We need to look past the limited hangout being offered to us on the Origins of SARS-Cov-2. Its way bigger than Fauci (not that he isn’t important)
Here is a history of patents and papers on coronavirus gain of function research. Our investigation should begin in North Carolina.
First we must go back in history.
I will just skim the surface here, for more information read Raul Diegos article
And Whitney Webbs “Emerging Contagion” series
The Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR), also known as the Nunn-Lugar Act was set up in 1991 “to secure and dismantle weapons of mass destruction in states of the former Soviet Union and beyond” . This was co-authored and sponsored by Senator Sam Nunn.
The CTR was consolidated into the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) in 1998
Nunn was the “president” in the bioterror attack simulation that preceded the 2001 anthrax attacks by a matter of months, named Dark Winter,
In 2002, Michael Callahan would be tapped by the State Department’s director for the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation to serve as “clinical director for Cooperative Threat Reduction [CTR] programs” at six former Soviet Union Biological Weapons facilities to facilitate the “reconfiguration of former biological weapons production facilities” in the former Soviet Union and the acceleration of “drug and vaccine production”. More specifically, however, Callahan would be put in charge of gain-of-function programs for viral agents at these facilities
In 2004, the Bioindustry Initiative (BII) program, making use of the Russian technology obtained under the CTR was formed.
From 2005 to 2012 thanks to funding and programs unleashed as a result of 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks and the War in Iraq DARPA’s biodefense portfolio went from $61 million to $260 million per year
Two programs in particular developed by DARPA would later play a critical role in his future involvement in the broader story of the SARS-CoV-2
The Accelerated Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals (AMP) program was created in 2006 to find technologies that could “radically accelerate the manufacturing of protein vaccines and protein-based therapeutics”, with the goal of “revolutionizing protein therapeutics and vaccine manufacture”
The program’s mandate dovetailed with concurrent efforts to fundamentally transform the U.S. government’s approach to vaccine manufacture and (Medical Countermeasures) MCMs.
DARPA entered into a cooperative agreement (HR0011-07-2-0003) with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) to look into government’s approach to vaccine manufacture and (Medical Countermeasures) MCMs
The 180-page report that resulted from the deep dive (2007-2009) into USG procurement and manufacturing methods for MCMs, titled “Ensuring Biologics Advanced Development and Manufacturing Capability for the United States Government: A Summary of Key Findings and Conclusions”
This was led by Tara O’Toole (now Executive VP of In-Q-Tel) and Thomas Inglesby, two key individuals in the Dark Winter exercise
Several USG incentive programs were cited as successfully removing barriers to entry for private sector participants.
Among these were the Orphan Products Program (OPP), tax cuts for Big Pharma and the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) legislation, created by recent ASPR Robert Kadlec and which established BARDA, clearing the “governance” barrier faced by pharmaceutical firms.
Prophecy was another program created by DARPA. It sought to “transform the vaccine and drug development enterprise from observational and reactive to predictive and preemptive” through algorithmic programming techniques.
USG then developed wild virus project starting in 2009 known as the USAID PREDICT who along with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), funded Eco Health Alliance
DARPA director, Michael Callahan launched the PREDICT project in 2009 following Jeremy Farrar’s fake bird flu pandemic. PREDICT appeared to be a reincarnation of the CIA’s Argus project under the cover of USAID.
DTRA’s PREDICT is the largest single source of funding to Daszak,
According to a report by Daily Mail, federal grant data accessed by independent researchers shows that the charity received more than USD 123 million from the government from 2017 to 2020 with the Department of Defense (DoD) being one of its biggest funders.
A majority of DoD funding came from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency DTRA, a combat support agency with the goal to reduce the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction.
It provided almost USD 39 million to the organization since 2013.
The majority of the DoD funding came from the DTRA, a military branch with a mission to 'counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks.'
EHA also received $64.7 million from the US Agency for International Development (USAID), a CIA front, $13 million from Health and Human Services, which includes the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control, $2.3 million from the Department of Homeland Security, and $2.6 million from the National Science Foundation.
A government funding figure of $3.4 million was widely reported, after White House chief medical advisor Anthony Fauci was questioned in a Senate hearing on how much money the National Institutes of Health sent to the Wuhan lab via its grants to EcoHealth Alliance in 2019.
But the total grant figures including Pentagon funding dwarf that number.
USAID PREDICT, was an early warning system for new and emerging diseases in 21 countries including hot spots like China and Thailand in a 9-year effort to catalog hundreds of thousands of biological samples, “including over 10,000 bats“.
Dennis Carroll, a former USAID director of emerging threats division who had led the U.S.’ response to Avian influenza (H5N1) in 2005, would go on to lead PREDICT
Its interesting to note that one policy advisor’ to the EcoHealth Alliance is David Franz. Franz is former commander of Fort Detrick, which is the principal U.S. government biowarfare/biodefense facility.
Franz was chief inspector on the three UN Special Commission biological warfare inspection tours in Iraq, which included a young Robert Kadlec as a member of the team on the ground, and advised Robert Kadlec as a member of HHS’ National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity.
During a visit to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2017 as part of the “Second China-U.S. Workshop on the Challenges of Emerging Infections, Laboratory Safety and Global Health Security“, Franz outlined “possible joint project ideas”, which included carrying out joint “table top exercises” or simulations of outbreaks (e.g. exercises similar to Dark Winter), and decision-making surrounding “gain-of-function” research and “overcoming barriers to sharing strain collections and transport of pathogens”.
In the interests of Public Private Partnerships and Globalism PREDICT led to the 2016 Global Virome Project (GVP aka Rockefeller Bellagio Initiative) and the PREDICT project was defunded in 2019
GVP Stakeholders are from Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, spanning industry, academia, intergovernmental agencies, non- governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector.
They began meeting in 2016 to design a framework for the governance, management, technical operation, and scope of the GVP.
The following paper on the GVP is coauthored by Peter Daszak and Chinas CDC Director George Gao (who also attended Event 201 and sits on the board of WHO’s Global Pandemic Preparedness Monitoring Board with Tony Fauci)
GVP’s field work actually began in China and Thailand. An interesting note as will be seen below is that not only did Sars-Cov-2 outbreak start in Wuhan, but the first case detected outside China was actually in Thailand as outlined below.
In 2009 Dr. Supaporn “Chu” Wacharapluesadee, from the King Chulalongkorn Memorial was tapped by USAID to lead the PREDICT program in Thailand. Callahan and DARPA had identified Wacharapluesadee as an asset in 2004 when she discovered the Nipah virus in bats, which can affect humans and pigs
She had been conducting research on viruses in bats for years. She is Thailands Bat Lady second only to Shi Zhengli who is the Queen Bat Lady
Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital in houses the King Chulalongkorn Medical University where Callahan is a visiting professor.
DARPA and the Thai doctor worked together on several studies. One of these, funded by the USAID PREDICT project, titled “Diversity of coronavirus in bats from Eastern Thailand” was published in 2015 and carried out between 2008 and 2013, as well as a 2013 study on encephalitis funded by DARPA and the Thai government. Michael V. Callahan and Peter Daszak appeared as coauthors in the 2015 paper
As we shall see Dr. Supaporn “Chu” Wacharapluesadee detected the first case of COVID outside China in Thailand
In 2015 the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense was established . The Founding Staff Director was Robert B. Kadlec, M.D.
Joseph I. Lieberman, Chair
Thomas J. Ridge, Chair
Donna E. Shalala
Thomas A. Daschle
James C. Greenwood
Kenneth L. Wainstein
Ex Officio Members
Yonah Alexander, PhD
William B. Karesh, DVM
Rachel Levinson, MA
I. Lewis Libby, JD
Gerald W. Parker, DVM, PhD
George Poste, DVM, PhD, DSc
Tevi Troy, PhD
Commission Staff
Ellen P. Carlin, D.V.M., Co-Director
Asha M. George, Dr.P.H., Co-Director
Patricia de la Sota, Staff Assistant
Stephanie Marks, J.D., Intern
Founding Staff Director
Robert B. Kadlec, M.D.
Kadlec was Deputy Staff Director for the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from 2015 -2017 and is a Dark Winter Exercise Veteran who coined the term Dark Winter and had just sold his stock in anthrax Vaccine maker Emergent Biosolutions who would be one of the biggest recipients of BARDA contracts under Kadlecs tenure as Trumps ASPR
Peter Daszak, a regular advisor to WHO on pathogen prioritization for R&D, Carroll and Joana Mazet – former global director for USAID’s PREDICT – all joined together in 2016 to form the Global Virome Project;
This was a “10-year collaborative scientific initiative to discover unknown zoonotic viral threats and stop future pandemics”. Mazet was also co-director of UC Davis’ One Health program, which recruited Dr. Wacharapluesadee and her team in Thailand to conduct a multi-year research project on bats.
They are joined by Edward Rubin of Metabiota Inc, a recipient of PROPHECY funds at DARPA and, notably, an $18.4 million DTRA contract award for scientific research and consulting work in Ukraine and the Lugar Center in the Republic of Georgia.
GVP attendees in Bellagio in 2016
W. Ian Lipkin-NIH
Jonna Mazet-former Global Director of USAID PREDICT
Ariel Pablos-Mendez USAID
Edward Rubin -Metabiota
Steven Solomon -WHO
Dennis Carrol-USAID
Cara Chrisman -USAID
Peter Daszak -Eco Health Alliance
Keiji Fukuda-WHO
George Gao-CDC China
Michael Kurilla -NIAID, Office of Biodefense Research Resources
In 2017, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded a $6.5 million contract to a company called EcoHealth Alliance, Inc to carry out research on “the risk of bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in Western Asia”.
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva uncovered the Pentagon project, which focused on “genetic studies on coronaviruses in 5,000 bats collected in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Jordan”.
Not coincidentally, EcoHealth Alliance had previously received a $3.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2014 to study coronaviruses in bats in Asia. That particular study was carried out in partnership with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
In May of 2017, the health ministries for the world’s wealthiest twenty (G20) nations assembled for the first time, gathering in Berlin to participate in a Joint Exercise Scenario with an imagined China responding to a contagion dubbed MARS, for “Mountain Associated Respiratory Virus.”185 (Mars is also the Roman god of war.) German governmental institutions collaborated to produce the simulation with the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, the WHO, and the Robert Koch Institution (RKI).
The ministers hailed from the United States, Russia, India, China, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, and the European Union.
Tom Price was HHS Secretary at the time before his resignation in September
The exercises’ two moderators also worked closely with the Gates Foundation; David Heymann served simultaneously as chair of the UK’s Centre on Global Health Security and as an epidemiologist with the Gates-funded London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Heymann also sits with Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel on the Mérieux Foundation USA Board. BioMérieux is the French company that built the Wuhan lab.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Heymann has chaired the WHO’s Scientific Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards.
The other moderator of the 2017 simulation was Professor Ilona Kickbusch, a member of Gates’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (Fauci and CDC Director George Gao are members)
Over two days, the global health ministry officials and other “guest countries and international representatives” bore witness to a “timeline of the unfolding pandemic,” known as MARS, a novel respiratory virus, spread from busy markets in a mountainous border region of an unnamed but China-like country—to nations around the globe.
In essence only draconian clampdowns by neighboring governments and heroic WHO technocrats orchestrating a tightly choreographed centralized global response can save humanity from a chaotic dystopian apocalypse.
China National Global Virome Initiative, part of the China Virome Project was launched Feb 2018 at the Prince Mahidol Annual Conference in Bangkok). It is the Chinese implementation of the international Global Virome Project
Anyways, moving on GVP has recently partnered with the Trinity Challenge .
Founding members ofTrinity Challenge
Other members of note
Clinton Health Access Initiative
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health
Swiss Re
Tsinghua University
The Vaccine Confidence Project
Its looks to me like the Global Virome Project and Trinity Challenge is a working arm of the WEF , US Govt agencies and BMG foundation (GAVI/WHO)
Its interesting that few making the connection between USAID Predict, Darpa, DTRA, GVP, Eco Health Alliance, Rockefeller Foundation , Welcome Trust, GAVI, and UN Agenda 2030, WEF, CDC China when it comes to SARS-Cov-2.
Instead of just a limited hangout focusing on Fauci, Eco Health Alliance and WIV Lab leak , you would think conspiracy theorists would consider a larger Global Conspiracy rather than a limited and myopic focus on China vs US.
I suspect China is just playing the Heel in this Fake Wrestling Match designed to set the stage for the WEF’s Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution
A Fake Cold War might be in the interests of both both the US and China. War or threat of War is a great way to unite people and garner support for government
So lets take a look back at Sars-Cov-2 and see if this background helps us understand anymore
The Commons Project Foundation was founded in 2019 by the Rockefeller Foundation. More recently, The Commons Project seemingly did nothing until COVID when they developed CommonPass to securely prove their COVID-19 health status. Good timing
Between January and August 2019 Crimson Contagion Pandemic Exercises were conducted highlighting shortages in PPE equipment and communication issues
In July /August 2019 we have some interesting events starting with mystery pneumonia outbreak in Virginia nursing homes followed by
Fort Detrick Closure by CDC
Recall of last remaining CDC staff in Beijing CDC in July 2019
In July of 2019-the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense hosted a panel calling for "A Manhattan Project for Biodefense": a "public-private [R&D] undertaking to defend the Nation against biological threats, incl. biological warfare, bioterrorism and infectious disease pandemics."
Co-chaired by Joe Lieberman and ex-DHS sec'y Tom Ridge, the Commission includes anthrax attack target Tom Daschle, ex-FDA comm'r Margaret Hamburg, ex-HHS sec'y Donna Shalala, Biotechnology Industry Organization head Jim Greenwood, Rep. Susan Brooks and Mueller's COS Ken Wainstein
Much like the Project for A New Anerican Century in 2000 lamented that to get support for Rebuilding Americas Defense it would take another Pearl Harbor, the Manhattan Project has a similar tone
Ex Officios are even more interesting: Cheney COS "Germ Boy" Scooter Libby, EcoHealth's William Karesh, ex-Ft Detrick Cdr. Gerald Parker, Terrorism Studies guru Yonah Alexander, bioindustry doctor George Poste, WH scientist Rachel Levinson, Hudson Institute's Tevi Troy
The focus of the "Manhattan Project" panel was flu vaccines. Spooky ASPR Robert Kadlec, formerly of anthrax vaccine manufacturer BioPort, stresses the need for newer, faster vaccine development, particularly using mRNA technology.
Near the end of Robert Kadlec's session (~3:49), Ken Wainstein commends Kadlec's earlier analogy to Hieronymous Bosch and says, "You were Doctor Death back in the day, and that reminds me why."
The Co-Founder of Facebook -billionaires Dustin Moskovitz’s Open Philanthropy Foundation is the biggest Funder of the The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense/Manhattan Project for Biodefense
His foundation also gave a large donation to the John Hopkins Center for Health Security which ran Event 201 in October and is a regular attendee of the Burning Man Festival.
In August Black Rock issues proposal at meeting of Central Bankers to “Go Direct”.
In September the Fed Reserve trialed this in the REPO CRISIS that resembled a live exercise
In September 2019 we have a few more interesting events
Global Pandemic Monitoring Board under the authority of WHO issued a report calling for “The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.” to be completed before Sep 2020
Tony Fauci and CDC China Director George Gao sit on that Board
Also called for : “WHO develops intermediate triggers to mobilize national, international and multilateral action early in outbreaks, to complement the existing mechanisms for later and more advanced stages of an outbreak under the IHR (2005).”
Shi Zheng Li, the infamous China Bat Lady who administers WIV virus data base shuts down all internet access from outside of Wuhan. Access is still restricted today. China claims cybersecurity concerns

2019-September, The White House Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) finds that in a pandemic year, depending on the transmission efficiency and virulence of the particular pandemic virus, the economic damage would range from $413 billion to $3.79 trillion. Fatalities in the most serious scenario would exceed half a million people in the United States
Good thing Larry Fink came up with his Going Direct Plan to pump trillions into the economy should their be a Pandemic or other Disaster
In September the 2020 National Vaccine Plan approved. They combined the 2010 NVP goals and the NAIP goals into a set of 5 new goals.
For example, the subcommittee recognized a need to foster innovation in both vaccine development and related technologies that support vaccination across the lifespan.
The subcommittee incorporated this need for innovation into Goal 1 . Similarly, for Goal 4, the group combined NVP and NAIP goals to “optimize access to and utilization of all routinely recommended vaccines across the lifespan.” For Goal 3, the subcommittee recognized the need to address misinformation and “enhance knowledge of and confidence in routine vaccines and the immunization system.”
After refining the goals, the subcommittee then identified the top 3 priorities for each updated goal along with rationales for inclusion of the 5 recommended goals
This work and this report were presented and approved at the September 17, 2019, NVAC meeting.
On Sep 29, 2019 Trump signs Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines and creating a Flu Vaccine Task Force to promote National Security
EO 13887 establish a National Influenza Task Force that reported to the President and called for the Department of Defense to collaborate with the HHS to design and evaluate influenza vaccines
In October 2019 we have Event 201 and Wuhan military games. Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201. It was attended by George Gao
We also see Trump handing over the National Pandemic Stockpile from CDC to BARDA. BARDA is not subject to FOIA requests
On October 29 Vaccine conference at Milliken Institute where Public Health gurus like Fauci discussed how to streamline vaccine development
Some interesting quotes
Michael Specter: Why don’t we blow the system up? I mean obviously, we can’t just turn off the spigot on the system. We have and then say, hey everyone in the world should get this new vaccine that we haven’t given to anyone yet. But there must be some way that we grow vaccines mostly in eggs the way we did in 1947.
Fauci: In order to make the transition from getting out of the tried-and-true egg growing which we know gives us results that can be beneficial, I mean we’ve done well with that. There must be something that has to be much better. You have to prove that this works and then you’ve got to go through all of the clinical trials: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and then show that this particular product is going to be good over a period of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, it’s going to take a decade.
Rick Bright (BARDA): There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement out there that’s completely disruptive, that’s not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.
Fauci: So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and save.. I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.
Bright: But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that.. to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.
Joining Fauci, Rick Bright, and Michael Specter at this event were: Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine, Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab.
In short, this panel discussion suggested they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public. Not unlike the Project for the New American Century a year before 9/11 lamenting it would take a New Pearl Harbor to get the support they needed to Rebuild Americas Defenses
In December Moderna and Baric finalized a Material agreement where they would work together on Coronavirus mRNA Vaccine. Good timing
2020 January 4, , Callahan called Dr. Robert Malone from China just as the coronavirus began taking its first wave of casualties. Malone, a former contractor to the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and the chief medical officer at Alchem Laboratories, is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology platform.
Malone first met Callahan in 2009 through Malone’s sometime business partner, Daryl Galloway, a CIA officer who formerly served in the US Navy and at one point held the post of director of JSTO in the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. To Malone, Galloway introduced Callahan as a fellow CIA officer.
During his January 4 phone call, Callahan told Malone that he was just outside Wuhan. Malone assumed that Callahan was visiting China under cover of his Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital appointments. Callahan told Malone that he had been treating “hundreds” of COVID-19 patients.
Callahan subsequently described to National Geographic how he had pored through thousands of case studies at the outbreak’s epicenter. He giddily reported his amazement at the virus’s “magnificent infectivity,” and its capacity to explode “like a silent smart bomb in your community.”
On leaving China, Callahan returned to Washington to brief federal officials and then went directly to work as a “special adviser” to Robert Kadlec, managing the government’s response to the coronavirus.
By early January news of an outbreak in China. I wont detail events there since we have all read the “official” news. But outside China some interesting things were happening
According to a PBS.org story, on January 8, a Thai woman returning from Wuhan was “pulled aside” at the airport over symptoms of a runny nose, sore throat and high temperature. “Supaporn Wacharapluesadee’s team”, as claimed, discovered that the woman was infected with a “new coronavirus”.
Dr. Wacharapluesadee who was described above succeeded in “partially” decoding the genetic sequence of the virus by the following day and reported it to the Thai government.
You think she got a heads up from pal in Wuhan (Callahan)?
That same day, a 61-year-old man became the first death in Wuhan after succumbing to a disease with a reportedly similar pathology. The Chinese government didn’t report it until two days later on January 11 along with the virus sequences from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its own CDC.
Dr. Wacharapluesadee compared her partial sequence with the one published by the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center and “found it was a 100% match”, making it the first officially recorded case outside of China
In mid January the French Health Minister took HCQ off the OTC shelves and made it prescription only. This after 60 years of being safely sold OTC . The inventor of HCQ (now off patent) was a French company Sanofi
On January 20 Trump ordered the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct meetings concerning the COVID-19 virus in a classified setting before the first US case was reported
In March Fed Reserve appoints Black Rock to “Go Direct” with Fed funds made available for COVID relief under the CARE ACT. Boy oh boy, these boys must have a crystal ball or something. I’d bet on the “something”.