Tucker Takes on Evil
Tucker Carlson was supposedly fired for talking about the war between good and evil and maybe child sacrifice
Check out around the 13 minute mark. The ELite don’t like to be called Evil
Here is the transcript
An extract here
And you’re so disappointed in people. You are. And you realize that the herd instinct is maybe the strongest instinct. I mean, it may be stronger than the hunger and sex instincts, actually. The instinct, which again, is inherent to be like everybody else and not to be cast out of the group, not to be shunned.
That’s a very strong impulse in all of us from birth. And it takes over, unfortunately, in moments like this, and it’s harnessed, in fact, by bad people in moments like this to produce uniformity. And you see people going along with this, and you lose respect for them. And that’s certainly happened to me at scale over the past three years.
I’m not mad at people; I’m just sad. I’m disappointed. How could you go along with this? You know it’s not true, but you’re saying it anyway.
Policy papers don’t account for it at all. If you have people who are saying, “I have an idea. Let’s castrate the next generation. Let’s sexually mutilate children.” I’m sorry, that’s not a political debate. What? That’s nothing to do with politics. What’s the outcome we’re desiring here? An androgynous population? Are we arguing for that? I don’t think anyone could defend that as a positive outcome, but the weight of the government and a lot of corporate interests are behind that.
Well, what is that? Well, it’s irrational. If you say, “Well, I think abortion is always bad. Well, I think sometimes it’s necessary.”
That’s a debate I’m familiar with. But if you’re telling me that abortion is a positive good, what are you saying? Well, you’re arguing for child sacrifice, obviously. It’s not about, oh, a teen girl gets pregnant, and what do we do about that and victims of rape. I get it. Of course, I understand that, and I have compassion for everyone involved.
But when the Treasury secretary stands up and says, “You know what you can do to help the economy? Get an abortion.” Well, that’s like an Aztec principle, actually. There’s not a society in history that didn’t practice human sacrifice. Not one. I checked. Even the Scandinavians, I’m ashamed to say. It wasn’t just the Meso-Americans, it was everybody. So that’s what that is.
Well, what’s the point of child sacrifice? Well, there’s no policy goal entwined with that. No, that’s a theological phenomenon.
And that’s kind of the point I’m making. None of this makes sense in conventional political terms.
When people, or crowds of people, or the largest crowd of people at all, which is the federal government, the largest human organization in human history decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake, “Hey, let’s tear it down,” what you’re watching is not a political movement. It’s evil.
So, if you want to assess, and I’ll put it in non … And I’ll stop with this. I’ll put it in nonpolitical or rather non-specific theological terms, and just say, if you want to know what’s evil and what’s good, what are the characteristics of those?
And by the way, I think the Athenians would’ve agreed with this. This is not necessarily just a Christian notion, this is kind of a, I would say, widely agreed-upon understanding of good and evil.
What are its products? What do these two conditions produce?
Well, I mean, good is characterized by order, calmness, tranquility, peace, whatever you want to call it, lack of conflict, cleanliness. Cleanliness is next to godliness. It’s true. It is.
And evil is characterized by their opposites. Violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth. So, if you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes, what you’re really advocating for is evil. That’s just true. I’m not calling for religious war. Far from it. I’m merely calling for an acknowledgement of what we’re watching
And I’m certainly not backing the Republican Party. I mean, ugh. I’m not making a partisan point at all. I’m just noting what’s super-obvious. Those of us who were in our mid-50s are caught in the past in the way that we think about this. One side’s like, “No, no, I’ve got this idea, and we’ve got this idea, and let’s have a debate about our ideas.”
They don’t want a debate. Those ideas won’t produce outcomes that any rational person would want under any circumstances. Those are manifestations of some larger force acting upon us. It’s just so obvious. It’s completely obvious.
And I think two things: One, we should say that and stop engaging in these totally fraudulent debates, where we are using the terms that we used in 1991 when I started at [The Heritage Foundation], as if maybe I could just win the debate if I marshaled more facts.I’ve tried. That doesn’t work.
Recent takes on Evil
And here
Amoebas like me can get away with it (hopefully 😅) but not the big boys.
It occurs to me the War of Good vs Evil is first and foremost a Mind War
Evil forces are led by Psychopathic ELite who seek to dominate you and remake you so Evil is normalized.
And sure enough, over the last 22 years Evil has become normalized. Instead of floating at the top of society or in the sewers like it used to, its becoming mainstream. Spreading like Cancer to be truthful. Not that its 100% but instead of 4% we might be around 20%.
9/11 and COVID were Mind Wars. Beyond the Towers Collapse most deaths after these Emergencies were declared were because people succumbed to Fear and embraced Group Think . This led to harmful behavior or decisions (Iraq and Afghan Wars, COVID mitigation measures) . Its also been called Mass Formation Psychosis
To avoid fear people willingly gave up on human rights and liberty for their own security and peace of mind, and became less Good and more Evil as a result
As Tucker said Man is a herd animal that easily succumbs to Group Think, much like sheep . You can lead a herd off a cliff with fear, and you can do much the same with people
Mind Wars can be won by Good or Evil by avoiding Physical War and not letting Fear override critical thinking and succumbing to Group Think . During Group think Fear becomes a Mind Killer. Fear is a warning system only. It becomes a Mind Killer if you will do anything to eliminate it, including harming yourself and others
A barking dog is engaging in Mind War. Hoping to avoid physical war with you he barks when you enter its territory. If you avoid a physical war by not letting your fear make you do something stupid like kicking it , and you just walk away and pay it no mind, you and the Dog have won , or at least you have not lost the Mind War. Both have achieved a satisfactory result.
If after walking away you avoid the dogs territory in the future out of fear, the dog has won the Mind War
If you kick the Dog and he bites you, both of you lose. There are no real winners if a War goes Physical, except Evil. You get a rabies shot and stitches and the dog gets put down. Somebody got paid to do both.
China vs US today and Soviets vs US yesterday is and was a Cold War (aka Mind War). US vs Putin was a Mind War as well. Putin blinked, 14 months later he is still fighting in the Donbas. It wont end well for him or Ukraine. If US can avoid being dragged into the Physical War over Ukraine it will have won the Mind War, at the cost of probably 500,000 lives and wrecking the economy, especially in Europe. Some Good people might not call that a Win but Evil likes breaking things, so their Wins look ugly.
Some are hoping for a Physical War between China and Taiwan. They are Evil. Those promoting such a conflict will try to package it as necessary to contain Evil. While I am no fan of the CCP or its system, the only one starting or provoking wars all over the world is the US. If they succeed with China there will be no winners but the Military Industrial Everything Complex and those who want to Build Back Better. Klaus will be a happy man.
The ELite are directing their Mind War against all Groups, including yours. To defeat Evil, different groups must recognize the same enemy and make common cause .
The US worked with Bin Laden, Saddam and Stalin in War before becoming enemies, so surely you can do the same with your liberal neighbor
Satanist Michael Aquino coauthored a paper on Mind War for the Military in 1980 and wrote a book-on that subject in 2015
NATO paper on Cognitive Warfare here
I’ll end this with a couple of quotes
“We have met the enemy and he is us.”
Cartoonist Walt Kelly’s famed possum, Pogo, first uttered that cry
Star Wars Padmé Quote
"What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists, and the Republic has become the very evil we have been fighting to destroy?"