Psychopathic Elite deliver us into Evil
Similar theme to my recent post (War on Us) so at the risk of being redundant…..
Evil began to flourish after the Subversion of Christianity and the resulting Nihilism and the growth of Secular Religions like Scientism and Militarism
These secular religions are not constrained by Christian Morality and Values and are accepted by a Population driven to Mass Formation Psychosis
Part I-The Present
Evil seems to be flourishing in a way I never imagined it to be possible. Imagine a society harming its young and old in such a fashion as it is today, all in the name of health security?
How preposterous is it that an ELite Class that harps on their being too many people to be sustainable and who have embraced Malthusian and Eugenics beliefs impose draconian public health measures that harm health while telling people its for their health, and that people believe them?
What am I missing? How did this world on which I have been on for almost 7 decades become so crazy and evil? Could it have been this way always and I have just noticed it the last 20 years?
Certainly the world was a much darker place than I imagined in my youth, but it wasn’t that dark, at least not at the level of Main Street. Today Main Street is nothing what I remember.
Its now full of bitter and divided people who have zero tolerance for any belief but their own, and who seem afraid of their own shadow, willing to give up liberty and freedom for security and comfort.
Where did all this Evil come from?
And what exactly is evil?. Not being a religious person I wont say much about Satan or Lucifer or whatever evil spirits people may believe in. To me Evil is simply a lack of empathy and morality that allows people to harm others for personal benefit.
Supposedly the part of the brain brain thought to be responsible for empathy and morality is called the right supramarginal gyrusand Anterior Cingulate Cortex
No doubt military research is being done using Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and drugs to influence empathy. Indeed studies suggest the commonly used painkiller acetaminophen may reduce empathy
Has this already been done? Something in the water, food, medicines, vaccines, etc. Perhaps the bombardment of RF/EMR that we are bathed in 24/7? Have we lost empathy and become like the psychopathic elite? This might be why so many have went along with their demonic plans.
Psychopaths tend to be low empath people. Some argue they may have empathy but are able to switch it off. In any event the dumb ones end up in jail or mental institutions.
Some of the very smart ones become the ELite. Supposedly psychopaths make up 3% of the population. Perhaps only 1/1000 is capable of being one of the elites (number pulled from my arse)
So say 0.003% of the population are psychopathic low empath elites. There are 5 billion adults . 15,000 elites. There are only 3 ,000 billionaires , but I guess the younger ones haven’t had time to accumulate so much money
But you may ask why would all or most of the elites be low empath psychopaths. IMO its because they have a competitive advantage over those who are just as smart but are limited in their actions by their empathy.
Some call it natural selection . As a species no doubt we have evolved to become less empathic. I have noticed this trend over the last 20 years too, too fast for evolution so their may be an environmental component such as RF/EMR, toxins, vaccines, etc and/or mass psychosis due to chronic social turbulence.
Its harder to destroy people to get ahead if you have empathy. So the destroyers tend to have less of it
Over the course of history the psychopathic ELite have always made up most of the ruling class. For much of history they have needed us to fight against the other psychopathic elites.
As time marched on, the ELites formed groups with other like minded elites, taking the form of religions, secret societies, or alliances with other monarchs /leaders and fighting the other elite groups.
In the 20th century following WWII, they basically decided they cant continue fighting each other, or they themselves risked doom. Over the next 55 years they worked out their differences and met in Rio in 1992.
Agenda 21. The new enemy was us. They united against the little people . The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Fourth Turning, maybe the Fourth Reich, call it what you will
Further more, due to Technology and automation they no longer needed us as much and they imagined a Future where AI and Robotics would reduce that need exponentially.
One problem though. To accomplish their objective and depopulate and enslave the rest of us they (lets call them Big Brother) needed help from some of us, including those who may still have Empathy. How do you get someone with empathy to do evil?
Elementary my Dear Watson, you give them an ideology that requires them to do Evil for the Greater Good. The end justifies the means.
You tell them the planet is running out of resources due to overpopulation and that man is killing the planet with excess consumption that will lead to Hell on Earth and the doom of everyone on the planet due to plague, famine, flood. Ta da
Since Agenda 21 was formulated this has been driven into the minds of the young and old alike via education system, Hollywood and Media. Psychological Warfare with weaponized memes is effective, as is waves of Terror and Fear eventually causing Menticide
The individual must sacrifice or be sacrificed for the common good. Communitarianism 101
With this ideology our Big Psychopathic Big Brothers have recruited an Army of mindless Empathic Little Brothers and Sisters whose empathy is suppressed by the Fear driven ideology that population must be reduced and living standards lowered to save the planet
These Little Brothers and Sisters are Zealots and True Believers. They kneel at the alter of their High Priests of Science and commit to rooting out the selfish individual heretics in order to Save the Children and Earths creatures
Their Hive Mind can not be changed by Reason. Menticide prevents most of them from reconsidering their beliefs, the rest and their collaborators go along for greed or self preservation.
But what motivates the ELite beyond money and power?. They are already rich beyond belief. Not being one of the elite nor knowing any of them I can only guess. Based on my readings I believe they have their own religion or ideology
To the best of my understanding this is a blend of Transhumanism and Gnosticism, where they seek to become Gods and create a New World, making it into a Garden of Eden of a sort. They may believe they have evolved beyond Homo Sapiens to Homo+.
We are to them what Neanderthals were to our ancestors. Good for sport or fun but not useful for much in a Technological World where AI and Robotics making our labour redundant.
A Useless class good only for entertainment and experimentation and harvesting our parts (DNA, Organs, etc)
Indeed, our Little Brothers and Sisters and the collaborators will soon join the Useless Class after we are gone. They just don’t know it yet.
So thats where we are. The door was wide open to Evil and it just marched right in and took over.
Part II- The Past
I cant help but ponder what opened the door? After all, evil has always existed and like pond scum it has always floated to the top. The Ruling Class has always been awash with Evil , but since the early days of Western Civilization and the spread of Christianity it was relatively constrained before the Enlightenment.
From my reading of history Monarchy and Church partnered to keep the Predator Class from devouring the Serfs, and while life might have been hard for the Serfs the Predators were kept at bay by enforcement of Christian Values . The Serfs remained at peace with their belief in that they were doing Gods bidding and would be rewarded in Heaven upon death.
Not having been a Serf and not having lived at that time I might be wrong, but thats how I see it.
Anyways, then came the Enlightenment. Weakening a Church corrupted by the Medici’s with Reformation , and then using secret societies to mount Revolutions against the Monarchs , the Illuminated ELite soon found themselves liberated from Monarch and Church, starting first in the United Sates .
It helps to remember the United States was formed not merely as an experiment in a new form of governance; it was thought to be the fulfillment of God’s plan. America was the New Atlantis. True, Adams, Jefferson, and Paine rejected the supernatural elements in the Bible, and separated Church from State, but they never doubted that their experiment had the imprimatur of Providence.
People were to be free but for a purpose. Their God-given rights implied obligations and responsibilities
It didn’t last long. After the Civil War and the belief in Social Darwinism took hold, along with the subversion of Protestantism in the early 20th century, and the birth of Federal Reserve, Eugenics and then WWI, things spiraled downhill fast.
Part III-Mass Formation-Social Disintegration
Prof M. Desmet wrote “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” made the term Mass Formation (Malone calls it Mass Formation Psychosis) famous.
To quote from Desmet’s book
“If under these conditions a narrative is distributed through the mass media which indicates an object of anxiety and provides a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then all the free floating anxiety might be associated to this object and a huge willingness might be observed to participate in the strategy to deal with the object of anxiety.”
This certainly is something we are seeing, on both sides. One side embraces Scientism and vaccines and directs their anxiety against the unvaxxed. The other side directs their anxiety against liberals and front men like Fauci , and dare not consider the role of the Military and Business Leaders as their Religions are Militarism and Capitalism
He then goes on to say:
“At the same time, the field of attention gets narrower until it only contains the part of reality that is indicated by the narrative and people lose their capacity to take into account the other aspects of reality (what makes them often utterly irrational).”
This is really what is described in Fred Emery’s 3rd stage of Societal Disintegration. Right now we are in the end stages of stage 2 and beginning of Stage 3
In Futures We Are In, a book published in 1975 by Fred Emery, the three stages of societal disintegration of Trist's paradigm shift are laid out.
The first stage is called superficiality, in which people start to break the bonds with the societal values of the past, the values of Judeo-Christian civilization. Superficiality results in the collapse of moral judgment.
The next, lower stage of societal disintegration is called segmentation, in which the larger institutions of society start to disintegrate, and the focus moves from the nation-state to the local community, then to retreat into small and increasingly more paranoid groups, whose interests are pitted against each other.
Then disassociation. The individual becomes the societal unit, withdrawing from society into a "world in which fantasy and reality are indistinguishable," and in which the difference between fantasy and reality hardly matters
Government-by-reason is impossible, thus it and all its institutions must give way to "direct decisionmaking," with decisions made by "feeling states."
To further understand what is happening one might look back to Trist in 1963
In 1963-Eric Trist, the chairman of Tavistock's governors described his and Tavistock's work on mass brainwashing, delineating in detail his theory of "social turbulence," based upon the theories of Hegel, although again, Trist is far more quick to cite Lewin.
Trist postulated that the administering of a series of traumatizing shocks upon a society would destabilize it, lowering the overall character of the society's reasoning.
Trist suggested that by late 1963 the world had moved into a condition of "permanent social turbulence" that would serve to usher in a new condition of society, a new paradigm, and a new possibility for remaking the face of the planet.
The "shocks" of the 1960s were the Cuban missile crisis, the sequence of brutal political assassinations escalation of the Vietnam War following the JFK murder and its coverup; and the urban riots and student riots
The shocks continued through into the 80’s with Vietnam War, Civil Rights Riots, Watergate, Oil Shortages and Stagflation and then AIDS
In 1957 Dr. William Sargent of the Tavistock Institute in
his book Battle for the Mind -A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-Washing said:
"Various types of beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility.
Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of 'herd instinct,' and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility."
In 1975 National Institute of Mental Health funded an overall evaluation of behavior modification approaches. Its conclusions were that these techniques should be applied to the general population of the world, and to larger numbers than ever before.
At about the same time, the Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, in their Mankind 2000 report, introduced the following dark vision:
“In the organization of a civilization of the future we anticipate that the individualistically-oriented man will become an anachronism. Indeed, he will be viewed as a threat to the group organization as well as to his fellow man.
Hence, he in all likelihood will have few individual expectations. While such a picture may not be pleasant to contemplate, when viewed with our present orientation and value judgement, we would be amiss were we to deal with unrealistic imageries that would blind us to future reality..."
"The new world of the closed, automated system will necessitate a radical change in political, technologic, and social thinking. All too often, however, we remain bound by the conventional tenets and wisdom of past generations...
The cybercultural revolution is altering all this. It differs radically from previous innovations because now man has devices that will largely supplant his labor and certain activities of his mind.”
Conclusion- Since 9/11 the societal disintegration has accelerated with each event. 9/11, Anthrax Attacks, WMD hoax leading to Iraq War, SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Financial Attack, MERS, Ebola/Zika, the Trump/Russia Gate nonsense and the even more ludicrous COVID scam.
All of this was conditioning the population for an Acute Mass Formation Psychosis and Segmentation brought on by COVID-19 Fear Mongering and a Treasonous Attack against the American People by the WEF Globalists who have infiltrated the hierarchy of every institution including the Military
Fauci is a front man for the Global Mafia, China is the visible face of the Globalist front so you believe , like with Al Qaeda , that the enemy is overseas and not at home. Same folks behind 9/11 are behind COVID-19, they are just using different front men.
But few will see what they don’t want to see, detached from reality as we enter the final stage of Societal Disintegration and into Totalitarianism
The future will be a Dark One.
Best described as a Digital Gulag containing elements of Orwells 1984 and Huxleys Brave New World , and things even they could not imagine.
Your children will curse you if they will even be allowed to remember you.