Great Points here which I will use as a lead in to the Military Industrial Everything Complex
Even more alarming was just how much military and intelligence funding is involved [in “disinformation” control, aka censorship] , how closely aligned the groups are, how much they mix in civil society. Graphika for example received a $3M Department of Defense grant, as well as funds from the US Navy and Air Force. The Atlantic Council (of Digital Forensics Lab infamy) receives funds from the US Army and Navy, Blackstone, Raytheon, Lockheed, the NATO STRATCOM Center of Excellence, and more.
We have for a long time made distinctions between “civilian” and “military.” Here in “civil society” are a slew of military-funded groups that mix and merge and become one with those advocating for human rights and civil liberties.
Graphika also does work for Amnesty International and other human rights campaigners. How are these things compatible? What is this moral drift?
Twitter emails show consistent collaboration between military and intelligence officials and elite “progressives” from NGOs and academia. “They/them” signatures mingle with .mil, @westpoint, @fbi and others.
How did the FBI and the Pentagon, once the avowed enemies of progressives for their attacks on the Black Panthers and the peace movement, their war-mongering and gross over-funding, begin to fuse and collude?
They join together in election tabletop exercises and share hors d’oeuvres at conferences put on by oligarch philanthropists. That cultural and political shift was once a heavy lift, but now it is as simple as cc’ing each other.
Worse still, representatives of the military-industrial complex are lauded in the digital rights field. In 2022, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken featured prominently at RightsCon, the digital rights field’s biggest conference (an event EngageMedia co-organised in 2015 in the Philippines — Blinken did not appear then).
Blinken oversees the Global Engagement Center (GEC), one of the most important US Government anti-disinformation initiatives (see #TwitterFiles 17), and is now alleged to have initiated his own disinformation campaign related to the Hunter Biden laptop - that of the “Russian information operation” letter signed by 50 former US intelligence officials.
Once adversaries are brought together via a strong through-line tracing from counter-terrorism, to countering violent extremism, to Minority Report-style policing of everyday speech and political difference.
I also underestimated just how explicit many organizations were regarding narrative policing, at times blatantly drifting from anti-disinformation to monitoring wrongthink. Stanford’s Virality Project recommended that Twitter classify “true stories of vaccine side effects” as “standard misinformation on your platform,” while the Algorithmic Transparency Institute spoke of “civic listening” and “automated collection of data” from “closed messaging apps” in order to combat “problematic content”, i.e. spying on everyday citizens. In some cases the problem was in the title of the NGO itself - Automated Controversy Monitoring for instance does “toxicity monitoring” to combat “unwanted content that triggers you.” Nothing about truth or untruth, it’s all narrative control.
Government and philanthropic oligarchs have colonized civil society and proxied this censorship through think-tanks, academia, and NGOs. Tell this to the sector, however, and they close ranks around their government, military, intelligence, Big Tech, and billionaire patrons. The field has been bought. It is compromised. Pointing that out is not welcome. Do so, and into the “basket of deplorables” for you.
The Twitter Files also show just how much the NGO and academic set had been absorbed into the inner Big Tech elite, upon whom they pushed their new anti-free-expression values. It accounts for some of the antagonism toward Elon Musk, who kicked them out of the club, to say nothing of all the “townies” he let back on the platform. (Musk’s disruption, whilst an improvement, is clearly inconsistent and brings its own problems).
Recommend you read it all
Americans love Illusions and Myths, and one of our most cherished institutions is the Military.
Before I proceed I want to emphasize that when I talk about institutions like the Military, HHS, CIA , etc I am not talking about the rank and file but am talking about the head or near heads of these institutions. Much of the Evil done is compartmentalized and few see the big picture, so they know only what they are told, and there usually is a good reason attached to what they are told to do
Anyways, our skepticism of a standing army and the Industrial Merchants of Death following World War I disappeared with the post depression World War II , and the Victory which gave birth to America as the Worlds Super Power and the force against against Evil saving the World from the Evil Empire in the East, home of the Wicked Witch and Communism.
The Age of Militarism gave us prosperity and a feeling of Superiority and Exceptionalism. With 5% of the Population we had 50% of the Worlds Wealth. The British Empire handed the torch to its offspring, and the American Empire came to be.
We would liberate the World from Communism and spread Democracy and Human Rights, while using our wealth to invent and develop Chips and Computers which helped us Fly to the Moon, and turned our dumb bombs into precision guided weapons of destruction that land precisely on the heads of those who resist Democracy and violate Human Rights.
Those were heady times, growing up playing with GI Joe and watching Combat on TV. The Vietnam War caused a bit of a set back to the faith in Militarism , leadings to shows like Mash, but Reagan-turned it around with the Arms Race to defeat the Evil Empire based on the lie of their overwhelming number of missiles concocted by Bush , Rumsfeld , Cheney and Wolfowitz during Fords short tenure following the CIA -Military orchestrated Nixon coup , with some of the same actors who took out JFK
Following the Soviets decision to embrace Capitalism and throw open their doors to Western Capitalists so their Elite (aka Oligarchs) could enjoy the same riches as in the West, the Cold War Victory Flag was raised.
With nobody to stand in opposition, as China had opened their doors as well, we began the New World Order by Invading Iraq
And here we are, 30 years later. Can you even recognize this country today? What happened?
In Eisenhower’s 1961 Exit Speech he warned about the Military Industrial Complex. Many assumed that to be just the Weapons Industry , but Eisenhower was talking about a much wider web that included Science, Universities and Congress due to the reliance they have on Military and Government Funding (direct) and those with a vested interest in Military Expansion who donate to Congressional Candidates and Universities who then support the efforts of those involved in Military Expansion
Today the Military Industrial Complex through Military Funding (direct and indirect) includes Big Tech, Big Pharma, Media, Intelligence, Universities, Science, Hollywood, Big Banking, Global Corporations, Health and even some Religious Institutions .
The discretionary spending budget of the Military in 2021 was over 700 billion, which was almost 5 times that of HHS. Much of the spending is unaccounted for or in the Dark. This does not include ample funding for the Intelligence Community or illicit revenues derived from Covert Activities which I will not name.
The Military over the past 80 years has basically Fused with every Institution in America , and through NATO , much of the world.
As mentioned, while the history of civilians embracing Militarism , starts with World War II, it suffered from the unpopular Vietnam War. It was briefly given new life with the End of the Cold War and the first Gulf War that was sold to the American People with the Lie that Saddam was killing babies on Incubators after he invaded Kuwait for stealing their Oil with cross drilling.
Despite attempts to regain enthusiasm for Militarism after the Cold War with Islamic Terrorism, NATOS war against Yugoslavia and Eastward Expansion and perpetual bombing of Iraq , it took 9/11 for Americans to fully embrace Militarism again.
Post 9/11 America brought me back to my childhood growing up with GI Joe and wearing my Dads fatigue jacket in High School hoping the Vietnam war didn’t end before I got a chance. It did. Fortunately, as I was no soldier outside my mind and not much of one inside my mind either
After 9/11 with Flags Waving, a new Global War was to be fought against a new Evil Empire made up of Islamic Extremists who hated us for our Freedom. So we were told. Operation Cyclone is not mentioned.
9/11 more than any other event after December 7, 1941 changed the character of this Nation
In order to be kept safe and secure Americans would knowingly surrender freedoms and human rights . They would Permit Torture, Mass Surveillance of Citizens, Pre-emptive strikes on civilians to get to the bad guys, Wars based on Lies, etc. This also happened during World War II and the Cold War but we either didn’t know it , or we ignored it. At least thats how it seems to me. Maybe the internet just made the acceptance more visible.
Madeline Albright when asked about the Iraq War based on Lies of WMD
Obama on Predator Drones being used on Americans
Hillary-We came, we saw, they died (Libya)
Donald Rumsfeld
Dick Cheney
Yup, us Americans swallowed it all. Surrendering our bottled water at TSA check points to keep America Safe, Pat down Granny in the wheel chair, full Body Scans after you remove your shoes. Don’t forget to smile.
Its ok for government to read your mail and listen to your conversations, after all, we got nothing to hide. Have at it so long as our man (party) is in the White House.
Report your neighbor if you see something suspicious. After all, “See Something, Say Something”.
Censorship. Don’t question the official narrative. Those who do are UnAmerican, Unpatriotic. Say something you shouldn’t say on MSM and you get blackballed or fired, comments on blogs get deleted and maybe you get banned.
Trust the Science. The scientists say steel framed buildings can collapse into dust from top to bottom with steel melting due to open air fires and a plane impact on the upper floors, including one without a plane impact. Don’t ask about that heat signature that could be seen from space at Ground Zero a month after the collapse. Nothing to see here.
Don’t worry about the air quality near Ground Zero, its safe, just go out and spend your money to fight Bin Laden. Cough, cough, cough. Nothing to see there. Kind of like, Safe and Effective, take your jab to defeat COVID. Died Suddenly. Nothing to see there.
So yeah, 9/11 was a Game Changer. COVID wasn’t possible without 9/11 and Anthrax. It was the Anthrax attacks that followed the Kadlec’s Dark Winter Exercise and 9/11 that brought HHS and Pharma further into the Military Industrial Complex with the Bioshield Act. Originally they tried to blame Anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda and Iraq but they had to drop that. Turns out the powder came from Ft Detrick and they had to fund a patsy for that which they did with the help of guys like Azar.
But was Operation COVID the first assault on Americans and the World with a Virus?
And what about 9/11?
While I don’t allege 9/11 was entirely a Military Operation, certain aspects like the 9/11 and pre-9/11 Exercises, lack of Air Cover over DC and the fact that according to 9/11 Commission Members they lied. And lets not forget, military grade Anthrax used in the subsequent Anthrax attacks. There were multiple players on 9/11, the Military being one. But does 9/11 even happen if they said “hell no!”. I doubt it. They were one of the biggest beneficiaries. No more talk of down sizing after 9/11.
Climate Change too?
The Military’s role in perpetuating the Climate Change Fraud
Andrew W. Marshall (September 13, 1921 – March 26, 2019)was an American foreign policy strategist who served as director of the United States Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment from 1973 to 2015.
In 2003, Andrew Marshall (Yoda) commissioned a report for the Pentagon predicting that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies.
In its 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) officially recognized climate change as a factor worthy of consideration in future national security planning. The report stated, "Climate change and energy are two key issues that will play a significant role in shaping the future security environment," noting that "climate change, energy security, and economic stability are inextricably linked."
The report goes on to describe the vast geopolitical impacts of climate change anticipated by the intelligence community, including sea level rise, increasing temperatures, food and water scarcity, the proliferation of disease vectors, and the risk of mass migration by vulnerable populations to escape these impacts. These risks led DOD to declare that "while climate change alone does not cause conflict, it may act as an accelerant of instability or conflict, placing a burden to respond on civilian institutions and militaries around the world."
The department's leaders recognized that the United States' existing role in responding to extreme weather events, delivering humanitarian assistance, and preserving national security would be made all the more difficult by climate change.
Since DOD's public call to action, the department has worked to better integrate climate risk across its operations and long-term planning. DOD has also pursued climate mitigation and adaptation measures in accordance with a broad set of Executive Branch initiatives designed to move the entire U.S. government towards a lower carbon footprint, more efficient resource consumption, and improved resilience against extreme weather events.
The institutionalization of climate adaptation and mitigation measures has transformed how the department does business and has resulted in a more sustainable and agile military.
Responsibilities for these measures have been distributed across the Pentagon for development and implementation and have been outlined in numerous memos, reports, and other official guidance. In addition, each of the five service branches has established its own clean energy goals to be achieved through physical infrastructure upgrades, as well as training to adjust behaviors and risk perception among its personnel.
Tackling the Climate Crisis
The planet's changing climate has a significant effect on Defense Department missions, plans and installations. DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies and partner engagements.
So what about HIV-AIDS
Lets first start with former CDC Director Robert Redfield. Remember him? Masks are better than a COVID Vaccine
He was actually right, but both were worthless and harmful
As the sounds of children getting off to school evaporate into the fall morning, Maj. Robert Redfield, one of the U.S. Army's chief researchers on AIDS, settles himself onto a shaggy beige couch near the tropical fish tank in his family's Montgomery County home. After a moment of talk, his voice lowers, his speech slows. He is afraid for his children, he says.
Redfield is an infectious-disease officer attached to the Walter Reed Army Institute for Research. The 35-year-old physician is one of the key officers in the military's massive AIDS testing program, under which half a million young people so far have been checked for signs of infection.
Redfield's work has made him confront the scope of the AIDS epidemic in a way few others have. He knows that in Manhattan, one in 50 young people may be carrying the disease. He knows that military data show Maryland -- which still ranks relatively low in fully-developed AIDS cases -- to be running second in the nation in the rate of new infections.
When the military turned its attention to AIDS -- which surfaced in this country as a disease prevalent among gay men, and which many people incorrectly view as a kind of "gay plague" -- it found itself confronting civil liberties issues in a way it had never had to do in the case of syphilis.
Gays have never been accepted by the armed forces: The Uniform Code of Military Justice, whether enforced or not, still declares homosexuality to be anathema. Early in the Defense Department's program to test soldiers and potential recruits for signs of infection with AIDS, the Navy violated its own procedures by trying to dismiss several gay seamen who had AIDS without written notification or military counsel.
So when the massive testing program began in earnest in the summer of 1985, it was seen as a campaign to flush uniformed gays from hiding as much as a program to stop a deadly infectious disease
Though many researchers have now come to worry about the spread of AIDS in the general population, Redfield was the first to study its transmission by heterosexual contact, to track its spread in families. He demonstrated heterosexual transmission of the disease years before other researchers were ready to accept it.
Dr. Samuel Broder, the prominent AIDS researcher at the National Cancer Institute, says that Redfield "has single-handedly changed the whole direction of AIDS research in this country. He has helped us understand the concept of the heterosexual transmission of AIDS and some of the public health measures that could be used to inhibit that."
[Wonderful, helping Fauci spread the fear beyond the gay community. He also said he expected 1 in 4 kids to eventually be infected. Military Psyop 101]
As for Redfield's alarming statistical data -- showing that 1.5 in every 1,000 would-be military recruits is infected, and that the disease is now passed widely through heterosexual sex -- Levi says that "all of his research is inherently suspect." Military figures for infections among those who come to recruiting centers, he says, may derive mainly from a small class of young people who are gay or use drugs intravenously, but lie about these things because of the military's strict policies against them.
[The AIDS test in 1985 had a relatively high false positive rate which coupled with the low prevalence of HIV in the population meant that asymptomatic screening as pushed by Redfield led to many false diagnosis destroying lives and no doubt some of them ended up being harmed by AZT when it was approved]
In 1983, working out of a Walter Reed lab, he was one of the minor players on the team led by Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute that found the virus that causes AIDS. It was the retrovirus now called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
[ What do you know, he was involved in the discovery at a Military Lab]
He has worked on AIDS for four years now. At first, "more or less because I was told to." Next, because he fell into the thrall of the scientific mystery. Then, because the epidemic began to grow so grotesquely large that it became a threat to society as a whole. "The final step is personalizing it," he says. "I began to think of my own children."
The policy of not testing and not telling, he believes, "is threatening the health of the whole community. And ultimately it's going to threaten [gays'] freedom. They don't understand it, but a lot of people are going to be angry when they learn that the public health authorities of our country have been paralyzed because of this concern about confidentiality ... "
Anyone who tries to persuade people not to get tested, Redfield insists, summarizing his position as bluntly as he can, "has the blood of more gay men on his hands."
He was also closely linked to a controversial and unsuccessful effort in Congress in 1991 to require HIV testing of health-care professionals who perform invasive procedures, after a young woman, Kimberly Bergalis, contracted the virus from her dentist. The bill was introduced by Rep. William E. Dannemeyer, a California Republican who was one of the most conservative members of Congress.
In 1993, Redfield was investigated by the U.S. Army for allegedly misrepresenting data regarding an AIDS vaccine under research at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. The vaccine was meant to help treat people already infected with the disease. During presentations, Redfield reportedly described statistically significant decreases in the amount of HIV in the blood of people who received the vaccine, but Redfield was later accused of misrepresenting that data.
Though the Army acknowledged there were issues about the accuracy of the data, Redfield was ultimately cleared of any allegations of scientific misconduct. However, one of the whistleblowers who raised the issue of the trial data to the Army told Kaiser Health News (KHN) that he remains concerned about what happened. “Either he was egregiously sloppy with data or it was fabricated,” said former Air Force Lt. Col. Craig Hendrix, a doctor who is now director of the division of clinical pharmacology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, to KHN. “It was somewhere on that spectrum, both of which were serious and raised questions about his trustworthiness.”
More detail on the vaccine caper is here
Man oh man, Trump picked the right guy for Operation Covid
Lets take a closer look at HIV
1968-The Virus Cancer Program had it roots in 1964 when Congress provided funds to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for intensive research into the possible role of viruses in leukemia.
In 1968 the Program, then titled the Special Virus-Cancer Program, was enlarged to encompass all types of cancer.
On July 1, 1973 the Special Virus Cancer Program was renamed The Virus-Cancer Program (VCP) "to integrate the Program's research activities into the framework of the new National Cancer Plan."
The Program combined the talents of many of the nation's finest virologists, biochemists, immunologists, molecular biologists, epidemiologists, and physicians, in an attempt to uncover the viral cause of cancer.
Two classes of cancer-causing viruses were studied extensively: the RNA-type tumor "retroviruses" and the DNA herpes-type viruses
1968-Dr. Robert Gallo–the infamous alleged AIDS virus “co-discoverer”–was the NCI’s “Project Officer” at Bionetics beginning in when new cancer viruses were being tested.
1969-Pentagon official Donald MacArthur on June 9 said with $10 million he could develop, over the next 5 to 10 years, a new, microorganism which would impair the human immune system.
Such research could be categorized as “defensive" as in order to defend oneself against a possible new virus, one must first develop the virus.
There is no evidence this money was ever provided, but the fact it was considered is note worthy
[ Cancer results from failure of the immune system to destroy cancer cells due to immune deficiency or deregulation, much like a virus escapes the immune defenses, and a virus that can target immune cells like HIV and Chronic Fatigue System can cause immune deficiency. Indeed, even Sars-Cov-2 does as well, but unlike HIV and CFS it is not a chronic infection so the deficiency is thought to be transient and a result of temporary reduction in lymphocytes]
1969-The SVCP was administered by the Litton Bionetics company on behalf of the NCI and Life Sciences industry. During those years, Litton was contracted to administer “Support Services for the Special Virus Cancer Program”
Under that contract, Litton supplied the experimental viruses, monkeys, chimpanzees and vaccine reagents to SVCP collaborators, including the Merck Drug Company under Merck’s contract titled “Oncogenic Research and Vaccine Development.”
This group was overseen by NCI Project Officer Robert Gallo during the early 1970s.
Litton received in the neighborhood of $2 million per year over “5 years at a total cost of $10 million” beginning in 1969, the year U.S. Government appropriations for “SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENTS” were authorized by Congress.
This was the same year Nixon renounced the development and use of lethal biological weapons
1971-On October 18 as part of Richard Nixon's War on Cancer, the army's biowarfare research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was permanently joined with the National Cancer Institute; and was re-titled . the Frederick Cancer Research Center. Litton Bionetics was named as the military's prime contractor.
The primary task of the new Center was "the large scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) viruses and suspected oncogenic viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis."
Special attention was given to primate viruses and to the successful propagation of significant amounts of "human candidate viruses.”
"Later, the objective was to determine if such viruses could induce (either alone or with other co-carcinogens) human cancers . Biowarfare scientists also had a keen interest in the role of human and non-human primate viruses as "helper viruses" in the production of cancer
A steady supply of research animals (monkeys, chimpanzees, mice, cats, etc. ) was necessary; and multiple breeding colonies were established for the VCP. For example, a total of 2,274 primates from Africa and Asia were shipped to Litton for military use in 1971.
1970’s-African chimpanzees were used in the manufacture of the HB vaccines during the early 1970s. Additional documents prove that human Hepatitis B (HB) viruses cultured in vivo in chimpanzees were returned to humans whose infected blood serum was then pooled to develop four different strains of experimental HB vaccine pilot tested between 1970 and 1975 in New York City and central Africa.
Subsequently, pooled blood serum containing HB surface antigen and/or live virions, a milieu ripe for viral recombination, was used to develop the four suspected vaccines administered to New York’s gay population and simultaneously to sub-Saharan Africans.
1973-The hepatitis B vaccine was developed by Saul Krugman of New York University, in collaboration with Hilleman at MSD and R.H. Purcell at NIAID (a division of the National Institutes of Health).
Krugman and his co-workers laid the groundwork for active immunization against hepatitis B in 1970 to 1973. They discovered that a 1:10 dilution of hepatitis B infective serum lost its infectivity when boiled for one minute but retained its antigenicity and prevented hepatitis B in 70 percent of vaccinated subjects.
Hilleman and his colleagues at the Merck Institute of Therapeutic Research developed a more sophisticated vaccine consisting of highly purified, formalin-inactivated HBsAg particles derived from the plasma of chronic carriers of the antigen.
By 1978, data were sufficient to permit testing in a clinical trial.
Krugman became infamous in the 1970s, when it came out that he had deliberately infected retarded children institutionalized at Willowbrook in New York City with hepatitis B virus, using the pretext that conditions there were so atrociously unsanitary, that the children would become infected anyway!
1974- Fauci became head of the NIAID LCI's Clinical Physiology Section
The Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology (LCIM) conducts clinical and basic science, and epidemiologic research into human immunologic, inflammatory, and infectious diseases.
He no doubt played some role in advising on the pathogenicity of the 1976 Swine Flu fraud
1976-Fearing another plague, the nation's health officials urged Ford to authorize a mass inoculation program aimed at reaching every man, woman and child. He did, to the tune of $135 million ($500 million in today's money).
Mass vaccinations started in October, but within weeks reports started coming in of people developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing nerve disease, right after taking the shot.
Within two months, 500 people were affected, and more than 30 died. Amid a rising uproar and growing public reluctance to risk the shot, federal officials abruptly canceled the program Dec. 16.
Fauci’s boss, NIAID director Richard Krause would one day say :
“These efforts to prevent an epidemic were, in some ways, like a big "fire drill." We proved it was possible to organize a mass influenza immunization program from start to finish: identify the virus, grow up stocks, prepare and field test the vaccine, provide for indemnity, and immunize a large segment of the population, all within 10 months. We learned a great deal from that drill, and I am sure we can do better the next time. The day will come when we will again retrace this race against time.”
Flash forward to Pompeo saying in March 2020 “We are in a live exercise‘ in relation to the pandemic
1978 -report from the Office of Biohazard Safety of the VCP states:
"The inadequate care and handling of animals during the past several years have created a potential for the occurrence of infection of humans with simian (primate) microorganisms and cross infection between species.
Such interspecies disease transmission may seriously compromise the integrity of the experiment as well as the health of the experimenter. Due to the magnitude of biomedical research employing tissue cultures. Frequent evaluation of tissue culture cross-contamination is very important."
By the late 1970s the mixing of animal cancer viruses with human cells to produce new "xenotropic" viruses was commonplace. Xenotropic viruses are viruses taken from one species and transplanted into another different species. All these experiments represent "species jumping" performed in a laboratory.
1978-1980 the CDC conducted a hepatitis B vaccine trial on homosexual men living in New York City, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
HIV/AIDS would first be detected among the participants in the CDC hepatitis B vaccine trial and quickly spread throughout the gay community in those cities.
Before these CDC experiments there were no reported cases of HIV or AIDS in America. The AIDS epidemic was officially declared by CDC in 1981, at the conclusion of the experiment.
NEJM published report (1980) researchers proclaimed the vaccine “safe and incidence of side effects low,” and claimed a 96% success rate.
Between 1978 and 1980, of 359 hepatitis B seronegative homosexual and bisexual men that were recruited from the San Francisco municipal sexually transmitted disease clinic for hepatitis B vaccine trials.
Of the 359 participants, 320 (89%) consented to have their stored blood samples tested for human immunodeficiency virus antibodies after a test became available. The prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection in these 320 vaccine trial participants was 0.3% in 1978 to 50.9% in 1988.
The men in the Manhattan experiment had 20% of samples in 1980 test positive
In addition, a re-examination of the stored blood samples in NYC by epidemiologists at the National Cancer Institute in 1999, found that one out of five gay men (20%) tested positive for the new KS herpes-8 virus (Kaposi’s Sarcoma virus) in 1982.
Before 1978 no stored blood anywhere in the US tested positive for either HIV or the Kaposi’s Sarcoma virus (which was not identified until 1994).
Many claim that AIDS existed latent and undetected in the Gay population prior to the Hepatitis experiments however "in those (Gay men) who received all three injections, 96% developed antibodies against the (hepatitis) virus.
The experiment could never have been so phenomenally successful if the Gay men were infected with HIV before the experiment. Studies have shown that hepatitis B vaccination is not very successful in immunodepressed people. In HIV-positive individuals, the success rate of the hepatitis B vaccine is about 50%, only protecting one out of two people infected with the AIDS virus.”
This suggests that Gay men in Dr. Szmuness' study were healthy before the experiment--and damaged afterward
1980-Fauci was appointed chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation. Perfect timing.
1980-In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the so-called "technology transfer" movement arose within the Federal Government. As the funding of Government laboratories decreased, the goal of the movement was to transfer federally developed technology to the private sector.
It was expected the private sector would then expend the resources to commercialize the technology, motivated by the potential of profit.
By engaging in technology transfer, the Federal Government hoped to (a) encourage university professors to publish the results of research at their own discretion, (b) increase the number of patents for technology resulting from Government funding, and (c) create a uniform Federal Government patent policy.
The specific objectives of the Bayh-Dole Act within the several statutes comprising the technology transfer movement are to (1) encourage maximum participation of small business firms and nonprofit organizations (like universities) in federally supported research and development efforts, (2) promote collaboration between commercial concerns and nonprofit organizations, (3) ensure that the Government obtains sufficient rights in federally supported inventions to meet its needs, and (4) protect the public against nonuse or unreasonable use of inventions.
Technology transfer as implemented in the Bayh-Dole Act resulted in transfer of title to inventions developed with Government funding to the private sector.
1981-July , reports of a unique outbreak of immune deficiency–related health problems in a group of highly promiscuous gay men in Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco.
At the time Poppers were widely used by the Gay community. Burroughs Wellcome holds the 1942 patent on the popper container and remained one of the largest manufacturers of poppers during the 1980s and ’90s.
Burroughs Wellcome and other popper manufacturers were the principal sources of advertising revenues to the gay press during that epoch, and they used that leverage to force censorship of any journalist attempting to link amyl nitrite to immune system collapse
1981-By the time the first report on the first AIDS cases was published in June , Donald Francis had reached a high position within the CDC's Hepatitis Laboratories Division and had worked for years with the homosexual community in organizing a major hepatitis B study that some believe might have sparked the AIDS outbreak.
Francis had already mapped out the entire future of AIDS research: This new syndrome would be contagious, caused by a retrovirus with a long latent period between infection and disease
1983-Fauci’s LIR made the first observation that B cells of HIV-infected individuals manifested numerous signs of aberrant hyperactivity and dysfunction.
1983, amid the rapidly escalating AIDS crisis, a Dr Fauci at the NIAID promoted a stunning theory about the newly encountered disease in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Noting that the same issue of the journal contained an article documenting one of the first cases of the immunodeficiency disease’s appearance in an infant, the author sounded an alarm about “the possibility that routine close contact, as within a family household, can spread the disease.”
The article took an increasingly speculative turn in promoting this new theory. “If indeed the latter is true, then AIDS takes on an entirely new dimension,” it continued. “If we add to this possibility that nonsexual, non-blood-borne transmission is possible, the scope of the syndrome may be enormous.”
Although the article reiterated the need to “be cautious” in accepting these findings as they awaited more evidence, the discovery “should at least alert us to the possibility that we are truly dealing with AIDS in children,” as transmitted through routine interaction.
1983 May, Science article by French Institut Pasteur virologist Luc Montagnier first identified a retrovirus that would later earn the name HIV.
A team of doctors at the Pasteur Institute in France including Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier reported that they had isolated a new retrovirus from lymphoid ganglionsthat they believed was the cause of AIDS.
The virus was later named lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) and a sample was sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which was later passed to the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
At this time a patent was submitted on a test to detect the virus.
1983-Senator Dole had promised no amendments to the Bayh-Dole law to let big company contractors have the same right to retain ownership of inventions made in federally supported work that Bayh-Dole gave to small companies and nonprofits.
In a new Memorandum, President Reagan turned executive branch patent policy on its head.
The gist of Reagan’s memorandum is that Bayh-Dole is now extended to large company contractors, but with flexibility, but also as a matter of executive branch policy, not the policy of Congress (35 USC 200), even as it stipulates following the policy of Congress.
1984-two large outbreaks of an illness which resembled mononucleosis drew national attention in the United States. Located in Nevada and NY , the outbreaks involved an illness characterized by "chronic or recurrent debilitating fatigue, and various combinations of other symptoms, including a sore throat, lymph node pain and tenderness, headache, myalgia, and arthralgias".
An initial link to the Epstein-Barr virus saw the illness acquire the name "chronic Epstein-Barr virus syndrome".
The disease would soon be considered as non-HIV AIDS. Unlike HIV, this still unnamed virus-infect B cells and not CD4 T-Cells.
Having 2 pandemic viruses that affect the immune system would raise too many suspicions so CFS would go on to be called a psychiatric illness and a viral origin was never seriously investigated, and those who did found it hard to get funding or get published
This timeline covers CFS more in-depth
1984-scientists reported seeing herpesvirus-like structures in KS tumors examined under electron microscopy. Scientists had been searching for the agent causing KS, and over 20 agents were proposed as the possible cause, including cytomegalovirus and HIV itself.
The pathogen was ultimately identified in 1994 by Yuan Chang and Patrick S. Moore, a wife and husband team at Columbia University, through the isolation of DNA fragments from a herpesvirus found in a KS tumor in an AIDS patient. It was named HHV-8
1984 April 23, Gallo announced he found the virus that causes AIDS. Gallo recruited his boss, HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler, to lend credibility and weight to his dramatic announcement.
Heckler took the stage before a packed scrum of international press. “Good afternoon,” she told the world, “Ladies and gentlemen, first, the probable cause of AIDS has been found—a variant of a known human cancer virus.”
She pointedly added, “Today we add a new miracle to the long honor roll of American medicine and science.” Heckler’s participation at Gallo’s press event was important stagecraft because it gave the imprimatur of NIH’s institutional gravitas to a theory that had not been subject to peer review.
Only later did the public learn that NIH allowed Gallo to delay the announcement until he had personally patented an antibody kit that he claimed capable of detecting HIV.
He had developed the test at taxpayer expense. Crewdson writes that Gallo conspired with a CDC official, James Curran, to improperly certify Gallo’s test as equivalent in quality to a far better test developed by Montagnier.
1984, May - a team led by Robert Gallo of the United States confirmed the discovery of the AIDS virus, but they renamed it human T lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III).
Science published the four papers from Gallo’s lab, upon which Gallo’s celebrity as the “Superman of AIDS” entirely rests. The first paper reported Gallo’s isolation of a so-called “new” virus from AIDS patients. (Gallo’s lab had apparently cultivated and rechristened the French virus.)
The second paper declared that the new virus had been “isolated from a total of forty-eight subjects.
Examination of Gallo’s lab notes by the Chicago Tribune found no traces of these forty-eight isolates.
American and French governments skirmished over which scientist “discovered” HIV, until the combatants agreed in 1987 to call it a “co-discovery.”
1984-Anthony Stephen Fauci was made director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
1984-Dr. Fauci would open the floodgates of NIAID cash to develop new antivirals against HIV. He unleashed his kennel of grant-hungry PIs to concoct and test new drugs that would kill the virus. Remarkably, Dr. Fauci never funded to completion a single grant to explore whether HIV actually caused AIDS.
It was natural that Gallo found a powerful and reliable ally in Tony Fauci. Gallo’s “proof” that the cause of AIDS was a virus—as opposed to toxic exposures—provided the critical foundation stone of Dr. Fauci’s career.
This claim allowed Dr. Fauci to capture the AIDS program and its attendant cash flows from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and launch the project of building NIAID into the world’s leading drug-production empire.
Recap 1969-1984
Isolated cases of two strange new diseases began appearing in the U.S. and in Africa. Some of the victims died; others remained seriously ill for years.
By 1984, there were two epidemics underway. AIDS was rapidly spreading through many third world countries and the homosexual population of North America. Clusters of a mysterious disease later named chronic fatigue syndrome were reported throughout North America.
We now know that both illnesses are characterized by marked loss of immune system integrity. One of the diseases kills its victims, while the other disables.
It is interesting to note that Dr. MacArthur's timeline of 5-10 years puts us well within the years that AIDS and CFS first made their debuts. The authors ask if this is simply a coincidence, or if the DoD were indeed successful in their endeavours.
Much of what happened between the years 1969 and 1984 has never been uncovered. For those years, the authors delve into history to paint a picture of what might have occurred. Yet, the fact remains that in 1969 the DoD promised two new diseases in 5-10 years, and 5-10 years later two new diseases, matching the criteria, emerged.
One is left to ponder the rationale for introducing any new diseases into the world, let alone two as devastating as AIDS and CFS. The authors take us back through history to develop a view of the political climate that made this effort possible.
According to the authors, in the early 1900's, several prominent American families began to worry that world population growth would threaten their established position and power, as well as the global position of the United States. Certain third world countries supplied raw products to the U.S. at extremely low prices. It was thought that if the population of these countries continued to grow at an exponential rate, they would then require the raw products for their own population. American production and quality of living was greatly threatened.
This ideology was transformed into action in 1959 when a report to President Eisenhower recommended that, for the above mentioned reasons of national security, a method must be found to accelerate the death rate in those countries
As no official record has been found directly linking AIDS to the DoD, the authors are left to study history for the connection. If Dr. MacArthur's 5-10 year projection was correct, sometime in the mid 1970's the new agents would be ready for testing.
It is just at this time that the World Health Organization, with funding from the United States, initiated a program of 'smallpox eradication' in many of the countries targeted earlier by the U.S. as needing population control. Villagers flocked to the vaccination centers, eager for this weapon against the deadly disease. 5 years later, a high percentage of these villagers had AIDS. Today many of these countries are associated with devastating incidences of AIDS (including much of Africa), and their populations are indeed being reduced.
In 1979, under the supervision of Dr. Don Francis of the Centers for Disease Control (who also oversaw the smallpox eradication program), gay men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco received vaccinations against 'Hepatitis B'. Again, a high percentage of the recipients came down with AIDS. The authors make special note of this coincidence
1984-the year Anthony Fauci became director of NIAID—HHS showed their hand on Vaccines in the Federal Register (this reference specific for Polio)
“Any possible doubts, whether or not well-founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccines will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation’s “public health objectives.” —Fed Register Vol. 49 No 107
1985- HIV test patented by Gallo becomes commercially available
1985-New York , 85 percent of schoolchildren at one public elementary school stayed home during opening week, while hundreds of parents demanded the school system bar any HIV-positive children from attending classes.
The Reagan administration made it unlawful for persons with AIDS to enter the United States. The Cuban government quarantined AIDS victims in modern leper colonies. AIDS activists charged Dr. Fauci with causing the “irrational, punitive” response that followed his hysterical statements
1986 the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed which resulted in an explosion of the vaccine schedule. Today 54% of American children have serious chronic health conditions according to a 2011 survey funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Conditions include neuro -developmental disorders, asthma, allergies, mental health/behavioral disorders and obesity. For American kids born in 1986, only 12.8% had chronic diseases.
Despite the world’s most aggressive vaccine schedule we now rank 35th in overall health outcomes —just behind Costa Rica, making the U.S., by most measures, including infant mortality, the sickest nation in the developed world.
The 1986 Act frees companies from liability for injuries resulting from childhood vaccines. The act created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) that is governed by HHS. Over $4.2 billion has been paid by consumers for vaccine injuries (every vaccine has an excise tax for this purpose). The U.S. vaccine schedule has more than tripled since the 1986 Act.
Despite the explosion in allergies and immune disorders since Faucis NIAID has barely funded investigations into non-viral causations from his multi-billion dollar annual budgets
1986- Scientists have long suspected the existence of a “lab-created” virus which attacks the immune system. In January 1986, the French-born and trained biologists Professor Jakob and Dr. Lilli Segal, published a pamphlet entitled, “AIDS: USA-Home Made Evil; Not Imported from Africa.”
The two scientists, a biophysicist and a biologist affiliated with the Humboldt University in Berlin, pointed out that examination of the genes making up the HIV retrovirus revealed it “could not have come about by a natural way known to biologists.”
They called the virus a “chimera,” originally created in 1977 at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Segals were not the only researchers to suggest that “genetic engineering” was involved with AIDS.
John Seale, M.D., a London venereologist, also stated that the molecular structure of HIV suggested “manipulation of viruses” rather than a natural mutation from known retroviruses. And Dr. Robert Strecker, M.D., a Los Angeles internist, has made the same assertion.
These advocates of the artificial HIV theory all note the structural similarities of HIV to visna virus, a pathogen found in sheep with similarities to AIDS. The scientists argue that the visna virus was artificially combined with the HTLV-I virus, another retrovirus which causes human lymphoma, a cancer of the white blood cells. Today designer viruses are limited only by the imagination of the scientist creating them.
1986-The Streckers release their “This is a Bio-Attack Alert” letter.
They claimed that top scientists in 1972 writing in the “Bulletin of the World Health Organization” (WHO) requested that AIDS-like viruses be created to study the effect on humans and that the virus was not only created as requested, but actually deployed, and now threatens the existence of mankind because it does what it was designed to do: cause cancer in humans via a contagious virus
1987-a much more accurate (but more difficult to perform) HIV test — known as the Western Blot — became available. Though the test would seem as simple as blood being drawn from a patient’s perspective, that blood would still first be sent for an ELISA test which was prone to high false positive rates, and if it came back positive, the Western Blot test would be used to confirm that result.
This meant that the wait time for results was a nerve-wracking two weeks. Like ELISA, the Western Blot also depended on antibodies, rendering tests within months of infection potentially inaccurate.
1987, the Wall Street Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for its investigation of an HHS scheme its writers characterized as a deliberate campaign by officials to misre-present AIDS as a general pandemic to secure greater public funding and financial support.
The flimflam worked. Terror of pestilence, it turns out, is a potent impulse, and Fauci was adept at weaponizing it—and he quickly learned that other “respected authorities” would follow his lead.
Following Dr. Fauci’s fear-mongering prophecy, Theresa Crenshaw of the President’s AIDS Commission made the astonishing forecast that
“If the spread of AIDS continues at this rate, in 1996 there could be one billion people infected; five years later, hypothetically billions.”
Crenshaw asked, “Could we be facing the threat of extinction during our lifetime?”
1987-Fischl study which was published in July in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) — and already then Fauci was in charge of federal AIDS funding.
John Lauritsen, journalist, Harvard analyst had viewed the FDA documents on the Fischl study and came to the conclusion that the study was “fraud”; the Swiss newspaper Weltwoche termed the experiment a “gigantic botch-up” and NBC News in New York branded the experiments, conducted across the US, as “seriously flawed.“
Even the FDA toxicology analyst Harvey I. Chernov concluded — months before publication of the mentioned pivotal AZT study – in an FDA document obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act by John Lauritsten that:
The available data are insufficient to support FDA approval [of AZT].”
The Fischl experiments were, in fact, stopped after only four months, after 19 trial subjects in the placebo group (those who did not receive AZT, but rather an inactive placebo) and only one participant from the so-called verum group (those who were officially taking AZT) had died. Through this, according to the AIDS establishment, the efficacy of AZT appeared to be proven.
But the Fischl study was not even worth the paper it was printed on. Not only was it financed by AZT manufacturer Burroughs-Wellcome (today GlaxoSmithKline), which is clearly a conflict of interest, but it was “clear that Fauci‘s NIH and the FDA had far too ‘cozy’ a relationship with Burroughs-Wellcome,”.
Apart from that, the study was stopped after only four months. A clinical trial observation period of only four months is much too short to be informative, considering the usual practice of administering AIDS medications over years, or even a lifetime.
Moreover, the Fischl study had been conducted in a downright fraudulent manner. “It is almost beyond the bounds of probability that the mortality data could be correct,” as Lauritsen states.
“There are many ways that errors can occur in research. But in this particular study the most parsimonious explanation would be deliberate fraud.”
For example, the double-blind conditions of the study (according to which neither the researchers nor patients should have known who was taking AZT and who was taking placebos) were no longer existent after a short time. NBC lead reporter Perri Peltz stated in 1988, that almost immediately everyone knew who was getting what. Patients told how they can distinguish AZT from placebo by the taste.
Furthermore, the FDA documents show that the study results were distorted. For example, sicker patients were placed in the placebo group or because the group that swallowed AZT (and therefore had to cope with the severe side effects) received more supportive medical services (eg-Blood transfusions) than the placebo subjects.
NBC reported that there was widespread tampering with the rules of the Fischl trial. The rules had been violated coast to coast, and if all patients with protocol violations were dropped, there wouldn’t be enough to be able to continue the study.
1987-AZT became the AIDS “therapy” even though in the recommended dosage of 1,500 mg/day, it was absolutely fatal.
1987, Dr. Duesberg and his followers argue, the vast majority of “AIDS deaths” were actually caused by AZT—Dr. Fauci’s radical “antiretroviral” chemotherapy purposefully concocted to kill human cells. Duesberg describes the syndrome as “AIDS by AZT.”
Ironically, he argued AZT, the highly toxic medication that Dr. Fauci was prescribing to treat AIDS patients, actually does what the virus cannot—that is, it causes AIDS itself.
Burroughs Wellcome’s insert warns that it is “often difficult to distinguish adverse events possibly associated with administration of RETROVIR (AZT) from underlying signs of HIV disease or intercurrent illnesses.”
In other words, even the company acknowledges that AZT causes the diseases that define AIDS.
The annual mortalities from so-called AIDS during the early years of the pandemic for 1983–1987—prior to AZT’s approval—were lower, perhaps ten to fifteen thousand people in a country of 250 million.
According to the CDC, in the fifth full year of AIDS, 1986, 12,205 people “with” AIDS died in the United States. At that time, CDC—in a now-familiar scheme to stoke pandemic fears—used deceptive protocols to inflate the body counts.
The CDC’s mortality numbers include anyone with an HIV positive antibody “status,” even if the deceased had no “AIDS defining illness,” and instead succumbed to suicide, a drug overdose, a car accident, or a heart attack.
In 1987, “AIDS” deaths rose by 46 percent with 16,469 people dying. In 1988, as more and more people received AZT, the death toll rose to 21,176, and then to 27,879 in 1989 (when AZT was recommended for health HIV+). Death rates rose to 31,694 in 1990, and 37,040 in 1991.
In 1987 HHS’s standard prescription for AZT was 1,500 mg a day. In 1988, the average survival time for patients taking AZT was four months.
1987-Bactrim, a combination antibiotic, was approved by the FDA in 1973. Dr. Walter Hughes successfully treated PCP in people suffering from other conditions that cause defects in T-cell immunity, such as certain types of leukemia, with Bactrim in the 1970s.
Frontline doctors began using it with demonstrated benefits in AIDS patients suffering from PCP to treat and prevent the infection.
Fauci told activists attending a 1987 meeting that there was no data to suggest PCP prophylaxis was beneficial and that it may, in fact be dangerous."
Fauci's close colleague, Dr. Samuel Broder, who was head of the National Cancer Institute, even suggested -- in the absence of any evidence at all -- that the newly introduced antiretroviral, AZT, would make prophylaxis against PCP redundant!
In the two years between 1987 and 1989, when the guidelines were ultimately issued recommending Bactrim for PCP in AIDS patients, nearly 17,000 people with AIDS suffocated from PCP.
Most of these people might have lived had Fauci responded appropriately.
1988-Vice President George H. W. Bush’s presidential debate when asked who he admired most: You’ve probably never heard of him. He’s a very fine researcher, top doctor at National Institute of Health, working hard doing something, research on this disease of AIDS.
1988-December, the Lancet published a study that was more expansive than the original AZT study and followed patients longer. It was not conducted in the United States, but in France, at the Claude Bernard Hospital in Paris. French doctors called the results “disappointing.”
The French study found, once again, that AZT was too toxic for most to tolerate, had no lasting effect on HIV blood levels, and left the patients with fewer T-4 cells than they started with.
Although they noticed a clinical improvement at first, they concluded that “by six months, these values had returned to their pretreatment levels, and several opportunistic infections, malignancies, and deaths occurred.”
1989-The last surviving patient from the original AZT trial, according Burroughs Wellcome, died . When he died, he had been on AZT for three and one-half years. He was the longest surviving AZT recipient. The longest surviving AIDS patient overall, not on AZT, has lived for eight and one-half years.
1989-August 17 : The government has announced that 1.4 million healthy, HIV antibody-positive Americans could “benefit” from taking AZT, even though they show no symptoms of disease. New studies have “proven” that AZT is effective in stopping the progression of AIDS in asymptomatic and early ARC cases.
Dr. Fauci, the head of NIAID, proudly announced that a trial has been going on for “two years” had “clearly shown” that early intervention will keep AIDS at bay.
Anyone who has antibodies to HIV and less than 500 T-4 cells should start taking AZT at once, he said.
That is approximately 650,000 people. 1.4 million Americans are assumed HIV antibody-positive, and eventually all of them may need to take AZT so they don’t get sick, Fauci contended.
According to the press release, 3,200 early ARC and asymptomatic patients were divided into two groups, one AZT and one placebo, and followed for two years. The two groups were distinguished by T-4 cell counts; one group had less than 500, the other more than 500. These two were then divided into three groups each: high-dose AZT, low-dose AZT, and placebo. In the group with more than 500 T-4 cells, AZT had no effect. In the other group, it was concluded that low-dose AZT was the most effective, followed by high-dose. All in all, 36 out of 900 developed AIDS in the two AZT groups combined, and 38 out of 450 in the placebo group. “HIV-positive are twice as likely to get AIDS if they don’t take AZT,” the press declared.
However, the figures are vastly misleading. When we asked how many patients were actually enrolled for a full two years, the NIH said they did not know, but that the average time of participation was one year, not two.
“It’s terribly dishonest the way they portrayed those numbers,” says Dr. Sonnabend. “If there were 60 people in the trial those numbers would mean something, but if you calculate what the percentage is out of 3,200, the difference becomes minute (ARR VS RRR) between the two groups. It’s nothing. It’s hit or miss, and they make it look like it’s terribly significant.”
The study boasted that AZT is much more effective and less toxic at one-third the dosage than has been used for three years now. That’s the good news. The bad news is that thousands have already been walloped with 1,500 milligrams of AZT and possibly even died of toxic poisoning — and now we’re hearing that one third of the dose would have done?
With all that remains so uncertain about the effects of AZT, it seems criminal to advocate expanding its usage to healthy people, particularly since only a minuscule percentage of the HIV-infected population have actually developed ARC or AIDS.
Sue Threakall describes the rapid decline of her haemophiliac husband after starting AZT in 1989. Although HIV-positive, he was healthy, and had no AIDS indicator diseases, but was advised to take AZT, nonetheless. Like many haemophiliacs who took AZT he is no longer around to give testimony.
When Duesberg heard the latest announcement, he was partially stunned over the reaction of Gay Men’s Health Crisis President Richard Dunne, who said that GMHC now urged “everybody to get tested,” and of course those who test positive to go on to AZT. “These people are running into the gas chambers,” says Duesberg. “Himmler would have been so happy if only the Jews were this cooperative.
1990-At the June 1
San Francisco AIDS conference, Luc Montagnier made his tectonic announcement that “The HIV virus is harmless and passive, a benign virus.”
He added that he had discovered that HIV only becomes dangerous in the presence of a second organism. He described a tiny, bacteria-like bug called a mycoplasma. His laboratory had demonstrated that in culture with his new mycoplasma, HIV becomes a vicious killer.
Montagnier declared that he now believes that HIV is “a peaceful virus” that becomes lethal only when combined with mycoplasma infertans.
As Montagnier spoke, Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo sat in the audience, basking in vindication. Dr. Lo’s important new ally, Montagnier, the Nobel laureate of AIDS, had independently discovered the same mycoplasma and concluded, like Lo, that it was the primary cause of the immune system collapse known as AIDS.
Peter Duesberg: “There was Montagnier, the Jesus of HIV, and they threw him out of the temple.”“Who were these people who are so much wiser, so much smarter than Luc Montagnier?” asks Harry Rubin, the dean of American retrovirology. “He became an outlaw as soon as he started saying that HIV might not be the only cause of AIDS.
Thirty-four years later, with over half a trillion dollars spent on AIDS research, Dr. Fauci has not budgeted one dollar to study the role of Lo’s and Montagnier’s mycoplasma or in Gallo’s, and Knox’s HHV-6 virus in the etiology of AIDS.
Between 1981 and 2020, US taxpayers alone shelled out $640 billion for AIDS research focused almost exclusively on developing drugs to address Dr. Fauci’s sketchy HIV hypothesis.
Kary Mullis says in his book Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, “What people call science today is probably very similar to what was called science in 1634. Galileo was told to recant his beliefs or be excommunicated.
People who refuse to accept the commandments of the AIDS establishment are basically told the same thing.”
1990, four leading scientists at the CDC suggested in the Lancet that Kaposi’s sarcoma was common in young gay men who indisputably did not have HIV.
They concluded that KS—the disease most central to the definition of AIDS—“may be caused by an as yet unidentified infectious agent, transmitted mainly by sexual contact.”
This was a stunning development, because KS was the initial and defining symptom of AIDS.
Prior to 1981, KS was a disease limited to very old people. Its sudden appearance in young men was the identifying signal that launched the AIDS crisis.
It was fundamental doctrine within the medical establishment that KS was the diagnostic signal of the AIDS pandemic. The very existence of AIDS was inextricably linked to KS.
If HIV was not responsible for the outbreak of Kaposi’s Sarcoma, then there had to be another culprit. That insurmountable logic raised the question of whether poppers might also be causing the other symptoms of AIDS— particularly the other major manifestation, immunosuppression, which science also linked to amyl nitrite.
At a high-level meeting of US health authorities in 1994—titled “Do Nitrites Act as a CoFactor in Kaposi’s Sarcoma?”—Gallo made some astonishing confessions to his trusted colleagues. HIV, he acknowledged, might only be a “catalytic factor” in Kaposi’s:
1990’s as health officials lowered the daily dose to 500 mg, average lifespan of AZT patients rose to twenty-four months in 1997, as deaths attributed to AIDS plummeted. Afterwards. CDC changed its counting metrics to make it difficult to count annual AIDS deaths.
“Most of the deaths attributed to AIDS, or HIV disease as eventually it would be called, from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s were the result of iatrogenic illness, resulting from prescription of high dose, toxic, DNA chain-terminating chemotherapy, specifically, azidothymidine (AZT) ending in premature death for scores of thousands of ‘HIV positive’ gay men, plus many hemophiliacs, IV drug users, Sub-Saharan Africans, and a few heterosexuals unlucky enough to have taken the specious HIV test, like the late tennis star, Arthur Ashe, who died in 1993.”
Köhnlein observes, “The treatment causes a very similar condition we would expect from an AIDS patient. That’s why nobody noticed that there was something wrong with the treatment.”
“We virtually killed a whole generation of AIDS patients without even noticing it because the symptoms of the AZT intoxication were almost indistinguishable from AIDS,”
“They were all over-treated at that time and the reason why doctors didn’t notice it was easy to explain because the placebo control was stopped after four months,” he replied. “It was said that for ethical reasons nobody can withhold AZT treatment. After these four months the mortality rose tremendously in both groups.
“Harm is usually underreported,” he wrote. “To prove it you need three studies: The AZT licensing Fischl study, the Hemophiliac study in Nature where [editor] John Maddox showed that the HIV positive hemophiliacs started dying only the very year AZT was introduced. And lastly, the Concorde Lancet study which showed: the more AZT, the more Death.”
If Duesberg and others are correct about that association, it means that Burroughs Wellcome was profiting from both causing the AIDS epidemic and then from poisoning a generation of gay men with the AZT “Cure.”
Tony Fauci played traffic cop in this feedback loop. On the one hand, he was using his regulatory authority to promote AZT, and to kill its competition, effectively orchestrating Burroughs Wellcome’s monopoly control over AIDS treatment.
At the same time, he was suppressing the study of the toxicity of poppers and directing the blame for AIDS on the virus, thereby shielding Burroughs Wellcome from significant liability.
1991, On April 14, John Crewdson reported, in the Chicago Tribune, that one of Gallo’s experiments with an HIV vaccine had killed three AIDS patients in Paris the previous year.
NIH had launched the project before handing it off to Gallo and his trusty henchman, Daniel Zagury, who tested the concoction on volunteers in France and, predictably, an African country, this time Zaire.
His cronies at the National Cancer Institute had granted Gallo’s experiments “expedited review, approval.” How expedited? Just twenty-five days. The patients died after Gallo’s team inoculated them with an HIV vaccine derived from cowpox.
NIH scientists formulated the preparation from vaccinia—a virus that causes cowpox in bovines—into which the government scientists genetically inserted a fragment of the HIV virus.
Apparently, the cowpox remained infectious, and three of their nineteen Paris volunteers immediately developed “vaccinia,” a frequently fatal necrosis, which caused acute lesions and an expanse of hardened, swollen, purplish-red skin around the victims’ injection sites as the disease devoured their flesh.
As is typical of AIDS vaccine research, the NIH scientists cached the atrocity. Neither Gallo nor Zagury reported the deaths.
Instead, Gallo vaunted the trial as a great success in the Lancet’s July 21, 1990, edition, audaciously claiming that there had been “no deaths” and “no complications or discomfort” among any of those to whom he administered the preparation.
In 1996 Gallo left NCI and established the Institute for Human Virology (IHV) with his two longtime cronies, William Blattner, who served for 22 years under Gallo as Director of Viral Epidemiology at NCI, and Robert Redfield, a military doctor and researcher who shared Gallo’s lifelong obsession with HIV and his ethical lacunae.
A subsequent lawsuit over Gallo’s swindle by the French government ultimately forced Gallo to disgorge half his proceeds.
1992-Redfield and Birx were former Army medical officers who, in the 1980s and 1990s, led the military’s AIDS research, a specialty that seems like a magnet for hucksters and quacks.
US military documents show that in 1992 Redfield and Birx, his then-assistant—both serving at Walter Reed in Washington—published inaccurate data in the New England Journal of Medicine, claiming that an HIV vaccine they helped develop and tested on Walter Reed patients was effective.
An Air Force medical office accused Redfield of engaging in “a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analyses and misleading data presentation in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine.”
A specially convened Air Force tribunal on scientific fraud and misconduct concluded that Redfield’s “misleading or, possibly, deceptive” information “seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole.
His allegedly unethical behavior creates false hope and could result in premature deployment of the vaccine.” The tribunal recommended investigation by a “fully independent outside investigative body.”
Under threat of court-martial, loss of his medical license, and possible imprisonment, Dr. Redfield confessed to angry DOD interrogators and to the tribunal that his analyses were faulty and deceptive. He agreed to correct them and to publicly admit the vaccine was worthless
As astonished prosecutors watched, he then brazenly parroted his debunked perjuries in testimony before Congress, swearing that his vaccine cured HIV.Redfield’s bold gambit worked.
Bamboozled by Redfield’s brazen ballyhoo, Congress immediately appropriated $20 million to the military to support Redfield and Birx’s research project. Enraged military prosecutors wanted to court-martial Redfield.
A 1994 letter to the Congressional Committee’s Chairman, Henry Waxman, the dedicated budget hikes promised by Congress prompted the Army to kill the investigation, silence its own prosecutors, and “whitewash” Redfield’s misdeeds.
As indicated, Redfield would go on to established the Institute for Human Virology (IHV) with Gallo in 1996
1993-Siefkes publishes paper hypothesizing that HIV-1 is a natural recombinant of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) and Visna Virus (from sheep). The author posits that this recombinant virus may have been transferred to humans through the Intensified Smallpox Eradication Program conducted in sub-Sahara Africa in the late 1960s and most of the 1970s.!po=1.42857
1993 AIDS definition changed to permit the diagnosis of AIDS solely on the basis of a low T4 cell count and positive HIV serology. It has been estimated that the new AIDS definition will treble the number of AIDS cases compared to the 1987 definition
1996 the literature includes more than 4,621 clinically diagnosed AIDS cases that are all HIV-free . To cover up this discrepancy with the overwhelming correlation, HIV-free AIDS cases were renamed in 1992 as idiopathic CD4- lymphocytopenia (ICL)
Conclusion- its not possible to say for sure that HIV was engineered and deliberately released, or that the Military was involved in its development or that they executed a psychological operation against the American people to stir up fear and alter behavior , and gain support for universal testing and exclusion of HIV positive people. But it can’t be ruled out.
Maybe it was just an accidental lab release or contaminated vaccine that got covered up and then exploited for political and financial gain
Many of the pages from the AIDS playbook were repeated for COVID with Fauci and Redfield again playing leading roles. Just a coincidence that both were involved with both. Maybe. Maybe not.
Before I end this I will add some links and references to other aspects of what I call the Military Industrial Everything Complex
Military Industrial Complex
Atlantic Council
Minerva Initiative
Human Terrain Systems-Anthropolgy
RAND- Infiltration of Social Sciences
Silicon Valley, Yasha Levine-Internet
Militarization of Medicine
Gosh Damn. This is a good necessarily somewhat dense summary to date. I am only halfway through and have to take a break because my brain is aching, and I have some education in this area! This is the prelude to your next stack!?
Then it's likely going to take me 2 weeks to absorb that I suspect, taking it in shifts.
Thank you for this.
I'm saving this as a pdf, then sharing it with some friends and folks who were involved in different on-the-ground consequences of those machinations and plannings.