The fist pump photo looks fake. The whole thing is the continuing cascade of states of emergency, demoralisation, destruction of the nation for all to witness so the globalists can take more power. Is Trump part of it? I have my opinion on that but it doesn't matter. The trajectory for the globalists goals keeps trying to make progress but the people smell a rat about it all.
Yeah, he is a Globalist, at least one faction of them, the Big Tech Faction. A Trojan Horse. Thats my opinion anyways. He tells his base what they want to hear, directing their anger at the vermin (leftists and immigrants) . Its remarkably effective. If people start getting violent then all the better, they can lock us down again and pass legislation removing more rights
The fist pump photo looks fake. The whole thing is the continuing cascade of states of emergency, demoralisation, destruction of the nation for all to witness so the globalists can take more power. Is Trump part of it? I have my opinion on that but it doesn't matter. The trajectory for the globalists goals keeps trying to make progress but the people smell a rat about it all.
Yeah, he is a Globalist, at least one faction of them, the Big Tech Faction. A Trojan Horse. Thats my opinion anyways. He tells his base what they want to hear, directing their anger at the vermin (leftists and immigrants) . Its remarkably effective. If people start getting violent then all the better, they can lock us down again and pass legislation removing more rights
2 is not possible either
Thats all you got? Pfft
All fakery. Kabuki. Truman Show. B.S.
I am pretty sure Trump was shot. He looked shaken up and rocky. Not sure he is that good an actor. Anything is possible w/o evidence
The critical move was the fist pump.