Autism and Vaccines
Response by Alex Berenson to someone named JB
JB - I understand where you are coming from.
As I have said publicly, at the moment I simply do not have the bandwidth to get involved in the autism/vaccine debate. I believe a very complex mix of factors - potentially both biological/genetic, and related to medical/health system incentives - are probably driving the increase in autism diagnoses.
And I do not quite see a plausible connection between old-school inactivated virus vaccines (especially without thimerosal) and autism. I find this study, for example, quite convincing. I am much more willing to believe the mRNAs are problematic, as they are much less understood and clearly have downstream effects that were not properly studied.
I would also point out that this study looks at prenatal administration of vaccines, not postnatal. To the extent autism is driven by genetic or metagenomic factors, I'd expect prenatal administration is far more likely to cause problems.
I know this explanation may not satisfy you or other people who have spent time and effort examining the potential connection here, but I hope it helps you understand my perspective.
First lets start with the study Alex found convincing
First problem is they are only looking at one Vaccine. Do you realize how many Vaccines Children are given? Excluding COVID and RSV up to 9 separate Vaccines with 14 antigens and separate 28 shots
When I was a kid by age 6 I had Polio Vaccine (liquid) and DTP shot (maybe 2). Thats it.
There was no visible Autism in my age group . I never even heard of Autism until my young Cousin was diagnosed with serious Autism in the mid-late 70’s. I can’t say it was vaccine related since I don’t know his Vax details. MMR was licensed in 1972
According to the data Autism rate was about 1/10,000 in the 60’s, 1/5000 in 1970’s, 1/2500 in the mid 80’s and now 1/40. What happened?
For one thing, there are many more Vaccines delivered into kids arms and legs after school mandates in the 1970’s (thanks Carter) and the Manufacturers got a vaccine Liability Exemption in 1986 (thanks Reagan) .
The other thing besides lots more RF/EMR exposure is we broadened the case definition and diagnosed more Autism. Ah ha you say, we just diagnose more of it.
Well, thats some of it. Before the 90’s Autism pretty much diagnosed itself, it was severe autism being diagnosed. People like myself were just described as slow or introverted and were not tagged with any other label.
CDC says bout 1/4th of newly diagnosed Autistic Children have profound autism.
So while 1/40 cant be compared to 1/2,500. Profound autism is 1/160, and can be. Thats 15 times what it was 40 years ago
More than one in four autistic children—26.7%—have “profound autism,” according to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published in Public Health Reports.
For purposes of the study, children with profound autism are defined as “nonverbal,” “minimally verbal,” or having an intelligence quotient of less than 50
No lets get back to the study Alex finds so convincing.
625,842 Vaccinated Children
4,729 Totally Unvaccinated
26,890 no MMR but received other vaccines
I only care here about Totally Unvaccinated. I will explain later
The Unvaxxed had 64 cases Autism (1.35%) Vaxxed(w/MMR) had 5992 cases (0.96%). So the Unvaxxed had 40% more Autism
They don’t bother tell us about severity, perhaps more severe cases in the vaxxed, nobody knows.
More importantly the populations are not comparable. Why were the children unvaxxed? Because they were more at risk for autism. The authors made adjustments based on risk factors and using an equal sized population of what they said were of similar risk. They found 71 cases in the vaccinated group of the same size, meaning almost 10% fewer cases in the totally unvaxxed group. Not very significant, but a reduction none the less
But the devil lies in adjustments. One can adjust to find whatever you wish.
So this study is a nothing burger IMO. The sad fact is over 99% of the kids were vaxxed, and the less than 1% who were not were damaged, perhaps with families with increased risk — say, parents who manifest the disorder or have autistic siblings, nieces, or nephews.
The reason why I excluded any comment on the partially vaccinated, is it may not be just one vaccine causing autism, but the constellation of vaccines given. There has never been a study that looked into this. All the focus has been on MMR, perhaps because of the Wakefield Study. I don’t think we can assume this.
Alex also makes a comment that prenatal vaccinations may cause more harm. That may be true
Pregnant women should be vaccinated with HepA vaccine if they are at risk for infection or severe outcome from infection during pregnancy.
If not already vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), pregnant women should be vaccinated with HepB in pregnancy, since all adults 19 through 59 years of age are recommended to receive HepB vaccination.
Women who are or will be pregnant during influenza season should receive inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) or recombinant influenza vaccine (RIV)
Pregnancy should not preclude vaccination with MenACWY or MPSV4, if indicated.
Health-care personnel should administer a dose of Tdap during each pregnancy irrespective of the patient’s prior history of receiving Tdap
Now we have COVID and RSV on line
Anyways, my personal feeling is a subset of the population is genetically susceptible to autism due to vaccination.
November 2007 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) conceded that vaccination could have aggravated Hannah's underlying mitochondrial disorder and caused her autism symptoms. The HHS Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation will compensate the Polings out of its $2.7 billion trust fund, built up from surcharges paid for every vaccination covered by the program.
“HHS Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation "has concluded that the vaccinations [Hannah Poling received] significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder, which predisposed her to deficits in cellular energy metabolism, and manifested as a regressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder."”
Over time, perhaps a century or more, the humans who survive will be those who are well adopted to multiple vaccinations. So much so their immune systems will have evolved, or devolved, to be entirely dependent on Pharma jabs, without which they are immunocompromised.
A Great Negative GOF experiment using humans. Those susceptible to vaccine damage will be removed from the gene pool. Those “vaccine adopted” humans who misbehave will be denied their daily immune booster and be at the mercy of a world full of viruses constantly evolving in response to a vaccinated world.