Gorby the Globalist. RIP
A very good book in understanding the dissolution of the Soviet Union
In 1980 the Soviet Union was one pole of a bipolar world. It had been transformed into an urban, industrialized country of 265 million people. By such measures as life expectancy, caloric intake, and literacy, the Soviet Union had reached the ranks of the developed countries.
It gave economic and military aid to many countries around the world. It was a leader in many areas of science and technology. It launched the first space satellite. In some more prosaic fields, ranging from specialized metals, to machines for seamless welding of railroad tracks, to eye surgery equipment, it was a world leader. Its performing artists and athletes were among the world's best. With its Warsaw Pact allies, it was the military equal of the United States-led Nato alliance.
In 1985 Gorbachev became President. Hiding under a cloak of reform and renewal of the Soviet system, he set about to destroy it according to some. But a careful reading of the record supports the sincerity of Gorbachev's claim that he wanted to reform socialism, not replace it with capitalism.
A new leadership under Mikhail Gorbachev set off on the path of major structural reform, the aim being to democratize and renew Soviet socialism. However, unforeseen by Gorbachev and his fellow reformers, the economic, political, and cultural reforms they carried out unleashed processes that created a new coalition of groups and classes that favored replacing socialism with capitalism.
The political victory of the group favoring capitalism was made possible by the support it gained from an apparently unlikely source – the party– state elite of the Soviet system. The vast territory and many nationalities which made up the Soviet Union had been held together by the centralized economic and political institutions of state socialism. As Gorbachev's perestroika transformed those institutions, the multinational Soviet state began to weaken.
As the reforms reduced the power of the very top leadership of the hierarchical Soviet system, the broader party–state elite became the decisive power broker.18
The bulk of the elite concluded that a democratized form of socialism had little to offer them. That direction of change threatened to reduce their power and material privileges. Once the future course of the Soviet system was opened to serious internal debate by the policy of glasnost (openness), support for capitalism grew with astonishing speed within this elite, because that path appeared to offer the only way to maintain, and even increase, its power and privileges.
Thus, the ultimate explanation for the surprisingly sudden and peaceful demise of the Soviet system was that it was abandoned by most of its own elite, whose material and ideological ties to any form of socialism had grown weaker and weaker as the Soviet system evolved. It was a revolution from above.
Basically, they saw how rich the Western Elites were and they wanted some of that. Its that simple. Yeltsin was one of them.
Gorbachev did not just want to reform Socialism in the Soviet Union by adding Capitalism , he had Globalist Views. The future of Globalism was the synthesis of Authoritarian Communism and Global Capitalism.
China and the Soviet Union were to add Capitalism (albeit with limited private ownership to start) to their Socialism. Gorbachev unlike Deng was unable to preserve the Soviet Union as he opened up too far and too fast. Deng did it incrementally while maintaining his authoritarian control.
Meanwhile, the West, starting with EU and NAFTA would move toward Regionalism and incrementally introducing Communism’s Authoritarianism , and reduce Living Standards using the threat of a Climate Emergency and the need for Sustainability.
1987, Mikhail Gorbachev stated: We are moving toward a New World, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road.
It is of course being implemented via regionalism. The EU (and China) would follow this pattern of Capitalist-Communist convergence (and other Continental Unions are to follow). The Convergence of Capitalism and Communism is Fascism. But for the sake of simplicity and the Fact that Fascism is identified by many as an ideology of the Extreme Right while Globalism and Communism are identified as Leftist ideologies I will simply stick with the term Communism
The Soviet defector Vladimir Bukovsky, who was allowed to examine secret Soviet archives, proved this in his monograph "EUSSR: The Soviet Roots of European Integration", which shows that the modern EU was implemented as a result of a conspiracy between the Politburo and the elite of the Trilateral Commission in 1989 - David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Yasuhiro Nakasone, and Valéry René Marie Georges Giscard d'Estaing
Gorbachevs plan was to get rid of NATO and push America out of Europe and unit Europe in the West, expand to the East, and eventually to Russia. To accomplish this he met with the Trilateral Commission on January 28, 1989.
Gorbachev, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Nacasone and Giscard d’Estaing worked out how the Soviets could integrate into the world’s economic and financial institutions (e.g., GATT, IMF) and how to convert the ruble into world markets. Again, on April 4, 1990, another secret meeting of the Trilateral Commission took place with the Politburo.
You would think that he would be on the run since the collapse of USSR was already in progress. Czechoslovakia opted out of a socialist future, Poland had elected its first post-communist government, Baltic states were pushing for complete independence, and in the German elections the social democrats were utterly defeated.
But his plans were bigger than Russia or the USSR. He was thinking big and long term. Globalism. One World Governance. A Global Capitalist -Communist Convergence , aka Global Communism (Fascism) where the Elites of Public -Private Partnerships own everything (Capitalism) and the Serfs Own Nothing but will be Happy (Communism) - so long as they Obey their Technocrat Overlords.
Unfortunately for Gorbachev he was duped. Bush had Project Hammer ready to go to smash his plans and rape and pillage the fragments of the Soviet Union and expand NATO. His secret weapon was Yeltsin and Marcos Gold which he would use to finance The Enterprise that he had built up over the last decade to invade and capture Russias and the rest of the FSU’s resources.
More on The Enterprise here
1978-Jimmy Carter forced the early retirement of 800 CIA agents, many of them loyal to former CIA Director Bush whom he also released. They regrouped as a private intelligence and business network, a kind of covert “deep state,” informally calling itself “the Enterprise.” This network, active for Vice President George H.W. Bush in the Iran–Contra affair, was also used by Bush, as US president, to loot and deform all of communist Eastern Europe and, ultimately, Russia under their asset, Boris Yeltsin. The companies George H.W. Bush sanctioned under the code name “the Enterprise” were soon to be responsible for the CIA-financed coup that brought down Mikhail Gorbachev and the Soviet Union in 1991. But the machinery and organization of the Enterprise was also responsible for bribing or corrupting key KGB generals and creating what came to be called the “Russian oligarchs” to loot the crown jewels of the former Soviet State, now legally known as the Russian Federation. Their looting included the entire gold reserves of the Russian National Bank in the early 1990s. That loot was funneled into the vaults of handpicked CIA-controlled banks in Switzerland, offshore bank havens, and New York.
1990-September 11, President Bushes uses New World Order in his speech shortly after meeting with Gorbachev whom he mentions in the same speech. 11 years later with his son in the Whitehouse and his Secretary of Defense the Vice President -NWO Is mentioned a lot (after 9/11).
Curiously, it was Russias own 9/11 (Moscow Apartment Bombings) in 1999 that propelled the relatively unknown Putin who was standing in for Yeltsin to Win the Election while fighting Russias own War on Terror. Some think that may have been a False Flag as well.
But I digress.
Yeltsin and Party Elites Destroyed USSR, and not Perestroika
Perestroika was intended to change the political situation in Western countries rather than in the USSR. It was “to allow socialism to get involved in shaping the world politics more actively and more widely, to influence it more effectively and to stimulate positive changes in the surrounding world.”
Part of his plan to appear more western was to have democratic elections in the different states of the USSR, but leaving Gorbachev as the head of all the states, the President of the USSR. For this reason, he had elections, and Yeltsin became to first elected president of Russia on June 12, 1991.
CIA was moving hundreds of millions of dollars to the Generals before the coup through Robert Maxwell. The people who could best explain the transactions were apparently murdered. Maxwell himself was mysteriously killed a month after the coup and Senator Tower who worked with Maxwell was killed. Coincidences?
Tower was involved in the Soviet-Israel PROMIS espionage affair by helping the KGB operative Robert Maxwell gain access to U.S. nuclear lab Sandia, where the spy penetrated the U.S. government’s most sensitive area with Soviet-Israel bugging capabilities. Tower was also involved in the Iran Contra Affair.
The coup actually seems to have been a long time in the making, with Yeltsin having discussed the coup with Bush during his visit to the United States in June of 1991. That same summer, Yeltsin dined ‘discretely’ with the Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve, Gerald Corrigan, while the rest of the Moscow mission dined with Gorbachev.
The discussions prompted by Maxwell with Kruchkov regarding Kruchkov’s interest in a coup are dated to the summer of 1990.
The coup began the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the reign of Boris Yeltsin and his ‘family’ of Russian Mafiya Oligarchs some of whom were backed by and partnered with the “Enterprise”.
Just three months after the August coup against Gorbachev Viktor V. Gerashchenko, Chairman of the Presidium of Gosbank, the state bank of the USSR, made a shocking brief announcement to the Russian Duma, or parliament. Of an estimated 2,000 to perhaps 3,000 tons of Gosbank state gold reserves then worth $35 billion at the market price, less than 400 tons could be accounted for.
He told the shocked members of parliament that he had “no idea” what happened to the missing gold.
Yeltsin, on the advice of two former KGB generals, announced that he had hired the New York financial detective firm Jules Kroll Associates to track the whereabouts of the Soviet gold, as well as an estimated $14 billion in Soviet Communist Party and other assets.
Kroll Associates, which was tied with the CIA-created AIG insurance group of Hank Greenberg and known in the US as a “private CIA,” was linked to the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6.
On December 8, 1991, Yeltsin banned the Communist party, formed the Commonwealth of Independent States. On December 24, 1991, Yeltsin banned the USSR putting USSR President Gorbachev out of a job. Gorbachev was out and Yeltsin was in.
Communism Moves From Russia to Europe
Gorbachev was out in Russia, but he had new Western friends. They first gave credit to Gorbachev for the fall of the USSR. He formed his own organization to further his plans made in 1987 for a Socialist united single government of all Europe and Russia pushing America back to their own contenent. These plans went on as if nothing happened to Russia.
Only 46 days after Gorbachev resigned from the now defunct USSR, the Maastricht Treaty was signed. This is the treaty that created the European Union and led to the creation of the EU, the Euro, the Common Foreign and Security Policy, EU justice, EU home affairs, and EU Political Cooperation.
Several years later, on May 1, 1999 (Communist May Day), the Amsterdam Treaty came into effect and expanded EU in Social internal matters. And just like the Politburo plans of 1987, on February 6, 2001, The Treaty of Nice was signed, which expanded the EU to Eastern Europe.
So Gorbachev was out in Russia. He had to stand by and watch the former Soviet Union be looted in the name of Democracy and Capitalism. But he got what he wanted out of the EU and the EU was expanding East.
If not for Putin maybe that expansion East continued all the way to include Russia.
He rejected the idea – expressed by Bush – that the U.S. had "won" the Cold War, arguing that both sides had cooperated to end the conflict. He declared that since the fall of the Soviet Union, the U.S., rather than cooperating with Russia, had conspired to build a "new empire headed by themselves"
For the next 20-30 years Gorbachev pursued his Globalist Dreams although he did try to involve himself in Russian politics without much success. Mainly he worked with other Globalist Elites toward their Common Agenda. While it has not moved forward in the way Gorbachev planned in the late 80’s it is moving forward, and once the new Cold War between East and West is resolved, one way or another, it will move at Warp Speed.
No matter how its resolved, for the little people they will be the loser. Whether the Global Governance that emerges from the ashes is Multi-Polar or Unipolar, either way, they will Own Nothing and be Happy , and they will Obey, and there will be far fewer of them. I say they and not we because I don’t think I will be around to see it (being old is a bitch).
So lets look at what Gorby was up to in his post-Soviet Days
1992-The International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev Foundation) "was created by Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the USSR, in January 1992. Its inauguration took place in March 1992. The Foundation became one of the first independent think-tanks in the post-Soviet Russia.
"The Foundation is governed by the Executive Board, with Mikhail Gorbachev as President and Irina Virganskaya, his daughter, as Vice-President. The Foundation's main mission is to provide in-depth analysis of the evolving social, economic and political situation in Russia and in the world. The Foundation's aim is to help assert democratic values and moral, humanistic principles in the life of society
1993-Gorbachev was part of a Globalist trend that combined National Communism and International capitalism into a new synthesis known as Global Communitarianism. After the “collapse” and convergence of the Soviet system in 1991, he founded Green Cross International
1993-Ervin Laszlo founded the Club of Budapest with the aim of changing the direction of humanity – from decay, polarization and disaster to a transformation of our values and priorities towards humanism, ethics and global sustainability.
1994, Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev, working through organizations they each founded—the Earth Council and Green Cross International respectively—restarted the Earth Charter as a civil society initiative.
Gorbachev was also an honorary member of the Club of Budapest founded by Ervin Laszlo, a member of Willis Harman’s “Changing Images of Man” project at SRI. Based in Hungary, in 1984 Laszlo was co-founder of the initially secret General Evolutionary Research Group.
1995- The State of the World Forum established with Gorbachev serving as chairman. According to Garrison, “Gorbachev believes we are giving birth to a new global civilization.”
Jim Garrison "founded and serves as President of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA. Garrison was born in China and grew up in Taiwan.
The Gorbachev Foundation/USA, which set the stage for the establishment in 1995 of the State of the World Forum, a San Francisco based non-profit institution created to establish a global network of leaders dedicated to creating a more sustainable global civilization. With President Gorbachev as its Convening Chairman, the Forum convenes leaders from around the world and a spectrum of disciplines to its annual and regional conferences and has catalyzed the creation of several independent organizations
1996-Gorbachev stated that the "threat of environmental crisis will be the ‘international disaster key’ that will unlock the New World Order."
2000, June 29 -Earth Charter called for in 1992 was completed and published . Many viewed the Earth Charter as a prototype constitution for the New World Order Constitution. Co-creator Maurice Strong stated, “ the real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments. ”
2001-9/ 9,just two days before 9/11, a celebration of the Earth Charter was held in Vermont and attended by Steven Rockefeller. The event revealed the Ark of Hope, modeled after the Biblical Ark of the Covenant, and a hand-written copy of the Earth Charter on papyrus was placed inside with other sacred items.
2005-The Creating the New Civilization initiative was launched in Tokyo in November, 2005 by 14 partners. "The fourteen partners of the Creating the New Civilization Initiative are: the Goi Peace Foundation, The Club of Rome, The Future 500, The World Wisdom Council, The Gorbachov Foundation, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality, the Chichi Publishing Company, the Kosmos Journal, the Club of Budapest, Pathways to Peace, E-Square Inc., Global Reporting Initiative Forum Japan."
2008- October 22, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) founded by Maurice Strong—unveiled the Global Green New Deal initiative that aims to create jobs in “green” industries to boost the world economy while curbing climate change at the same time.
Popularization of this concept is attributed to the 1988 speech to Congress by James Hansen
2009-Hansen and Mikhail Gorbachev were speakers at the Club of Rome Global Assembly , whose purpose was to write the Amsterdam Declaration, proposing key ingredients for a Global Green New Deal.
2010-The Great Transition Initiative started the project The Widening Circle(TWC) – Campaign for Advancing a Global Citizens Movement, where ideas about the new planetary civilization would be disseminated.
TWC would engage individuals and organizations in articulating a shared planetary consciousness and coordinating actions to elicit public sympathy and influence decision-making.
Using actors such as the Ervin Laszlos Club of Budapest, the Kosmos Journal and Earth Charter (whose work was coordinated by Steven Rockefeller in the 1990s), this spread to both the UN-affiliated New Age movement and the environmental movement.
It also included Earth Charter's chairman Mikhael Gorbachev, who a few years earlier launched the Creating a New Civilization initiative with the Japanese Goi Peace Foundation, the Club of Rome and the Club of Budapest.
Former Communist leader Gorbachev, member of both the Club of Budapest and the Club of Rome. meant that:
“We need effective global systems in an interdependent world, where everything is globalized including finance, resources and trade. Without vision and political will to build a new world order, nothing will change, and without a positive push from civil society, politics will not change.”
From Widening Circle:
“The global transformation will require the awakening of a new social actor: a vast movement of global citizens expressing a supranational identity and building new institutions for a planetary age.
I don’t know enough about Gorbachev to know what he was thinking in 1990.
I don’t think there was any compelling reason for the Soviets to change their system that quickly. Nobody was twisting the Soviets arms to compete in an Arms race with the US or stay as long as they did in Afghanistan. The Soviet Union was largely self sufficient in food and energy and they had enough nukes to deter any invasion. They had little or no foreign debt. So what if they couldn’t buy everything those of us in the West could buy.
I think he sold out his people for the Globalists and got burned by Bush’s Enterprise and their Financial Capitalists. The Wall kept the Monsters away. He let them in. Maybe he knew he was doing so but expected to maintain his position and make them work for him. He underestimated the Monster.
Today, this so-called East -West divide is really about the Monsters in the East and West fighting for the best seats at the Globalists Table, knowing that this gives them even more power over their own people and facilitates their depopulation and austerity (sustainability) agendas and eventually they will achieve a Global Government, perhaps a Global Republic with a dozen or so Regions much like the early US Republic of 13 States
Could that have been Gorbys plan all along?
I don’t think so but thats how it seems to be playing out.
Unless of course they just end human civilization with a Nuclear Holocaust or they genetically engineer Humans to extinction leaving AI and Robots to take over.
Assuming they didn’t upload Gorby’s brain into the cloud before he died, he wont have to worry about it.