Much of what we have seen over the last 40+ years is the execution of a Malthusian agenda.
For those needing a reminder Thomas Malthus laid out in his 1798 work, An Essay on the Principle of Population, how unchecked population growth is exponential and would therefore eventually outstrip the food supply whose growth was arithmetical.
As described in the Essay, Malthus believed there were two types of “checks” that could then reduce the population, returning it to a more sustainable level. He believed there were “preventive” checks such as moral restraints, like abstinence, postponed marriage and restricting marriage for persons suffering poverty or defects.
He also believed in “positive checks,” which lead to “premature” death: disease, starvation, war, resulting in what is called a Malthusian catastrophe, which would return population to a lower, more “sustainable,” level. Among the genocidal policies promoted by Malthus were:
Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders.
I wrote this before COVID but I think its aged well. I will discuss COVID at the end
Global Warming (austerity) , 5G , Eugenics, Vaccines , GM Foods and Round Up are all seemingly interlocked by elites with a common agenda regarding population and resource control via “sustainability” as steps toward a Totalitarian Technocracy.
Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Telecom, Big Agra, Big Brother, Big Academia and Big Media working together with these Big Finance and cognitive elites who operate via Think Tanks such as the WEF, Foundations like the Rockefellers and Super Pacs.
To help figure out where the truth lies, look for MSM support, censorship, hysterical attacks supporters calling those in opposition denialist, dangerous, etc.
Claims like the science is settled or consensus science are also to be questioned since science has never been settled and consensus has often been wrong.
As non scientists its not possible to actually refute science directly. However we can read scientific papers (those not behind a paywall) and abstracts. We can see the lack of adequate safety studies with a bit of research. Basically they say if nobody found otherwise then its safe, while they mercilessly attacking any scientist who finds something or cuts off their funding.
Childrens Health Defense explains it well
“In 1986 the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed which resulted in an explosion of the vaccine schedule. Today 54% of American children have serious chronic health conditions according to a 2011 survey funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Up from 12% for kids born in 1986 and 6% in the 1960’s. Conditions include neuro -developmental disorders, asthma, allergies, mental health/behavioral disorders and obesity.
Despite the world’s most aggressive vaccine schedule we now rank 35th in overall health outcomes—just behind Costa Rica, making the U.S., by most measures, including infant mortality, the sickest nation in the developed world.
The 1986 Act frees companies from liability for injuries resulting from childhood vaccines. The act created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program(NVICP) that is governed by HHS. Over $4.2 billionhas been paid by consumers for vaccine injuries (every vaccine has an excise tax for this purpose). The U.S. vaccine schedule has more than tripled since the 1986 Act.
An HHS-sponsored study by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that vaccine injuries, when tracked using electronic medical records, occurs in 1 in 39 vaccines given.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was established in 1990. Doctors and patients voluntarily report adverse vaccine events, received 58,381 reports in 2018, including 412 deaths, 1,237 permanent disabilities, and 4,217 hospitalizations.
An HHS-funded review of VAERS concluded that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported” to VAERS. The CDC has refused to mandate or automate VAERS reporting. So multiply the numbers by 100 and thats 40,000 dead in 30 years and 4 million hospitalizations. Autism and other chronic diseases are probably even more underreported.
The Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that vaccines are unavoidable unsafe in upholding their protection from liability. So much for the CDC and Industries claim that vaccines are safe.
Few if any of the vaccines on the U.S. CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo in clinical trials. None have been compared against a control group of unvaccinated populations. None have been subject to long term follow up. No study has been conducted evaluating safety of vaccines given according to CDC schedule. None have been tested for their carcinogenicity or safety in pregnant women. Their claim vaccines are safe is the alleged absence of evidence they are unsafe . The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
The approach to funding for safety studies follows a “dont look, dont find” mentality.
Vaccines are regulated by the FDA as “biologics” and are not always put through the same level of safety testing as new pharmaceuticals. Pre-licensing clinical trials are sometimes as short as a few days or weeks, making it impossible to evaluate longer-term outcomes such as autoimmune illness or cancer. Clinical trials for Merck’s Recombivax hepatitis B vaccine administered on the first day of life monitored fewer than 150 infants and children and for just five days after each dose.
CDC manipulates vaccine data to hide evidence (Dr Thompson), Merck scientists call out fraud by Merck in MMR licensing (lawsuit pending) and Climate Scientists were caught in Climate Gate (covered up data manipulation), etc
Now with Vaccines you have Big Pharma scientists and those who work at CDC/FDA where there is a revolving door to and from Big Pharma. You also have The Gates Foundation—established in 2000 with an initial endowment of $42.9 billion and amplified by an additional $30 billion from Warren Buffet in 2006—has become the world’s leading global health player touting vaccines. The Rockefeller Foundation took the leading role in the early years.”
Many accept faulty and unethical science much like religious faithful accept their priests and pastors explanations without evidence. Its about faith. For those who move away from monotheistic religions, they do so to embrace a new religion based on reason and science. Man must have something to believe so instead of priests its government financed/industry scientists.
Of course some of the same people worshipping at the alter of the scientific technocratic elite that Eisenhower and Brzezinski gave us notice about 50-60 years ago, seem very aware about the evils for corporate government elite in matters of imperialism and economics. Who do you think most scientists work for or receive their grant money from?
Some will point out Big Oils financing of AGW denial. Frankly this was not very substantial relative to funding for the other side, and Exxon stopped years ago. The Rockefeller Foundation financed the other side in far greater amounts (over 100 million over the last decade) .One reason is as follows:
Oil is alleged to be a finite resource and Big Oil would like to sell whats left at the highest possible price. Alternative energy will be more expensive than oil based energy, and reduce the rate in which money must be spent to seek out and develop more wells. This will allow them to sell at higher margins, albeit in lesser amounts and reduce annual CAPEX.
Furthermore, with deep pockets and being interlocked with Big Finance /Banking they can get in on the alternative energy businesses and exploit the carbon credit scam. Beyond that Big Brother who is behind the CAGW scheme keeps them supplied with the oil resources of other countries (Iraq, Libya) with more on the way (Iran, Yemen, Venezuela), so that offsets any costs of going along with CAGW.
Increased carbon emission regulations will help eliminate smaller competitors and increase market share, and they will pass the added cost on to end users since they have monopoly price making powers.
Higher energy and fuel costs will reduce consumption and living standards
Some may know of Crown Castle International, it is the largest provider of wireless infrastructure in the United States. It was established in 1992 with funding from Warren Buffet, who as mentioned above is also a leading global health player touting vaccines (Bill Gates is now a leading shareholder).
5G is assisted by WHO in its reluctance to investigate and call out the health effects of RF exposure . WHO was spawned from the Rockefeller founded International Health Commission that it replaced and was advised by the Rockefeller Foundation for decades.
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), an industry loyal NGO, has a serious conflict of interest and has 5 of the 6 members on WHO’s sanctioned Core Group supporting ICNIRP recommended safe limits. Despite protests WHO refuses to change the ICNIRP dominated Core Group
Limits on RF exposure in the United States, most Western European countries, and many countries in other parts of the world follow the ICNIRP recommended limits. They are higher than in the Russia, China, Switzerland, and a few other countries which are much lower. The difference is the latter group base standards on the biological effects and not just thermal effects.
Key Testimony in Toronto
From a presentation given at the Toronto Whole Life Expo 2009 by Andrew Michrowski, PhD:
It is not generally appreciated that the advanced nature of wireless gadgets being currently marketed is founded on devices that have been around since the 1940s. … Precise, quality, straightforward medical and scientific research since 1950s details radiofrequency and microwave effects – without influence of stocks, PR and lawyers. By 1970s, electromagnetic, electrochemical, cascade effect equations were well defined for tissues, cells, intracellular & extracellular fluids and macromolecular effects on living systems…
Fetuses and the very young are most susceptible. But the young up to 20 years or so are still more susceptible than physically mature individuals. Exceptions are the elderly and electro-sensitives
WiFi is the transmission protocol for ‘Smart’ technology, including utility meters, household appliances, games, devices, and of course wireless Internet. Trower emphasizes that the adverse effects of WiFi include irreparable damage to the DNA in ovarian follicles. He says this is reproductively transmitted in the female line forever, and could possibly manifest in the initially affected generation, definitely in the next. It particularly threatens schoolgirls in classrooms using WiFi, female fetuses and infants, but also all females of child-bearing age.
Trower presents proof that Government knew of the follicle-DNA threat before promoting WiFi in schools. In 20 to 25 years (2038-2033), we could easily have a generation with a high percentage of genetically damaged kids.
“I ask for any scientist(s) from industry / government to ‘humiliate’ me live ‘on-air’ with their expert knowledge by answering one question: ‘What is the safe level of microwave irradiation for the ovarian follicles during the first 100 days development of the embryo?’” – Barrie Trower, PhD, Wi-Fi – A Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares?
Absent a widespread awakening and consumer backlash in the very near future, people obliviously flocking to WiFi will eventually learn the hard way
Now we have 5G. Dr. Martin Pall, PhD, and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University has stated in 2019 that
“Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”
Then there is food. As Kissinger said in 1971, “control the oil and you control nations, control the food and you control people. The Rockefellers founded the CGIAR which operates under the umbrella of the UN World Bank, and its primary focus today is the spread of GMO crops. CGIAR was created by the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, along with the UN World Bank in 1971.
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund created the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISSAAA) and the Rockefeller Foundation is a major donor. The ISAAA is involved in promoting proprietary GMO seeds to developing countries. Its sponsors include Monsanto (USA), and Bayer CropScience (Germany) who recently merged.
The USDA is supposed to be responsible for assessing the impacts of GMO crops, but a study of over 8,000 GMO field test applications showed the USDA didn’t require a single environmental assessment.
Alongside the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto is largely responsible for spreading the use of GM crops around the world.
The refusal of Monsanto, a company founded in World War I as part of the Rockefeller network of war chemical makers, to remove glyphosate-based Roundup, or even to allow independent testing of its “trade secret” adjuvants that by some estimates make the glyphosate 2000% more toxic, has more to do with that long-standing relationship.
In the 1980s, the EPA concluded that glyphosate was a carcinogen. Monsanto responded by engaging in a series of contacts with the EPA designed to intimidate the agency to withdraw those findings.
WHO’s JMPR’s risk assessment found out that based on the weight-of-evidence approach these compounds are unlikely to cause cancer in people via dietary exposure, despite the IARC finding it was a probable carcinogen. Of course JPMR did not test the adjuvants.
The Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1913 and has a 3.5 billion dollar endowment. It has been a big promoter of Climate Change Movement donating well over 100 million dollars over the last 10 years alone. . I use the Rockefeller’s name as a proxy the elites in general. They are not alone in this, and have done some good in certain areas.
The Rockefellers as you know has made most of its money off Big Oil and Private Banking. Tax Free Foundations, Income Tax and Fed Reserve Act were all part of a package deal in 1913. Foundations gave the elite a way to minimize the income tax burden, and use their wealth to fulfill their agendas. The income tax was needed to make sure loans to the government could repaid and the Federal Reserve Act gave private bankers a monopoly on money creation , and led the Rockefellers into the banking business in the 1920’s
It was actually German researcher Hermann Flohn who started the ball rolling on Man Made Global Warming. The 1930’s were a warm period before Global Cooling began in the 40’s , a Cooling that lasted into the late 70’s spawning concern of an impending Ice Age. Germany as a nation was very into sustainable development and preserving resources due to shortages. The first Green Economy if you will.
Flohn published an article on global warming titled, “The Activity of Man as a Climate Factor” before the War. Flohn was the Luftwaffe’s chief meteorologist . After the war, Flohn continued with the CO2 global warming scare claiming it as more dangerous than nuclear energy. Many German scientists came to the US under Operation Paperclip and no doubt spread these ideas, along with their experiences in Applied Eugenics.
Rockefeller’s and Vaccines. The Vaccine Religion took off under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute in the early 20th century. The Rockefeller Institute was also involved with the Eugenics movement as well, since renamed as Genetics , Social Biology, Planned Parenthood, and other inoffensive names after being discredited by Hitlers programs.
The lack of suitable safety studies and disregard of studies that should cause concern and blatant conflict of interest between CDC/FDA and Big Pharma is shocking if not criminal.
Some believe the 1918 Spanish flu which killed tens of millions began with experimental anti-bacterial vaccines developed by the Rockefeller Institute and administered to US soldiers who were to be sent to Europe. Autopsy reports show bacteria present in the lungs of victims of the Spanish Flu and bacterial pneumonia was the principal cause of death. No proof of this but its plausible and no doubt accidental.
In 1916 there was a huge outbreak of polio in NYC, home of the Rockefeller Foundation, with an exceptionally high mortality rate. The outbreak began blocks away from where researchers of the Rockefeller Institute had been passaging spinal cord tissue containing poliovirus, from one Rhesus monkey spinal cord to another.
At the New York City Department of Health, doctors passaged material from polio cases in 17 Rhesus monkeys. In the middle of the largest polio epidemic ever seen, these doctors wrote that ‘passage of this virus will be continued with the hope of increasing its virulence’ . It is assumed they were working on an immune sera for polio and a more viral form of polio was accidentally released into the population.
So if the above were truly vaccine related, surely a rocky beginning for Vaccines.
Polio helped get the industry credibility in the 50’s although some believe that was smoke and mirrors with DDT and other lead/arsenic pesticides causing an outbreak of polio like illnesses which then declined as their use was better controlled , along with a change to case definitions for polio and the end of Rockefeller subsidies for children diagnosed with polio. The Rockefeller Foundation also funded the large scale use of DDT which did reduce malaria even if children suffered some ill effects.
The polio vaccine certainly had its hiccups. Between the Cutter Incident, SB-40 virus contaminations and some believe its development led to the release of RSV respiratory virus on the human population which is particularly troublesome for children. More about the history here
Aspartame is another case of the Malthusian agenda. Dr. John Olney, who founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity, attempted to stop the approval of aspartame with Attorney James Turner back in 1996.
The FDA’s own toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross told Congress that aspartame can cause brain tumors and brain cancer and that it violated the Delaney Amendment, which forbids putting anything in food that is known to cause cancer. The EPA found Aspartame to be a potentially dangerous chemical. The FDA has known this for a quarter of a century and done nothing.
A little history: In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame despite the report of a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, comprised of three independent scientists, which confirmed that it “might induce brain tumors.” The FDA had previously banned aspartame based on this finding.
Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president January 21, 1981. Rumsfeld, while still CEO at Searle, was part of Reagan’s transition team. This team hand-picked Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., to be the new FDA commissioner. On January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, Reagan issued an executive order eliminating the FDA commissioners’ authority to take action and Searle re-applied to the FDA for approval to use aspartame in food sweetener.
Hayes first official act as FDA chief was to approve the use of aspartame as an artificial sweetener in dry goods on July 18, 1981. Hayes left his post at the FDA in November, 1983, amid accusations that he was accepting corporate gifts. Just before leaving office, Hayes approved the use of aspartame in beverages.
After Hayes left the FDA he took a position as a high-paid senior medical advisor with Burson-Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle. When Searle was absorbed by Monsanto in 1985, Donald Rumsfeld reportedly received a $12 million bonus.
I mean, I could go on and talk about genetically modified animals and lack of independent testing and gene editing of human embryos, etc. But thats enough.
Lets take a closer look at Climate Change.
As mentioned Exxon and even the Koch Brothers don’t even bother funding the skeptics any longer, although there is money donated by smaller foundations that are dwarfed by the likes of Rockefellers and Gates and Buffets.
Funding supporting Climate Change is extensive. From governments to WEF and many foundations it dwarfs that of the skeptics. Scientists have to take a pro-Climate Change approach to get funding and to get their papers published in journals. Like with Vaccines, the Science has been captured.
Recently a suggestion was made to treat Climate Denial as a psychiatric disorder. The development of the field of psychiatry in the United States was largely precipitated by Rockefeller Foundation interest in and funding of the science. What a surprise.
On January 14, 2020 -just days before the Davos meeting featuring climate change, BlackRock founder and CEO Larry Fink published a newsletter jumping aboard the climate investing train big time.
He wrote in a closely read letter that guides numerous corporations seeking investment from some of BlackRock’s $7 trillions, “Climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects.” Citing recent climate protests, Fink states, “awareness is rapidly changing, and I believe we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance. The evidence on climate risk is compelling investors to reassess core assumptions about modern finance.”
Declaring that, “climate risk is investment risk,” Fink then says we will make “a profound reassessment of risk and asset values” Fink tells us, “because capital markets pull future risk forward, we will see changes in capital allocation more quickly than we see changes to the climate itself. In the near future – and sooner than most anticipate – there will be a significant reallocation of capital.” And a handful of the world’s largest money groups will steer that reallocation of capital we learn.
Black Rock plans to demand that companies it invests its $7 trillion into show proof that they are green compliant by, “making sustainability integral to portfolio construction and risk management; exiting investments that present a high sustainability-related risk, such as thermal coal producers; launching new investment products that screen fossil fuels; and strengthening our commitment to sustainability and transparency in our investment stewardship activities.” Translated, if you don’t follow the demands of the UN IPCC and related groups including McKinsey & Co., you lose big money.
As for the science Climate change is real. It has little to do with man though.
Over 2 million years ago Planet Earth became a snow ball as it entered the ice age.
Over the last 800,000 years of the ice age we have had 7 glacial periods of around 100k years and as many shorter but warmer interglacials of 10-15K. We are 15 k years into the current interglacial named the Halocene.
The Halocene optimum was reached 6000 years ago with higher temperatures and sea levels than today. The previous interglacial was warmer than this one with higher sea levels.
Another glacial period is in our future, and this will destroy food production and results in a global famine. This seems more likely than runaway global warming, but predictions are difficult. Eyes should be open as we enter a new Grand Solar Minimum
Section 14.2.2. of the Scientific Section of Third IPCC Assessment Report, (2001) titled “Predictability in a Chaotic System” says:
“The climate system is particularly challenging ... we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and ... the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible”
Human produced CO2 is a tiny 4 % of total CO2 emissions. The oceans contain 37,400 billion tons (GT) of suspended carbon, land biomass has 2000-3000GT.
The atmosphere contains 720 billion GT of CO2 and humans contribute only 8 GT/yr of C The oceans, land and atmosphere exchange CO2 continuously.
IPCC has grossly underestimated the future oceanic CO2 uptake. They assume only 50% of mans emissions are absorbed
In essence they are stating that the approximately 4 GT C/yr accumulated by the atmosphere is all of mans C from CO2 emissions and none of natures 89 GT C/yr emissions.
As to CO2 levels past and present comparisons, ice core evidence suggest CO2 levels change with changing temperature with temperatures driving CO2 levels and not vice versa
Geological and ice core samples don't translate directly to atmospheric C02 levels except as a very rough estimate of a several hundred years or millennia average, so the effect is to smooth out the CO2 levels and erase spikes
As for the GHG analogy. By far the most important greenhouse gas is water vapor. However, water in the form of clouds can reflect back solar radiation, causing temperature reduction.
Clouds are nature’s screen reflecting some portion of incoming SW and outgoing LW. We have little idea how clouds work to modify temperatures.
We can see what the absence of clouds does . In the cloudless dry desert the day – night temperature range is the highest anywhere due to lack of water vapor.
The lack of the greatest atmospheric GHG (H2O) results in the loss of LW heat into space (aka LW radiational cooling). Cold clear winter day/nights with low humidity show similar effects with plunging temperatures due to little obstacle to LW radiation to space.
CO2 levels are basically the same in cloudless and cloudy days and nights.
Most of the increase in average temperature is due to an increase in night time temperatures. Maybe this is due to more CO2, especially in urban areas where CO2 levels at the surface are much higher than the 412 ppm measured on the top of Mauna Loa
Clouds are the wild card of climate change. In the 2001 IPCC Report it says:
“In response to any climate perturbation the response of cloudiness thereby introduces feedbacks whose sign and amplitude are largely unknown.”
So we have a model of the atmosphere that doesn’t seem to know how clouds work but is the basis for climate predictions of global warming.
COVID (the past 2 years)
The Malthusian agenda kicked into Warp Speed with COVID. Lockdowns and their economic hardships and subsequent restrictions on medical care due to suspensions of operations and cancer follow ups harmed public health.
School closures and mask mandates harmed children’s development and everyone who was forced to wear a mask for long periods also likely had their health harmed (there are few safety studies). Women in labor were required to wear a mask depriving them and their unborn child of oxygen
COVID Treatment protocols denying high dose steroids, putting patients on Ventilators, using Midazolam and Remdesivir, not to mention denying off-label use of safe drugs seemed designed to increase COVID Mortality rates.
Then came the Vaccines. Rushed at Warp Speed, neglecting essential safety tests. As vaccine roll outs began, first with the elderly, deaths skyrocketed. These were attributed to COVID. Then on to younger adults. Strokes, Heart Attacks, Myocarditis , and many other adverse events were reported on VAERS but ignored. Despite the high number the total number is much higher because many Doctors refuse to report them
No they have come for the children despite the fact COVID does not harm healthy children. Its all risk and little benefit. The trial for children were ridiculously small size and underpowered. Evidence of fraud was not investigated. A permanently disabled child as a result of the vax was reported as a stomach ache.
What the long term effects will be is unknown, yet insurance companies report non-Covid deaths are up 16% in the age 18-64 group. Any increase over 10% is a Sigma 3 event (1/200 years).
There is evidence there is some type of immune suppression occurring, transient or otherwise. Coincidentally a new variant of HIV has been detected that is said to be more infectious and causes AIDS faster. Meanwhile mRNA HIV vaccines are in development and testing is being urged on asymptomatic people with no high risk behavior to drive up cases (sound familiar?).
For more information on the first HIV/Pandemic read this
As they wind down the COVID pandemic or at least pause it, they are attacking the people on the economic front with damaging food and energy/fuel price inflation caused by controlled and engineered supply disruptions. Forcing people to choose between eating or heating their home or buying gas for their car.
In addition they continue ramping up the fear over Climate Change while some speak of using Climate Lockdowns to reduce carbon emissions.
Whitney Webb and Ian Davis has published some great work on the latest scam related to Natural Asset Corporations and GFANZA that was hatched at COP 26
Whitney Webb
Ian Davis
Behind the scenes Digital ID and CBDC are being developed which will allow them to roll out the Social Credit System and control your movement and what you can buy. For this they will need to engineer a Financial Collapse caused no doubt by a Cyberattack which they will blame on Russia, Iran or China. Never fear, they will be prepared. They conducted an exercise in Israel in December
Health, Food, Energy, and Money. This is an attack on many fronts to reduce population and living standards. Thomas Malthus no doubt is smiling in Hell