
After the end of the Cold War the BLOB turned their sites on us. We were the new enemy and the Old Order that included human rights, freedom and functional Democracy was to be overturned in a Revolution that would begin on 9/11 and is currently ongoing.
This being a top down revolution. No Patriots, just Psychopths
Bayh -Dole and its expansion under Reagan lured in the private sector and helped create the public-private BIODEFENSE /BIOSECURITY BLOB that exists today
With HIV , putting aside the origins which some speculate was Hep B vaccination of gay men, they learned to terrorize populations and adjust case numbers/deaths/CFR with testing, harmful treatments (AZT) rushed to mkt and withholding recommendations for repurposed drugs (Bactrim)
Guys like Redfield and Fauci tried to terrorize the population claiming it would spread to women and children if we did not resort to wide spread testing and isolation of HIV positive patients. Redfield would later be accused of fraudulently doctoring HIV vaccine trial results to get an additional 25 million in funding while in the Army. Birx participated in the same trial. He later left the army to join Robert Gallo at the Institute of Human Virology (IHV, get it) in Baltimore . Gallo was accused of fraud himself over the discovery of HIV and the patent for the HIV Test. Perfect choice for CDC director (Masks are the best Vaccine, Bird Flu is in our future, etc)
With CFS they learned to cover up a widespread debilitating disease (much like they cover up vaccine injuries) writing it off as a psychological womens disease much like they later would do with COVID vaccine adverse effects (eg menstrual related AE’s)
CFS likely had a viral causation and people would have asked a lot more questions if CDC admitted there were 2 pandemics with different novel viruses
For those who want to know more about CFS I recommend the book Oslers Web by Hillary Johnson, its right up there with the Virus and the Vaccine (SV-40/Polio) and Inventing AIDS by Duesberg.
Oslers Webb is out of print and hard to find though since the author never authorized an electronic version, which means it probably hit too close to the truth and she was coerced or enticed not to publish. Thats just speculation on my part
Fast forward to 2000. The Human Genome Project was progressing as was our understanding of genes and the central dogma (DNA>mRNA>Proteins) and genome sequencing capacity was growing at an exponential rate.
Gene modification techniques were improving enough to make genetic modification of human and viral genes possible, indeed many of the first GMO foods were developed in the 1990’s with little or no safety testing, thanks to the Malthusian George H. W. Bush whose FDA was directed to require no additional testing
1992, President George H.W. Bush was ready to open the Pandora's Box of GMO. In an Executive Order, the President made the ruling that GMO plants and foods were “substantially equivalent” to ordinary plants of the same variety, such as ordinary corn, soybeans, rice or cotton.
Then along comes 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks , the latter blamed on Iraq after failing to link it to Al Qaeda. Turns out it was genetically modified, Made in USA biolabs.
Whitney Webb has a nice piece on Anthrax Attacks
FBI handled the origins investigation and blamed it on a lone scientist but this was just covering up the reality that it was released for political purposes to gain support for the War in Iraq /GWOT and the building of a Biosecurity State with expanded emphasis on dual use Biodefense Research, thus earning Fauci a nice promotion (in his testimony he claims to not know the reason for his huge raise in pay)
If thats not perjury I dont know what is. Kind of like Baric saying he forgot about DEFUSE as COVID is breaking out😂. But hey, lets focus on Daszak.
Sadly the FBI is still in charge of Bioattribution and the lead investigator for bioterrorism, which is why they concluded without investigation there was no bioterrorism and prefer us to focus on an accidental lab release in Wuhan
When you can control Private Scientists with Government Funding, control the investigation agencies and control the media with Pharmaceutical advertisements (restrictions lifted in 1996) , you can get away with murder.
Then along comes SARS only a year after Baric demonstrated-a new Reverse Genetics capability for coronaviruses that was then used by Baric to rescue the SARS virus based on sequence data with the help of USAMRIID
There are some who suspected SARS was engineered as well but I have not seen enough evidence to buy into that.
Shortly thereafter , with Fauci put in charge of biodefense research and Bioshield Funding along comes Bird Flu Scare (H5N1) where Gileads Tamiflu is offered as a solution and stockpiled much to Gileads and Rumsfelds delight. Virus scares can be profitable. Who knew?
Unfortunately for Vaccine Manufacturers these Virus Scares were too brief in duration to allow for the development and approval of a vaccine with existing technology and existing regulatory approval process
The Prep Act offered a partial solution with EUA and vaccine liability exemption, but the technology to make vaccines quicker didn’t exist. Eggs might be in short supply if you need a Bird Flu Vaccine quickly.
Then along comes another Pandemic, only a couple of years after the WHO’s 2005 IHR is ratified. This was a H1N1 Swine Flu. A fake Pandemic which was Live Exercise for COVID.
Coincidentally the flu vaccines were added to the VICP schedule in 2005 giving manufacturers a liability waiver.
They managed to stretch the Pandemic out long enough to push a Vaccine out but could not generate the fear to a high enough level because they lacked the testing infrastructure and cause of death protocols to inflate the numbers. Also unlike COVID there was an approved drug (Tamiflu) that could be taken at home (pills), unlike Remdesivir which required hospitalization
There was also insufficient spread as most of the tests done came back negative, forcing them to scrap testing and rely on estimates that allowed them to extend the fake pandemic into late 2009-2010 and administer over 80 million doses globally. Unfortunately there were adverse effects
The fake pandemic flu virus fizzled out in 2010 as all flu virus strains tend to do due to herd immunity and mutations. They of course credited the vaccines despite the low uptake
Prep Act/EUA was not required in US as FDA approved based on their usual process for a new strain and as mentioned flu vaccines are already given a liability waiver like childhood vaccines
Lessons learned from the Fake Pandemic and SARS
Virus needs to be more stable to last longer
Herd Immunity needs to be slowed (lockdowns, masks).
Testing needs to be scaled up and preferably using PCR with high Ct thresholds so people test positive even w/o replication competent virus after recovering and those without symptoms
Death certificates for the next Pandemic should indicate the virus (based on positive PCR or even close contact with confirmed case and w/o test) as cause of death even if other factors like cancer and heart attacks and accidents contributed
A new vaccine technology for more rapid deployment and higher production capacity was needed
A virus for which there was no approved or recommended antiviral for outpatient use was needed (unlike flu which had Tamiflu) so that Vaccine uptake would be maximized
The ability to censor the truth (labeled as misinformation) .
Making Sars-Cov-2. First step-VIRUS Hunting
So the lessons were learned. Now they needed to find or make the virus.
To make the virus, assuming one could not be found they needed more sequences of natural viruses since we didn’t yet fully understand how viruses work and engineering an existing virus would take a lot of trial and error and GOF FUNDING
USAID PREDICT was hatched in the 2009 Fake Pandemic Year, and would last 10 years (PREDICT I 2009-2014, PREDICT II 2015-2019. They would spend over $3000 million funding virus collection and sequencing from remote wildlife including bat caves in China
The US Military (DTRA, NMRC, etc) would also participate in virus hunting as would NIAID. In addition, funding for research to analyze these viruses function would also be needed, some of it leading to GOF
A Virus needs a Vaccine. mRNA Technology Development
In the 35 years before the covid-19 pandemic, the US government directly invested more than $330m in research and development that made the development, testing, and rapid production of mRNA covid-19 vaccines possible.
The estimate is likely a substantial underestimate of the total pre-pandemic investment of public funds. They were intentionally conservative in classifying funding as directly related to these vaccines; an additional $5.9bn was deemed indirectly related. Furthermore, they were unable to include data from the National Science Foundation because they were inaccessible and incomplete.
Here are some of the papers and patents that led to the creation of Sars-Cov-2. I found some more since I did this and will update when I get a chance
I had just found this one from Baric
2012- A live, impaired-fidelity coronavirus vaccine protects in an aged, immunocompromised mouse model of lethal disease
Ralph Baric
Live, attenuated RNA virus vaccines are efficacious but subject to reversion to virulence. Among RNA viruses, replication fidelity is recognized as a key determinant of virulence and escape from antiviral therapy; increased fidelity is attenuating for some viruses. Coronavirus (CoV) replication fidelity is approximately 20-fold greater than that of other RNA viruses and is mediated by a 3′→5′ exonuclease (ExoN) activity that probably functions in RNA proofreading. In this study we demonstrate that engineered inactivation of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV ExoN activity results in a stable mutator phenotype with profoundly decreased fidelity in vivo and attenuation of pathogenesis in young, aged and immunocompromised mice.
The ExoN inactivation genotype and mutator phenotype are stable and do not revert to virulence, even after serial passage or long-term persistent infection in vivo. ExoN inactivation has potential for broad applications in the stable attenuation of CoVs and, perhaps, other RNA viruses.
Goes nicely with his 2018 paper
h/t Jim Haslam
2018-Evaluation of a recombination-resistant coronavirus as a broadly applicable, rapidly implementable vaccine platform
Because of their history of emergence events due to their prevalence in zoonotic pools, designing live-attenuated coronavirus vaccines that can be rapidly and broadly implemented is essential for outbreak preparedness. Here, we show that coronaviruses with completely rewired transcription regulatory networks (TRNs) are effective vaccines against SARS-CoV.
The TRN-rewired viruses are attenuated and protect against lethal SARS-CoV challenge. While a 3-nt rewired TRN reverts via second-site mutation upon serial passage, a 7-nt rewired TRN is more stable, suggesting that a more extensively rewired TRN might be essential for avoiding growth selection. In summary, rewiring the TRN is a feasible strategy for limiting reversion in an effective live-attenuated coronavirus vaccine candidate that is potentially portable across the Nidovirales order.
Oopsie-this one out of China
2022-SARS-CoV-2 with transcription regulatory sequence motif mutation poses a greater threat
A leader transcription regulatory sequence (TRS-L) usually comprises the first 60-70 nts of the 5' UTR in a CoV genome
TRS motif mutation will occur in all variants of SARS-CoV-2 and may result in super-attenuated variants. Only super-attenuated variants with TRS motif mutations will eventually lose the abilities of cross-species transmission and causing outbreaks.
That doesn’t sound too bad but the Chinese section goes on to say
The spread of the super-attenuated strain can cause an increase in asymptomatic or mild infection, a long incubation time, and an increase in the missed detection rate, which poses new challenges to the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2. The super-attenuated strain will also increase the probability of long-term coexistence with humans and will threaten human health for a long time.
That sort of explains Omicron which I believe was also engineered and deliberately released, but lets not go there today
Anyways, I digress
The first mRNA vaccine was tested in mice in 1993, and the first human trial began in 2013 with a rabies vaccine after the Department of Defense funded CureVac, a German biopharmaceutical company.
The Department of Defense also funded scientists working on developing mRNA vaccines for other infectious diseases, such as Chikungunya, Zika, and HIV.
Modification of mRNA synthesized in the laboratory and avoidance of immune detection was a key breakthrough led by Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman of the University of Pennsylvania.
In 2005, after more than a decade of work, they succeeded in synthesizing mRNA without initiating a vigorous inflammatory cellular response to a foreign material.
In 2008 they successfully modified pseudouridine, an isomer of the nucleoside uridine, enhancing RNA stability, altering RNA-protein interactions to affect gene expression, and decreasing the inflammatory response further.
Identification of the respiratory syncytial virus prefusion F protein in 2013 led to the understanding that prefusion proteins were a superior target to post-fusion proteins.
In 2016 the prefusion structure of the human betacoronavirus, a genera of coronaviruses, was discovered and patented by HHS, Scripps Research Institute and Dartmouth College
The Patent filed in 2016 was approved March 30, 2021. Nice timing.
Barney Graham was the lead inventor. He has coauthored a number of papers with Ralph Baric.
Under a 1980 law, the NIH will obtain no money from the coronavirus vaccine patent. How much money will eventually go to the discoverers or their institutions isn’t clear …Some basic scientists involved in the enterprise seem to accept the potentially lopsided financial rewards.
“Having public-private partnerships is how things get done,” Graham said. …..
“It’s not a good look to become extremely wealthy off a pandemic,” McLellan said, noting the big stock sales by some vaccine company executives after they received hundreds of millions of dollars in government assistance. Still, “the companies should be able to make some money.”
For Graham, the lesson of the coronavirus vaccine response is that a few billion dollars a year spent on additional basic research could prevent a thousand times as much loss in death, illness and economic destruction.
At a news conference Monday, Graham’s boss at NIH, Anthony Fauci, highlighted the spike protein work.
“We shouldn’t underestimate the value of basic biology research,” Fauci said.
Here is what Ralph had to say in his January testimony
But I can tell you that our (him and Moderna) involvement with mRNA technology started in 2016, early 2017, in collaboration with Barney Graham and Kizzmekia Corbett at the NIH VRC, where they had just worked. Well, Jason McLellan and Barney had really worked out the technology to freeze the coronavirus spike glycoprotein in what was called the prefusion state, which had all the big, juicy neutralization epitopes in the right context. So they wanted to evaluate mRNA vaccine performance, and so they contacted us and we worked with them on mRNA vaccines for MERS coronavirus mostly, but also SARS coronavirus in 2003, and were actually writing the paper in December 2019 when COVID hit.
What else happened in December?
On December 12, 2019 Ralph Baric signed a MTA with Moderna to facilitate challenge studies with Modernas Vaccine
And on December 11, 2019 the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency announced launch of DOMANE program, Discovery of Medical Countermeasures Against Novel Entities.
Malone went to work at DOMANE with MIT’s Lincoln Labs which was quickly put to work on COVID in January (nice timing)
The word Domane is Latin for Kings Crown. In Latin corona means crown. Interesting choice of name as the Crown Virus is circulating in Wuhan
“In late 2019, DTRA started a new program called Discovery of Medical Countermeasures Against Novel Entities (DOMANE) to address novel and emerging threats,” stated Dr. David Hone, Chief Scientist within the Vaccines and Therapeutics Division at DTRA. “Based on previous work, we decided DOMANE would not only focus on FDA-approved drugs but also combination therapeutics, as we believe that no single drug will be completely effective in treating new diseases. COVID-19 has provided us an opportunity to test our hypotheses using DOMANE.”
DOMANE provides rapid decision-making capabilities to identify FDA-approved drugs that will most likely be effective therapeutics for COVID-19.
Repurposing candidate drugs from a pool about 7,500 FDA-approved drugs to advance an effective COVID-19 therapeutic allows for a more rapid response in developing a therapeutic regimen. The end-result is a response that modifies COVID-19 in treated patients and promotes a speedy recovery.
Veklury®, which is more commonly referred to as Remdesivir, is a ribonuclease inhibitor developed by Gilead Sciences. It delivers broad-spectrum antiviral activity and has proven to be a modestly effective therapeutic for the treatment of COVID-19. Originally developed as an Ebola Zaire countermeasure, this DTRA-funded inhibitor transitioned for more advanced testing due to promising pre-clinical trials.
Remdesivir inhibits viral replication in a wide variety of pathogens and was one of the first therapeutics identified in the Defense Department for repurposing to treat COVID-19.
In the summer of 2020, Remdesivir received authorization for emergency use only in COVID-19 patients with continued FDA oversight.
We will get to Remdesivir. First, lets summarize USG role in mRNA vaccine technology
Filling in some gaps
In 2012 with the ADEPT:PROTECT program*, DARPA began investing in the development of gene-encoded vaccines, a new category of preventive measures based on DNA or RNA.
In 2013 DARPA issues a $25 million grant to Moderna who were working on mRNA therapeutics
A follow-on effort to the ADEPT program, known as the Pandemic Prevention Platform program started in 2017 , aims to develop technologies and practices marked by early detection of an outbreak and, within 60 days, development and widescale deployment of protective countermeasures.
As for the actual engineering of the virus, who did what when, thats been discussed at length. People will believe what they want, and its usually not the truth because the truth is too scary
Now for Remdesivir. On January 30,2020 Gilead Science released this
Gilead is working with health authorities in China to establish a randomized, controlled trial to determine whether remdesivir can safely and effectively be used to treat 2019-nCoV. We are also expediting appropriate laboratory testing of remdesivir against 2019-nCoV samples.
While there are no antiviral data for remdesivir that show activity against 2019-nCoV at this time, available data in other coronaviruses give us hope. Remdesivir has demonstrated in vitro and in vivo activity in animal models against the viral pathogens MERS and SARS, which are coronaviruses that are structurally similar to 2019-nCoV. There are also limited clinical data available from the emergency use of remdesivir in the treatment of patients with Ebola virus infection.
Guess who was involved in testing Remdesivir vitro and in vivo activity in animal models against the viral pathogens MERS and SARS.
Ralph my man sure gets around
Remdesivir was developed through an academic-corporate partnership between Gilead Sciences and the Baric Lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. The biopharmaceutical company sought the talents of a research team led by William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology Ralph Baric, who has studied coronaviruses for more than 30 years and pioneered rapid-response approaches for the study of emerging viruses and the development of therapeutics.
Barics lab began work with Gilead on Remdesivir ~2015
In April of 2019, a former postdoc of Baric’s, Allison Totura, working at USAMRIID and the head of USAMRIID, Sina Bavari, cowrote a paper suggesting the next pandemic would be a coronavirus and that remdesivir would likely be useful—despite the facts that physicians and scientists had deemed it too poisonous for treating Ebola, and Baric and Denison had previously published data that showed remdesivir would be of no benefit late in SARS infection when virus was already extinguished by the immune system and disease pathology was due to inflammation caused by dead cells and viral debris
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a major stakeholder in Gilead Sciences. The BMGF also gave some fifty-eight grants to the University of North Carolina between June 2000 and April 2022, including a $726,498 grant to Baric to study dengue vaccines.
Ralph Baric. Here is what he said in his January testimony
Who else is connected to Sina Bavari and USAMRIID ?
USAMRIID s Chief Scientific Officer and Scientific Director Sina Bavari sits on the editorial board of the journal where Shi Zhengli is the Editor-in-Chief, Virologica Sinica. Sina Bavari has been at USAMRIID since 2011
Note: USAMRIID is located on Fort Detrick, Maryland, near Washington, D.C., and is a subordinate lab of the United States Army Medical Research and Development Command
Fort Detrick scientists, in collaboration with Gilead Sciences of Foster City, California, had success in 2015 with a treatment that blocked the Ebola virus’s ability to replicate.
They issued a press release heralding their achievement. The treatment was an antiviral compound called GS-5734 – more commonly known as Remdesivir. Sina Bavari was one of the clever scientists behind this antiviral treatment and is listed as a contributor on the research, which was funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the Medical Countermeasure Systems Joint Project Management Office, under the US Department of Defense.
The drug came to global prominence when it was touted as a potential treatment option for Covid-19 some five years later. Despite the US government contributing research and funding, it didn’t get credit in the Gilead Remdesivir patent.
The linked article is now behind a paywall but here is one of my threads covering this article
Bavari had visited the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2014 or 2015, he said, for an editorial board meeting of Virologica Sinica.
In October 2018, a senior USAMRIID laboratory director gave a presentation on Ebola in the facility’s conference room number.
Also sitting on Shi Zhengli’s Virologica Sinica editorial board is Professor Jens Kuhn, the Virology Lead at Anthony Fauci’s NIAID. Not only is he at the NIH, but he is listed as a contractor among Fort Detrick’s “Integrated Research Facility Leadership and Scientists”
At a hotel in Wuhan in May 2017, a commander at USAMRIID participated in a workshop on lab safety with the Institute’s top scientists. The workshop was called the “Second China–US Workshop on the Challenges of Emerging Infections, Laboratory Safety and Global Health Security”.
Gain-of-function research, laboratory risks and gene editing were key topics during the conference, held from May 17 to 19. Shi Zhengli and George Fu Gao, the Director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, gave presentations at the conference
The Virologica Sinica editorial board overseen by Shi Zhengli consists of PLA members, a virologist who was kicked out of Canada for security breaches and the director of China’s Centre for Disease Control.
George Fu Gao, the Director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, who rang Dr Redfield in tears on January 3, 2020, is also on the advisory board for Shi Zhengli’s journal.
<Gao also attended Event 201 in October 2019 and sat on the Global Pandemic Monitoring Board with Fauci that released a report in September 2019 calling for 2 Pandemic Exercises by September 2020, one of which was to be Live . Remember Pompeo calling COVID A live Exercise? You cant make this shit up>
On the editorial board is Zhang Yong-Zhen, the scientist responsible for sharing the genetic sequence of Covid-19.
One of the associate editors is connected to the PLA: Tong Yigang was previously the Director of the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology at the Academy of Military Medical Science, which sits under the PLA.
What’s highly unusual is that two members of Shi Zhengli’s editorial board were linked to USAMRIID, given US intelligence has tied the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the Chinese military.
Fort Detrick scientists, in collaboration with Gilead Sciences of Foster City, California, had success in 2015 with a treatment that blocked the Ebola virus’s ability to replicate.
GS-5734 – more commonly known as Remdesivir. Sina Bavari was one of the clever scientists behind this antiviral treatment and is listed as a contributor on the research,
which was funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the Medical Countermeasure Systems Joint Project Management Office, under the US Department of Defense.
Despite the US government contributing research and funding, it didn’t get credit in the Gilead Remdesivir patent.
While Bavari was Director, Fort Detrick was also temporarily shut down in 2019 for two breaches of containment. USAMRIID announced in mid-November 2019 it would restart operations on a limited scale
Two breaches reported by USAMRIID to the CDC demonstrated a failure of the army laboratory to “implement and maintain containment procedures sufficient to contain select agents or toxins” that were made by operations in BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories.
Pompeo seems surprised to learn about the connection between Fort Detrick scientists and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. “It is unusual. It’s a small world, you’ve seen that, right. These international virologists are a very tight-knit circle.
Shi Zhengli’s links to Ralph Baric, from the University of North Carolina, continued as well. She emailed him in February 2018, inviting him to fly to Wuhan. “It was nice meeting you in Galveston and learning your recent great work,” she wrote.
“As we have discussed, we would like to invite you attend our meeting ‘the 8th International Symposium on Emerging Virus Diseases’ to be held in Wuhan this year. Your local cost and travel between Hong Kong and Wuhan will be covered by our meeting sponsor.”
Ralph Baric replied a few hours later: “Hi Zhengli, Nice talking with you in Galveston . . . I would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you in Wuhan for the 8th international symposium on emerging infectious diseases.”
Maybe its just me but I find these connections pretty interesting. The Virology BLOB really is interlocked as Pompeo said.
So we know China was using Remdesivir early on in COVID. What was their conclusion?
After Gilead agreed, Chinese doctors launched two formal studies of remdesivir; one in severely ill patients, and another in people with milder disease. Both studies compared the drug to a placebo. But in mid-April, both were suspended when scientists could not enroll the more than 400 patients needed for each trial. The Chinese trial showed remdesivir did not improve patients’ condition or reduces the pathogen’s presence in the bloodstream. Researchers studied 237 patients, giving the drug to 158 and comparing their progress with the remaining 79. The drug also showed significant side effects in some, which meant 18 patients were taken off it.
Yet it became standard of care after Fauci manipulated the US trials endpoints and approved Remdesivir, and the government offered financial incentives to hospitals to give this dangerous drug despite the risks and minimal benefits (no benefit late in disease when virus is already killed, only risk)
So whats Ralph up to today?. He is developing a Coronavirus Vaccine. Surprise!
Guess what Ralph has been working on since 2020 or even earlier. Yup.
Ralph decided to do something that was proposed with DEFUSE, which is to vaccinate (humans not bats) with only the spike protein or parts of the spike (RBD).
Sure enough, both Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and Baric are working on such a Vaccine.
Baric is now advancing an mRNA vaccine that stitches together spike protein components plucked from different 12 coronaviruses, including SARS, SARS-2, and their closest relatives, which represent the strains most adept at infecting humans.
Baric plans to test his pan-coronavirus vaccine candidate on primates in the coming months, with human trials later in the year if results remain promising.
The goal isn’t total eradication, but slowing the new pathogen’s advance through our species while strain-specific cures can be developed and deployed.
Once the Virus was ready as well as the Vaccine Technology the go ahead for OPERATION COVID was given. Lets skip over the details for now, it involves too much speculation but I suspect the virus was released in Wuhan during the Military Games in Wuhan.
Anyways, in the few years before COVID there were a lot of actions taken that facilitated the execution of OPERATION COVID. I detail some of them here.
One thing the government and private secto partners do before any big Operation is they do a lot of Excercises
Cygmus (UK-2016) , MARS (Munich-2017), SPARS (2017), Clade X (2018), Crimson Contagion (1st half-2019) and Event 201 (Oct-2019)
Its actually more extensive than that
From 2010-2019, CDC reported conducting a total of fifteen pandemic exercises (including tabletops and virtual events), holding anywhere from zero to three pandemic exercises each year (nine of which were interagency). Of the exercises CDC performed, 13 centered on pandemic influenza.
From 2010-2019, ASPR reported conducting or being a major participant in a total of 83 preparedness exercises, holding anywhere from five to sixteen exercises each year (in total, 76 were interagency).
ASPR’s exercises ranged from natural disasters, bioterrorism, and pandemic influenza, among other emergencies. Of the exercises ASPR performed, 11 exercises involved pandemic influenza.
FDA indicated that it conducted a total of 26 preparedness exercises (12 of which were interagency) between 2014 and 2019, holding anywhere from 3 to 11 exercises each year.
As referenced throughout this section, in 2019 HHS conducted its largest influenza pandemic exercise to date known as Crimson Contagion.
DOD also reported conducting pandemic warning exercises hosted by the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI).
DOD’s exercises also found that pandemics would require a whole of government response, and that the broader federal government should plan for how the whole U.S. government would respond during a potential pandemic event.
Every year, FEMA holds a National Level Exercise (NLE) that involves federal interagency partners. In a Committee briefing, FEMA official Erin Hoffman, Director of National Exercises and Technological Hazards, told the Committee that in 2017, her division recommended part of the 2018 NLE include a pandemic response: “we encouraged Crimson Contagion because HHS and the interagency determined we weren’t prepared to do a pandemic exercise at the NLE-level.”
And where the hell was the Intelligence we spend hundreds of billions of $ on each year
July 9, 2019 CDC chose to withdraw the only American epidemiologist embedded with Beijing’s CDC at the same time an Unknown Respiratory Illness Sickens dozens at a Virginia Retirement Community
As an American CDC employee, they said, Quick was in an ideal position to be the eyes and ears on the ground for the United States and other countries on the coronavirus outbreak, and might have alerted them to the growing threat weeks earlier. No other foreign disease experts were embedded to lead the program after Quick left in July, according to the sources.
I mean, how suspicious is that? But we still must have intelligence including human assets on the ground in China. Right!
CDC, the Defense Intelligence Agency’s National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch, and the Department of Homeland Security’s National Biosurveillance Integration Center all learned of the emerging infectious disease threat through the same publicly available open source report, a ProMED post, at least a month after the virus had already been circulating in China.
CDC officials confirmed to the Committee that they first viewed the report on December 30, 2019 and DOD officials first became aware of the report one day later, on December 31, 2019.
DOD told the Committee an April 2020 news report was incorrect in its claims that the National Center for Medical Intelligence warned as early as November 2019 of a potential epidemic spreading throughout China. DOD officials confirmed for the Committee that DOD did not rely on any classified intelligence to identify the emerging novel coronavirus threat.
DOD also told the Committee news reports’ assertions that such warnings were conveyed through an intelligence report to the Pentagon’s Joint Staff, the National Security Council, the White House, and the President’s Daily Brief were also incorrect. No such intelligence product or briefing exists according to DOD.
Instead, DOD, DHS, and CDC generally relied on publicly available information, including public news reports from China, to inform their analysis of the emerging threat.
DOD and DHS officials interviewed by the Committee acknowledged that they did not rely on any classified intelligence to identify the emerging novel coronavirus threat. Contrary to public reporting, DOD officials stated that DOD’s National Center for Medical Intelligence did not receive warnings in November 2019 about a potential epidemic spreading in China.
Former NSC senior official who served as the Director for Medical Preparedness and Biodefense Policy Dr. Lawler told the Committee, “[i]deally, what should have been happening in November and December is our intelligence communities should have been alerting us that we had an outbreak of unusual disease in Wuhan that was creating large numbers of unusual cases of pneumonia . . . with that intelligence failure, where we have no visibility into that space internationally, we are inevitably going to be caught by surprise, and we will be caught by surprise in the next pandemic as well.”. .
It doesn’t strike me as very believable. We have a close relationship with Taiwan and you know they have all sorts of intelligence assets in China. Yet they say they only learned of it at same time from social media.
At 6:30 a.m. on Dec. 31, Dr. Lo at Taiwan’s CDC woke to an alert on his phone.
His colleagues in the media monitoring unit had detected social media posts about a pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan. The original posts in China were quickly removed, but screenshots had been reposted on PTT, a popular online forum in Taiwan. Some commenters feared a resurgence of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS), which had killed 774 people in 2002 and 2003, mostly in Asia.
There were hundreds of thousands of Taiwan citizens living or working in China in 2019 (some put it as high as 2 million). Surely a deadly Pandemic would be noticeable enough for many to report about it back home. Of course, this might support the argument it did not really spread until late, perhaps in a super spreading event at the HSM, but I think the only reason it got reported was because China had determined through sequencing that they had a novel Sars virus circulating in humans, and this was leaked. Most people still did not realize anything unusual going on during flu season
Yet years later we have all these anonymous intelligence reports claiming to know something unusual was going on from September to November. No doubt there was a novel coronavirus circulating silently , but they only knew be because it was their virus.
And last but not least, the build up of the Censorship Industrial Complex has been ongoing post 9/11 but accelerated in the 5 years before COVID
Information War on US (aka Cognitive Warfare)
Ok, I lied. That wasn’t the last. Here is a nugget from one of my twitter threads.
During its World Health Assembly in 2016, the W.H.O. set up the R&D Blueprint and announced a priority list of pathogens that most threaten global health and for which no vaccines or drugs were in the pipeline. SARS made the list, as did MERS, Nipah, Ebola and other rare but serious diseases caused by epidemic viruses.
Gates started The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations — a global partnership between public, private, philanthropic and civil society organizations launched at Davos in 2017 — stepped up to the plate and sourced funding to develop vaccines and therapeutics against some of these.
Scaling up this effort to cover all viral families was the 2016 Global Virome Project
Daszak tells us that: “In early 2018, during a meeting at the World Health Organization in Geneva, a group of experts I belong to (the R&D Blueprint) coined the term “Disease X.”
Hmmm. So in 2018 the WHO’s WHA R&D Blueprint , coined the term Disease X to define a known virus that has changed to be more transmissible.
Daszak was a member of R&D Blueprint and working on DEFUSE with Baric as well as the Global Virome Project
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the United States began working on a universal flu vaccine , that would cover all known strains of influenza; a universal coronavirus. A universal flu vaccine was made a National Security Priority with Trumps EO in September 2019
A month later Fauci is lamenting the slow process of developing vaccines
October 29 Vaccine conference at Milliken Institute where Public Health gurus like Fauci discussed how to streamline vaccine development
Some interesting quotes
Michael Specter: Why don’t we blow the system up? I mean obviously, we can’t just turn off the spigot on the system. We have and then say, hey everyone in the world should get this new vaccine that we haven’t given to anyone yet. But there must be some way that we grow vaccines mostly in eggs the way we did in 1947.
Fauci: In order to make the transition from getting out of the tried-and-true egg growing which we know gives us results that can be beneficial, I mean we’ve done well with that. There must be something that has to be much better. You have to prove that this works and then you’ve got to go through all of the clinical trials: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and then show that this particular product is going to be good over a period of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, it’s going to take a decade.
Rick Bright (BARDA): There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement out there that’s completely disruptive, that’s not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.
Fauci: So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and save.. I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.
Bright: But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that.. to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.
Joining Fauci, Rick Bright, and Michael Specter at this event were: Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine, Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab.
In short, this panel discussion suggested they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public. Not unlike the Project for the New American Century a year before 9/11 lamenting it would take a New Pearl Harbor to get the support they needed to Rebuild Americas Defenses
As COVID begins spreading out Daszak penned an oped in late February 2020 describing DISEASE X and declaring the circulating coronavirus a Pandemic before the US had a single fatality .
They predicted Disease X would have a mortality rate higher than a seasonal flu but would spread as easily as the flu. Daszak said. Pandemics are like terrorist attacks
In January 2020, Daszaks almost DEFUSE partner (Vincent Munster-RML) published 2 papers remarkably quickly. Munster along with Lipkin were listed as DEFUSE partners at DARPA’s Proposers Day in January 2018 but then dropped for reasons unknown.
Munster as it turns out ended up partnering with a PREEMPT Awardee (MSU) whose $10 million award was more within DARPAS budget that the $14 million DEFUSE proposal
One of the two papers published by Munster on January 22nd described how the RBD of Sars-Cov-2 made public on January 10-11, attached to human Ace2 receptors when inserted into a SARS spike, showing it would be able to cause H2H transmission. Wow, 11 days. 😂
The next day, January 23, a research group from Wuhan’s Institute of Virology reported they had tested live samples of the new virus against human cell lines expressing ACE2 proteins and those without ACE2. It could only infect the ones that carried the receptor.
The other paper published in the NEJM 2 days later (does this guy sleep?), hypothesized that a Pandemic Virus had to be not overly pathogenic in order to spread widely, as these relatively low path viruses could not be contained with traditional containment measures,….
This seemingly makes the case for novel measures like lockdowns and social distancing. Coincidentally, China had just implemented lockdowns on January 23 in response to COVID
The CFR of COVID in its early stages, not to be confused with IFR , was 3.4% compared to pH1N1 upper limit of 0.4%, higher than influenza but well below that of Ebola, MERS and SARS. The IFR was much lower, at 0.2% early on, although far lower now with Omicron
Oh Boy.
So I will leave you with this, assuming anyone made it this far
First of all, lets be clear yet again what Sars-Cov-2 really is.
Its a low pathogenic virus that is pretty harmless to children and most healthy young adults, although it can present problems to the elderly.
Baric: Could be … you know, we almost have 1 billion elderly on the planet above 60, and coronaviruses like to replicate in old people.
Baric: Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material......
If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
From Ralphs 2006 paper
It is conceivable that a bioterrorist could order genome portions from various synthesis facilities distributed in different countries throughout the world and then assemble an infectious genome without ever having access to the virus.
To our knowledge, no international regulatory group reviews the body of synthetic DNAs ordered globally to determine if a highly pathogenic recombinant virus genome is being constructed.
Anyone think the FBI checked all these vendors and labs to see if anyone synthesized parts of Sars-Cov-2 in 2019?
The execution was brilliant.
Lets remember that what was released was a low pathogenic virus (IFR~0.2%) that mostly affected elderly people (as is the case with many respiratory viruses)
Prof. Udi Qimron, the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University.
"'If we had not been told that there was an epidemic in the country, you would not have known there was such an epidemic and you would not have done anything about it”
If nobody told us there was a novel coronavirus and pandemic nobody would have noticed anything except a bit higher excess deaths attributed to flu, much like the pneumonia that hit VA nursing homes in July 2019 as CDC is shutting down Ft Detrick
It was the telling, over and over again on MSM that created the Pandemic. From theatrical videos of people dropping dead in the street in Wuhan to daily case and death counts, with reports of overwhelmed hospitals and bodies piling up on the street outside hospitals and at the morgue, with dancing nurses on Tik Tok . That is what made the Pandemic.
The real Pandemic Virus was Fear and what killed people were Doctors following NIH treatment protocols based on a flimsy PCR Test that were designed to kill as many people in as short a period of time as possible to generate sufficient fear so that when the vaccines were ready they would take them
The place chosen in the US as the poster boy of how deadly COVID was NYC. This is was center stage on 9/11 and a world media center where they could pile up the bodies that could not matched by any other place in the country.
The week ending 3/14 just before lockdowns they had no significant excess deaths,
Lockdown Week. Excess Deaths
2 172%
The carnage ending just in time for summer vacation
From March 15-May 30 , 20,000 were said to have died from COVID, almost half from nursing homes. There were another 17,000 non-COVID excess deaths. People who died at home of heart attacks rather than risk going to hospital, suicides, or sheer neglect (elderly).
Adjusted for the population of the US the Excess Deaths in that 11 week period would have been 1.2 million deaths. However, by the end of May there were only 90,000 COVID deaths and 120,000 excess death outside NYC 7x (Covid) and 10 x (Total) less deaths per population than NYC
Those 11 weeks would be permanently etched in Americans memories and induce Mass Formation Psychosis. Recovery is not expected
Another way to look at it is in 11 weeks there were as many Excess Deaths as in Gaza after 7 months of bombing in a more densely populated area
After the pilot Phase I stage of OPERATION COVID the rest of the country would follow for Phase II that began shortly before the Vaccine Rollout in December. The deadliest 2 months of the Pandemic would be in December 2020 and January 2021 as the elderly were targeted for the first shots. How many died from the shots and how many died from COVID we cant know. I made an attempt to estimate it
I came up with an Excess COVID Deaths based on hospitalization rate compared to first wave of 76,366 from January 1-March 7 (10 weeks). This was about 43% of the total COVID deaths in the period. I didn’t count vaccine deaths that were not attributed to COVID. This is just a gross engineers back of the envelope estimate though
A Snapshot of Possible COVID Vax Deaths in Q1-2021
Some of us saw through COVID right away. But many were blinded by their politics. They could not have got the Right to go along with the most damaging early phase without a Republican as President. For that reason I expect the next disaster to happen with a Republican President
I will end this best by asking has anyone ever noticed that all great disasters of the last 40 years happened during a Republican Administration?
S&L Crisis
Iraq War
Global Financial Crisis
2009 FAKE Pandemic (this happened under OBAMA but was set up by the IHR that was ratified under Bush and was pretty much ignored by most Americans who were distracted by the aftermath of the Financial Crisis)
Not that there haven’t been a few shocks under Democrats (Dot.com, Nato war on Yugoslavia, Arab Springs-Syria) but these were nowhere as disruptive or expensive.
This is not to say Republicans are more Evil than Democrats, but the Republican base is more likely to resist collective measures with a Democrat as President than vice versa
The Economic Crises tends to be launched in the last year of a Republican President like 2008 GFC and 2020 COVID so the Republican base will forget it happened under a Republican as the Democrat successor gets stuck dealing with the aftermath
Ending this beast soon
I have avoided talking about how exactly SARS-Cov-2 was created. I discussed this in other posts, but I thought I would share a recent thought I posted on Twitter
1/ So on Sep 16,2019 Baric issues a preprint paper offering a novel means to recover previously uncultivable zoonotic coronavirus strains (WIV had only had success with 3 Sars related viruses)
A month later a novel coronavirus is circulating in Wuhan
2/Of course, Sars-Cov-2 would need no help with culturing provided the sample had enough viable virus
3/However, if a dozen of different previous uncultivable viruses were cultured together with Barics novel Trypsin method , this would present opportunities for recombination and thus creation of a virus that did not exist in the samples
What are the odds this results in SC2?
4/What are the odds that SC2 being accidentally created in culture is then accidentally released and adopted for human infection/transmission? Seems low but culturing is done in BSL-2
While I focused on WIV for that Twitter Thread it occurs to me that Ralph Baric s lab or any other DoD funded lab could do the same thing with Chinese coronaviruses recovered after Reverse Genetics. Then after culturing a witches brew of Sars related Coronaviruses, some of which would not be culturable without Trypsin, you see what you come up with by passaging the cultured brew through humanized mice, letting nature and virology do the work to isolate the fittest virus
Then maybe do so engineering like slapping on a FCS and ready to go
Food for thought.