Measles and the Vaccine (More than You Want To Know)
Vaccine Cures Cancer, Prevents Covid, Improves Your Immune System, Prevents Measles and is Safe, while the Virus is a Killer and Gives You Immune Amnesia (AIDS) and GOF Measles may be Disease X.
So it seems Measles is in the news again and has been for a few weeks
Supposedly vaccination rates are down to 92%, short of the almighty 95% target
Anyways, this got me started on what was to be a simple post about Measles and the Vaccine and its history.
My knowledge of the subject was based on what I learned before getting Cancer and the COVID Pandemic, both of which resulted in me learning a great deal about immunology , virology and cell biology, which was pretty much at a 1970’s High School Biology level.
As I tackled Measles again, wiser and older, I discovered I didn’t really know jack shit about Measles the Virus and its impact on the Immune system, or why a vaccine strain from 1954 still protects Children today. I mean, WTF, as a RNA virus shouldn’t it have mutated enough to escape vaccine immunity?
As Vaccines go, the Measles Vaccine is very effective. Some folks on Twitter says this hasnt been proven but it has
Notice that 4% getting the live vaccine got Measles in only 6 months of follow up
How long it stays effective is unknown since the oldest person vaccinated with the 1968 Vaccine is 56 years old, and 61 if we consider the first 2 Vaccines licensed in 1963.
So I ran into a paper that explained why it is so, and the experiments used to prove why the virus was antigenic-ally stable looked surprisingly like GOF.
I will get to that in a bit but alarm bells started going of as to why they have been making such a big deal about Measles over the last decade. I had a couple of other theories which explained it as well, but this added to the mix. Imagine a GOF Measles Virus that escapes the current Vaccine Immunity, or maybe one that only targets the Unvaccinated or those with waning Measles Vaccine immunity (eg 50+ population)
Then lo and behold I found this
2021/09/17 - President Biden signed Executive Order 14047, adding measles to the list of quarantinable communicable diseases authorizing HHS Secretary to use force to apprehend and detain people under 42 USC 264(b) and 42 CFR 70.6. 86 Federal Register 52591.
Could this be the Disease X they are planning for?
So anyways, my simple post on Measles is going to turn into a beast. Fair Warning, Too Long for Email and Too Long to Read (for most people).
I ran into something thats been pushed for a few years now, called Immune Amnesia. This hypothesis is the Measles Virus essentially turns the infected into an AIDS patient for several years, completely wiping out your acquired immune memory of previously encountered viruses/bacteria. It can do this because like HIV it infects immune cells, but not only does it infect Cd4 T-Cells but also Cd8 T-Cells (Memory and Effector) and Memory B Cells, wiping out 30-70% of them
Oh boy, that sounds bad but I was skeptical. After all , mortality from infectious diseases were declining rapidly when measles was prevalent before the vaccine. And kids recover from these diseases without any immunity, at least now they have some.
Besides, a Brazil study showed no evidence of prolonged suppression (< 1 year).
In all 3 Brazilian datasets (Brazil national, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro), the optimal duration of measles-induced immunomodulation was 1 year, regardless of the method of accumulating measles mortality. Therefore, we did not find evidence that measles had effects on other infectious disease mortality beyond 1 year.
Here is Dr Aaby’s thought. Aaby does most of his work in Africa and a Measles Vaccine proponent
Recently, prevention of "measles-induced immune amnesia" (MIA) has been proposed as an explanation for this larger-than-anticipated beneficial effect of measles vaccine (MV).
According to the "MIA hypothesis", immune amnesia leads to excess non-measles morbidity and mortality, that may last up to five years after measles infection, but may be prevented by MV.
However, the benefits of MV-vaccinated children could also be due to beneficial non-specific effects (NSEs) of MV, reducing the risk of non-measles infections (The "NSE hypothesis").
In children over 6 months of age, the MIA hypothesis is contradicted by several epidemiological patterns: First, in community studies that adjusted for MV status, children surviving acute measles infection had lower mortality than uninfected controls (44%(95%CI: 0-69%)).
Second, in six randomised trials and six observational studies comparing MV-vaccinated and MV-unvaccinated children, the benefit of MV changed minimally from 54%(43-63%) to 49%(37-59%) when measles cases were censored in the survival analysis, making it unlikely that prevention of measles and its long-term consequences explained much of the reduced mortality.
Aaby here seems skeptical of MIA but is pushing the benefits of MV Vaccine. His work has mainly been done in Africa. Too bad the paper is behind a paywall
I dont see any evidence of immune amnesia in UK (remember, even as Measles Deaths dropped , Cases were still high until the Vaccine yet deaths from other infectious diseases still declined)
So , not to deny a temporary reduction in immunity after Measles Infection, I believe this is just a terror tactic meant to coerce people into vaccinating
But thats not all I find, Measles has been found to be pretty useful to cure cancer, especially hematological cancers since the virus likes to attack white blood cells involved in the cancer
Since 1975 the cancer incidence in Children has increased
I realize there are many possible explanations for this, but what if the Measles Virus served a purpose by wiping out immune cells who might one day become cancerous and cause childhood leukemia and lymphoma. About 40% of childhood cancers are hematological. Now we are vaccinating to prevent Measles, and while the vaccine is also a live virus its attenuated and infects other cells as well (not just immune cells)
Measles infection has been observed to cause regression of cancer in children
And has been associated with a decreased risk of chronic lymphoid leukemia,
And reduction in both non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma
They are also promoting the idea that the Measles Vaccine can Cure cancer
Various case reports have revealed that measles infection is associated with tumour remission. This idea has been exploited for treating cancer affected patients with MeV . The example that was highly cited related to an unnamed boy, who was suffering from Burkitt’s lymphoma . By observing these natural phenomena the idea of utilizing MeV for the treatment of cancer was bloomed, though measles is highly contagious .The wild strain MeV is highly pathogenic and the question of using it in oncolytic virotherapy hardly arises.
In 1960 the license to use the live attenuated strains of MeV for cancer treatment was passed and it was proved to be safe .The testing of the derivatives of Edmonston B strain of MeV was commenced after several years. The haematological malignancies were selected as targeted bodies during early studies
One reason for using the Measles Vaccine Virus to kill cancer cells over the Wild Type Virus is the latter infects mostly white blood cells via the CD150/SLAM receptor, hence its ability to kill hematological cancers while the Vaccine Strain also infects cells via the CD 46 receptor which is over expressed by many other cancers.
Using Reverse Genetics they can genetically modify the Virus Strain to attack specific cancers with other receptors. Reminds one of the GOF experiments used on Coronavirus so they can use human Ace 2 receptors
Even more interesting is that the Measles Vaccine provides Heterologous Immunity, which means it can induce and/or modify the immune response against other unrelated pathogens.
Thats cool. I mean it. This was found to be true for the BCG vaccine, and is even true for viruses, perhaps even the Measles Virus. Dr Aaby mentioned above also found this to be true in his work in Africa where the benefits of Measles Vaccination on Mortality was greater than could be explained by reduction in Measles Infection
Note: Mortality due to Measles in the 3rd World is very high since they are deficient in Vitamin A. Which is why if you get Measles today you will be told to take Vitamin A . Much like COVID can be treated with Vitamin D-3 (although they want admit this).
Potential mechanisms for heterologous effects of vaccines may include cross-reactivity between shared epitopes of unrelated pathogens, trained immunity in innate cells such as natural killer (NK), natural killer T cells (NKT) and monocytes, modulation of type 1, type 17, regulatory and memory T cells, cytokine responses, and modulation of mean concentration of antibodies as well as cross-reactive antibodies. Nevertheless, the exact contribution of each of these potential mechanisms in producing the observed heterologous effects of vaccines remains to be delineated.
One catch though
Potential positive heterologous effects of vaccines have been discussed in this article, but heterologous immunity can also have dire consequences upon cross-reacting to self-antigens. It is essential that future investigation of vaccine design must exploit the beneficial aspects of heterologous immunity and at the same time devise strategies to avoid the potentially harmful effects.
Thats what you call a Vaccine Adverse Event. Not everybody, but some people. This is also true with Virus Infections, including Measles
As for the beneficial effects, I wont argue that, seems legitimate. But as I said natural measles infection likely provides the same benefit. So thats one reason why they came up with Immune Amnesia theory, so as counter that. Measles Vaccination can’t cause Immune Amnesia (even if it existed) since it targets mostly cells expressing CD 46 receptors in addition to CD 150 and replicates less than the natural infection, so kills fewer memory cells.
But guess what? Some are also trying to convince us that MMR Vaccine protects against COVID, but not the Natural Measles Infection, hence COVID is milder an children and Adults who had the jab.
In context to COVID-19, a study conducted by Qiu et al. involving 25 paediatric COVID-19-infected cases, found that the group of children <2 years recovered approximately 6 days earlier than the older groups, and had significantly elevated lymphocyte counts upon recovery as compared to the older age group who reported no change in lymphocyte counts or even, lymphocytopenia. This strong immune response in the younger age group was postulated to be due to the frequent immunisations received by the <2 years age group
Molecular analysis of amino acid sequences in routinely administered childhood vaccines revealed homologous sequences between spike (S) glycoprotein of the SARSCoV-2 virus and the fusion (F1) glycoprotein of measles virus, as well as with the envelope (E1) glycoprotein of the rubella virus . These short sequences appeared to possess an epitope property, meaning that individuals who have received the [MMR] could potentially mount an immune response against COVID-19 infection as well.
According to published global data, there is a clearly demarcated pivot point on the epidemic curve around the age of 50 years. This is thought to be related with the introduction of mass vaccination with [MMR], nearly five decades ago. Countries with an aggressive immunisation policy have revealed lower infection and mortality rates due to COVID-19.
Well if thats true, the Rubella Vaccine in the MMR is the secret sauce. Almost everyone got Measles in the 60’s, not so with Rubella. That said, I dont know if we can trust these guys.
I did find it interesting that the Spike of Sars-Cov-2 has homologous sequences with Measles and Rubella, so add them to HIV. I would like to know more about what part of the spike and research that further. but that will have to wait for another
But here is a thought, lets say this is true, that MMR is protective (incidentally I had an MMR in 2017 for a Visa). So Sars-Cov-2 is a lab created bioweapon, that just happens to target people who did not have a MMR shot the hardest?
Thats one way to punish the Unvaxxed. Not sure I am buying it, but interesting.
Lets back up a minute and talk about the Measles Virus Stability
The virus is remarkably stable based on genomic studies over the last 60 years. According to a recent study it cant change much to evade immunity or it would or it would lose its ability to affect humans.
Measles has 8 Proteins unlike Sars-Cov-2 which has 29 proteins. With Sars-Cov-2 we all know about the Spike Protein. The S1 part of the spike has the RBD which determines what receptors in can bind to and determined if it can attach to human receptors. The FCS at the S1/S2 junction allows for cell fusion. With Measles its the H Protein that allows for receptor binding and F protein that allows for cell fusion which gets the RNA into the cell. Thats all you need to know for what follows
MeV has numerous immunologically codominant antigenic sites on its H and F surface glycoproteins.
Second, antibodies to each of the seven known antigenic regions on the H glycoprotein are capable of neutralizing virus infectivity.
Third, MeVs retaining even a single immunodominant antigenic site on the H glycoprotein remain fully susceptible to neutralization by measles immune human serum.
Fourth, the receptor binding surface of the MeV-H glycoprotein is itself an immunodominant antigenic site. Hence, MeVs cannot escape their susceptibility to neutralization by measles-immune human serum unless they also lose their tropism for the pathogenicity-determining receptors SLAMF1 and nectin-4.
Given that a minimum of five immunodominant antigenic sites must be disrupted to affect the susceptibility of MeV-H to serum neutralization, the probability of it happening naturally is vanishingly small. Further, simultaneous disruption of fewer than five major antigenic sites would confer no selective advantage on the virus, making stepwise evolution an unrealistic pathway to achieve a neutralization-resistant phenotype.
However, even a MeV insensitive to anti-MeV-H antibodies would still be efficiently neutralized by MeV-F-specific antibodies in immune human sera and, even more critical, would lack the SLAMF1 and nectin-4 receptor tropisms required for pathogenicity and transmission.
In addition, the requirement of H-F cooperation in fusion triggering is likely an additional constraint to antigenic evolution.
We therefore conclude that there is a near-zero probability for the accidental emergence of a pathogenic MeV capable of evading vaccine-induced immunity.
The only way it could mutate to avoid immunity and be infectious would be recombination with another virus
Although we elucidated the low probability that a new MeV serotype could evolve naturally by mutation and selection, we cannot exclude the possibility that MeV could undergo a recombination event with a related paramyxovirus to acquire new F and H glycoproteins that are serologically non cross-reactive with the MeV F and H glycoproteins, escaping antibody neutralization by a different mechanism.
In order to prove this,
Here, to elucidate the serotypic constraints on MeV evolution, we introduced mutated H glycoproteins into a vaccine-lineage MeV strain using reverse genetics
In another part of the experiment
….we substituted the MeV-F gene with the corresponding gene from canine distemper virus (CDV). Mutations were introduced into the CDV-F and MeV-H coding sequences to restore and optimize the fusogenicity of this heterologous F/H pairing. This virus, hereafter called MR (Moraten resurfaced), was subjected to Sanger sequencing and protein composition analysis to confirm its identity.
Nipah virus is a paramyxovirus like Measles , although not the same genus, and it is carried by bats, which do not seem to get sick from it but can carry the virus across regions and continents as they excrete it in their droppings and other bodily fluids.
You will be happy to know that one of DARPA’s PREEMPT Awards went to a group working on Nipah Viruses, right here in the USA, Montana to be precise. So if a Measles virus suddenly acquires Nipah H glycoproteins don’t be too surprised.
TBH, I have no idea if such a thing is possible with Nipah, probably not, but you get the point. There are lots of viruses they can play with thanks to PREDICT, PREEMPT, CREID, GVP, etc
But if so, maybe Oxfords or the new Moderna Nipah vaccines currently under development will provide protection against a Measles-Nipah chimera and prevent us all from getting Measles-AIDS
But lets consider this remarkable Measles Virus that is so stable and only infects humans (no animal reservoir). Once immune after being infected, always immune. Our immune system has been dealing with this virus for 2,500 years and has plenty of time to evolve to snuff it out. It hasn’t. Why not, perhaps its protective in some way, you know, like removing pre-cancerous immune cells in children before they develop into blood (hematological) cancers and providing heterologous immunity, while not being very dangerous to the well nourished child
Maybe Measles was a friend and not a Foe. Now we went out and through sheer ignorance knowing squat about the Immune System committed Virus Genocide (Virocide?) and wiped out Humans 2500 years of developed herd immunity after childhood.
Now we depend on the Jab, but how protective will they be in our old age? Remember, Measles was so prevalent among children that Adults were being constantly boosted throughout their lifetime keeping their immunity strong. What happens to the MMR Vaccinated when they reach 60+? Would a booster even work? I will talk about this some more later
So anyways, its comforting to know the Wild Type Virus is so stable and unlikely to naturally evolve or mutate to escape our immunity. Even those with waning immunity will still have some immunity which presumably results in lesser disease severity
But there seems to be an awful lot of virus engineering surrounding Measles Virus for Cancer. What if Measles can be engineered to be more dangerous to the Unvaxxed, perhaps by genetically modifying it so it uses different receptors
Or what if animal morbilliviruses can be engineered to jump to humans, requiring another vaccine
So, what's stopping animal morbilliviruses cropping up in humans?
"A major factor is likely to be pre-existing immunity, where natural infection or vaccination against measles provides a pool of antibodies, some of which cross-react and prevent infection by non-human morbilliviruses", explained Dr Bailey.
The researchers that I have spoken to are quick to highlight what happened in cattle when rinderpest vaccination stopped following its eradication.
"The net effect of rinderpest eradication was that there was no herd immunity to morbillivirus in cattle worldwide," said Dr Bailey.
There's one obvious lesson from rinderpest eradication - that declining measles immunity will mean humans are susceptible to other morbilliviruses.
Of course, we can't predict which, or even if, a virus would emerge. But reported infections in monkeys makes CDV a prime candidate.
How it might behave if it does make the switch to humans is difficult to predict.
"Although measles infection can have devastating complications, this is rarer compared to CDV and some of the other morbilliviruses which normally produce severe disease in their natural hosts," said Prof Cosby.
"CDV is very virulent and normally will infect the brain in the later stages of the disease, whereas with measles this is a rare, but really dangerous event."
"This is not the only cause of death, as all morbilliviruses, including CDV, cause immune suppression in their host, which can lead to secondary bacterial infections, giving rise particularly to pneumonia and in some cases diarrhoea. So, CDV is a pretty nasty disease," she said.
Some think that continued use of the measles vaccine might be sufficient to protect against a possible jump into humans by CDV, but Prof Cosby isn't as convinced:
"Although measles antibodies cross-react with CDV, they're not a perfect match; whilst measles vaccine helps to protect against CDV disease in non-human primates it does not totally stop virus being released from these animals.
"So, we may need to use a more CDV-specific vaccine to prevent any potential spread of CDV in the human population".
Anyways, lets get back to the Measles Outbreak
Its interesting that they don’t tell you much about those coming down with measles, such as their age, although WHO did provide some information on the European outbreak
Here is what WHO has to say
Over 30 000 measles cases were reported by 40 of the Region’s 53 Member States between January and October 2023. Compared to 941 cases reported in all of 2022, this represents a more than 30-fold rise.
We have seen in the Region not only a 30-fold increase in measles cases, but also nearly 21 000 hospitalizations and 5 measles-related deaths.
So this is interesting . The CFR is 0.02% (1/6000 deaths), which means they are pretty much detecting and reporting all measles cases so its more of an IFR. But the hospitalization rate is a whopping 70%.
In the 1960’s about 1-2% of those with measles would be hospitalized, mostly due to pneumonia.
Is Measles becoming more dangerous as a result of vaccination?
A 1994 report stated that, in developed countries like the US, “the measles fatality rate was 1 per 10,000 cases …
By 1990 the death rate had risen “dramatically” to 3.2 deaths per 1,000 reported cases, “reflecting the increased incidence of measles infection in infants and adults relative to children older than 1 year of age.
According to CDC data, from 1999 through 2017, there were 12 deaths in the US for which the underlying cause was determined to be measles. Two cases were infants under one year of age, two others were children aged one to four, and the remaining two-thirds of cases were adults aged twenty-five or older. During the same period, there were 2,393 reported cases of measles. Hence, more recent data show a still-increasing death rate of about 5 deaths per 1,000 reported cases.
In modern times CDC says the hospitalization of confirmed measles is 20%, with only 5% coming down with pneumonia.
So that 70% explanation rate needs explanation. Might be what you would expect in a cohort of AIDS patients
In the 1960’s doctors were less likely to report unless it was a serious case or it was dx in hospital, whereas today Doctors have been brainwashed into believing Measles is more serious and more likely to hospitalize measles cases, hence the 20% reported by CDC might be Doctors being over cautious.
Overall, 2 in 5 cases were among children 1 to 4 years of age, and 1 in 5 cases were among adults 20 years and older.
Now 20% of Measles Cases in Adults cant be explained by reduced vaccination in children. It means many Adults no longer have immunity to Measles that they had in the prevaccination era.
The worst measles outbreak of recent memory in the US was the 2015 Disneyland outbreak. According to data from the California Department of Public Health, the majority of cases weren’t even occurring in children, but in adults.
Back in the day when pretty much everyone got measles it was pretty much limited to those between 1-12 years old, thus providing lifelong immunity.
Young mothers transferred their immunity to infants protecting them in their first year of life when Measles can be quite severe. Older people were protected because of lifelong immunity from their childhood measles, and frequent boosting from circulating measles virus among children. Those few who were susceptible would also suffer more severe disease.
Out of 4 million cases a year (only 400,000 confirmed), only 400 would die (CFR-0.1% IFR 0.01%) with 80,000 hospitalized (IHR 2%, CHR 20%). Those hospitalized would be due mainly to pneumonia. We now know this rate can be reduced by taking Vitamin A as those who suffer from Vitamin A deficiency suffer more serious disease. This is why measles is so much more deadly in the 3rd World
Early in the 20th century Measles was also quite deadly in US, due to vitamin deficiency and lack of antibiotics. By the 1950’s it became a disease of little consequence. Unfortunately, with any disease there will be a few who suffer more.
Measles is an interesting virus. As mentioned it first came to humans over 2500 years ago.
Also, Measles disease is a systemic disease although it first infects the upper respiratory disease where it then proceeds to your lymph nodes and disseminates through your system
It targets immune cells like HIV , yet unlike HIV it targets a broader selection of immune cells and the immune system is able to destroy the virus, so its immune suppression is only transient.
Remarkably, children who are not able to generate antibodies are able to defeat the virus, which means its T-Cells and Innate immunity doing most of the work. The antibodies generated during the disease seem to be mostly to prevent reinfection, and these antibodies provide lifelong immunity to this very stable virus that it unable to mutate itself to escape immunity
As such its a perfect virus for a IM Vaccine to provide systemic immunity.
Yet, unlike natural infection, the vaccine is unlikely to provide lifelong immunity, at least not for everyone.
Excerpt from Suzanne Humphries Dissolving Illusions
Because measles-specific antibody titer after vaccination is lower than after natural infection, there is concern that vaccinated persons may gradually lose protection from measles. Secondary vaccine failure (loss of immunity over time), in contrast to primary vaccine failure (no protection immediately after vaccination), is a concern because of the potential insidious challenge to measles elimination. For instance, if vaccine- induced immunity wane to nonprotective levels in a high proportion of vaccinated adults, the level of population protection might decline to allow recurrence of endemic disease.
By means of statistical modeling, Mossong et al. predicted waning of vaccine-induced immunity 25 years after immunization.
The estimate of 25 years for waning vaccine immunity is generous. Reports of waning immunity or vaccine failure, even with the live vaccines, show that immunity can wane in as few as 10 years.
A 2009 study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society investigated what could happen with waning measles vaccine immunity even with high vaccine coverage among children. They predicted that, after a long disease-free period in the population, the introduction of infection will lead to far larger epidemics than predicted by standard models.
We can foresee that vaccination will have two conflicting effects... it will reduce the number of newborn susceptibles and hence should have some of the usual associated public-health benefits reducing the number of cases in young children. However, this reduction in cases will lead to a reduction in boosting and therefore a greater susceptibility to infection in older age classes... When immunity wanes, vaccination has a far more limited impact on the average number of cases. While this observation has clear public-health implications, the dynamic consequences of the interaction between vaccination, waning immunity and boosting are far more striking.
For high levels of vaccination (greater than 80%) and moderate levels of waning immunity (greater than 30 years), large-scale epidemic cycles can be induced.
Levy estimated in a 1984 report that by 2050 the proportion of susceptibles may be greater than in the pre-vaccine era. His computer model, while unproven in 1984, has come to pass as very accurate, since it predicted the epidemics of the year 2000.
Even after 2 doses its estimated 3% are still susceptible to infection, which is why they want 95-100% to be vaccinated.
in 1989 where the CDC required everyone to get two measles vaccinations and that increased immunity significantly.
If you get just one shot, your immunity is about 93% against measles. But if you get a second shot, it's 97% and above. They found that difference of four or five percent made a huge impact in preventing people from getting measles.
Even more problematic, is those vaccinated between 1963-1989 with only 1 shot probably wont have immunity as they age. The inactivated Measles Vaccine between 1963-1967 was very ineffective, and the live attenuated vaccine used was unstable if not refrigerated. The stability problem was corrected in 1980.
So articles like this are appearing
Babies under a year of age cannot receive MMR, so they are the most vulnerable. Opting for adult MMR helps protect those babies from measles, and it helps prevent rubella in pregnant women and their babies.
It would be a tragedy for the world to return to the days of uncontrolled measles epidemics due to sustained vaccine hesitancy over MMR. Let’s get herd immunity against measles back up to where it should be by choosing adult MMR.
Of course, nobody ever talks about the risks. Frankly, Measles Vaccine is probably a safe and relatively effective vaccine for most people, taken alone. But that still leaves some who wont do well by taking it at such a young age, younger than most getting naturally infected. Also, there has never been study on the safety of all of these vaccines taken in combination
As for the MMR vaccine, this was licensed in 1972 using an attenuated version (Moraten-1968) of the first live attenuated vaccine in 1963 (along with Mumps and Rubella). I think I may have got this while in high-school in 1974 but I have an awful memory so cant say 100%
The reason I think I may have got this along with a tetanus shot after a cut, was I never had any of these infections. Yet somehow I had antibodies to measles, which I discovered a few years back due to a blood test required for a visa. Unfortunately, I did not have enough antibodies, so I was required to get a MMR Vaccine. This suggests my antibodies came from a vaccine.
The second reason is shortly after when I believe I had the MMR Vaccine, I came down with a rare blood disease, called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) which caused my platelets to be destroyed. Platelets are required for clotting, so I had massive bruising. While playing basketball, pending blood test results the game got stopped and I was pulled out of the game because I had less than 10,000 platelets (normal is over 150,000) putting me at risk for cerebral hemorrhage. I wont bore with the details but after massive doses of steroids blowing me up like a balloon failed, they stole my spleen which cured my ITP. Without a spleen I am immunosuppressed, susceptible to sepsis
So whats that have to do with MMR Vaccine? I found out after getting my MMR Vaccine that one of the adverse events is ITP.
Hotez’s says that abnormal blood clotting occurs in “1 case per 25,000 to 40,000 doses” of measles vaccine. He doesn’t specify his source, but these are the same numbers provided by a 2009 article in Paediatrics & Child Health that noted an “increasing body of evidence” supporting a link between the measles vaccine and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
The authors acknowledged that one of the limitations of their estimate was that it was based on data requiring treating physicians to document receipt of any vaccines within the previous month, whereas another study had found that doctors had only inquired about recent vaccination in 15 percent of cases with vaccine-associated thrombocytopenia.
I did not get ITP after the 2nd vaccine (taken in 2017 for Visa) because I had already lost my spleen. The spleen is where my platelets were being destroyed. No spleen, no ITP. However, 2 years later I was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma . Not saying its related
So anyways, that’s circumstantial. I have no proof I got it in 1974 (we used a family Doc next door who is long since dead). At the time he diagnosed me it was not known the vaccine could cause ITP (this is widely accepted) in some people.
COVID Vaccines and other vaccines can also cause ITP. Idiopathic means unknown cause. The Docs that removed my spleen said Viruses, Drugs, Chemicals could cause it. The measles vaccine is a live attenuated virus. But its still rare, not everyone who gets MMR or COVID vaccine gets ITP. Lucky me. Measles can also cause ITP
Ok, so lets get back to MMR Vaccines and Immunity, and let me tell you what I think the Measles hype is all about. Its for the same reason as for the hype in 2018-2019. To gain acceptance for the need to Mandate Vaccines. Not just in Children but also Adults
They wont come right out and tell you that Measles Vaccination that began in 1963 destroyed herd immunity to Measles, and that a hundred million American Adults will soon be at risk for a Measles infection that is much more serious for them than children
They may also be setting up the idea that Measles Infection causes Immune Amnesia to scare you into getting boosted
Immune Amnesia suggests that those millions of Adults who refuse a booster and get infected will lose their existing immunity to all infections and become de facto AIDS patients, thus requiring Vaccines for all those diseases. Mommy I am scared.
We are told the Measles Vaccine, which is an attenuated live virus vaccine, provides nothing but beneficial results, no immune amnesia, no transient immune suppression, and it provides improved cellular immunity to other viruses, and maybe cures cancer. Its a Miracle Vaccine. Tell that to my spleen
While I am at it, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the history behind Measles Vaccines. Not too deep as this is already too long <you don’t have to read all at one sitting>
In 1963 two Measles Vaccines were Licensed
The first live measles vaccine was licensed in 1963, (Edmonston-B strain) produced by Merck (Rubeovax), The vaccine proved to be to reactogenic with 30% to 40% of these children showed signs of temporary high fever and a rash after vaccination, side effects could be reduced by coadministration of gamma globulin (antibodies)
A more attenuated strain was developed in 1968 (called Moraten). Both were considered to be effective, but the early version was not popular due to side effects
An inactivated Measles Vaccine by Pfizer (Pfizer-Vax Measles–K) was also licensed in 1963, and it had few side effects. It had two problems. The first was it was ineffective as the antibodies created waned rapidly.
The second was that many (1/5) of the 40% who went on to develop breakthrough infections developed severe disease due to ADE. They called it atypical measles. Children with atypical measles presented with high fever, a petechial rash in the extremities, and bibasilar pneumonia
The inactivated vaccine was taken off the market by 1968 as the more attenuated live Moraten Measles Vaccine became available. The problem was the latter was not stable
Dr. Ralph D. Feigin, physician in chief of Texas Children's Hospital in Houston and an expert in infectious diseases, said….. it was an unstable solution and lost its effectiveness if it was not properly refrigerated. It was not until 1980 that a stable live vaccine became available.
As a result, people vaccinated before 1980 may not be immune. That is one reason measles is breaking out on college campuses. The only way to know for certain whether a person is immune, doctors say, is with a blood test.
As a result, vaccine uptake was pretty low through 1968, around 50%, and most of those who did get vaccinated likely got the ineffective vaccine, so CDC recommends anyone born in the 60’s who did not get measles to get a booster
First elimination goal: 1966–1970. The introduction of measles vaccine in 1963 and its subsequent widespread use resulted in a dramatic decline in the number of reported cases, from the prevaccine annual average (1953–1962) of ∼530,000 cases to 204,136 cases in 1966 (figure 1), a decline of >60%
During 1967–1969, considerable effort and resources were devoted to measles eradication, and reported measles cases dropped at an even more rapid rate, to a low level of 22,231 in 1968, a decline of nearly 90% compared with 1966 and a total decrease of >95% compared with the prevaccine era.
Thats incredible. What do you think is responsible for the decline?. As always happens after a vaccine campaign, the criteria for diagnosing the disease was narrowed. The vaccinated who developed measles were not counted in the tally of wild measles, even though they were infected with measles virus.
In 1972 the U.S. government licensed Merck’s measles, mumps, and rubella combination vaccine (M-M-R). In an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers reported that the vaccine induced immunity to measles in 96% of vaccinated children; to mumps in 95%; and to rubella in 94%.
By 1969, only 17 states had added measles to their compulsory immunization laws and enforcement was lax
President Jimmy Carter announced a new eradication campaign, late in 1978 with funds to help states detect outbreaks and “crack down” on unimmunized children (Associated Press 1978). All states had mandated vaccination for school children
By Carter’s last year in office in 1981, 96% of all schoolchildren were vaccinated against measles—an all-time high—and the number of measles cases—2600—was at an all-time low.
In 1990 an experiment to find out if they could give a high potency Edmonston Zagreb measles vaccine to babies as young as four months old was conducted.
1500 six month old black and Hispanic babies in inner city Los Angeles were enrolled in the experiment starting in June 1990.
The study was halted in October 1991 after repeated reports from vaccine trial sites in Africa that girl babies were dying in higher than expected numbers six months to three years after vaccination.
CDC director David Satcher admitted that informed consent regulations had been violated because the parents were not told their babies would be injected with an experimental vaccine that had never been licensed by the FDA for use in America.
A 1994 study indicated that as vaccination rates increased, measles became a disease of vaccinated people.
Startling at the time was the finding that measles outbreaks developed in these school populations even though more than 98% of the students had previously been vaccinated…
So anyways, I wont bore you with much more.
Overall, I think MMR is pretty safe on its own for most people. Its effective for some period. Problem is we may have lost herd immunity for adults, and a Measles-Nipah Chimera or some other GOF Virus could wipe everyone out with lower immunity to Measles (over 50’s).
The main problem with Vaccines is there are way too many of them, and they aren’t adequately tested or monitored. Manufacturers have no liability, nor do the regulators. Children become pin cushions with each vaccine turbocharging their immune systems, and not a single study has looked at the cumulative effect or the effect of having multiple vaccines in a short period.
Since the 1986 Vaccine Act gave immunity to manufacturers the CDC schedule exploded. Kids are sicker than ever with chronic diseases and neurological impairment (54%, up from 12.6% in 1986). Autism is through the roof. CDC ignores it
While each individual vaccines except HPV and COVID is probably safe for most, and some are effective, each time your kid or you get a shot your immune system goes to War against Foreign Antigens. In Wars there are always collateral damage, sometimes the immune systems destroys self and not just the foreign antigen (friendly fire), and antibodies may be created lasting years which also target self. This explains the explosion in autoimmune diseases.
Before vaccination kids might get exposed to some but certainly not all of these antigens as a result of natural infection which their immune system fought off once and then its all over for all but respiratory viruses.
Some kids suffer more consequences than others, much like with Vaccines. Now they are exposed to all of these many antigens, and boosted over and over again. Kids immune systems are called on to fight many more battles. Its perpetual War for their immune systems
There are some who believe the current obesity epidemic is related to excess inflammation caused by over vaccination. One argument supporting this is that obesity increased significantly on 0-6 month infants than in the low vaccination era.
“…. data from a Massachusetts HMO showed a 73% increas increase in overweight infants under 6 months of age from 1980 to 2001 “
Up until 1960 human evolution had been driven by those who survived best in the natural world of viruses and bacteria. Today it will driven by those who survive best among the onslaught of drugs and vaccines . Those who survive will have Pharma-Resistant Babies who will be able to take even more jabs and drugs than their parents.
Its a Brave New World
Which is easier to live with - getting an infection through ‘bad luck in the universe’ and suffering ill effects, knowing that being vaccinated may have prevented it ( or may not), or getting vaccinated and suffering an adverse event knowing you did it to yourself and maybe you’d have got away with having the infection with no ill effects?
Outstanding study, thank you.