As usual, this post will be long, too long for most Email Servers. Most of you wont make it to the end. Don’t blame you. So I will sum up w/o explanation.
DEFUSE is a Rabbit Hole Deflecting you from seeing the Blobs Manhattan Project that is creating the WHO’s “One Health” Super Weapon that will essentially Weaponize (GOF) Pathogenic Natural Viruses so as to create a Permanent Health Security Crisis to justify the imposition of a Global Green Fascism.
Boy, that was a Mouthful.
Operation COVID was a successful Live Exercise, demonstrating proof of concept, the first of many man made Epidemics and Pandemics
Now I will begin my long winded and convoluted post that will eventually get to the point, or maybe it will lead elsewhere. I never know.
Sometimes I think I have stuff figured out, to the point I am as “rock solid confident” as the State Department is in their Wuhan intelligence. Thats when the doubts creep in.
Pretty much everybody seems certain COVID was an accident, except for me , or so it seems,. I certainly am no genius and most of what I have learned about immunology and cell biology is in the last 4 years, with an aging brain that according to my last MRI is shrinking.
Being a bit of a conspiracy buff since 9/11 I learned that most if not all false flags are conducted after they have conducted exercises and simulations, allegedly to prevent what they were actually planning. The reason is to confirm the weaknesses in defenses so they can exploit them and successfully complete the operation , which are designed to effect societal change and generate a nice profit for its operative participants.
They exercised the shit out of COVID .
Cygmus (UK-2016) , MARS (Munich-2017), SPARS (2017), Clade X (2018), Crimson Contagion (1st half-2019) and Event 201 (Oct-2019) .
Looking back, these are all Red Flags to me, especially when you consider that despite the exercises they didn’t even bother to stockpile PPE 😂
I outlined many other preparations here, I don’t want to go over it again, but a lot of effort went into preparing for this Pandemic
Most people can’t imagine a Big Conspiracy is possible. Its too complex they say. Someone will talk. I talk about how this can be overcome using 9/11 as an example
Complexity to pull off 9/11 (and COVID)
They imagine most people to be like themselves, with limited ability and ambition, struggling to get by and bring up families, enjoying the simple things during weekends and vacations and hoping they have enough to retire on. No desire to change the world, no means or opportunity to do so.
They don’t imagine a network of successful psychopaths who are very rich, intelligent and ambitious and who have large social and business networks of like-minded people, some of them from families who have been working together for centuries. They are the Elite and they control your government and who you can see on the ballot every 4 years for President
Evil, Conspiracy and the ELite
In 1961 Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex which was run by folks who were described a few years earlier (1956) in a book called the Power Elite.
Today, The Military Industrial Everything Complex does not just exist to fight Conventional Wars and Terrorism, but Information Wars, Cyberwars, Drug Wars , Climate Change, Weather, Pathogens, Economic Wars etc. And to maintain funding they resort to False Flags (LIHOP OR MIHOP) like the 1995 OKC Bombing, 9/11, 2008 Global Financial Crisis, 2013 Marathon Bombing, COVID, Lahaina, 10/7 and no doubt many other operations that were assisted or enabled for this purpose.
Military Industrial Everything Complex
No longer is it just the Military, Big Oil Intelligence and Defense Industries as it was in the 1950’s , but Financial Institutions, Pharma, Academia, Media, Think Tanks, Political Parties, Big Tech, Agribusiness, Entertainment, Medical and Health Industries . They have all been drawn in, along with the Government Agencies that regulate them. With interlocking boards and revolving doors they might best be described as The Blob.
Of course the vast majority of those in these industries , organizations and agencies are oblivious, structured as they are in a top down organization with each level on a need to know basis. Not unlike the Manhattan Project their work is compartmentalized and seemingly benevolent, and how their work fits into the overall Operation is cloaked in Secrecy. Only the Blob Leaders see the big picture
There is also a group some used to call the Enterprise
“Who are these people? They are the group that is popularly called the Enterprise. They are in and outside [the] CIA. They are mostly Right Wing Republicans, but you will find a mix of Democrats, mercenaries, ex officio Mafia and opportunists within the group. They are CEOs, they are bankers, they are presidents, they own airlines, they own national television networks.
They own six of the seven video documentary companies of Washington, DC and they do not give a damn about the law or the Constitution or the Congress or the Oversight committees except as something to be subverted and character assassination, and planted stories, the incomplete thought and sentence. They burn and shred files if caught, they commit perjury, and when caught they have guaranteed sinecures with large US corporations. If you let them, they will take over not only [the] CIA but the entire government and the world, cutting off dissent, free speech, a free media, and they will cut a deal with anyone, from [the] Mafia to Saddam Hussein, if it means more power and money.
They stole $600 billion from the S & L’s and then diverted our attention to the Iraqis. They are ripping off America at a rate never before seen in history. They flooded our country with drugs from Central America during the 1980s, cut deals with Haro in Mexico, Noriega in Panama, and the Medillin and Cali cartels, and Castro, and recently the Red Mafia in the KGB. They ruin their detractors and they fear the truth. If they can, they will blackmail you. Sex, drugs, deals, whatever it takes.”
–Former CIA officer and Iran-Contra whistleblower Bruce Hemmings, circa 1990
Bruce Hemmings and “The Enterprise”
And something newer called Signature Reduction Forces , that nobody dares speak of.
Inside the largest undercover force the world has ever known: the one created by the Pentagon, with tens of thousands of soldiers, civilians and contractors operating under false names, on the ground and in cyberspace.
The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction."
The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies
So keep all of this in mind as I continue.
We no longer live in Dorothy’s Kansas. The All Seeing Blob and their sycophants are the Wizard of Oz, a Den of Psychopaths on Steroids behind the curtain
I believe the Virus, which was a low pathogenic virus if properly treated with all the tools Medical Science had at its disposal, was deliberately released as an act of Bioterrorism at little risk to themselves (Blob) or loved ones
There was Means, Opportunity and Motive. Yet nobody, absolutely nobody has explored the idea of the virus being used to terrorize the global population for political reasons so as to effect Social Changes consistent with the Globalists One Health (WHO) Agenda, WEF Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030, which is related to curbing Human Population that is also consistent with Kissinger’s NSSM 200.
One World, One Health
The new concept, “One World, One Health,” is based on the understanding that humans, animals, and the environment are inextricably linked, indicating that the world has suddenly realized the interrelation between ecology, animal diseases, and public health, striving to restore and maintain harmony and synergy.
Some of you might have an issue with there being a Depopulation Agenda but this goes back to Malthus at the end of the 18th Century at the same time they Invented Vaccines.
My Irish ancestors came to America in the midst of the Genocide known as the Potato Famine in the middle of the 19th Century killing 12.5% of the population and forcing many more to emigrate. The Irish, especially Irish Catholic were treated much like the Palestinians since Cromwells days
The British were responsible for many of the Evils that exist today. Malthusianism, Social Darwinism that spawned Eugenics, Slavery (they didn’t invent it), Central Banking, Opium Trade that spawned the Mafia courtesy of Lord Palmerston , Civil War (they assisted the South) , Israel (Balfour Declaration, British Mandate) and the CFR and Tavistock Institute. Lets not forget our Founding Fathers were mostly British and we became partners early in the 20th century thanks to Cecil Rhodes Will.
Sorry, I digress
Anyways, it was Baric himself that suggested the idea of synthetic viruses as a bioterrorists tool
Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material......
If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
As a principle goal of bioterrorism is to inspire fear, highly pathogenic outcomes may not be necessary as large scale panic would likely result after the release of designer pathogens in US cities.
As to how exactly it was done and who knew about the PLAN, and who signed off on it, we cant answer that. Only “The Blob” knows the details
So my general hypothesis is that Operation COVID deliberately released a synthetic virus into the Global Population as an act of Bioterrorism to effect Social Change, Depopulation among the Elderly and to Profit, I mean , why not make some $$$ while you are Repairing the World (Tikkun Olam). I am sticking with that with a slight modification on the importance of DEFUSE.
Ralph Baric
Could be … you know, we almost have 1 billion elderly on the planet above 60, and coronaviruses like to replicate in old people.
Nobody I am aware of seems to be thinking the same way. So I thought I would rethink things, reread Defuse, Drastic, EHA Creid proposal, a bunch of papers, RFK Jrs book, Barics 2006 paper, Sachs FCS Paper, the Congressional Report, and Jim Haslams substack and some of my own stuff and nope, I still can not see how this virus gets engineered at WIV and accidentally released. At least not without a series of hysterically improbable coincidences.
I hate Coincidence Theories. Especially coming 30 months after Fauci prediction of an outbreak before Trump left office, and after they exercised the shit out of a Pandemic (5 exercises/simulations 2017-2019), only to be caught w/o PPE , and then somehow did everything 100% wrong and made things much worse , with almost every country following the same nonsense.
Before I continue, we don’t want to lose sight of the Forest for the Trees. The origins are only one Step 1 of this Crime Against Humanity
Breaking Down the Crimes of Operation COVID
creating and disseminating a relatively low pathogenetic respiratory virus whose spike protein could be used as a bioweapon by using it as the antigen for a vaccine (protein subunit vaccines or DNA/mRNA vaccines that produce spike protein after injection/transfection).
Developing and pushing Treatment Protocols which would help kill those with respiratory infections designated as COVID via PCR Testing. Such protocols would discourage use of repurposed drugs that could provide benefit. They would maximize use of Respirators, forbid use of steroids, or limit dosage of steroids, and incentivize the use of Remdesivir long past the viral replication phase of the disease .
Develop , Authorize/Approve and Produce the Drugs and Vaccines which would be designed to kill patients and reduce life expectancy, and Covering Up the Harms by withholding data , bullying and censorship
Manipulate Case Definitions and Death Certificates to inflate Case and Death Counts to instill terror in the population
Enlist Corporations , Media, Health and Service Sectors to participate in the Terrorism by providing them with financial incentives paid for by the tax payers they were terrorizing
Mandate or Coerce people into taking harmful experimental vaccines and wearing ineffective masks which have the potential to cause physical and social harm. I have yet to see a RCT on the safety of children or the elderly wearing masks for extended durations.
In fact, the Virus regardless of its Origins would not have caused much damage if not for the other Crimes. It was like the Toy Gun my Uncle used to rob one of Whitey Bulgers joints. Nobody got hurt , it was a Toy Gun, and he happily spent some of his winnings at a nearby bar where his lubricated self was arrested and Toy Gun taken for evidence. That earned him a stay at the Local Prison where some of Whiteys boys doing time inside threw him off a 30 ft wall. Justice is served on the peasants, not the Blob
You might ask how the Blob could get away with all this. Surely the citizens would see through the lies needed to support the Operation
I remind you that chiseled deep into the white-stone of the CIA's Langley,Virginia headquarter is a partial verse lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint John..
“…and the truth shall make you free."
The building that it is engraved upon houses the world's most successful Manufacture of lies to facilitate psychological warfare. The"Company"uses truth and technology as their raw materials to produce"pure" lies for control of you
Mind control is sometimes loosely defined as information control. Since what we think is based on what we learn, manipulation of a mind, or a nation of minds, can be accomplished through control of information. With thought control being a result of information control, many simply label it "soft" mind control.
Information Warfare
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
- William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)
Information War on US (aka Cognitive Warfare)
So basically most people are victims of Mind Control, aka Information Warfare, or lets just call it Brainwashed. Thats how the Blob gets away with this crap.
So back to the Origins
I am not going to bother much with the ridiculous natural origin hypothesis that has no evidence of an intermediate animal host in China, except to say this. If it was natural origin, given the outbreak happened in Wuhan it would probably have been from bat shit collected in caves far away and brought back to a lab. WIV has only managed to culture and isolate 3 of them over 10 years, and suddenly they manage to do so with the mother of all coronaviruses and then ooopsie?
Or maybe they didn’t culture it, but some worker touched a “hot” piece of bat shit , licked his hands, and got infected and then spread it. However, this virus is just a cold to most people and its flu season, and it didn’t really spread that quickly in Wuhan, so they probably wouldn’t have noticed it except in hind sight
Prof. Udi Qimron, the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University.
"'If we had not been told that there was an epidemic in the country, you would not have known there was such an epidemic and you would not have done anything about it,
Last but not least Sars-Cov-2 does not even infect Horseshoe Bats so the Natural Origins hypothesis without an intermediate host is just Batshit Crazy no matter how you frame it.
Now lets get to the more plausible hypothesis, lab engineering and its implausible accidental release variant. Many seem to agree on this .
Most of those who buy into the Lab Engineering hypothesis think it was done by WIV using knowledge obtained by Ralph Baric. Almost everyone believes it was accidental. After all, why would the Chinese deliberately release the virus in their own backyard near labs working on coronaviruses. That would be dumb, even if the virus wasn’t very dangerous. So it probably wouldn’t be the Chinese that deliberately released a virus in Wuhan. The Chinese could have released it far from any labs and got the same affect without being blamed.
I have yet to see any convincing evidence WIV could engineer an infectious “consensus sequence” virus like Sars-Cov-2, or that they had the Sars-Cov-2 backbone from a natural origin virus. About the only thing WIV knew about Ralphs work is what he published or spoke of publicly. Ralph is a businessman with a $100 million dollar lab that obtained a $ quarter billion in funding from NIH over the years. He is not releasing any trade secrets except for what he has patented, which means many other labs are capable of doing what WIV was capable of, but not do what Ralph could do.
WIV showed the ability to shuffle spikes from different natural viruses onto the backbones of other natural viruses, and they are certainly able to insert a FCS into a spike although they have never done so in any published work, but engineering a Sars-Cov-2 backbone seems beyond them. So when the Virologists tell you this couldn’t have been engineered in China by WIV, they are not lying. China is 10-20 years behind the US in many areas, like Chips, and Bioengineering coronaviruses is one of those areas
I have thought a lot of the convenient timing of the Defuse leak and the mysterious Major Murphy and Drastic Team , and the Republican China Hawks that jumped on it to target a few designated patsies like WIV, Daszak and Fauci while taking a hands off approach to Ralph Baric , and came to this conclusion
DEFUSE is bait to lure you into a hyperfocused WIV Rabbit Hole
I don’t mean that all those who have fallen into the Rabbit Hole like I did are controlled opposition. No sir. But many leaks are controlled leaks. They serve a purpose. DARPA could easily have Classified DEFUSE and then hammered the leakers, and wiped servers containing the documents like New Zealand did with leaked vaccine records. They didn’t.
For those murmuring that DEFUSE incriminates WIV and absolves the Military (DARPA), bear with me.
Anyways, Defuse called for Ralph (not WIV) to engineer Spike Proteins which would then be inserted into known Sars Like Backbones to test for pathogenicity and assess suitability for use in a self spreading bat vaccine. As a recent document release shows some of what was originally designated for UNC would have been done by WIV, and the final version incorporated some of that.
The engineering was most certainly to be done by Baric while WIV would do the labor intensive grunt work due to their lower costs (low wages, BSL-2, even if the final version said BSL-3).
Nothing WIV did could possibly have resulted in Sars-Cov-2 unless a Sars-Cov-2 backbone already existed. There is no evidence it did. Even if it did exist , Shi Zheng Li would probably not have been able to isolate it and before DEFUSE would probably have ignored it like RaTG13 because it was almost 25% different than SARS Sequence. So it couldn’t even be accidentally released
The more dangerous spikes engineered by Ralph and verified by WIV using their existing backbone to create chimera’s would then be attached to a raccoon pox virus rendering it harmless, but effective for a live attenuated virus bat vaccine
Sars-Cov-2 backbone could possibly be created by Ralph by using a Consensus Sequence of all viruses that were close to 95% similar to Sars-Cov-2 or 20-25% dissimilar to Sars, but DEFUSE was focused on the Spike Protein with which to immunize bats, and likely was beyond the ability of WIV to do so, and there would be no reason to send such a full length consensus virus to WIV.
Mystery of The Consensus Backbone Sequence Used to Construct Sars-Cov-
People underestimate the importance of the backbone. The spike facilitates cell entry but its the rest of the proteins created by the backbone that make the virus transmissible and pathogenic. So its not just a matter of swapping an engineered spike protein with a FCS onto any old backbone.
However, while critical for infection of new hosts, changing the spike protein alone is not sufficient to cause epidemic disease, therefore, changes within the backbone are also necessary to speed emergence. Yet, the same dichotomy seen with the spike glycoproteins is necessary in balancing change within the CoV backbone.
Certain elements, most notably accessory proteins, may be added or modified to enhance infection within new hosts. In contrast, other viral motifs and proteins must be conserved to maintain virus functionality.
For each, CoV fidelity, recombination, and evolutionary pressure hone and refine these genes, providing a framework for emergence in a new species to occur.
…across the CoV family, significant differences in accessory proteins can modulate and change infection aspects, including kinetics, severity, and species.
Some accessory proteins such as ORF3b, ORF6, ORF7a and ORF8 have been shown to be important IFN-I antagonists inducing an impairment in the host immune response.
In addition, ORF3a is involved in apoptosis whereas others like ORF9b and ORF9c interact with cellular organelles leading to suppression of the antiviral response in infected cells.
One of those proteins is from the Orf 8 sequence. In 2018, after sequencing the full virus RaTG13 WIV uploaded only Orf 8 sequence onto GISAID for everyone to see, including Ralph who may have had access to the full sequence before it was uploaded on January 24, 2020. Orf 8 of RaTG13 is almost 95% similar to Sars-Cov-2
With <20% sequence identity to SARS-CoV ORF 8 (over 80% different) , SARS-CoV-2 ORF 8 is remarkably divergent. ORF 8 proteins from both viruses possess a signal sequence for ER import.
Within the lumen of the ER, SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 interacts with a variety of host proteins, including many factors involved in ERAD . Presumably, ORF8 is secreted, rather than retained in the ER, since ORF 8 antibodies are one of the principal markers of SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Several functions have been proposed for SARS-CoV-2 ORF8. ORF8 disrupts IFN-I signaling when exogenously overexpressed in cells. It has been shown that ORF8 of SARS-CoV-2, but not ORF8 or ORF8a/b of SARS-CoV, downregulates MHC-I in cells
In other words, Sars-Cov-2 ORF 8 protein impairs the antigen presentation system, meaning the immune system has more difficulty recognizing a cell is infected
SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to major histocompability complex class Ι (MHC-Ι) down-regulation both in vitro and in vivo. The viral protein encoded by open reading frame 8 (ORF8) of SARS-CoV-2, which shares the least homology with SARS-CoV among all viral proteins, directly interacts with MHC-Ι molecules and mediates their down-regulation. In ORF8-expressing cells, MHC-Ι molecules are selectively targeted for lysosomal degradation via autophagy. Thus, SARS-CoV-2–infected cells are much less sensitive to lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Because ORF8 protein impairs the antigen presentation system
ORF8 shares the least homology with SARS-CoV among all viral proteins
And ORF 8 isn’t the only other important non-spike protein needed to make Sars-Cov-2 transmissible and pathogenic, but I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds here so lets look at the FCS
In 2006 University of Montana researchers, inserted a furin cleavage site into a Sars Spike protein
We show that furin cleavage at the modified R667 position generates discrete S1 and S2 subunits and potentiates membrane fusion activity. This effect on the cell-cell fusion activity by the S glycoprotein is not, however, reflected in the infectivity of pseudotyped lentiviruses bearing the cleaved glycoprotein. The lack of effect of furin cleavage on virion infectivity mirrors that observed in the normally cleaved S glycoprotein of the murine coronavirus and highlights an additional level of complexity in coronavirus entry.
But in Sars-Cov-2 its loss does attenuate it
Together, these results suggest that—despite attenuated disease—the ΔPRRA mutant [removed FCS] replicates efficiently in the oral and nasal cavity of hamsters
So less severe disease but still replicates efficiently. FCS is not the game changer people think it is. Its important, but Sars-Cov-2 has a lot of moving parts not related to spike that were not seen altogether in a single natural Sars Like Virus.
Here is Ralph Baric on the subject
Together, both fidelity and gene acquisition have honed and refined CoV proteins, which can be divided into three broad groups based on selective pressure: spike, con- served, and variable proteins. For a novel CoV to emerge, these three groups must function in harmony, providing sufficient changes to overcome species barriers while maintaining key viral functions.
However, more recent advances identified bat CoV spike proteins that could produce robust infection without manipulation . Building from sequences closely related to the epidemic SARS-CoV strains , chimeric viruses employing the spike sequences from SHC014 and WIV1 clusters produced CoVs capable of replicating in human cells and causing disease in vivo .
[Note: this is talking about a SARS backbone, not a WIV I or SHC014 backbone, WIV/DEFUSE wasn’t doing anything like that with SARS ]
Coupled with the discovery of sequences even more closely related to the epidemic SARS-CoV strains and evidence of robust S1 recombination, the results suggest that extensive mutation of the spike RBD may not be the only correlate for infection of human hosts.
….changing the spike protein alone is not sufficient to cause epidemic disease , therefore, changes within the backbone are also necessary to speed emergence. Yet, the same dichotomy seen with the spike glycoproteins is necessary in balancing change within the CoV backbone. Certain elements, most notably accessory proteins, may be added or modified to enhance infection within new hosts.
In contrast, other viral motifs and proteins must be conserved to maintain virus functionality. For each, CoV fidelity, recombination, and evolutionary pressure hone and refine these genes, providing a framework for emergence in a new species to occur.
In contrast, accessory proteins distinguish CoV infections from each other, with high variability across the family, allowing viruses to adapt to current and novel hosts.The majority of these genes have been characterized in the context of antagonizing host immune responses, most notably type I IFN pathways . However, the functions of these proteins may extend beyond host immunity and may be species-specific.
Notably, protein-coding sequences similar to SARS-CoV ORF6 are not readily detected beyond the group 2B CoV family, suggesting a more recent acquisition . Similarly, SARS ORF8 has undergone significant modification, with a 29-nucleotide deletion found in epidemic strains result- ing in two novel proteins (ORF8a and 8b) ; coupled with reports of human isolates with larger deletions, these results suggest that the epidemic strain may be removing a protein only necessary for survival in bats
[Perhaps SARS ORF 8 needed to be replaced by a Novel ORF 8 necessary for survival in humans, alas, SARS became extinct before this could happen]
…across the CoV family, significant differences in accessory proteins can modulate and change infection aspects, including kinetics, severity, and species.
While the majority of accessory proteins are thought to be acquired from the host, recent work suggests that novel CoV proteins can even be taken from other pathogens
[makes you wonder if Ralph Baric had the ability to engineer Sars-Cov-2 without a better animal model than humanized mice, perhaps even humans ]
Anyways, finding such a virus and then being able to culture it and isolate it and using its backbone to create an infectious clone with an engineered spike w/FCS , remarkably similar in parts to RaTG13 that lacked a FCS, , and then accidentally releasing it would be as improbable as Sars-Cov-2 being natural without leaving any trace of an animal host from which it evolved.
My favorite hypothesis “was” DEFUSE, or a modified version of the DARPA rejected project went ahead and that Ralph created a Consensus Virus (Backbone and Spike) for a bat vaccine and finding it was inadvertently pathogenic to humans , and then his bosses released it on Wuhan somehow
Others who believe the US Origins of Sars-Cov-2 like Jim Haslam believe it was accidentally released during the continuation the DEFUSE Project
But I realize now there are a couple of problems with this one.
First of all, as I mentioned DEFUSE didn’t call for the creation of a full length infectious consensus SARS like virus to be sent to WIV, only the Spike, which would then be used with a raccoon pox virus vector for delivery after being tested on chimeric viruses using relatively benign and known Sars Like Viruses.
The idea of using an infectious, full length albeit attenuated novel Sars like Coronavirus to vaccinate bats , and messing with Bats 65 million year old immune system with immune boosting is crazy because Bats Immunology make them a Virus Haven tolerant to hosting viruses. That is a very good thing because it keeps the viruses happy . They mostly stay where they are (some exceptions), and are not pressured to mutate and jump to other mammals whose immune systems are not so tolerant (some mutations do occur naturally and jumps do occur but they are random and mostly select for suitability in its bat host) . Much of a virus pathogenicity comes from the hosts immune systems response which bats keep muted.
So even with the immune boosting they know they could not induce sterilizing immunity. They would just be introducing another virus into the ecosystem and creating pressure on other viruses (Like Ebola and Nipah) to evolve more rapidly and become more suitable to jump to other species, including humans.
<Maybe that was the point, keep this in mind later>
So to sum this up, DEFUSE was hyperfocused on the spike and the spike was going to be attached to existing Sars Like Virus Backbones for testing to determine what engineered spike would be used for the vaccine that used a raccoon pox virus vector. There was no need for Ralph to be sending any full length Sars Like or Chimeric viruses to WIV under DEFUSE, just the spike sequences or plasmids containing them for WIV to insert into one of their backbones. So under DEFUSE there really was nothing to be accidentally released that could have been Sars-Cov-2.
So here is an alternative hypothesis
Maybe DEFUSE was stopped in its tracks. Thats right, DEFUSE never got past its early stages. Its leak was a Red Herring. A Rabbit Hole meant to cover up what PREEMPT was all about and sending you all sniffing after the WIV and China bad guy scent . An Army of Controlled Opposition Social Media Hero’s engaged in Information Warfare telling you it was WIV’s proposal, and that China could have engineered the virus , and that Fauci and the Intelligence Agencies were only covering their greedy or incompetent asses, while totally ignoring Ralph Baric except as someone who taught WIV how to engineer viruses.
This leads you to believe were no villains on our side, and the Military showed their integrity by rejecting WIV’s Evil Proposal. Break out the National Anthem, Wave that Flag, God Loves America. Lets Kick Chinas Ass. Oorah!
<Slapping face>.
Back to reality, or at least my hypothesis…..
The Accidental- <China Made Virus>- Lab Release vs Natural Origin were the only two possibilities that were considered. Limited Hangout. Nobody in Congress dares mentions Ralph Baric’s name or the Rocky Mountain Lab, or any of the 5 Awardees of the PREMPT Program
My hypothesis is that after DARPA got a look at the DEFUSE proposal and rejected it , while saying parts of it looked fundable, maybe they said, hey Ralph, lets stop fooling around and develop a Live Attenuated Virus (LAV) Vaccine for HUMANS. Lets THINK BIG and work up a Consensus Coronavirus that we can attenuate and protect the troops from the Pandemic that we all know is coming. But this works got to be Classified since we don’t want our Pharma Partner (Moderna) to get nervous that we have doubts about their mRNA tech.
The beauty of using a LAV which is an attenuated full length consensus virus vaccine rather than a “spike only” vaccine is that a virus like Sars-Cov-2 has 29 proteins but with a “spike only” vaccine you are teaching the immune system to look for only 1 protein, which happens to be one of the most rapidly changing parts of the virus. An LAV has or creates many more proteins for the immune system to look out for and protect against, some of which are pretty stable.
So maybe Baric agrees and writes up a secret proposal and it gets funded via the Pentagons Black Budget ($ trillions are unaccounted for)
SARS was the concern, so it was the benchmark. Viruses about 10-25% different overall than SARS (Ralph calls them bookends) were thought to be able to evolve and become a Pandemic Virus, something that SARS , despite its high CFR was not able to do
It was not imagined that SARS was itself almost 25%% away from becoming a Pandemic Virus. So by taking a bunch of viruses 10 - 25% away from SARS , but only about 5% different among each other, and creating a Consensus Virus and then vaccinate with a LAV, he accelerated SARS evolution to Sars-Cov-2, and inadvertently created a Munster (sic) Virus known as Sars-Cov-2.
RaTG13 spike was 24.6% different than SARS and SARS2 was 22% different from SARS.
Of course, this monster was pretty much a pussy cat if treated properly , unless you were very old or sick
Perfect for Bioterrorism
As mentioned earlier, Baric himself suggested the idea of synthetic viruses as a bioterrorists tool
But that’s not Ralphs thing. He was talking to Generals there. You don’t get to be a General unless you demonstrate you are a Psychopath. Ralph is more a Vaccine and Drug guy, more money in them than Bioterrorism, although the latter does create demand for the former. Hmmm.
So Baric comes up with a Consensus Virus, perhaps having access to BANAL sequences that may have been collected in 2017 by the Naval Medical Research Center-Asia (NMRC-A ) but not published until 2021, as well as RaTG-13 provided by Shii ZhengLi in 2020 . She fully sequenced it in 2018 but she only upladed the very important ORF-8 sequence which is quite close to Sars-Cov-2, and may have provided Ralph the full sequence because she could not isolate it and he could create it. There were a few other viruses we know about.
Baric reports his success to DARPA, cautioning that its way too infectious for humans unless he can attenuate it and there is some risk it might revert to virulence although he had invented a trick which he published in 2018 to make such an attenuated virus more stable
UNC had published a “fascinating” and “unique” fragment of RaTG13 (UGGUCGC) in a 2018 “national security” LAV bat vaccine paper,
In 2018, experiments with a novel recombinant SARS coronavirus substituted the typical TRS transcription leader and body sequences with a novel sequence (UGGUCGC) in an attempt to further reduce recombination in animal models as a live vaccine candidate (https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-018-0175-7#Sec7).
This TRS leader sequence, supposedly novel, is found starting at nucleotide 1465 in SARS-CoV-2 and could result, if utilized, in a novel viral RNA transcript that deletes part of the nsp2 protein of the ORF 1ab polyprotein. It is also found at nucleotide 1446 in RaTG13, one of the viruses found in the Yunnan cave in 2013, which has been proposed as a precursor to SARS-CoV-2. It is found in that area in no other coronavirus. This novel TRS sequence is also found in the 3’ ends of viral spike RNA transcripts of SARS-CoV.
Were the TRS sequences responsible for the slow rate of mutations (along with Lockdowns) until Delta with Omicron unleashed as the Kill Switch
Some Generals outside of DARPA get informed and maybe the NSC and a host of intelligence agencies and they work up the plan to deliberately release the virus during the Wuhan Military Games in October. The release would be in the vicinity of downtown Wuhan near WIV and the Hunan Wet Market so either Natural Origin and accident lab release could be blamed.
Obviously they would need to clear it with POTUS, or would they? I am inclined to believe he knew based on his signing off on Lockdowns and Operation Warp Speed, but believe what you want.
Given the Global Coordination of the Response I have to imagine the highest level of The Blob approved this plan, including the Chinese faction. The key selling point for China was the low pathogenicity of the Virus , so they could tailor their response in a way that made them look superior to the West and take credit for the lower death toll. China had a population to control and Bioterrorism works well for them too. Plus they are all in on the WEF and One Health Agenda.
But China probably needed assurances of the viruses low pathogenicity in young and healthy people and evidence that it would mostly affect the elderly
The virus was possibly tested on animal models in North America like Egyptian Fruit Bats and White Tail Deer that Sars-Cov-2 likes to infect. But what about humans?.
Well, there were reports of outbreaks of pneumonia in the summer of 2019 in Virginia nursing homes, perhaps a test after verifying it was low pathogenic among younger and healthier populations
Shortly thereafter the CDC shuttered Fort Detrick over Safety Concerns, while they pulled their last remaining epidemiologist from Beijing
But what about young healthy humans?
Virus pathogenesis is a complex phenotype governed by multiple genes and is heavily influenced by the host genetic background. Virus genes influence virus-receptor interaction, tissue tropism, virus-host interactions within cells, spread throughout the host, virion stability and transmission between hosts. Colonization of hosts is influenced by ecologic factors including herd immunity, cross immunity and host susceptibility alleles. In general, the rules governing virulence shifts are hard to predict because of the lack of research and ethical concerns that have historically limited this type of research.
This makes you wonder if they would really roll out Operation Covid without testing on human hosts. Possibly in prison populations in other countries?.
Maybe even China itself.
I couldn’t help but notice Palestinians in Gaza did not seem all that affected by the Pandemic, especially early on.
Through September 2020 there were only 17 COVID deaths in Gaza and while that increased to 2000 (1/1000) by October 2022 many of those were likely vaccine related (56% of those over the age 16 were vaccinated) and problems with the HC System due to Israels siege limiting fuels and medicine. Of course its a young population and I have no evidence they were a test bed
Ukraine is another possibility with all our biolabs there, although the general population was harder hit by COVID than Gaza before the vaccine roll out. The Hunter Biden connected Metabiota worked in Ukraine for Black & Veatch, an American defense contractor with ties to military intelligence agencies, which built secure labs in Ukraine
So anyways, they went ahead with it, human trial or not. Knowing that what they believe was a low pathogenic virus might not be noticed until it had spread fast and far , they anonymously tip off Chinese Intelligence of an impending Bioterrorist attack in Wuhan that may or may not involve their BSL-2 or BSL-4 laboratories.
You might ask why would Chinas Blob Faction did not tip off its own intelligence agencies. Thats simple, they want plausible deniability. Plus they planned to blame the US for Sars-Cov-2 to unite the people against a common enemy. Thats why they gave the OK for the Wuhan release during the Wuhan Military Games.
The U.S. Armed Forces Sports team marches during opening ceremonies for the 2019 CISM Military World Games in Wuhan, China Oct. 18, 2019
Wuhan security goes on high alert and hospitals and labs undergo increased scrutiny. Sure enough they detect an uptick in pneumonia among the elderly and maybe some lab workers test positive for coronavirus antibodies (not specific for Sars-Cov-2 since it hasn’t been isolated or sequenced)
Kristian G Andersen
….the outbreak was detected almost immediately after the first case, which - given that this is flu season in China - is just amazing. Detecting an outbreak of pneumonia (similar to flu) of a novel coronavirus that fast is truly impressive
When the virus sequence from China is uploaded on January 11,2020 , to Ralph’s great surprise, he sees this was the virus he created for his classified human vaccine . He may have recently learned the Military decided the vaccine would be created with mRNA technology using his sequence rather than a LAV due to safety concerns with the latter (Ralph signed an MTA with Moderna in December, the Military DTRA had DOMANE up and running Dec 11, 2019, and Ralph already did some preliminary work with Remdesivir).
Shi Zhengli, smells a rat, seeing the (96.2%) similarity with the RaTG13 sample that was fully sequenced in 2018 but most of it STILL unpublished in 2020 (collected in 2013), and the insertion of a FCS that RaTG13 did not have, and the 95% similarity with Orf 8 (she uploaded that to GISAID in 2018) , and 98.7% similarity to the partial RdRp sequence uploaded in 2016
She had likely provided Ralph the full sequence in 2018 when the DEFUSE project details were being worked on.
She then gets the OK to upload the full sequence on January 23-24, thinking the world would then surely know that Sars-Cov-2 did not originate from WIV, grossly underestimating the worlds stupidity
The rest is history.
Obviously, this is just a hypothesis. We will never know what happened. I read the full Senate Report and Barics name was never mentioned except in the appendix, and no Congressmen interview him. Not accusing him of anything, but he knows more about Coronaviruses than anyone alive, so its a big tell.
From Barics 2006 paper
It is conceivable that a bioterrorist could order genome portions from various synthesis facilities distributed in different countries throughout the world and then assemble an infectious genome without ever having access to the virus.
To our knowledge, no international regulatory group reviews the body of synthetic DNAs ordered globally to determine if a highly pathogenic recombinant virus genome is being constructed.
Did anyone investigate synthesis facilities and BSL 3 labs working on coronaviruses in the US? Doubtful. All eyes are on China. Like with 9/11, nobody tested for explosives because planes hit it and some government funded scientists had a pancake theory. Case closed (ignoring WTC 7)
Governments wont investigate themselves and nobody else will. End of story. Plus nobody really wants to believe their government is run by psychopaths. Makes it hard to sleep well.
Still, I find it useful to speculate on how it was done because according to Robert Kadlec in a recent interview another one may be coming.
The tools of science to do this kind of synthetic biology, this risky research has not been limited to China. It happens in the United States. It’s happening in a lot of places in the world and we could have another one of these (pandemics) if we don’t accept that,”……
Shortly thereafter we see this
Maybe the next Pandemic they will blame a Bioterrorist Attack using a wild virus discovered by Iran or China and using Hamas to release it after crossing the border in Mexico. That covers a lot of bases as South Africa files a Genocide Case in the World Court and the Financial System is set to implode
Manhattan Project
COVID didn’t happen in a vacuum. Since 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks (anthrax from a US military lab ) hundreds of billions have been spent on building the Biodefense infrastructure to protect us from Bioweapons and Bioterrorism.
This involved finding viruses, researching how they work and how our immune system works, developing new vaccine (mRNA) and sequencing (NGS) technologies and preparing for Pandemics. A massive undertaking because we knew so little about Viruses and our own Immunology.
A Manhattan Project was needed to fast track this and a Biodefense focused Military-Intelligence-HHS-Academic-Pharma Complex was born.
The Military Industrial Academic Complex is not new. It began in World War II and has played a huge role in the Tech, Health and Vaccine Sectors But it grew at Warp Speed following Bayh Dole in the 1980’s which was a huge Financial Windfall for the Scientists and Universities
This paper from 2008 takes note
Within the insular community of the Military-Industrial-Academic (MIA) Complex, chemical and biological weapons testing and use on humans is seen as normal and desirable, and secrecy is employed to pursue these activities. This secrecy creates a new social autism which encompasses a societal misunderstanding of reality, a minimal appreciation of danger, and a suppression of full and open debate regarding the manufacture, use, and testing of biological and chemical weaponry on humans
As you read on keep in mind the Scientific Network behind the first Manhattan Project
The collaboration network behind the Manhattan Project, where each node is colored based on the network community it belongs to.
As I pointed out awhile back in July 2019 the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense hosted a panel calling for "A Manhattan Project for Biodefense": a "public-private [R&D] undertaking to defend the Nation against biological threats, incl. biological warfare, bioterrorism and infectious disease pandemics."
Co-chaired by Joe Lieberman and ex-DHS sec'y Tom Ridge, the Commission includes anthrax attack target Tom Daschle, ex-FDA comm'r Margaret Hamburg, ex-HHS sec'y Donna Shalala, Biotechnology Industry Organization head Jim Greenwood, Rep. Susan Brooks and Mueller's COS Ken Wainstein
Ex Officios are even more interesting: Cheney COS "Germ Boy" Scooter Libby, EcoHealth's William Karesh, ex-Ft Detrick Cdr. Gerald Parker, Terrorism Studies guru Yonah Alexander, bioindustry doctor George Poste, WH scientist Rachel Levinson, Hudson Institute's Tevi Troy
The focus of the "Manhattan Project" panel was flu vaccines. Spooky ASPR Robert Kadlec, formerly of anthrax vaccine manufacturer BioPort, stresses the need for newer, faster vaccine development, particularly using mRNA technology.
Two months later Trump issues an Executive Order making the development of a Universal Flu Vaccine a National Security Priority
Kadlec was right in the center of Operation COVID and Tom Ridge attended the 2017 MARS Pandemic exercise in Munich before resigning.
So could there be a Manhattan Project that was used to create a Novel Coronavirus that could be used for Bioterrorism without hundreds of the scientists who contributed knowing they were doing so? Maybe. Even if they knew, there are ways to discourage them from speaking. Carrots or Sticks. Lots of money in it in the form of grants and profits for those who go along. You can imagine the what the sticks look like
That leads me to the all important PREEMPT Program, which looks to me like a Project to Weaponize Natural Viruses by messing with Bats/Animals immune systems (vaccination) and perhaps turning those animal vaccines into bioweapons for human or animals (eg to target the food supply as another coronavirus did with Pigs)!
Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease (SECD) is an emerging disease in the United States. SECD infection causes acute diarrhea that can lead to dehydration and eventually death in baby pigs, and tremendous financial loss for pig farmers.
It refers to two disease agents:
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV)
Porcine Delta Corona Virus (PDCoV)
Both of these disease agents have been present in other parts of the world for years and were not present in the United States prior to 2013. After entering the United States, the SECD viruses have spread rapidly throughout the country.
2018-Using next-generation genetic sequencing on a sample from the small intestine of a sick piglet, the researchers identified sequences that matched bat CoV HKU2, which was first identified in Chinese horseshoe bats from Guangdong province and Hong Kong in 2007. They found the new virus, which they called swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV), on all four of the farms.
Peter Daszak, PhD, study coauthor and EcoHealth Alliance president, said in a press release, from the group, "This is a really unexpected finding: a brand new virus from the same bats that harbor SARS-like viruses, but this time causing a major outbreak in pig farms."
Lets get back to Humans. There are many folks try to convince us that DEFUSE was a WIV proposal and not a bid submitted by the CIA’s alleged Asset - Peter Daszak in response to DARPA’s PREEMPT Program’s Request
Preempt January 19,2018 announcement
The PREEMPT teams proposed to model specific diseases to assess the risk of spillover from animals into humans, identify key bottlenecks in the process as opportunities for intervention, and develop and assess novel, animal- or insect-focused interventions with built-in safety switches to prevent cross-species jump. The teams will collect samples from animal reservoirs in the field for analysis in secure, bio-contained facilities; some teams will also conduct analysis on existing banked samples and datasets. DARPA is not funding the release of PREEMPT interventions into the environment.
They also don’t mention that although the DEFUSE was rejected, 5 other awards were made
Defuse (loser)
Peter Daszak-EHA
Ralph Baric- UNC
Linfa Wang- DUKE -NUS
Shi Zheng Li - WIV
Dr Rocke- USGS-National Wildlife Health Center Madison, Wisconsin,
Dr Unidad-Palo Alto Research Center
The WINNERS were:
Autonomous Therapeutics, Inc., under principal investigator Dr. Ariel Weinberger, leads a team made up of CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory; Navy Medical Research Unit-2, funded directly by DARPA; University of California, Los Angeles; University of Chicago Medical School; and University of Texas Medical Branch. The team will study air-borne highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in birds and small mammals, and tick-borne Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.
The Center for Comparative Medicine and the One Health Institute at the University of California, Davis, under principal investigator Dr. Peter Barry and co-PI Dr. Brian Bird, respectively, lead a team made up of the Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology; Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Rocky Mountain Laboratories of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to be funded directly by DARPA; The Vaccine Group, Ltd., a spin-out of University of Plymouth; University of Glasgow; University of Idaho; and University of Western Australia. The team will examine Lassa virus spillover from rodents, and study Ebola virus in rhesus macaques.
The Institut Pasteur, under principal investigator Dr. Carla Saleh, leads a team made up of Institut Pasteur International Network partners in Cambodia, Central African Republic, France, French Guiana, Madagascar, and Uruguay; Latham BioPharm Group; and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The team will study several mosquito-borne arboviruses, which refers broadly to animal or human viruses transmitted by insects, as well as mosquito-specific viruses that could interfere with arbovirus infection in the insect vector.
Montana State University, under principal investigator Dr. Raina Plowright, leads a team made up of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Colorado State University; Cornell University; Griffith University; Johns Hopkins University; NIH's Rocky Mountain Laboratories, funded directly by DARPA; Pennsylvania State University; Texas Tech University; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Los Angeles; and University of Cambridge. The team will study henipavirus spillover from bats. The henipavirus genus of viruses contains multiple biothreat agents as categorized by NIH and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The Pirbright Institute, under principal investigator Dr. Luke Alphey, leads a team made up of the University of Nottingham and the University of Tartu. The team seeks to disrupt mosquito transmission of flaviviruses, which include Dengue fever, West Nile, and Zika viruses.
Only one of those awards were for a bat borne virus, and that was Nipah which is found in Fruit Bats that coincidentally are one of 5 North American mammals infected by Sars-Cov-2 and used in the labs at RML
Nipah virus is a bat-borne, zoonotic virus that causes Nipah virus infection in humans and other animals, a disease with a very high mortality rate (40-75%). Numerous disease outbreaks caused by Nipah virus have occurred in South East Africa and Southeast Asia. Nipah virus belongs to the genus Henipavirus along with the Hendra virus, which has also caused disease outbreaks
Thats from Wikipedia
Jim Haslam exposed the Singapore Nipah Conference . So serious was the threat that Linfa Wang hosted a conference on Nipah in Singapore in December 2019 which was attended by many , including Shi Zheng Li, Peter Daszak and Vincent Munster. Apparently Shi wasn’t much worried about the COVID circulating in Wuhan at that time
The 2019 Singapore bat conference was focused on Nipah, a BSL4 lethal virus from Asian bats, that infected Asian pig farms.
Fauci’s NIAID has now spent nearly $500M on Nipah. NIAID even co-sponsored the 2019 Nipah conference in Singapore.
Bats serve as the new mammalian frontier of virology, so bat immunologists ‘suit up’ in BSL4 space suits, to study their tank-like immune system.
Fruit bats have an almost supernatural ability to harbor some of the planet’s most deadly viruses without getting sick themselves. Inject an Egyptian fruit bat (the preferred bat colony of US biolabs) with the Marburg virus — a hemorrhagic relative of the infamous Ebola virus — and nothing happens. Do the same thing to a human, and within a week, the patient could be bleeding to death.
These bats’ extraordinary super-immunity has long fascinated virologists, and new research has shed light on how these flying frugivores achieve their supreme skill.
Biodefense salesman of the decade Peter Daszak from New York City’s EcoHealth was also in Singapore. Daszak was fresh off the business class plane ride from a German conference. He attended with fellow bat loving colleague Vincent Munster. They discussed “global health challenges at the nexus of human, animal, and ecosystem health.” ‘One Health’ is the buzzword thrown around at all these conferences.
Linfa, Dani, and Shi presented their papers with fellow Dutch team member Emmie de Wit. She claimed Nipah is scarier than Ebola, but both diseases are so lethal they kill the host before it can spread, unlike SARS2. NIAID only listed avian influenzas and bat coronaviruses, both from Asia, as having pandemic potential.
Emmie’s Dutch husband and co-author Vincent Munster was also present in Singapore but he almost never presents. Most of his work is unpublished, cutting-edge, vaccine research. He is a DARPA researcher. He is Fauci’s aerosol specialist. He has a BSL4 with primates, bats, mink, Chinese camels, and 250,000 deer in his Montana biolab backyard. He does not even need a pubic record R01 grant for research, unlike everyone else in NIAID’s biodefense network.
After 9/11 Fauci outlined a “research agenda” for the billions of biodefense tax dollars that would flow from Congress to NIAID, which started a building spree of biolabs.
The $66.5M Rocky Mountain Lab (RML) was the mothership built in rural Hamilton, Montana, where both Emmie and Vincent work in relative obscurity. They moved into NIAID’s growing biodefense network in 2009 and are “supported by the ($800M) Intramural Research Program of NIAID.”
After the German and Singapore conferences, Munster the bat man flew back home to Montana. He was working as the technical lead on a “novel animal vaccine” for a $10MUS Military project. Just two years earlier, Munster’s team beat Daszak’s team for the coveted DARPA PREEMPT project.
Per a USTRK Freedom of Information request, RML has developed a “scalable vectored vaccine” to spread through bat populations “to prevent emergence and spillover” of potential pandemic viruses from bats to human populations.
Listed in Fauci’s CREID Network are Dani and Linfa’s Duke, Baric’s UNC’s and Daszak’s EcoHealth.
The “tight Emerging Infectious Disease” team in Wuhan was listed alongside the transmissible vaccine group of Munster’s RML and UC Davis.
Fauci probably deleted the WIV from CREID and added Scripps Institute and Tulane after their virologists told him SARS2 “looks engineered” on Jan 31 2020.
Duke-NUS of Singapore is listed as a CREID subcontractor in the State Department FOIA.
PREEMPT seems to be an idea hatched by Bat One Health Research Network (BOHRN).
The global bat alliance evolved into a group called Bat One Health Research Network ( BOHRN). By 2018, key BOHRN scientists were working with DARPA on a project called PREEMPT.
CSU records on PREEMPT show that Rocky Mountain Laboratories, CSU and Montana State University are developing “scalable vectored” vaccines to spread through bat populations “to prevent emergence and spillover” of potential pandemic viruses from bats to human populations. Their goal is to develop “self-disseminating vaccines” — which spread contagiously between bats — in hopes of eliminating pathogens in their animal reservoirs before spillover into humans.
This research raises concerns about unintended consequences of releasing genetically engineered self-spreading entities into the open, and the ecological risks of their unknown evolution, virulence and spread.
Perhaps the most enlightening document is this 2018 Statement of Work by the Montana State University
1.CIES: Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies;
2.CSU: Colorado State University; 3. Cornell: Cornell University;
4.GU: Griffith University;
5.JH: Johns Hopkins University; 6.MSU: Montana State University; 7.PSU: Penn State University;
8.RML: Rocky Mountain Laboratories;
9.TTU: Texas Tech University;
10.UCB: University of California, Berkeley;
11.UCLA: University of California, Los Angeles;
12.Cambridge: University of Cambridge.
<Just call them the dirty dozen >
Note that Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML) is funded separately by DARPA via IAA/MIPR to NIAID.
<RML Funding-
MIPR= military interdepartmental purchase request
IAA-Interagency Agreement>
Looks like they wanted RML funding off DARPAS books.
An awful lot of players (nodes) in this project scattered all over.
In vitro and in vivo work (RML):
• Use cell culture experiments to analyze growth kinetics of henipaviruses (12mths)
• Develop hamster model for infection experiments (24mths)
• Conduct infection experiments in hamster model to measure infection, shedding, & QS
in model hosts (24mths)
• Compare pathogenicity and transmission characteristics in hamster studies with historic
studies done by RML (30mths)
• Obtain lung samples at peak virus replication and deep sequence these samples to study
QS and selective pressures in a dead-end host (30mths)
• Develop bat models for henipavirus strains with highly pathogenic characteristics in the
dead-end host model (36mths)
• Conduct infection experiments and measure infection and shedding in bats (36mths)
• Upon sufficient shedding, conduct contact transmission experiments (36mths)
Analyze inoculated vs. transmitted virus populations by deep sequencing and identify potential transmissible QS (36mths)
• Analyze QS by established long-read PCR NSG methods (ongoing 42mths)
All this work being done in Montana, just a different virus than DEFUSE
This one is especially interesting
Task 22.02, Proof-of-concept demonstration of ChAd/VSV vaccination feasibility and scalability of ChAd/VSV vaccination in bats. RML will develop and test a scalable vectored vaccine for target henipaviruses in bats. RML, with help from Cambridge, will assess the feasibility and scalability of the vaccine in bats.
Vaccine development (RML):
• Design novel vaccines based on TA1
• Test by comparing measures of protection with historic hamster models (12mths)
• Test the effectiveness of the vaccines against novel henipaviruses (24mths)
• Demonstrate reduced probability of virus transmission among bats and among bats and
recipient host species in vivo (42mths)
• Quantify scalability of ChAd/VSV vaccination in captive bats in Ghana (42mths)
Novel henipaviruses. Where on earth would you find a novel virus to test on bats. I suppose you can get lucky and find one but otherwise I guess some laboratory must create it.
Speaking of possible members of this Manhattan Project we should not forget about the NIAID’s Creid Network which was created in March of 2019 although not formally announced and funded in 2020
An award to RTI International in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, in collaboration with Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, will fund a CREID Coordinating Center
In Central and South America, for example, studies will include investigations of several arthropod-borne viruses (“arboviruses”) including the ones that cause Zika virus disease, chikungunya and dengue.
In East and Central Africa, focus pathogens will include Rift Valley fever virus and the coronavirus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome.
In West Africa, in addition to arboviruses, projects are slated on Ebola virus and Lassa virus.
In Asia and Southeast Asia, investigators will conduct research on coronaviruses and arboviruses.
In every region, investigators will be poised to study any newly emerging pathogen, dubbed “pathogen X.”
1.-Donald Brambilla, Ph.D., RTI International, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
2-Tony Moody, M.D., Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina
3-Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California
West African Emerging Infectious Disease Research Center (WAEIDRC)
4-Peter Daszak, Ph.D., EcoHealth Alliance, Inc., New York City
Emerging Infectious Diseases-South East Asia Research Collaboration Hub
Basically NEIDL which is located in Boston replaced WIV, so instead of sending bat samples to WIV for testing they go to Boston. Boston if you remember was likely a super spreading location at the Biogen conference held only miles away from NEIDL
5-Eva Harris, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
American and Asian Centers for Arboviral Research and Enhanced Surveillance (A2CARES)
6-Christine K. Johnson, VMD, Ph.D., University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine-EpiCenter for Emerging Infectious Disease Intelligence (EEIDI
7-M. Kariuki Njenga, DVM. Ph.D.,Washington State University, Pullman Center for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases-East and Central Africa (CREID-ECA)
8-Anavaj Sakuntabhai, M.D., Ph.D., Institut Pasteur, Paris
Pasteur International Center for Research on Emerging Infectious Diseases (PICREID)
9-Nikos Vasilakis, Ph.D., University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
Coordinating Research on Emerging Arboviral Threats Encompassing the Neotropics (CREATE-NEO
10- Wesley C. Van Voorhis, M.D., Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle
United World Antiviral Research Network (UWARN)
11-David Wang, Ph.D., Washington University School of Medicine, -St. LouisCenter for Research in Emerging Infectious Disease-Epidemiology, Surveillance, Pathogenesis (CREID-ESP)
12-Scott C. Weaver, Ph.D., University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
West African Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases
CREID helps offset the loss of the PREDICT program (2019) which was funded by CIA Cut Out USAID to hunt viruses, which was the all important foundation of the Manhattan Project for Pathogenic Viruses
The wild virus project starting in 2009 known as the USAID PREDICT who along with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), funded Eco Health Alliance
DARPA director, Michael Callahan launched the PREDICT project in 2009 following Jeremy Farrar’s fake bird flu pandemic. PREDICT appeared to be a reincarnation of the CIA’s Argus project under the cover of USAID.
USAID PREDICT, was an early warning system for new and emerging diseases in 21 countries including hot spots like China and Thailand in a 9-year effort to catalog hundreds of thousands of biological samples, “including over 10,000 bats“.
Dennis Carroll, a former USAID director of emerging threats division who had led the U.S.’ response to Avian influenza (H5N1) in 2005, would go on to lead PREDICT
In 2009 Dr. Supaporn “Chu” Wacharapluesadee, from the King Chulalongkorn Memorial was tapped by USAID to lead the PREDICT program in Thailand. Callahan and DARPA had identified Wacharapluesadee as an asset in 2004 when she discovered the Nipah virus in bats, which can affect humans and pigs
She had been conducting research on viruses in bats for years. She is Thailands Bat Lady second only to Shi Zhengli who is the Queen Bat Lady
She has now replaced the Wuhan Bat Lady as Daszaks partner in the CREID Network
Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital in houses the King Chulalongkorn Medical University where Darpas man Callahan is a visiting professor.
DARPA and the Thai doctor worked together on several studies. One of these, funded by the USAID PREDICT project, titled “Diversity of coronavirus in bats from Eastern Thailand” was published in 2015 and carried out between 2008 and 2013, as well as a 2013 study on encephalitis funded by DARPA and the Thai government. Michael V. Callahan and Peter Daszak appeared as coauthors in the 2015 paper
Also replacing PREDICT was the 2016 Global Virome Project (GVP aka Rockefeller Bellagio Initiative)
GVP Stakeholders are from Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, spanning industry, academia, intergovernmental agencies, non- governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector.
They began meeting in 2016 to design a framework for the governance, management, technical operation, and scope of the GVP.
Peter Daszak, a regular advisor to WHO on pathogen prioritization for R&D, Carroll and Joana Mazet – former global director for USAID’s PREDICT – all joined together in 2016 to form the Global Virome Project;
This was a “10-year collaborative scientific initiative to discover unknown zoonotic viral threats and stop future pandemics”. Mazet was also co-director of UC Davis’ One Health program, which recruited Dr. Wacharapluesadee and her team in Thailand to conduct a multi-year research project on bats.
They are joined by Edward Rubin of Metabiota Inc, a recipient of PROPHECY funds at DARPA and, notably, an $18.4 million DTRA contract award for scientific research and consulting work in Ukraine and the Lugar Center in the Republic of Georgia.
The following paper on the GVP is coauthored by Peter Daszak and Chinas CDC Director George Gao (who also attended Event 201 and sits on the board of WHO’s Global Pandemic Preparedness Monitoring Board with Tony Fauci)
GVP’s field work actually began in China and Thailand. An interesting note is that not only did Sars-Cov-2 outbreak start in Wuhan, but the first case detected outside China was actually in Thailand
GVP attendees in Bellagio in 2016
W. Ian Lipkin-NIH
Jonna Mazet-former Global Director of USAID PREDICT
Ariel Pablos-Mendez USAID
Edward Rubin -Metabiota
Steven Solomon -WHO
Dennis Carrol-USAID
Cara Chrisman -USAID
Peter Daszak -Eco Health Alliance
Keiji Fukuda-WHO
George Gao-CDC China
Michael Kurilla -NIAID, Office of Biodefense Research Resources
Anyways, moving on -
GVP partnered with the Trinity Challenge .
Founding members of Trinity Challenge
Other members of note
Clinton Health Access Initiative
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health
Swiss Re
Tsinghua University
The Vaccine Confidence Project
Its looks to me like the Global Virome Project and Trinity Challenge is a working arm of the WEF , US Govt agencies and BMG foundation (GAVI/WHO). All members of The Blob
Sars-CoV-2 Origins is Way Bigger Than Fauci
So PREDICT was run by CIA Cutout USAID and its projects funded by USAID , DARPA and DTRA , basically the Military-Intelligence faction of The Blob. PREEMPT was funded by DARPA (Military) with NIAID funding the RML. CREID is a NIAID project that was set up by Fauci . Fauci was also in charge of Biodefense thanks to Dick Cheney who thought Fauci would provide cover for the Military , and NIAID also funded some of PREDICTS projects like Daszak’s EHA, while GVP is a Public Private Partnership. Altogether they make up what looks to me like a Manhattan Project for Pathogenic Viruses, allegedly trying to prevent Pandemics but perhaps with a more sinister agenda known only to a few at the top.
Anyways, I will leave it here with the thought that there may be a Global Manhattan Project Centered in US but with a Global Network, focused on Pathogenic Viruses to be used for Bioterrorism with WHO’s One Health Program and the Pandemic Treaty being engineered to be the Global Health Security Enforcer
These future Bioterrorism events will be blamed on Mans Behavior and our negative influence on the Natural Environment. As the Club of Rome stated in 1991 a year before the Rio Conference
The First Global Revolution
“Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, “new enemies must be identified.” “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself”
Mike Pompeo said, COVID was a Live Exercise.
If so, it was very successful and as Robert Kadlec recently hinted, there will be more to come. This will result in a Global Green Fascist State. In this state the greatest threat to One Health are humans. In the interest of Health Security we will be required to take frequent vaccine injections, wear masks, eat bugs, be constantly monitored and tracked, with limits placed on how much carbon we use, and how many children you may have (if any).
This is the goal The Blob is seeking to achieve. The Blob is winning. Many don’t believe in The Blob. Better start believing.
Wonder writeup. The Blob is perfect metaphor for this incestuous biodefense world.
Major Murphy called the DARPA bat vax program a Manhattan project. I now see Baric Linfa and co as veterinarians with zoology degrees and bats as the new lab monkey.
Thrilled you figured out the DARPA Preempt RML riddle:
MIPR=military interdepartmental purchase request
IAA=Interagency Agreement
Looks like they wanted RML funding off DARPA books
"You might ask how the Blob could get away with all this. Surely the citizens would see through the lies needed to support the Operation"
Well, I'd refer one back to the quote we've all seen so many times, and for good reason:
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."