The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense Scary Nipah Virus July 4 Bioterrorist Attack Scenario, Whose in Charge and Bob Garry
I am going to cover a lot of ground here as best I can given my current health situation. The Bob Garry interview, Bioattribution, and a very scary Fictional Bioterrorist Nipah Virus Attack on July 4 by the The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense whose recommendations go way beyond WHO’s Pandemic Treaty in turning the US into a Health Dictatorship led by the Presidents NSA
As a Warmup here is Baric in 2006
Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material......
If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
It is conceivable that a bioterrorist could order genome portions from various synthesis facilities distributed in different countries throughout the world and then assemble an infectious genome without ever having access to the virus.
To our knowledge, no international regulatory group reviews the body of synthetic DNAs ordered globally to determine if a highly pathogenic recombinant virus genome is being constructed.
Before I begin I thought it useful to briefly describe my thinking as to how they have avoided any discussion that COVID was a State Sponsored Bio-Terrorist Attack
We have been asked to ignore the work done by Ralph Baric and UNC and what he planned to do and ASS U ME WIV would do what Baric with 35 years experience engineering coronaviruses with his state of the art and well funded laboratory could do, absent any USG funding (Defuse called for $14 million)
ASS U ME that despite all odds, WIV then managed to find a Sars-Cov-2 progenitor 99% similar to SC2 backbone, and recognized its utility from the sequence despite its being 20% different from SARS
ASS U ME they could then isolate it via culture, something they had only been able to do with 3 other Sars related viruses, or failing to do that, embarked on costly recovery of the virus using reverse genetics despite having no assurances of its utility
ASS U ME having managed to get ahold of the Sars-Cov-2 progenitor they they created a chimera with an engineered spike as called for by DEFUSE, and passaged it via humanized mice in their BSL-3 (they only do culturing in BSL-2).
Thus, having created Sars-Cov-2 they manage to accidentally release it, presumably via a Lab Acquired Infection despite the BSL-3 environment. Mice don’t sneeze but presumably a mouse bite could infect a worker
All of this work not for a bioweapon or bioterrorism but for a vaccine against a virus which is not causing humans any problems. Its a nice story for those who are married to the idea of an accidental lab release from WIV. Entirely improbable, as are many Fairy Tales.
Now lets consider the narrative nobody is permitted to consider. Sars-Cov-2 was created to be a transmissible and low pathogenic virus much like a live attenuated self spreading vaccine for the purpose of Bioterrorism and the creation of a Global Pandemic whose target population was the elderly.
Using death counts and case counts amplified with PCR Tests and counting any death with a positive PCR test as a COVID death no matter what the real cause of death, fear could be generated to gain support for spending trillions of dollars, locking down populations and closing small businesses, and generating demand for a novel mRNA Vaccine Product which would have a liability waiver under EUA.
A Pandemic Emergency Declaration is the only way a mRNA Vaccine could ever get authorized and licensed , and from September 2019 under EO this became a national security priority (albeit for influenza). Of course once the genie was let out of the bottle for Coronavirus then mRNA would be used for influenza.
Such a Project could only take place under a Classified Setting backed by National Security Laws and justified by National Security considerations which include Climate Change Fraud and the Great Reset.
The development of Sars-Cov-2 would have been compartmentalized much like the Manhattan Project, and as we saw there was considerable advanced planning and Coordination on a Global Scale which included so called adversaries like Russia and China, whose conflicts serve as a neat distraction from the Global Conspiracy known Operation COVID
It is very likely most of the scientists working on Sars-Cov-2 would have been told it was for a human vaccine and would have no idea about the true nature of the Project, although they may have guessed it after the fact.
Thats the story nobody wants to hear.
And because OPERATION Covid was so successful with hardly anyone guessing what really happened they managed to roll out Monkey Pox and now Bird flu (H5N1) , and no doubt many more are to come, including Sars-Cov-3
Now for the Bob Garry Senate Interview . This will be brief
Here is his written statement.
Thus, pathway 2, which involves two steps: (1) a spillover from a bat to an intermediate animal, and (2) from the intermediate animal to a human , is the only scientifically supported hypothesis. Specifically, there is a large body of available scientific evidence – clinical, epidemiological, serological, and phylogenetic evidence – for this two-step spillover from bats via an intermediate animal to humans. Simply put, Pathway 2 is the only parsimonious pathway, one that is fully consistent with all the available scientific evidence.
But what if the intermediary host is a lab animal?
Sars-COV-2 is way more than the FCS
…..likely one that would replicate no better, if not worse, than the bat coronavirus before you put in the FCS. There are just simply too many other mutations needed to change a bat coronavirus into a pandemic pathogen capable of respiratory spread in non-bat animals. When you realize that SARS-COV-2 did not spill over directly from a bat to a human you can see that the DEFUSE proposal is actually evidence that WIV, UNC and EHA did not engineer SARS-COV-2, or even accidentally release it.
Very clever, and correct. The FCS is not the smoking gun in DEFUSE, even though it is presented as such because it can easily be refuted. The Secret Sauce is in the Accessory Proteins
We will compile sequence/RNAseq data from a panel of closely related strains (<5% nucleotide variation) and compare full length genomes….Consensus candidate genomes will be synthesized commercially (eg BioBasic) using established techniques and genome length RNA and electroporation to recover recombinant viruses
The Natural Origin folks lack evidence of an intermediary host, while the Lab Leakers lack evidence of a Progenitor Virus (backbone) from which Sars-Cov-2 could be engineered from . Both are accepted to exist by either camp as a matter of faith and both blame China for failing to produce their evidence.
The uncomfortable truth is that neither exists
WHO source added: "If Sars-CoV-2 comes from an artificial consensus sequence composed of genomes with more than 95 per cent similarity to each other… I would predict that we will never find a really good match in nature and just a bunch of close matches across parts of the sequence, which so far is what we are seeing.
Experts said if the ultimate aim of the proposal was to create a pan-coronavirus vaccine, constructing an "ideal" average virus would have been a good starting point
Very interesting thread by Marc Johnson that is worth a read
Here’s what I did. I asked what mutations are present in SC2 but were absent from a bunch of its closest relatives. (I used the 5 BANALS, RaTG13, and RpYN06).
Drastics Yuri Deign’s response
So going by those numbers,
We can construct a hypothetical recombinant progenitor of SARS2 (from *known* bat CoVs) that is 99.1% identical to SARS2 on a nucleotide level and ~99.5% identical on AA level
Of course, the question must be asked, when did Ralph get access to the BANAL sequences and RaTG13. Presumably Zheng Li Shi might have shared RaTG13 at the time DEFUSE was being drafted and NMRC-A/NAMRU-2 sampled from nearby the BANAL caves in 2017 but never released coronavirus sequences
U.S. Naval Medical Research Center-Asia (NMRC-A) supports the Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (DoD-GEIS) and presumably DARPA and their grantees would have had access to any sequences
So Sars-COV-2 could be a consensus sequence that after recovery was passed through humanized mice and perhaps even captive humans in a country where such experiments might be tolerated.
Of course, without a real investigation we will never know the truth. Which brings me to the question why haven’t we seen such an investigation by the Agencies who have literally received hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for Biodefense and Bioterrorism.
As COVID spread in early 2020 who was responsible for Bioattribution?
From the FBI
The FBI is the lead law enforcement agency responsible for investigation of WMD threats. In particular, the FBI has authorities relating to the investigation, prevention, and response regarding individuals that attempt to obtain or use WMD materials, technology, and expertise.
FBI established the synthetic biology/emergent biotechnology initiative, which is a proactive approach to mitigate current and over-the-horizon risks posed by the exploitation of advancements in research and development of scientific fields such as synthetic biology and nanobiotechnology.
The synthetic biology initiative has FBI partnered with synthetic genome providers to render resources and federal reach back capabilities to evaluate uncertainties in customer and/or sequence orders.
Did FBI investigate commercial DNA Synthesizer Labs (BioBasic) or Private Labs (Barics Lab) known to manipulate Coronaviruses and check for sequences unique to Sars-Cov-2 . If not, how did the rule out Bioterrorism?
I have mentioned before Sars-Cov-2 seemed to spread very well in countries with significant Slavic populations (including states in US-New York ,Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, and California)
Anyways, these Interviews are just theater to keep you focused on WIV and China. If they really want to get the truth perhaps they start calling up some Generals and DARPA Directors.
How about the DARPA director at the time the DEFUSE bid was solicited
Stephen Walker- DARPA Director. He left DARPA in December 2019 after becoming Director in 2017. Nice timing. Now he is Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of the Lockheed Martin Corporation, where he is responsible for mission concept development and integrated operations analysis, the corporation’s technology strategy, internal research and development investments and corporate as well as international laboratories.
Ukraine War is no doubt good for business
Here is what he had to say while at DARPA
There are plenty of technology spaces where the United States can and should work with international partners. This is especially true in areas where there is a need for standards, such as space operations and satellite servicing; for transparency, such as genome editing; or for common cause, such as pandemic preparedness and food security. DARPA’s role varies case by case for each of those examples.
Since 2014 with the establishment of our Biological Technologies Office, we’ve been working with a largely new set of players who work at the frontiers of neurotechnology, infectious disease countermeasures, genome editing, and biomanufacturing.
DARPA already has numerous investments in countermeasures against pandemic disease. They’re relevant today because our deployed troops and the homeland are already at risk from diseases like Ebola, dengue, and influenza, but we also see the threat of pandemics growing in the future as weather patterns change, globalization increases, and new parts of the world become exposed to diseases that weren’t previously a concern. We’re especially focused on technologies to rapidly detect new health threats, and then contain them at the source when possible — typically in animal or insect reservoirs of disease — or deliver firebreaks that stop an outbreak of disease in people from growing into a pandemic
As a reminder it was Stephen Walkers-Darpa that solicited bids under the PREEMPT program that led to DEFUSE and even though it was rejected due to its high cost supposedly they were interested in funding some aspects of it.
Not saying they had anything to do with it but it would be nice to hear what DARPA thought of Daszak and Barics DEFUSE proposal and what parts they were most interested in.
I’d also like to know if they contacted Intelligence Agencies after COVID broke out to let them know about DEFUSE or did they forget about it like Baric said he did.
Lets get back to looking at who is responsible for Biodefense
Besides the CDC, the US’s National Biodefense Strategy, released in October 2022, outlines the US' commitment to enhancing its national attribution capacity. The strategy emphasises an integrated procedure involving multiple agencies, including The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are designated to lead this effort, with support from various agencies, including the Department of the Interior, the US Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Intelligence Community.
Additionally, the strategy aims to bolster the capabilities of the UN Secretary-General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons (UNSGM) to ascertain facts, including attribution, related to the alleged use of biological or toxin weapons. The Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the FBI are identified as the fundamental entities responsible for leading this aspect of the strategy.
I don’t know about you but that reads to me like nobody is responsible.
15 federal departments, 9 independent agencies, and 1 independent institution currently have biodefense responsibilities.
Even the Smithsonian Institute
One federal department cannot tell other departments and agencies what to do. Only the White House has that authority.
National Bioforensics Analysis Center (NBFAC) was previously run by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). NBFAC conducts technical analyses in support of federal law enforcement investigations and attempts to coordinate multi-agency biological forensic efforts.
In 2018 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) assumed management of the NBFAC. DHS and the FBI signed a memorandum of agreement that transferred NBFAC management to the FBI.
Remember, this is the same FBI that botched the Anthrax Investigations taking over from DHS just as Operation COVID is underway
Lurking in the background is an entity I have mentioned before.
The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense, formerly known as the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense, is an organization of former high-ranking government officials that analyzes US capabilities and capacity to defend against biological threats.
According to the Commission's mission statement, the organization was formed to "provide for a comprehensive assessment of the state of U.S. biodefense efforts, and to issue recommendations that will foster change."
The Commission is supported by donor organizations. Hudson Institute serves as the Commission's fiscal sponsor. Current donors include Open Philanthropy, Smith Richardson Foundation, and Bavarian Nordic.
Commissioners, staff, and ex officio members[edit]
Senator Joe Lieberman
Governor Tom Ridge
The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense is co-chaired by former Senator Joe Lieberman and former Secretary of Homeland Security and Governor Tom Ridge.
<Ridge also sits on the board of directors of the Atlantic Council>
Among the eleven new recommendations found in Biodefense in Crisis (the Commission's second status report describing federal implementation of its recommendations from A National Blueprint for Biodefense), the Commission advises the President to establish a dedicated Deputy National Security Advisor for Biodefense, overseen by the Vice President and supported by NSC staff.
The Commission clearly notes that one federal department cannot tell other departments and agencies what to do, especially in a critical area of responsibility like biodefense. A dedicated higher-level leader in the White House without responsibilities for multiple weapons of mass destruction, terrorist avenues, and national disasters is crucial.
In accordance with the Commission's third recommendation from A National Blueprint for Biodefense, on September 18, 2018, President Donald Trump released the 2018 National Biodefense Strategy and signed National Security Presidential Memorandum 14 to direct the federal government to execute this strategy. Together, they sought to improve the federal government's readiness and capability to respond to human-generated, naturally-occurring, and accidentally-released biological threats to the Nation.
The Strategy was mandated by Congress and has five extensively detailed goals. It established a new cabinet-level Biodefense Steering Committee chaired by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
National Security Advisor John Bolton said, "The Biodefense Steering Committee will monitor and coordinate implementation of the National Biodefense Strategy across 15 federal agencies and the Intelligence Community."
Also in 2018 the Trump Administration eliminated that NSC directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense but retained the responsibility for biodefense by the National Security Staff
Anyways, In their 2024 report they draw up a fictional scenario of a Bioterrorist attack on July 4, 2025 (2024?) using Nipah Virus
CHAIR: I call this first hearing of the Joint Inquiry to order. Nine weeks ago, some nation or terrorist group—we still do not know who—attacked the Nation’s Capital and other US cities with biological weapons as we celebrated Independence Day.
The infectious agent they used killed at least 280,000 Americans and infected at least 400,000 throughout the country in a single day, in addition to the 200,000 dead and 800,000 sickened animals. These numbers will increase as the disease spreads. Many of our own colleagues and staff here in Congress fell ill and died. Coordinated attacks in allied nations in the days that followed killed tens of thousands more.
We are now hearing that the terrorists conducted smaller scale attacks in American cities and localities prior to the July 4 incidents to test our defenses and gauge our responses. These smaller scale attacks went largely unnoticed.
Laboratory tests confirm that Nipah virus caused the disease, but we still do not know what methods our adversaries used to infect humans and spread the disease among livestock in rural communities.
Animals and people were sick for more than a month before we realized what had happened. While the virus is in the same family as other common human and animal viruses, most American veterinarians and physicians had never seen Nipah virus before, which delayed recognition.
The virus, which in nature does not spread easily among people, was genetically modified to increase its ability to spread from animal- to-animal, animal-to-person, and person-to-person, while still retaining a mortality rate of over 40%.
For years before this, many experts said that although nation states and terrorist organizations aspired to use biological weapons, they lacked the leadership, organizational wherewithal, infrastructure, expertise, and social support to develop and deploy them.
Despite these assessments, our adversaries conducted the deadly biological attacks of July 4 here and throughout the world. They took advantage of
• our failure to eliminate the vulnerabilities revealed during the COVID-19 pandemic;
• our failure to conduct sufficient biological intelligence activities to indicate an imminent attack;
• our failure to achieve early detection of the biological agent and our failure to identify the source of exposure in a timely way;
• our failure to rapidly identify and recognize its occurrence in livestock;
• our failure to rapidly identify the disease in people;
• our failure to consistently fund public health and health care preparedness;
• our failure to stockpile sufficient medical countermeasures; and
• our failure to communicate effectively within the government, to our allies, and most importantly, to the American people.
Ultimately, our adversaries took advantage of our failure to make biodefense a top national priority. It is especially painful to me and the other leaders of committees throughout Congress that we failed in our duty to gather the necessary information and data, connect the dots, produce intelligence, and prevent and attribute these attacks.
Sadly, much as the 9/11 Commission observed in its analysis of the attacks of 2001, the attacks of 2024 can be ascribed to failures to heed many warnings and commit to preventing biological events from affecting our national security.
Was 2024 a typo?
There were failures of prediction, early warning, and detection:
• The diplomatic, intelligence, law enforcement, and military communities failed to discover intent and provide advanced warning of well-planned and direct attacks on the United States and its interests overseas.
• The Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Homeland Security failed to detect the biological agent upon release.
There were, and continue to be, failures to respond effectively:
• The Department of Agriculture and Department of Health and Human Services still have no way to prevent additional infections, treat exposed people and animals effectively, thwart the establishment of pathogens in new reservoirs, or prevent the disease from becoming permanently established in the United States.
• The Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Justice failed in their initial efforts at attribution.
As I speak, critical infrastructure owners and operators and emergency service providers are struggling valiantly to do their jobs while keeping their own families safe in the absence of adequate protection. Our military is splitting resources to help with domestic response and operations overseas, and the Intelligence Community
is spread thin trying to prevent our enemies from taking further advantage of our vulnerabilities to biological and other threats.
Our national leadership at all levels—federal and non-federal—failed to heed the advice of the 9/11 Commission, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense, and many other experts who warned of the dangers of biological terrorism and warfare. They failed to appreciate the gravity of the biological threat, generate political will, and take action in the face of looming danger, even when COVID-19 demonstrated how severe a biological threat could be.
We are convening this hearing today to discover exactly what happened, how this leadership failure occurred, and what our Nation must do to recover from these attacks. We also intend to determine what it will take to prevent additional attacks and ensure our country has done all it can to be prepared for the next biological event in case these efforts fall short.
Over the next three weeks, this Joint Inquiry will hear from the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Director for National Intelligence to explain why they missed indications of the impending use of biological weapons and why we still do not have a biodefense attribution apparatus in place of the same caliber as we have for nuclear attribution.
Second, we will hear from the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Secretary of Homeland Security to explain why (after COVID-19 and other biological events that affected our Nation previously) their extraordinary challenges in surveillance, detection, identification, response, recovery, and mitigation persist.
This fictional scenario is scare you into accepting their recommendations which if implemented would be far more dangerous to Freedom and Democracy than anything WHO could dream up. Essentially making the Presidents Office a Health Dictatorship
Just a couple of screen shots to make the point.
Here is there 2019 meeting before COVID
Near the end of Robert Kadlec's session (~3:59:00), Ken Wainstein (currently Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis. ) says to Dark Winter Veteran Robert Kadlec (currently Trumps ASPR)
"You were Doctor Death back in the day….."
Suggests to Kadlec we need a 9/11 like event to get what they need from Fed Govt. Kadlec talks of an upcoming EO on Pandemic coming in the next week (never released) and that the WHite House Council of Economic Advisers as yet unreleased report estimating the cost of a Pandemic at up to 20% of GDP ($ 4-5 trillion)
In August Black Rock proposed to Central Bankers/Fed their Going Direct plan at Jackson Hole Wyoming to tackle the next financial crisis, as Ft Detrick was being shut down for 3 months and the US CDC only Epidemiologist is withdrawn from Beijing
September the Repo Mkt Crisis hit and the Fed went Direct to bail out the banks and warm up for March 2020 Going Direct bump of $4-5 trillion in Pandemic spending w/ Black Rock handed the keys to the vault
Also in September the draft of Crimson Contagion Exercise comes out, White House Economic Advisers release their Pandemic Cost estimate, Trump issues EO stating Universal Flu Vaccine and improving vaccine technology is a National Security Priority, and Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (Fauci and George Gao members) report calls for 2 Pandemic exercises by Sep 2020, while Bill Gates is buying up BNT shares.
In October, Event 201 is held along with Wuhan Military Games and the nations pandemic stockpile is handed from CDC over to BARDA (which happens to be exempt from FOIA)
The "Dr Death" quote is at 3:53:10.