It seems resurgence of flu would be counter to viral interference? Why would it so efficiently interfere before and not now? Seems nonspecific testing and financial incentives toward covid a more likely explanation?

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I tried to answer that in the post. First off its likely SC2 is not as prevalent was it was during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 flu seasons. Second, waning natural immunity due to the lack of much flu circulating for 2 seasons. Third, immune suppression in the population due to the jab. I failed to mention a fourth reason, perhaps the flu is evolving to evade Sars-Cov-2 viral interference, with strains that can do so having an advantage over other strains. No evidence, just a hypothesis

Also, both the flu tests and COVID tests are highly specific

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You likely have a high PH diet and can manage stress better than most of us

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My wife has a completely different diet and lower stress threshold and has been free of flu for longer than I. I suspect flu is much less prevalent among healthy adults than we are led to believe. The elderly (declining immune system) and children (developing immune system) tend to be the target population for serious and reportable flu. If it was diet and stress flu would affect many more than it does and affect the working class more because they have more stress than kids and retired folks. CDC estimates inflate the numbers to push vaccines

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THERE IS NO VIRUS! It is just seasonal detox

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Gee whiz, I haven't had a detox in 25 years.

I must be toxic as hell

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I have lupus SLE with autoimmune emphysema and mosaic attenuation of lungs. I had 3 pfizer shots before I realized I'd been played. My last mrna shot was Dec 17th, 2021. I now live in utter terror of dying suddenly. I am really scared of getting the flu because of my lungs and because if I miss any work at all I could end up homeless. But I am completely petrified of getting another shot. I was assured that there is no mRNA or graphene in the flu shot but I am so so so so scared of dying suddenly or of getting covid again (I've heard anecdotes of people testing positive after the flu shot.) I just don't want to die the past 2.9 years were hell on earth for me I cry for hours every day. Should I get the flu shot or not. I dont want to die from H3N2 but I don't want to die from the shots either. I need to know because I am agonizing over this feeling dammed if I do damned if I don't in complete terror and fear.

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The efficacy of the flu shot is not great and there was a DoD study a couple of years back that said those who get it have a higher risk of getting coronavirus infection. This was before COVID.

I have not ever had a flu shot and have not had the flu in 25 years. Given your history of autoimmune diseases all these shots are problematic.

I cant tell you what to do. I would stock up on Vitamin C and D. I assume you are taking HCQ which is good if you are. Might want to stock up on IVM as well. Most people don’t die from COVID or Flu. Only 0.1% IFR. Most who die are already dying of something else or they die because of Hospital Protocols

Fear creates stress which harms your immune system. If you get the flu shot for peace of mind its much safer than the COVID shot although not without risk

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Dec 7, 2022Edited
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Ray, we disagree. There is no point in us discussing this further. Lets just agree to disagree . Maybe you are right, but you cant convince me you are. Cheers.

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Dec 7, 2022Edited
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You start off with a false premise because your definition of isolate is incorrect. Specimens from infected and sick persons have been isolated and sequenced independently by thousands in over a hundred countries.

We never isolated or seen a gravity wave or particle and only recently have been able to see atoms

At some point Technology and Science got to point where it resembles Magic to most of us. We can either Trust or Deny or Read thousands of scientific papers to Verify it is sound. The Scientists could care less what we do, as the money will still keep flowing.

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This is a worthy site, here on s.s. ;

and please, could you explain why Ray Horvath's definition of isolate is incorrect , as well as provide the proof/links for at least some of the thousands of scientists' isolated specimens that you mention, because it is my suspicion, Sir, that you may be falling for some of the smoke and mirrors provided for "we" the people by our, at times, very deceitful Administrators of Fact, as I myself have seen only bluff and voodoo (to the best of my knowledge) from the whole spectrum of such as these "experts" who speak one version of Truth to one peoples, behind one set of doors, and will say a completely different version to another people, behind those doors (it's called "lying")... like it has been for, literally, the last several thousand years, but has been ramped up in this, our tech-no-logic age.

One must do one's own due diligence, especially these days, unless such a one cares to be always at the mercy of these proclaimed experts, who are taking their money from the same sources, and from the same institutions, that, (coincidentally, of course) find it their prime purpose and objective, to dictate to the people their past, their present, and - should one allow - their very future, while all are saluting the flag, of course.

Expecting a confirmed liar to tell the truth is, of course, absolutely ridiculous, and yet all of them are crooks, the whole lot of upper echelon players, are all lying crooks, and care for preserving only one thing , and that "thing" is certainly not The Truth, I can assure you.

Carry on as best you might, and thank you for the opportunity to discuss such matters.


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All I got is here and the link provided in here https://pete843.substack.com/p/some-things-can-not-be-seen-so-easily

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