"To defeat them, you must recognize they exist and how they work." This is very important!! I am always amazed how most people do not want to go deep enough into the subject of "how to make this world a better place than it is?"

I agree with ALL your conclusions. Its funny, this question of how evil is operating on this plane was on my mind last few days. And you publish this! Great!!

"Midnight at the Matinee", here on substack, had a post about 4 types of evil the other day too. And the 4th kind was named - Demonic.

And Id say the first three, Ignorant, Idealistic and Instrumental were properly categorized, but it struck me that the fourth would be better called Religious. I'm saying this in connection to you quoting Eugyypius. Because I liked how he explained why one should approach the topic of "what is evil" with a religious context, making it manageable.

And that is why its true how atheism in the west is making all this satanic trans stuff possible. Atheists feel disconnected from the world and that they are small/powerless and that the big nasty world is against them.

When one knows from which religion satanism is coming, one can dig into history and realize that, as you said, this today is done by descendants of the ones which had success in the past.

And you know of which tribe I am talking about. We can go back to Roman empire and see them for who they are. The same people who wrote communist manifesto and the protocols of zion. That is the root of the matter. They are now so well connected globally that they push for the final stage of implementing nwo world communism.

Black Elites, black nobility, khazars all seem to be names which are not useful in combating this worldwide evil movement. Chabad sect, jewish oligarchs on the other hand are very visible. ALL big industry is owned by jews or crypto-jews. Judeo christians are basically jews who will be sacrificed with the goyim.

Im familiar with the summary of Political Ponerology too. And I think we are close to being beyond the point of no return. There is too much people who can be used as cannon fodder and violence never worked for masses. From 2008 I was saying that the solution to humanity's problems is boycott of big industry and downsizing of govt by 90%. Now its 100 times worse. Maybe small networks of people can do something, but the ones with money and power have all sold their souls, how many could correct their ways? And be allowed to do good? They would get suicided. And I dont see any huge money that is playing for the white side. So I'm sceptical about the possibility of saving the whole collectives. Individuals and very small off grid communities in the beginning. But that would not be allowed for long. A century later, Its a scenario from the movie Terminator. And it ends in the Matrix.

Idk, Im preparing as best I can. And I still am open to good wonders happening and turning their success into their downfall. But I am not willing to fool myself.

Cheers mate. Thanks

ps.check my latest piece on silent Muslim invasion of Europe, I recently started writing in english.

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Much of the West is Atheist or just plays lip service to their religion for social and cultural reasons. The true religions in the West today are secular in various forms, Scientism, Nationalism, Militarism, and Politics.

Eugyypius had rightly pointed out that the religious belief in Evil suggests its roots lie outside the individual in the form of Satan or a Demon. This is harmful in the sense it seems to deny that evil is part of the human condition when in fact there have always been humans that are indeed evil, lacking empathy. Empathy is an evolutionary human trait as it has always made the species stronger. Those tribes where the leader treated those he led with empathy fared better than those who did not. In the latter case the cruelty diminished the tribes numbers and weakened it, leading to failure of the tribe to thrive.

Today, due to machines and technology, the well being of the tribesmen is not as important to the well being of the leaders. They don't need our labour or as many soldiers. Furthermore, in todays society, those without empathy and high intelligence have a competitive advantage over those of equal capability who do, as such they are not constrained by empathetic morality and can resort to evil tactics to gain power.

Most people are neither Good nor Evil. But they can be conditioned to accept Evil and that it what I feel has been happening for the last 25 years at least. Society seems to have lost its moral compass and lost its ability to determine right from wrong. There also seems to be a growing lack of empathy among the population. Satanism and Individualism are quite compatible. Not that individualism is bad, but individualism with diminished empathy leads to not caring about the collective good and focusing only on your well being while ignoring Evil done to others. This prevents the unity needed to confront Evil.

Rambling a bit, sorry.

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Hey, I rambled in my inital comment, all is forgiven.

re: empathy. It comes down to parents, or the lack of parents and good parenting. urban society/cities are designed to kill the concept of family from which empathy can be developed.

indeed, we are the entire thing. we have a spectrum in us. depending on how we choose through life we go up and down on this spectrum.

re: technology. financiers do not finance good technology, only what can be used to extract or to destroy. on purpose. good technology is suppressed, inventors suicided.

re: why atheism and defeatism are prevalent. Id say, that it is the fault of Abrahamic faiths. people were very different before the conquest of Catholic church and Islam. To boot, Catholic church and Jesus teaching is completely warped and usurped.

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