What prompted this post was a recent post by Eugyypius (link below)
…….I think evil is basically a theological concept, and that when you start thinking overmuch about evil in secular contexts, you very rapidly begin to lose your mind.
Consider that, in Christianity, evil is generally personified in the figure of the devil. This effectively removes the locus of evil to the supernatural realm, beyond the sphere of human activity. Religious thinkers are therefore freed to identify evil influences upon human affairs on the one hand, while understanding specific humans and their motivations in less absolute ways on the other hand.
Individuals can act on behalf of the devil, they can plot with evil intent, but evil itself is something much bigger and distinct from any given individual.
Secular discussions of history, politics and epidemiology don’t have this flexibility, and so the concept of evil in these contexts tends to attach itself to specific personalities, in the process exaggerating their significance and distorting their motivation beyond all recognition.
I’m not in power; they are, which means that casting the pandemicists as evil villains hurts them not at all. If anything, they enjoy this kind of rhetoric, because it is remarkably compatible with the Covidian tendency to venerate these very same personalities as living saints and pandemic heroes.
The distance between a villain and a hero is far less than you imagine. Both perspectives agree on the significance of the personality and differ simply on the moral question.
Happily, no evidence anywhere compels you to elevate the Schwabs and the Drostens to the status of secular satans (or saints).
These men aren’t demons plotting our destruction; they gaze out upon the unwashed masses of humanity with all the indifference of a concrete wall.
They think mostly about themselves and their friends and how they can use whatever is going on at the moment to get ahead.
Before I begin my musings , some of this I agree with. For example, the idea that acknowledging that flesh and blood human evil walks the earth is scary as hell and may cause some to lose their minds. Which is why many deny it, unless of course we see Evil in our enemies who are safely beyond our reach, then we may contemplate it.
For example Hitler and Osama Bin Laden, not many Americans or Brits don’t think they are Evil. Should we contemplate that the distance between a villain and a hero is not so great and what we consider to be a terrorist or villain is another persons Freedom Fighter or National Savior? God forbid. Man needs Heroes and Villains
Truth be told, in history some of our Heroes are Villains and some of our Villains are not really the villains we imagine. But some of them are. There is Good and there is Evil. Black and White . But most of all there is a lot of stuff in between, lots of grey of different shades
Some of the true Villains are Evil and really are plotting our destruction. Some of them pretend to be Heroes trying to save us, yet they really are Secular Satans or Demons.
I suppose we consider what is the secular definition of evil. The religious tend to associate EVIL with a Demon named Satan, but lets keep traditional religion out of it. As a verb its an action that harms others to profit an individual or a group for no reason but their satisfaction or pleasure, or to advance their ideology
So what sort of person is capable of doing Evil. This is the noun. Lets first start by defining the elements required to do Evil and get away with it so they can repeat their Evil doings.
First, they have to be devoid of empathy. Only such people can do Evil without regret and be willing to do it again. Psychopaths are free of empathy. Criminal Psychopaths go to jail.
Second, they have to be intelligent. The stupid ones get caught and go to jail. We call them criminals although not all criminals are evil. The smart ones remain free. We may call them successful psychopaths
Third, they require power, political , financial or military/police/justice department support since even though they are intelligent, mistakes happen and they need power to smooth over the mistakes and stay out of jail.
Fourth, they need a network of likeminded and also powerful and intelligent Evil doers who are bound by a common ideology. This helps prevent them from turning on themselves.
Ideologies that Evil doers embraced in the past were monotheistic religions, nationalism, racism, eugenics, Malthusianism , etc. Not all of those ideologies were evil, some were, but even benign ideologies can be usurped by those with Evil designs
It is the Fourth element that allow conspiracies among these EviL doers, who may just as well be called ELites . They are Successful Psychopaths with Power and likeminded friends
They control governments, central banks and corporations and pretty much every institution with their money and social networks, meeting with each other in various forums too numerous to list. Bilderbergers, CFR, Trilateral Commission, WEF-Davos, Jackson Hole, Atlantic Council, etc.
What ideology unites them? A fusion of Globalism, Gnostic -Hermetic Transhumanism and a distaste for the Useless Class, a pestilence on their Earth. We are genetically inferior and incapable of ascending the evolutionary ladder to Homo Deus let alone to that Transhuman state where Man becomes God.
You see, the ELites religion is based on a Gnostic-Hermetic belief that some men, such as themselves , are made of the divine spark of the creator and are meant to upgrade and become Gods like their Creator
[Note: ʼĒl (also 'Il, Ugaritic: 𐎛𐎍 ʾīlu; Phoenician: 𐤀𐤋 ʾīl;[2] Hebrew: אֵל ʾēl; Syriac: ܐܺܝܠʾīyl; Arabic: إيل ʾīl or إله ʾilāh; cognate to Akkadian: 𒀭, romanized: ilu) is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "god" or "deity. EL as in ELite or 11 as in 9/11 and the II shaped towers may have significance]
They are indeed Religious Zealots. ELiminating the pestilence on this planet (you) is not EVIL. To them you are the EviL ones consuming the planets limited resources and denying these resources to future upgraded humans and Gods.
Agenda 2030, SDG Goals, COVID Jabs, Net Carbon Zero, ONE HEALTH , and the coming Financial crash are all programs to reduce your consumption and numbers, and end Democracy
Eugyypius continues
“I don’t reject conspiracy in favour of cock-up. The pandemic was brought about both by plotting and by human idiocy. What I do object to, is the idea that pandemic events were steered, over a period of years, by shadowy globalist conspirators. “
As you can see, its the fourth element I just described that enables Grand Conspiracies to be launched. And keep in mind ELite have been conspiring for all of human civilization, and some of these ELites ancestors participated in the great conspiracies of their day, some of which were successful and the details passed on down the line. They have a historical memory we are not privy too. Our history is the history the ELites have approved for you, not a real history.
And here is my summary of OPERATION COVID. It was indeed a Grand Conspiracy planned over many years
The Holy Trinity of Secular Satanism is the Evil Conspiratorial Elite. To defeat them, you must recognize they exist and how they work. You can not underestimate them. You can never eliminate Evil or Conspiracies or the Elite, but you can reduce their numbers and reduce their power.
Tax excessive wealth. Toughen and enforce collusions laws and break up Industry Cartels and Monopolies. Eliminate Tax free philanthropies. Build fire walls between regulatory agencies and industry they regulate. Demolish the concept of Corporate Citizens and remove corporate money from politics. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine for MSM and extend it to Social Media. Radically downsize the Military Intelligence - Health Industrial Complex.
Thats all I got to say. You might consider reading this book on Evil in Politics although its a bit dense and outdated I think
My thoughts on evil awhile back
"To defeat them, you must recognize they exist and how they work." This is very important!! I am always amazed how most people do not want to go deep enough into the subject of "how to make this world a better place than it is?"
I agree with ALL your conclusions. Its funny, this question of how evil is operating on this plane was on my mind last few days. And you publish this! Great!!
"Midnight at the Matinee", here on substack, had a post about 4 types of evil the other day too. And the 4th kind was named - Demonic.
And Id say the first three, Ignorant, Idealistic and Instrumental were properly categorized, but it struck me that the fourth would be better called Religious. I'm saying this in connection to you quoting Eugyypius. Because I liked how he explained why one should approach the topic of "what is evil" with a religious context, making it manageable.
And that is why its true how atheism in the west is making all this satanic trans stuff possible. Atheists feel disconnected from the world and that they are small/powerless and that the big nasty world is against them.
When one knows from which religion satanism is coming, one can dig into history and realize that, as you said, this today is done by descendants of the ones which had success in the past.
And you know of which tribe I am talking about. We can go back to Roman empire and see them for who they are. The same people who wrote communist manifesto and the protocols of zion. That is the root of the matter. They are now so well connected globally that they push for the final stage of implementing nwo world communism.
Black Elites, black nobility, khazars all seem to be names which are not useful in combating this worldwide evil movement. Chabad sect, jewish oligarchs on the other hand are very visible. ALL big industry is owned by jews or crypto-jews. Judeo christians are basically jews who will be sacrificed with the goyim.
Im familiar with the summary of Political Ponerology too. And I think we are close to being beyond the point of no return. There is too much people who can be used as cannon fodder and violence never worked for masses. From 2008 I was saying that the solution to humanity's problems is boycott of big industry and downsizing of govt by 90%. Now its 100 times worse. Maybe small networks of people can do something, but the ones with money and power have all sold their souls, how many could correct their ways? And be allowed to do good? They would get suicided. And I dont see any huge money that is playing for the white side. So I'm sceptical about the possibility of saving the whole collectives. Individuals and very small off grid communities in the beginning. But that would not be allowed for long. A century later, Its a scenario from the movie Terminator. And it ends in the Matrix.
Idk, Im preparing as best I can. And I still am open to good wonders happening and turning their success into their downfall. But I am not willing to fool myself.
Cheers mate. Thanks
ps.check my latest piece on silent Muslim invasion of Europe, I recently started writing in english.