There have essentially been 3 Sars-Cov-2 origins theories
a. direct from bats
b. Intermediate host
II-Accidental Lab Release
a. Culturing virus from bat samples, something WIV has only been able to do a couple of timed
b. Then Manipulating the bat virus backbone to make it more infectious such as by passaging and inserting a FCS
c. Against all odds, after managing a and b, then accidentally releasing it by infecting a lab worker who spreads it to the community
III- Engineering the Virus for Nefarious Purposes
a. Requires an existing natural backbone close to 99% similar to Sars-Cov-2
b. Requires several similar viruses 95+% similar to Sars-Cov-2 from which to create a synthetic consensus backbone sequence
Without going into too much detail, I and II seems quite improbable. Unlike with SARS, quite a lot of sequencing had been done from Bats and Intermediate Hosts before and after the outbreak. Nothing even close has been found.
By close I mean 99% similar. Chimps and Humans have 99% similarity in their protein producing genes but are very different.
III has been ruled improbable because prior to the outbreak not a single sequence more than 95% similar to Sars-Cov-2 was publicly known, so no backbone or consensus backbone sequence could be used in which to construct Sars-Cov-2
The most puzzling thing to me is the flurry of sequences about 96% similar to Sars-Cov-2 that were only published after its deployment. That seems to me a little too coincidental.
My hypothesis is that these sequences were known to the engineers of Sars-Cov-2 and used to create a consensus backbone sequence for what would be engineered into Sars-Cov-2. They were withheld for obvious reasons and then released in order to support the case for natural origin.
Paradoxically RaTG13 with its glaring omission of FCS despite remarkable similarity to SARS-Cov-2 in the adjacent sequences, provided ammunition for the lab origin crowd
Ralph Barics team in 2008 did something similar with Sars like viruses when he constructed a consensus backbone sequence from SARS like viruses and inserted the SARS spike onto the backbone and found it could then infect human cells
To test a possible route of emergence from the noncultivable Bat-SCoV to human SARS-CoV, we designed a consensus Bat-SCoV genome and replaced the Bat-SCoV Spike receptor-binding domain (RBD) with the SARS-CoV RBD (Bat-SRBD). Bat-SRBD was infectious in cell culture and in mice and was efficiently neutralized by antibodies specific for both bat and human CoV Spike proteins.
When this study was initiated, 4 Bat-SCoVs had been identified (HKU3–1, HKU3–2, HKU3–3, and RP3) as the virus reservoir populations from which SARS-CoV emerged . Because none had been recovered in culture, the infectivity of the reported viral genomic RNA sequences was hypothetical, having been derived from RT-PCR sequencing of bat fecal or rectal swab samples. Sequence databases have error frequencies from 1/500 to 1/10,000, making viable genome reconstruction problematic with increasing size (23).
Therefore, we used the 4 reported Bat-SCoV sequences to establish a putative consensus Bat-SCoV sequence (GenBank accession no. FJ211859) and designed cDNA fragments with junctions precisely aligned to the existing SARS-CoV reverse genetics system
The ectodomain of Spike can be exchanged among CoVs, altering host-range specificity .
To test whether the RBDs of Bat-SCoV and SARS-CoV were interchangeable, we replaced the Bat-SCoV RBD (amino acid 323–505) with the SARS-CoV RBD (amino acid 319–518), simulating a theoretical recombination event that might occur during mixed infection in vivo
Recovery and passage of Bat-SRBD demonstrated the functional interchangeability of human and animal SARS-CoV-like RBDs.
Bat-SCoV expressing the SARS-CoV RBD is capable of entering cells by using ACE2 from humans, nonhuman primates, or civets as receptor, and replicating efficiently.
In fact the DEFUSE project which we have good reason to believe was underway in 2018 when its bid was rejected also called for the development of a consensus sequence.
…..[Sars-Cov-2 ] was: a hybrid Live Attenuated bat Vaccine (LAV). This explained why SARS2 was so contagious but not as lethal. An animal vaccine (e.g. SARS2) would be designed to look natural to the local (Chinese bat) species using a ‘consensus’ sequence, which Dani and Linfa both referenced from UNC in 2019.
This article explains it clearly
The Darpa proposals, leaked to the pandemic origins analysis group Drastic, show the team had planned to take sequences from naturally occurring coronaviruses and use them to create a brand new sequence that was an average of all the strains.
The grant application, submitted in 2018, states: "We will compile sequence/RNAseq data from a panel of closely related strains and compare full length genomes, scanning for unique SNPs representing sequencing errors.
"Consensus candidate genomes will be synthesised commercially using established techniques and genome-length RNA and electroporation to recover recombinant viruses."
Explaining the proposal, a WHO collaborator, who has asked not to be named for fear of reprisals, said:
"This means that they would take various sequences from similar coronaviruses and create a new sequence that is essentially the average of them. It would be a new virus sequence, not a 100 per cent match to anything.
They would then synthesise the viral genome from the computer sequence, thus creating a virus genome that did not exist in nature but looks natural as it is the average of natural viruses.
"Then they put that RNA in a cell and recover the virus from it. This creates a virus that has never existed in nature, with a new 'backbone' that didn't exist in nature but is very, very similar as it's the average of natural backbones."
The source said it was noteworthy that the cut-off for generating such an average sequence was viruses that only had five per cent genetic divergence from each other.
Last year, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology said they had found a strain named RaTG13 in bat droppings in a cave in Yunnan province in 2013 which was a 96.1 per cent match to Sars-CoV-2. It means RaTG13 could have been included in a set of viral genomes to help create an average sequence.
Although the grant proposal was rejected in 2018, the Wuhan database of viral strains was taken offline prior to the Covid outbreak some 18 months later, meaning it is impossible to check which viruses the team was working on or had created. Wuhan scientists have consistently denied creating Sars-CoV-2 in a lab.
The WHO source added: "If Sars-CoV-2 comes from an artificial consensus sequence composed of genomes with more than 95 per cent similarity to each other… I would predict that we will never find a really good match in nature and just a bunch of close matches across parts of the sequence, which so far is what we are seeing.
Experts said if the ultimate aim of the proposal was to create a pan-coronavirus vaccine, constructing an "ideal" average virus would have been a good starting point
So they create a pan coronavirus from consensus sequences. But there weren’t any published sequences close enough to Sars-Cov-2 to do so, so engineering using consensus could not be entertained. My hypothesis is the engineers had knowledge of these sequences before they were published.
They then inserted a FCS. The FCS is inserted because bats also have furin and Ace-2 , yet for reasons unknown viruses don’t always replicate very fast due to the bats unique immune system. They would of course then send these candidate viruses to Wuhan for testing on humanized mice and bats for selection and continuation of the project
WIV would have reported back that one of these candidates wiped out humanized mice and did not infect bats very well , making it useless for a live bat vaccine but perfect for a self spreading human vaccine .
What happened next is anyones guess (use your imagination). Young lab workers could easily be asymptomatically infected and released the virus in the community. Remember, RFK Jr provided the link to a paper showing the original Wuhan virus seemed to not affect certain groups as much (one of which is Chinese). This is certainly not true of Omicron which is actually Sars-Cov-3 and may have been engineered separately to correct this. Taiwan is still being walloped by Omicron as is Japan and possibly China (hard to know).
Alternatively it may have been deployed in some fashion, perhaps as part of the Wuhan Military Games in October. After all, the virus was likely Made in USA. That could easily have been investigated in 2020 before the vaccine roll out, but there is no evidence it was so we cant know for sure.
Of course, the PLA could have infected the foreign troops in the games to spread it around the world, but if that was the case the West could have investigated those troops they sent to Wuhan and presented the evidence
I mean, logically speaking, if you heard there is an outbreak of a novel virus in Wuhan in December and you had sent troops to Wuhan in October, wouldn’t you round them up and test them? Of course you would, unless you already knew the results
Getting back to viruses that could have been used for the consensus sequence. First we had RaTG13. It was collected in 2013, partially sequenced in 2016, and fully sequenced and named in 2018. It was not particularly close to SARS so supposedly not considered all that interesting until Sars-Cov-2 was sequenced and it was found to be 96.1% similar. Thats the story we are told.
Then we find 3 more viruses collected in China in 2019 -2020 by non-WIV scientists
Although RaTG13, sampled from a Rhinolophus affinis bat in Yunnan (Zhou et al., 2020b), has the highest average genetic similarity to SARS-CoV-2, a history of recombination means that three other bat viruses—RmYN02, RpYN06, and PrC31—are closer in most of the virus genome (particularly ORF1ab) and thus share a more recent common ancestor with SARS-CoV-2 (Li et al., 2021; Lytras et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2021). None of these three closer viruses were collected by the WIV and all were sequenced after the pandemic had begun (Li et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2020a, 2021).
RmYN02 was collected between May and July, 2019, in Yunnan by Professor Alice C. Hughes from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, and sequenced by Weifeng Shi from Shandong Medical University, based on an analysis of 302 feces samples collected from 227 bats that were collected from Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China,
Published June 8, 2020. Co-author was the infamous Eddie Holmes from Down Under, a close pal of Jeremy Farrar who led the Proximal Origins Group
Then we had the BANAL samples with Eddie “Sherlock” Holmes and Linfa “Batman” Wang , both from Down Under declaring case closed for Natural Origins. These were allegedly collected from a bat cave in Laos during the height of the Pandemic in September 2020
…the discovery of three coronaviruses in bats living in limestone caves in Laos adds substantial weight to existing evidence that the virus was not engineered, Holmes says. The three viruses, reported in a preprint on Research Square on 17 September, are the closest relatives to SARS-CoV-2 found to date, and they are the first discovered that are nearly identical in that key region. “The core, functional part of SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin,” says Linfa Wang, a bat coronavirus researcher at the Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore. “It’s proven.”
In evolutionary time, several decades separate these bat viruses—dubbed BANAL, because researchers found them in bat anal swabs—from SARS-CoV-2, so the new viruses could not have sparked the pandemic. But the study further expands the family tree of SARS-CoV-2 and raises new questions about how it may have arisen. And the BANAL viruses could well pose a threat to humans themselves, Wang cautions. “This virus could be SARS-CoV-3,” he says.
For the study, a team of researchers from the National University of Laos working with colleagues from the Pasteur Institute, which has a branch in Laos, sampled 645 bats from four different sites. In the karstic terrain of the Feuang district, they found bats from three different species of the Rhinolophus genus that were infected with viruses up to 96.8% identical in genetic sequence to SARS-CoV-2
If the sequences of those Sars-Cov-2 like viruses were known earlier than the alleged collection/sequencing dates, such a consensus sequence may have been used to construct the Sars-Cov-2 backbone much like Ralph did 15 years ago to construct a synthetic backbone from SARS like viruses
So anyways, what follows is me digging up information collected by others (esp Jim Haslam and DRASTIC folks) in the hopes of trying to make some sort of sense of it all
SARS2 sequence was published on January 10th . The same day Linfa Wang resigned as Director of Duke’s Emerging Infectious Disease program in Singapore according to Jim Haslam . His resignation was not effective until August 31, 2020,
Thats pretty interesting. Maybe we will learn what he has been up to with his free time (💉💉💉)
Unless otherwise noted quotes are from Jims Substack linked above
On January 18th, 2020, Linfa had just returned home to Singapore from his second trip, in just two months, to Wuhan. He was managing not just one, but two Fauci funded projects at the WIV. One was ‘on the record’ with Dr Shi Zhengli in her BSL2 lab (R01) and another was the new $82M NIAID project (U01) with Dani in the remote BSL4.
Linfa was a member of Faucis CREID project which provided funding for U01. He was also part of the DEFUSE project.
It is possible this promised CREID money was used to fund the DEFUSE project covertly after DARPAS rejection in favor of another bid for PREEMPT. Its also possible private funding from entities like Jeremy Farrars Wellcome Trust , who has employed former DARPA Director Regina Dugan, or some combination was used. We also know both the DoD and CIA have black budgets that could be used
Fauci told the NYT that his CREID project was in the “works years before USAID Predict was eliminated (in 2019) and it was created in response to the 2014 West African Ebola outbreak and the 2016 Zika epidemic.” He said “yes, it’s like Predict, but it wasn’t the cancellation of Predict that inspired it.”
It was awarded to the same group of universities and labs previously collaborating with Wuhan; UC Davis, Duke, UNC, EcoHealth and UTMB Galveston.
NIAID’s CREID project mentions “experimental infections” of live bats.
But it gets more interesting
…. Linfa Wang partners with groups like U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit, local SE Asia hospitals, government laboratories and biotech firms to develop new and effective methods for the treatment, prevention and control of novel and emerging pathogens.
Duke-NUS was basically a US biodefense lab in Singapore studying Old World bat diseases. It was funded by a “huge contribution” from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina (only 10 miles from Baric’s UNC lab).
Here we go
The U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2 (NAMRU-2) concluded its Biannual Science Summit with a retreat hosted by the Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) at the Duke-National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School.
The retreat held in late May, 2018 was led by EID's Professor Linfa Wang. EID partners with groups like NAMRU-2, local hospitals, government laboratories and biotech firms to develop new and effective methods for the treatment, prevention and control of novel and emerging pathogens.
It began with introductions from Wang, NAMRU-2's commanding officer Capt. Patrick Blair and NAMRU-2 science director Cmdr. Frederick Stell. They provided an overview of the 2018-2019 Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch Global Emerging Infections Surveillance (AFHSB-GEIS) request for proposals……
Pasteur Institute was funded in 2017 by the U.S. Naval Medical Research Center to test bat samples for viruses. Yet, Not a single mention of coronaviruses in their report linked below
NMRC-A Singapore (SG) has established a study to assess the distribution and infection potential of bat ectoparasites and bat-borne pathogens.
The samples were transported to the Institut Pasteur du Laos (IPL) laboratory in Vientiane, where a wide range of diagnostic tests were performed to identify both the vector and the pathogens with which they may be infected.
Funded by the U.S. Naval Medical Research Center-Asia (NMRC-A) in support of the Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (DoD-GEIS)
Note: NAMRU-2 is officially registered as a subordinate command of Naval Medical Research Center
Also, NMRC-A Singapore (SG) is literally a neighbor of Linfa’s Duke-NUS. One wonders if they used Linfa’s lab for any of this work.
In this paper (link below) bat samples from Laos (collected in 2013) Coronaviruses were found. Authors included those from the Pasteur Institute (and Metabiota).
This study was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT project (cooperative agreement number GHN-A-OO-09-00010-00).
USAID in case you didn’t know is a CIA cut out
So I mean, you get samples from a region you know coronaviruses are found , and yet you test for every virus except coronaviruses, or you just didn’t find a single coronavirus in 2017, or maybe you classified the results, or maybe there is a separate report on this that I cant find.
The Pasteur Institute was involved with the BANAL samples as well
In September, 2020 scientists from the Pasteur Institute in Paris and the National University in Laos found three viruses -- BANAL-52, BANAL-103 and BANAL-236 -- from three horseshoe (Rhinolophus) bat species in Laos that were found to be more similar to SARS-CoV-2 than any other known virus.
Of these, Banal-52 was found to share 96.8 per cent of its genome with SARS-CoV-2.
Although the striking similarity between the two led to speculation that SARS-CoV-2 may have its origin in the Laos bat strain, but the distance of over 1,000 miles between the two countries shut the theory.
However, new leaked emails between EcoHealth Alliance -- the US-based nonprofit that helped fund some research at WIV -- and the US government funders reveal that viral DNA from "bats and other high-risk species" were sent to Wuhan between June 2017 and May 2019, the report said.
However, records of the genetic sequences collected from both Yunnan and Laos were removed from an online database at the Wuhan institute in September 2019, just months before the pandemic struck the world, making it difficult for the experts searching the origins of the pandemic.
It should be noted Peter Daszak denies he ever sent samples to WIV although this was proposed in his NIAID grant.
Here is some more detail
A recent study from the Pasteur Institute, Temmam et al., investigates viruses endemic to the bats of this region.
In a startling discovery, the authors report that several of the viruses isolated from bats caves in the Vientiane Province are very closely related to SARS-CoV-2. In fact, they are so closely related that the idea that SARS-CoV-2 originated from RaTG13 coronavirus isolated from horseshoe bat in southern China in 2013 is no longer tenable. The receptor-binding domains of SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 differ too greatly.
The original SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan strain has 17 amino acid contact points between the virus and the ACE2 receptor.Several of these are modified in the RaTG13 coronavirus.
However, two of the viruses analyzed by Temmam et al.—BANAL-20-52 and BANAL-20-103—differs by only one of the 17 amino acids. Another analyzed virus—BANAL-20-236—differs by only two amino acids. By contrast, in RaTG13, there are six amino acid modifications. We note that a change of only one or two residues in the contact points is well within the range of various naturally occurring variants of SARS-CoV-2, which carry as many as three amino acid changes in these residues.
The authors conducted several experiments to determine whether similarity in the receptor-binding domain region of the Spike protein of the BANAL-20-52, 103, and 236 translated to a similar function to that of SARS-CoV-2. Their first question was whether the receptor-binding domain of the viruses is capable of infecting cells that carry the human ACE2 receptor. Using a pseudotype virus on cells in culture, they found that the answer is a resounding yes. They went on to show that the complete genome of
BANAL-20-236 is plaque-forming when introduced to human cells. In fact, it formed plaques more so than the Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2.
These two observations demonstrate that not only does the bat virus receptor-binding domain recognize human ACE2, but the whole virus is capable of infecting humans.
So unlike RaTG-13 and other sequenced virus clise to Sars-Cov-2 they were actually able to culture (isolate) the BANAL viruses
Whats very interesting is that the NAMRU-2 sampling and the Pasteur Institute sampling occurred in very close proximity
A difference of 1/2 latitude at the equator is about 30 miles
Out of whole world, why’d French go back to same Laos neighborhood in midst of a pandemic &, w/in a few weeks, find closest SARS2 RBD match?
Here is a thought, maybe the Navy just sent their 2017 samples to have a 3rd party (Pasteur Institute) to publish it as their own to support the natural origin narrative? No evidence for this of course. Just a thought.
We also see the Pasteur Institute’s Shanghai Branch cooperating with WIV and CAS starting in 2016
We have already seen Linfa Wangs close links to WIV and CAS, NAMRU-2 , Eco Health Alliance and now indirectly to the Pasteur Institute
I know this is disjointed and doesn’t quite amount to very much but the connections are interesting, at least to me
Now we have Linfa predicting Sars-Cov-3 and telling us he has been working on a pan‐sarbecovirus vaccination strategy .
In 2022, Linfa was in Utah to give a joint keynote address with Fauci. Linfa helped organize the conference and took note of his audience. He reminded everyone to the “widespread SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in white‐tailed deer throughout the United States.”
Infection rates and trends suggest both active transmission among deer and multiple human‐to‐animal transmissions, making it feasible that deer may act as a new, manmade reservoir for SARS‐CoV‐2.
And here we have Linfa Working on a Vaccine for Sars-Cov-3
Lin‐Fa Wang from Duke–NUS Medical School discussed whether the world is prepared for the (nearly) inevitable emergence of a SARS‐CoV‐3 outbreak.
Wang also discussed work on understanding the impact of SARS‐CoV‐2 variants on vaccination immunity using a surrogate virus neutralization test to compare the ability of variants to escape neutralizing antibody.
Wang showed that Omicron is unique among SARS‐CoV‐2 variants and animal sarbecoviruses in its ability to evade the neutralizing antibody response. They are now working on a pan‐sarbecovirus vaccination strategy based on the detection of pan‐sarbecovirus neutralizing antibodies in individuals previously infected with SARS‐CoV‐1 and vaccinated with the SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccine. 25
Wang showed unpublished data in mice of sequential vaccination with a SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccine followed by a SARS‐CoV‐1 vaccine. Wang hopes that this strategy may ultimately lead to the development of booster vaccines that elicit pan‐sarbecovirus immunity in humans already vaccinated with current SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines.
So a booster that will provide protection against Sars-Cov-3, but only if you were vaccinated with current SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines, and if I read it correctly you can be protected even before a new virus is deployed
Just a reminder as to why I think Sars-Cov-2 was not an accident or surprise of nature. Too much work went into planning for it and too many people made money off it.
Consider first the frenzy of activity leading up to COVID happening on his watch
2017-Fauci predicts outbreak in Trumps term
2017-G20 Joint Exercise Scenario with an imagined China contagion dubbed MARS
2017-SPARS Table Top
2017- Gates CEPI created
2017- DARPAS -Pandemic Prevention Platform created and funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
2017- Moratorium on GOF funding lifted
2018-Clade X Simulation
2018- NSC’s PanCAP 2.0 Pandemic Plan
2018- DARPA DEFUSE Project Grant proposal rejected
2018 September, Trump issues National Security Presidential Memorandum 14 (NSPM 14)
NSPM 14 established a committee tasked with implementing the National Biodefense Strategy with the National Security Advisor as the lead for policy coordination and facilitate policy integration for Federal biodefense efforts
2019-NIAID CREID Network Grant Proposals from same folks involved with DEFUSE
Jan 2019-Crimson Contagion Excercise
July 2019-Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense hosted a panel calling for "A Manhattan Project for Biodefense w/Kadlec
July 2019-CDC last epedemiogist in Beijing leaves
Aug 2019-CDC Closes Derrick for 3 months
Sep 2019- White House Economic Advisers estimate cost of Pandemic
Sep 2019 GPMB w/Fauci & Gao warned that "there is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen wiping out nearly 5% of the world’s economy."
Required action before September 2020 -two systemwide training and simulation exercises,
Sep 2019-Gates invests in BNT
Oct 2019-Event 201
Oct 2019-BARDA handed Pandemic Stockpile from CDC
Dec 2019-Moderna-Baric MTA
Dec 2019- US Defense Threat Reduction Agency announced launch of DOMANE program, Discovery of Medical Countermeasures Against Novel Entities.
Malone went to work at DOMANE with MIT’s Lincoln Labs which was quickly put to work on COVID in January (nice timing)
The word Domane is Latin for Kings Crown. In Latin corona means crown. Interesting choice of name as the Crown Virus is circulating in Wuhan
Jan 2020- Whitehouse orders all COVID meetings to be held in Classified setting
Jan-2020- France bans HCQ OTC after 60 years and makes it prescription only
Jan-2020 DARPA/CIA man Michael Callahan returns from Wuhan to work fir Kadlec
Feb 2020- Malone on Rogan show "I was the guy that first acquired, because I had Chinese connections, the Chinese protocol for treating this virus. I got it in late February and I sent it in to my buddies at the CIA and at DTRA."
March 2020 Malone publishes a book on treating COVID (written in February) after contracting COVID himself in February and attending the BIOGEN super spreading event in Boston at end of February. The book is quickly removed from sale (Amazon censorship or did Higher-ups not approve?)
March 2020, PanCAP Adopted on March 13,2020 by NSC calling for lockdowns.
Lockdowns announced March 15
FEMA and DHS would later be made lead agencies to implement the NSC COVID Policy.
CISA (formed in 2018), and the Global Engagement Center (GEC ) which was authorized in December 2016 but only made fully operational by Pompeo’s State Department in 2019 following his transfer from CIA Director. Both would assist the governments censorship on social media
March/April-2020. CDC under Director Robert Redfield made changes to counting COVID deaths so as to include deaths where COVID was not the underlying cause and to allow determination of a COVID case to be made in the absence of a positive test
May 2020- Trump announces Operation Warp Speed
June 2020- Redfield claimed masks are the best Vaccine
If thats not enough consider who benefitted. With any crime one must consider motive . In no particular order of importance
Depopulation of social security, medicare and pension fund recipients
Reduce immigration in Short Term
Increased Corporate Profits through Supply Chain manipulations and reducing competition from smaller business
Testing out Education Tech
Rolling out Vaccine Passports
Contact Tracing Apps
PCR Test Market
Fast tracking mRNA Vaccine Development. Big Pharma Profits
WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution and Great Reset Agenda
Population Training (eg Masks, social distancing)
Censorship Industrial Complex
One Health (Linking Climate Change to Pandemics)
Increased Pandemic Prevention and Preparation Funding
Reducing Birth Rates (Depop)
Increasing Cancers for the Cancer Industrial Complex
Expedite BIS CBDC Vision
Increase Demand for AI and Robotics (they don’t get sick in Pandemics)
Increase Acceptance for Censorship and Mandates
Increase Number of Billionaires
Increase the Wealth of Billionaires
Pretty much everyone in the top 10% had something to gain from a Pandemic with a Virus that didn’t really harm anyone except the elderly and those with gross morbidities. Other deaths were due to deadly protocols and withholding of repurposed drugs to drive up the death count and create a market for the vaccines which were neither safe not effective
I am sticking with Deliberate and Planned. Greatest Crime in History
Obviously to avoid prosecution they must give us a theory the majority will accept, and that is Accidental Lab Release blaming China and Public Health Officials (both patsies) . A lot of work has gone into selling this, some of it overt, some of it covert Psyops like the Proximal Origin Psyop.
Hardly anyone is considering the possibility this was a Criminal Operation
And ask yourself why China seemed to bend over backwards to help fuel the lab release theory. First by allowing Shi Zhengli to publish RaTG-13. Then by Xi himself announcing “publicly” the need to improve lab safety
President Xi Jinping announced his intent to enhance biosafety measures in February 2020.
Because China was a partner in this crime
Those ridiculous staged clips out of China showing young people dropping dead in the street with guys in space suits collecting the bodies. Clearly state sanctioned terrorism for domestic and international consumption
Even Malone seems to be getting it
Probably why Twitter has me muzzled so badIy, I rarely can get more than 50 views and they wont let me send screen shots now.
Again, this is another of the best (most well documented and thorough) summaries I've read to date. Just now added a link to this stack into my "red pill" library, as well:
> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/7fc35fd4794f