So what happened on July 13 in Butler PA? What I mean is why did it happen and who else beyond the shooter was involved
As I write this on July 14 EST , we are told some Ghost of a kid (20 yo) named Crook managed to get on a roof of a building 150 yards from Trumps stage with an AR-15 w/o a scope where he proceeded to get off a few shots before taken out with a head shot by Secret Service snipers.
Crook managed to graze Trump with an ear shot, killed one in the crowd and injured some others.
Trump was brought down to safety quickly until it was announced the shooter was down and then he was lifted up or stood up. Trump with blood on face and ear requested them to find his shoes which were somehow detached and while they were being recovered managed to raise a fist and mouth the word “Fight” before being whisked away by SS agents
So thats all pretty much accepted by everyone. No controversies there.
The main question which pretty much everyone has is how anyone with an AR-15 is allowed to get within 150 yards of Trumps stage without being grabbed and detained. Not only that, how was he allowed to get on the roof of the building for a clear shot.
Its widely accepted that the roof tops of all buildings within the security perimeter that is close enough for a sniper to shoot a protected asset is secured. So theoretically this cant happen.
However, for some unknown reason, despite being only 150 yards away, the building was not defined as being in the security perimeter. I don’t know much about guns but I have been told you can hit a target from 150 yards even without a scope, so who made the decision to exclude it?
Beyond that, persons outside the security perimeter noticed the shooter on the roof and informed state police officers who were present to supplement Secret Service security.
Note-there are false claims the SS denied requests for additional security. Quite the opposite, they upgraded in June due to increased scheduling
And then we have the Secret Service snipers and spotters. Apparently there were 2 teams, one was state police, the other was Secret Service. Not sure which was on the roof that killed the shooter, but they would have had a clear line of site and should have spotted the shooter long before he began shooting.
In fact, based on how quickly they put down the shooter, only seconds after he got off his first shot they likely had already spotted him. I don’t know what the protocol is, shoot first or alert the SS team guarding Trump to take cover, but neither was followed. I suppose it could be argued the SS/Police Sniper/Spotter teams did not spot him, but this seems unlikely
OK, so lets first start with the official narrative, which tends to follow the CIA Version where Coincidence-Incompetence-Accident explains the unexplainable. Its clear what that is. Some kid got lucky as somebody screwed up, and the kid took a few shots, got killed. Nothing to see here
Now I don’t pretend to know what really happened here , and maybe thats all it was, but I always look first at Means, Motives and Opportunity to see if there is anything worth exploring
Lets look at those from the viewpoint of the official narrative. The shooter. The shooter obviously had an AR-15 and knew how to use it. How skillful he was I don’t know. Managed to hit Trump. Might have killed him if Illegal Immigration did not save Trump (he turned head to look at the board with Illegal Immigration statistics). So he had Means.
Opportunity? Technically he should never have had that. This is where the CIA theory described above takes over. Somebody screwed up.
Motive? Crook might be the only kid today with such a small digital footprint . Pretty much a loner so probably did not talk much. Maybe more comes out, but he is a registered Republican who donated some money to a Democrat cause. His Father is a Libertarisn and mother a Democrat. Not much to go on.
Maybe he was ticked off at Trump for the 2020 lockdowns. Maybe he had just started coming out of his social awkwardness and had a set back, lost the girl of his dreams or something and he blamed Lockdowns on his current situation. Who knows? Not me.
But while he had his reasons, whatever they were, does anyone else benefit from allowing him to do what he did?. Someone who may have given the young Crook an Opportunity. This is the key. If the Opportunity presented was not due to “CIA”, it must be a Conspiracy. So we must explore a Conspiracy Theory
Who has the Means to give young Crook the opportunity to shoot Trump?
Must be someone with control over the Secret Service. That could be the Deep State.
Before I go on, my view of the Deep State is non partisan and I believe its an organ of the Corporate Billionaire Blob that controls both parties and the various Executive Agencies (Intelligence, Defense, Health, DOJ, Secret Service, Etc) by virtue of the revolving door of agency officials and corporations
I-Who gains if Trump is either killed or injured
II-Who gains if Trump is only injured
III-Who gains only if Trump is killed and loses if Trump is only injured
Lets start with I. It has to be a gain no matter if Trump is killed or injured
I-The Corporate Billionaire BLOB and security state that would like to promote violence so as to be able to pass legislation to remove more freedoms. Either one serves this purpose in some way.
II-Who gains if Trump is only injured ?
Trump and his campaign mostly.
But there is no way to assure that without a sharp shooter with a scope and being able to instruct Trump to turn his head.
That would mean the young Crook was only a patsy and they knew what he was planning. This is possible but we lack evidence
Trump would also need the Corporate Billionaires BLOBS approval, or maybe the Corporate Billionaires BLOB operated on its own. While profits are almost double under Biden and the S&P 500 is up 45% under Biden, in terms of 2024 dollars the billionaires have lost a collective $200 billion under Biden after $2.5 trillion in gains under Trump.
I guess II would get the OK.
III-Who gains only if Trump is killed and loses if Trump is only injured
Thats more difficult- RFK Jr. would benefit. Republicans lose a lot of votes without Trump. RFK Jr head to head with Biden as a Republican, or against Biden-Haley/DeSantis might win
However, its unlikely RFK Jr could get the Secret Service to stand down and they could not rely on Crooks shooting ability from 150 yards to kill Trump. I also don’t think RFK Jr would be ok with that
Democrats who want Biden out might gain as well. Killing Trump by assassination that would be blamed on Biden would likely result in retaliation with Biden removed in kind.
However, while they might have been able to get the SS to stand down they clearly did not have access to a sharp shooting sniper without which makes the chance of success low, and they needed a high probability of success to proceed
So which one if any is it if any. Hell if I know, but I cross out III.
I suppose I is most likely. I kind of favor II , because I am biased, but coming 2 days before a convention in one of the 3 swing states Bidens team said were must wins (PA, Wisconsin, Michigan) pushes me in this direction.
In addition, some the photos look like they were rehearsed. Too good to be true for Trump, but I suppose its possible its real.
On Twitter I saw one tweet for someone admiring Trumps picture standing while being surrounded by Secret Service Agents well after “ shooter is down “ was announced and waving his fist and mouthing “Fight”
Fight who? The shooter is dead. But I guess the implication is he is blaming his opponents. Really, seconds after being shot ? Quick judge and jury if so. But anyways, his gushing admirer declares “He is a gangster, nobody else does that”. That hit home because Trumps followers actually seem to admire “gangsters”.
I guess it was from the behavioral conditioning of CIA backed Hollywood programs like Jesse James, Bonnie & Clyde, Godfather, Sopranos, etc. I’ll admit, I went through my own Mug admiration phase. My late Uncle robbed a Whitey Bulger protected liquor stores in South Boston way back. Mugs play rough. Whitey had his boys took care of him in Prison. Not nice guys.
Trump really is a gangster though, being mentored by Roy Cohn and in running Casinos and dealing with mob backed unions, some of that likely rubbed off on him
But anyways, this led to other Tweets blaming the exercise of free speech in calling Trump a fascists as leading to deadly consequences. Its just a matter of time before they declare that criticism of Trump should not be allowed as it is an incitement to violence. If so, I’m fooked.
Meanwhile Trump himself calls opponents vermin and says stuff like this
2024 is our final battle…..
we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections and will do anything possible — they’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American dream.
The real threat is not from the radical right. The real threat is from the radical left. And it is growing every day. Every single day.
The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within.
Our threat is from within.
Wow, is it 1933 again? He is half right. The threat is not from the left or right, the threat is from the corporate billionaire class which declared War on Democracy in 1973 two years after the Lewis Powell memo. This is the Class Trump , Biden and Congress represent
Like any good Venture Capitalist knows, we are worth more to them by breaking us up and selling off the valuable bits while disposing of the non profitable bits
Get us fighting each other, lock us down, take away our rights. Sounds like a plan. Project 2025?
You know, they really are geniuses. By having Biden warn about Project 2025 nobody on the Right will touch it, kind of like having Trump speak up for HCQ (when he got COVID he says he took Regeneron and Remdesivir) . This got the left to reject it out of hand
Trump himself says he knows nothing about Project 2025 or who is behind it. Come on . Heritage Foundation and he knows nothing?
I’ll end it here. I really am glad he is ok since I don’t like to think what might have happened otherwise.
The fist pump photo looks fake. The whole thing is the continuing cascade of states of emergency, demoralisation, destruction of the nation for all to witness so the globalists can take more power. Is Trump part of it? I have my opinion on that but it doesn't matter. The trajectory for the globalists goals keeps trying to make progress but the people smell a rat about it all.
2 is not possible either