Thanks for taking on RFK Jr.‘s limited hangout. I suspect he’s a prisoner of the CIA, with his son married to Amaryllis Fox who displaced Kucinich as his presidential campaign’s manager. The whole family is captive! Seems that he’s in a position similar to his father who was very nearly framed for Marilyn Monroe’s murder. RFK Jr. has the horrible history with his ex-wife who conveniently killed herself in the midst of their contentious divorce after years of enduring his compulsive cheating/sex addiction. Only blackmail, the potential loss of his family and the threat of death could explain his inconsistent and morally bankrupt stance on Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinians, paid for by the U.S.
Your analysis is very helpful. I would love for you to include a few additional things that support your conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon created and released in a joint U.S.-Chinese operation, with the consent of the other nations that went along with the lockdowns and vaccines:
1. Baric didn’t release the genetic code of his 2015 GOF bat coronavirus until May 2020, so there’s no reason not to think that was a lie and SARS-CoV-2 is very similar to, or even identical to, what Baric created then (with no help from Shi Zhengli or anyone else from Wuhan, as you make clear).
2. Who does RFK Jr.’s “Wuhan lab-leak” limited hangout protect? Who were the Deep State and corporate actors who carried out the Plandemic? Baric’s just a scientist. Fauci’s just a bureaucrat. Who do they work for? Like Mikki Willis, RFK Jr. focuses on Bill Gates and he’s obviously in the thick of things, but Gates isn’t the only evil billionaire Plandemic planner and profiteer. RFK Jr. doesn’t mention Eric Schmidt (Google/funder of Eric Lander and George Church’s Broad Institute), Jeff Skoll (EBay), Rajiv Shah (USAID/Rockefeller) or Charles Koch (business partners with Moderna’s Robert Langer), even though they funded Philip Zelikow’s COVID origins cover-up AND Schmidt, Skoll & Shah funded the virus hunts that turned up RaTG13 and the virus Baric used for his 2015 GOF experiment. RFK Jr. doesn’t even mention that Predict and Prevent started at with Nathan Wolfe’s Metabiota. (He does mention that Shah was USAID director, but misses the connections to billionaires other than Gates.)
RFK Jr. does link Metabiota and EcoHealth, but only in a few asides and doesn’t make clear that Metabiota was right there with EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute hunting for bat coronaviruses in Southern China when they turned up RaTG13 and Baric’s starter-viruses for his 2015 GOF experiment.
If the search for COVID origins were a game of Clue, I might guess Metabiota in Ukraine.
3. Eric Schmidt was very close to and authored a book with the late Henry Kissinger, who’s been in the Deep State since he worked with Allen Dulles in the CIA (before it was the CIA) recruiting Nazis into the Cold War. Kennedy covers Kissinger, but since he doesn’t mention Schmidt it’s of merely historical interest. Schmidt should be investigated as Kissinger’s Deep State protégé. Schmidt’s Plandemic involvement should be linked back to Kissinger & the Deep State.
4. The Pentagon and CIA have a black budget that’s going on $100 billion/year. That’s a lot of money to pull off Plandemics and shape our understanding of them.
So, if RFK Jr.’s book and his candidacy are being shaped by Deep State, for what purpose?
Whoever edited it didn’t mind him linking the Bidens to Metabiota, but didn’t want Metabiota too close to the scene of the crime.
I think he and Trump are going to be the boogie men who make whoever the DNC picks after Biden drops out look more palatable to brainwashed Democrats. The Democrats have already painted RFK Jr. as a racist, antisemitic anti-vaxxer. They’ll have a field day once the media’s ready to go hard on his past as a sex-addict who drove his ex-wife to suicide. Their spin will make President Pussygrabber look tame by comparison.
I fear the DNC will pick Liz Cheney. She’s currently running an anti-Trump campaign based on her role in the January 6 committee. The Guardian linked RFK Jr. to January 6 through the Bollingers. That will be enough for Democrats like Jamie Raskin who wanted Cheney for Speaker. No risk that people like him will read RFK Jr.‘s book, which does mention Cheney, but doesn’t mention that:
* Cheney was working in Ford’s White House during the 1976 Swine Flu Scamdemic, the first time a vaccine maker, Merck (originator of the offensive U.S. bioweapons program), got liability protection from the government.
* Cheney was almost certainly part of the Deep State team behind the false-flag 9/11 and anthrax attacks. RFK Jr. never suggests such a thing or even that 9/11 was an inside job. He blames anthrax on Robert Kadlec without mentioning that David Franz had a subcontract on a DARPA grant to produce the weaponized silicon-encapsulated anthrax used in the attack. Since David Franz was so involved with EcoHealth and Wuhan leading up to COVID it certainly warrants a mention that he was in on anthrax, too.
RFK Jr. gives Cheney a pass on 9/11 and anthrax and omits the most damning evidence linking anthrax to the Plandemic, to downplay the obvious links between these Deep State operations.
He won’t even admit COVID was a Plandemic!
I had such high hopes for RFK Jr., but I should have had higher standards. He talked a lot about the assassinations of his father and uncle, but he never mentioned 9/11. I guess they would have killed him if he had. He mentioned Building 7 recently and the Guardian went apeshit, even though his initial statement was that he’d never looked into 9/11 and didn’t have anything to say about it.
It’s just impossible to understand COVID if you don’t get the assassinations of the 60s and 9/11.
“It’s just impossible to understand COVID if you don’t get the assassinations of the 60s and 9/11.”
Which is why so many don’t get it. Most people get JFK but most still reject the reality of 9/11
“4.So, if RFK Jr.’s book and his candidacy are being shaped by Deep State, for what purpose?”
RFK Jr is probably being used much like Teddy Roosevelt in 2012. To sway the election for Democrats. His platform seems designed to take away votes from the Republican candidate. I doubt Biden will be the Democrat candidate.
It also takes him away for his anti-vaccine crusade. He rarely mentions them now, nor do any Republican candidate.
But the main purpose of the book is to support the counter narrative that it was an accidental release due to the Evil Chinese whose bioweapon research killed over 20 million.
While US actors through greed or stupidity unwitting supported Chinas bioweapon program, and US intelligence agencies are just covering their ass, there was no great crime or conspiracy on the US side related to the emergence of the virus
“Whoever edited it didn’t mind him linking the Bidens to Metabiota, but didn’t want Metabiota too close to the scene of the crime.
I think he and Trump are going to be the boogie men who make whoever the DNC picks after Biden drops out look more palatable to brainwashed Democrats. The Democrats have already painted RFK Jr. as a racist, antisemitic anti-vaxxer. They’ll have a field day once the media’s ready to go hard on his past as a sex-addict who drove his ex-wife to suicide. Their spin will make President Pussygrabber look tame by comparison.”
Yes, well RFK Jr is basically running as a Republican so targeting Biden makes sense (and he should be targeted)
“I fear the DNC will pick Liz Cheney. She’s currently running an anti-Trump campaign based on her role in the January 6 committee. The Guardian linked RFK Jr. to January 6 through the Bollingers. That will be enough for Democrats like Jamie Raskin who wanted Cheney for Speaker. No risk that people like him will read RFK Jr.‘s book, which does mention Cheney, but doesn’t mention that”
I speculated that Cheney might be the candidate last year, but I don’t follow politics too closely
“Thanks for taking on RFK Jr.‘s limited hangout. I suspect he’s a prisoner of the CIA, with his son married to Amaryllis Fox who displaced Kucinich as his presidential campaign’s manager. The whole family is captive!”
They clearly have something on him, or his family. I always wondered why he was allowed to speak so much truth for so many years and now think he was being groomed for this day, unwittingly or not
“1. Baric didn’t release the genetic code of his 2015 GOF bat coronavirus until May 2020, so there’s no reason not to think that was a lie and SARS-CoV-2 is very similar to, or even identical to, what Baric created then (with no help from Shi Zhengli or anyone else from Wuhan, as you make clear).”
The 2015 sequence would have been completely different to SC2. He withheld the sequences not because it was dangerous, but seeing each nucleotide would hv allowed them to figure out how we did it
“3. Eric Schmidt was very close to and authored a book with the late Henry Kissinger, who’s been in the Deep State since he worked with Allen Dulles in the CIA (before it was the CIA) recruiting Nazis into the Cold War. Kennedy covers Kissinger, but since he doesn’t mention Schmidt it’s of merely historical interest. Schmidt should be investigated as Kissinger’s Deep State protégé. Schmidt’s Plandemic involvement should be linked back to Kissinger & the Deep State.”
Big Tech and Silicon Valley is of course a Pentagon/MIC creation. Kissinger was very influential and may indeed have been in the inner circle or close to it as was David Rockefeller. Schmidt may be as well
“If the search for COVID origins were a game of Clue, I might guess Metabiota in Ukraine.”
I doubt it originated there but I would not rule out it being trialed there
“2. Who does RFK Jr.’s “Wuhan lab-leak” limited hangout protect? Who were the Deep State and corporate actors who carried out the Plandemic? Baric’s just a scientist. Fauci’s just a bureaucrat. Who do they work for? “
That is the real question isn’t it. I believe there is a higher power, a hidden hand that has been engineering human society for centuries. Most of the names we know today are front men. Guys like Fauci probably don’t even know who is in the inner circle. For most of history these powers were localized and fighting among each other, and shackled by monarchy and the Church. At the end of the 19th century they seem to have organized themselves and launched a concerted attack against monarchy and religion. The base of this power was likely the City of London.
Over time, through a period of 200 years culminating with the end of World War II they were able to create what we call the NWO and create the institutions for Global control via the UN and other international institutions, and with their money and power were able to take over corporations and governments using Fear as their major Weapon.
Fear of War, Disease, Overpopulation, Global Warming and traditional Terrorism and the use of False Flags and the Hegelian Dialectic gained them the support needed to influence the changes they desired (more authoritarian control, reduced freedom, Malthusian policies and austerity), and the Fear they generated provided them the unlimited funds they needed to generate and perpetuate the fear.
Maybe one day maybe they will publish an organizational chart, but I doubt it. Like any functional organization it is hierarchal with only the top level privy to their plan. Lower levels know only what they need to. Guys like Fauci and Tech billionaires are probably close to the higher level, but probably not at the highest level.
This is a Global organization, perhaps not without factions but each faction mostly agreed with the long term objective , and differences are limited to details. Its very likely Russia and Chinese Elites are in on it and the conflicts are real in some sense but at a higher level Fake Wrestling to feed the MIC machine
While I cant prove Russia and Chinas involvement, both went along with COVID Policies. Both are strong advocates of WEF. Today Russia and China are basically Made in USA by Global Elitists. Gorbachev sold out the Soviet Union and in the post -Soviet era joined the Globalist
And David Rockefeller and his protege Kissinger Opened the Door to China in exchange for a One China Policy over Taiwan and promise to handover Hong Kong (Brits sealed the deal in 1986). Both Russia (FSU) and China opened their doors to Capitalism at the same time ~1990
Putins activities in St Petersburg in the early 1990’s is somewhat shrouded in secrecy but there is little doubt he helped facilitate the looting of Russian resources to Western investors.
The fact he was promoted by the US puppet Yeltsin is not a surprise. His false flag apartment bombings got him elected in 2000
Its hilarious people think guys Putin and Xi will save them.
It was Alexis, about 2 years ago, that sent me down a Baric rabbit hole after noting #1: Baric never uploaded his sequences, therefore his No See'M method remained "obscure" to the Chinese researchers.
In the version of this amendment previously published, there was a typo in the name of the virus listed, where “SHC014-MA15” now replaces “SHC015-MA15” from the original.
Yes, I was thinking about this reading RFK Jr’s chapter on how the pandemic started, “Chapter 52: The Chinese Launch the Global Cover-Up.”
The part that really galled me was that, like Pete said, RFK Jr couldn’t get his story straight. He said there was a “lab leak,” i.e. a laboratory-acquired infection, at the WIV in September, but then the index case, the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Ben Hu, happened in November. That obviously doesn’t line up. If the virus “leaked” from the WIV via a sick scientist, it either happened in September or November, not at both times.
The timing is very important because it changes the meaning of October’s Event 201.
If a scientist got sick at the WIV in September, then the Military-Pharmaceutical-Industrial-Complex, says, “The accident we’ve been waiting for has happened!” and they rush to put together Event 201 to cement their plans for how to take advantage of it.
If a scientist got sick at the WIV in November, they’re getting together in October for one last rehearsal before they pull the trigger on their Plandemic by getting that scientist sick, so they have a plausible “lab leak” story.
I mean really, any fairy tale that attempts to explain how Plandemic lockdown policies sweep the globe in Lockstep BASED ON AN ACCIDENTAL RELEASE is cuckoo.
But, the other thing that stands out in that chapter is how RFK Jr exaggerates the danger of the virus and gives credence to the fear-mongering used to get people to go along with “2 weeks to flatten the curve.”
"The timing is very important because it changes the meaning of October’s Event 201."
How so if the Oct date for Event 201 was announced on Aug. 21 ? :
"August 21, 2019 – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will host a global pandemic exercise called “Event 201” on Friday, October 18, 2019, in New York City."
Excess deaths are well documented. If you even read my post (doubtful, too much work) you will know the Virus main purpose was to terrorize and not kill.
If you comment again, provide support for your negation or I will block you
It's interesting that throughout my awakening, I was reading that this was a US-based bioweapon and Baric was the chief engineer, and much of what you have written I have read, but thank you for having all the receipts. RFK Jr is dangerous because he says he is on the people's side, and he is to a point, but he is still very pro climate scam and won't actually drain any part of the swamp, except maybe some at the FDA and CDC, but that is a drop in the bucket. I think he folds like a cheap suit once in office.
I doubt he gets elected . His purpose seems to take away votes from the Republican nominee much like Teddy Roosevelt and Ross Perot did to help get Wilson and Clinton elected
I just did a speed read and am vaguely familiar with Jim Haslam’s work and this is very interesting. It’s rather hard to follow as there’s so much detail. I would like to hear you verbally explaining this as it’s so complicated. Could you get yourself onto a podcast - maybe DocMalik’s? - to explain it as I think it’s a lot to ask people to read this.
Sorry, I don't do podcasts. Complex matters cant easily be explained without background knowledge. Readings hard, but its the only way. No pain, no gain.
Not asking anyone to read it. Its there for those who wish to learn
Thanks for taking on RFK Jr.‘s limited hangout. I suspect he’s a prisoner of the CIA, with his son married to Amaryllis Fox who displaced Kucinich as his presidential campaign’s manager. The whole family is captive! Seems that he’s in a position similar to his father who was very nearly framed for Marilyn Monroe’s murder. RFK Jr. has the horrible history with his ex-wife who conveniently killed herself in the midst of their contentious divorce after years of enduring his compulsive cheating/sex addiction. Only blackmail, the potential loss of his family and the threat of death could explain his inconsistent and morally bankrupt stance on Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinians, paid for by the U.S.
Your analysis is very helpful. I would love for you to include a few additional things that support your conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon created and released in a joint U.S.-Chinese operation, with the consent of the other nations that went along with the lockdowns and vaccines:
1. Baric didn’t release the genetic code of his 2015 GOF bat coronavirus until May 2020, so there’s no reason not to think that was a lie and SARS-CoV-2 is very similar to, or even identical to, what Baric created then (with no help from Shi Zhengli or anyone else from Wuhan, as you make clear).
2. Who does RFK Jr.’s “Wuhan lab-leak” limited hangout protect? Who were the Deep State and corporate actors who carried out the Plandemic? Baric’s just a scientist. Fauci’s just a bureaucrat. Who do they work for? Like Mikki Willis, RFK Jr. focuses on Bill Gates and he’s obviously in the thick of things, but Gates isn’t the only evil billionaire Plandemic planner and profiteer. RFK Jr. doesn’t mention Eric Schmidt (Google/funder of Eric Lander and George Church’s Broad Institute), Jeff Skoll (EBay), Rajiv Shah (USAID/Rockefeller) or Charles Koch (business partners with Moderna’s Robert Langer), even though they funded Philip Zelikow’s COVID origins cover-up AND Schmidt, Skoll & Shah funded the virus hunts that turned up RaTG13 and the virus Baric used for his 2015 GOF experiment. RFK Jr. doesn’t even mention that Predict and Prevent started at with Nathan Wolfe’s Metabiota. (He does mention that Shah was USAID director, but misses the connections to billionaires other than Gates.)
RFK Jr. does link Metabiota and EcoHealth, but only in a few asides and doesn’t make clear that Metabiota was right there with EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute hunting for bat coronaviruses in Southern China when they turned up RaTG13 and Baric’s starter-viruses for his 2015 GOF experiment.
If the search for COVID origins were a game of Clue, I might guess Metabiota in Ukraine.
3. Eric Schmidt was very close to and authored a book with the late Henry Kissinger, who’s been in the Deep State since he worked with Allen Dulles in the CIA (before it was the CIA) recruiting Nazis into the Cold War. Kennedy covers Kissinger, but since he doesn’t mention Schmidt it’s of merely historical interest. Schmidt should be investigated as Kissinger’s Deep State protégé. Schmidt’s Plandemic involvement should be linked back to Kissinger & the Deep State.
4. The Pentagon and CIA have a black budget that’s going on $100 billion/year. That’s a lot of money to pull off Plandemics and shape our understanding of them.
So, if RFK Jr.’s book and his candidacy are being shaped by Deep State, for what purpose?
Whoever edited it didn’t mind him linking the Bidens to Metabiota, but didn’t want Metabiota too close to the scene of the crime.
I think he and Trump are going to be the boogie men who make whoever the DNC picks after Biden drops out look more palatable to brainwashed Democrats. The Democrats have already painted RFK Jr. as a racist, antisemitic anti-vaxxer. They’ll have a field day once the media’s ready to go hard on his past as a sex-addict who drove his ex-wife to suicide. Their spin will make President Pussygrabber look tame by comparison.
I fear the DNC will pick Liz Cheney. She’s currently running an anti-Trump campaign based on her role in the January 6 committee. The Guardian linked RFK Jr. to January 6 through the Bollingers. That will be enough for Democrats like Jamie Raskin who wanted Cheney for Speaker. No risk that people like him will read RFK Jr.‘s book, which does mention Cheney, but doesn’t mention that:
* Cheney was working in Ford’s White House during the 1976 Swine Flu Scamdemic, the first time a vaccine maker, Merck (originator of the offensive U.S. bioweapons program), got liability protection from the government.
* Cheney was almost certainly part of the Deep State team behind the false-flag 9/11 and anthrax attacks. RFK Jr. never suggests such a thing or even that 9/11 was an inside job. He blames anthrax on Robert Kadlec without mentioning that David Franz had a subcontract on a DARPA grant to produce the weaponized silicon-encapsulated anthrax used in the attack. Since David Franz was so involved with EcoHealth and Wuhan leading up to COVID it certainly warrants a mention that he was in on anthrax, too.
RFK Jr. gives Cheney a pass on 9/11 and anthrax and omits the most damning evidence linking anthrax to the Plandemic, to downplay the obvious links between these Deep State operations.
He won’t even admit COVID was a Plandemic!
I had such high hopes for RFK Jr., but I should have had higher standards. He talked a lot about the assassinations of his father and uncle, but he never mentioned 9/11. I guess they would have killed him if he had. He mentioned Building 7 recently and the Guardian went apeshit, even though his initial statement was that he’d never looked into 9/11 and didn’t have anything to say about it.
It’s just impossible to understand COVID if you don’t get the assassinations of the 60s and 9/11.
“It’s just impossible to understand COVID if you don’t get the assassinations of the 60s and 9/11.”
Which is why so many don’t get it. Most people get JFK but most still reject the reality of 9/11
“4.So, if RFK Jr.’s book and his candidacy are being shaped by Deep State, for what purpose?”
RFK Jr is probably being used much like Teddy Roosevelt in 2012. To sway the election for Democrats. His platform seems designed to take away votes from the Republican candidate. I doubt Biden will be the Democrat candidate.
It also takes him away for his anti-vaccine crusade. He rarely mentions them now, nor do any Republican candidate.
But the main purpose of the book is to support the counter narrative that it was an accidental release due to the Evil Chinese whose bioweapon research killed over 20 million.
While US actors through greed or stupidity unwitting supported Chinas bioweapon program, and US intelligence agencies are just covering their ass, there was no great crime or conspiracy on the US side related to the emergence of the virus
“Whoever edited it didn’t mind him linking the Bidens to Metabiota, but didn’t want Metabiota too close to the scene of the crime.
I think he and Trump are going to be the boogie men who make whoever the DNC picks after Biden drops out look more palatable to brainwashed Democrats. The Democrats have already painted RFK Jr. as a racist, antisemitic anti-vaxxer. They’ll have a field day once the media’s ready to go hard on his past as a sex-addict who drove his ex-wife to suicide. Their spin will make President Pussygrabber look tame by comparison.”
Yes, well RFK Jr is basically running as a Republican so targeting Biden makes sense (and he should be targeted)
“I fear the DNC will pick Liz Cheney. She’s currently running an anti-Trump campaign based on her role in the January 6 committee. The Guardian linked RFK Jr. to January 6 through the Bollingers. That will be enough for Democrats like Jamie Raskin who wanted Cheney for Speaker. No risk that people like him will read RFK Jr.‘s book, which does mention Cheney, but doesn’t mention that”
I speculated that Cheney might be the candidate last year, but I don’t follow politics too closely
“Thanks for taking on RFK Jr.‘s limited hangout. I suspect he’s a prisoner of the CIA, with his son married to Amaryllis Fox who displaced Kucinich as his presidential campaign’s manager. The whole family is captive!”
They clearly have something on him, or his family. I always wondered why he was allowed to speak so much truth for so many years and now think he was being groomed for this day, unwittingly or not
“1. Baric didn’t release the genetic code of his 2015 GOF bat coronavirus until May 2020, so there’s no reason not to think that was a lie and SARS-CoV-2 is very similar to, or even identical to, what Baric created then (with no help from Shi Zhengli or anyone else from Wuhan, as you make clear).”
The 2015 sequence would have been completely different to SC2. He withheld the sequences not because it was dangerous, but seeing each nucleotide would hv allowed them to figure out how we did it
“3. Eric Schmidt was very close to and authored a book with the late Henry Kissinger, who’s been in the Deep State since he worked with Allen Dulles in the CIA (before it was the CIA) recruiting Nazis into the Cold War. Kennedy covers Kissinger, but since he doesn’t mention Schmidt it’s of merely historical interest. Schmidt should be investigated as Kissinger’s Deep State protégé. Schmidt’s Plandemic involvement should be linked back to Kissinger & the Deep State.”
Big Tech and Silicon Valley is of course a Pentagon/MIC creation. Kissinger was very influential and may indeed have been in the inner circle or close to it as was David Rockefeller. Schmidt may be as well
“If the search for COVID origins were a game of Clue, I might guess Metabiota in Ukraine.”
I doubt it originated there but I would not rule out it being trialed there
“2. Who does RFK Jr.’s “Wuhan lab-leak” limited hangout protect? Who were the Deep State and corporate actors who carried out the Plandemic? Baric’s just a scientist. Fauci’s just a bureaucrat. Who do they work for? “
That is the real question isn’t it. I believe there is a higher power, a hidden hand that has been engineering human society for centuries. Most of the names we know today are front men. Guys like Fauci probably don’t even know who is in the inner circle. For most of history these powers were localized and fighting among each other, and shackled by monarchy and the Church. At the end of the 19th century they seem to have organized themselves and launched a concerted attack against monarchy and religion. The base of this power was likely the City of London.
Over time, through a period of 200 years culminating with the end of World War II they were able to create what we call the NWO and create the institutions for Global control via the UN and other international institutions, and with their money and power were able to take over corporations and governments using Fear as their major Weapon.
Fear of War, Disease, Overpopulation, Global Warming and traditional Terrorism and the use of False Flags and the Hegelian Dialectic gained them the support needed to influence the changes they desired (more authoritarian control, reduced freedom, Malthusian policies and austerity), and the Fear they generated provided them the unlimited funds they needed to generate and perpetuate the fear.
Maybe one day maybe they will publish an organizational chart, but I doubt it. Like any functional organization it is hierarchal with only the top level privy to their plan. Lower levels know only what they need to. Guys like Fauci and Tech billionaires are probably close to the higher level, but probably not at the highest level.
This is a Global organization, perhaps not without factions but each faction mostly agreed with the long term objective , and differences are limited to details. Its very likely Russia and Chinese Elites are in on it and the conflicts are real in some sense but at a higher level Fake Wrestling to feed the MIC machine
While I cant prove Russia and Chinas involvement, both went along with COVID Policies. Both are strong advocates of WEF. Today Russia and China are basically Made in USA by Global Elitists. Gorbachev sold out the Soviet Union and in the post -Soviet era joined the Globalist
And David Rockefeller and his protege Kissinger Opened the Door to China in exchange for a One China Policy over Taiwan and promise to handover Hong Kong (Brits sealed the deal in 1986). Both Russia (FSU) and China opened their doors to Capitalism at the same time ~1990
Yes! That explains the Kissinger-Putin connection.
Putins activities in St Petersburg in the early 1990’s is somewhat shrouded in secrecy but there is little doubt he helped facilitate the looting of Russian resources to Western investors.
The fact he was promoted by the US puppet Yeltsin is not a surprise. His false flag apartment bombings got him elected in 2000
Its hilarious people think guys Putin and Xi will save them.
It was Alexis, about 2 years ago, that sent me down a Baric rabbit hole after noting #1: Baric never uploaded his sequences, therefore his No See'M method remained "obscure" to the Chinese researchers.
Alexis, UNC even fixed their SHC015-MA15 "typo" just for you!
Change history 04 November 2022
In the version of this amendment previously published, there was a typo in the name of the virus listed, where “SHC014-MA15” now replaces “SHC015-MA15” from the original.
Yes, I was thinking about this reading RFK Jr’s chapter on how the pandemic started, “Chapter 52: The Chinese Launch the Global Cover-Up.”
The part that really galled me was that, like Pete said, RFK Jr couldn’t get his story straight. He said there was a “lab leak,” i.e. a laboratory-acquired infection, at the WIV in September, but then the index case, the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Ben Hu, happened in November. That obviously doesn’t line up. If the virus “leaked” from the WIV via a sick scientist, it either happened in September or November, not at both times.
The timing is very important because it changes the meaning of October’s Event 201.
If a scientist got sick at the WIV in September, then the Military-Pharmaceutical-Industrial-Complex, says, “The accident we’ve been waiting for has happened!” and they rush to put together Event 201 to cement their plans for how to take advantage of it.
If a scientist got sick at the WIV in November, they’re getting together in October for one last rehearsal before they pull the trigger on their Plandemic by getting that scientist sick, so they have a plausible “lab leak” story.
I mean really, any fairy tale that attempts to explain how Plandemic lockdown policies sweep the globe in Lockstep BASED ON AN ACCIDENTAL RELEASE is cuckoo.
But, the other thing that stands out in that chapter is how RFK Jr exaggerates the danger of the virus and gives credence to the fear-mongering used to get people to go along with “2 weeks to flatten the curve.”
Compare RFK Jr.’s Wuhan chapter to Mark Crispin Miller’s assessment of the media propaganda coming out of China in early 2020:
"The timing is very important because it changes the meaning of October’s Event 201."
How so if the Oct date for Event 201 was announced on Aug. 21 ? :
"August 21, 2019 – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will host a global pandemic exercise called “Event 201” on Friday, October 18, 2019, in New York City."
Excess deaths are well documented. If you even read my post (doubtful, too much work) you will know the Virus main purpose was to terrorize and not kill.
If you comment again, provide support for your negation or I will block you
The virus/pandemic denier. Lol. Blocking in 10,9,8…..
I have no tolerance for you people.
Brilliant post Pete, your writing style is much more fun than mine!
It's interesting that throughout my awakening, I was reading that this was a US-based bioweapon and Baric was the chief engineer, and much of what you have written I have read, but thank you for having all the receipts. RFK Jr is dangerous because he says he is on the people's side, and he is to a point, but he is still very pro climate scam and won't actually drain any part of the swamp, except maybe some at the FDA and CDC, but that is a drop in the bucket. I think he folds like a cheap suit once in office.
I doubt he gets elected . His purpose seems to take away votes from the Republican nominee much like Teddy Roosevelt and Ross Perot did to help get Wilson and Clinton elected
I'm curious if Sasha Latypova is cited.
She is
I just did a speed read and am vaguely familiar with Jim Haslam’s work and this is very interesting. It’s rather hard to follow as there’s so much detail. I would like to hear you verbally explaining this as it’s so complicated. Could you get yourself onto a podcast - maybe DocMalik’s? - to explain it as I think it’s a lot to ask people to read this.
Sorry, I don't do podcasts. Complex matters cant easily be explained without background knowledge. Readings hard, but its the only way. No pain, no gain.
Not asking anyone to read it. Its there for those who wish to learn
JJ COUEY helped him on this.
Has he said what he thinks about the final product yet?