The push to exonerate the Criminals of the Greatest Crime Against Humanity Ever , Operation Covid, is picking up steam.
With RFK JR Book and articles like this coming out.
Both doubling down on Chinese scientists accidentally releasing a virus. I discussed the book here.
I will discuss the article in a bit.
Meanwhile, The Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza serves to deflect from the much larger Democide of Globalists during Operation COVID which killed over 20 million people, and up to 2 million in the US alone
In neither case will the Criminals be brought to justice , as we live in a Pathocracy. Psychopaths rule the day.
Meanwhile the well organized and funded Virus Deniers , seem to be mounting another offensive on another front. After all, if there was no virus or pandemic, or even excess death as some assert, there was no crime. Cui Bono?. The Criminals and Merchants of Death .
Virus Denial is a Form of Mass Formation Psychosis (MFP)
Denis Rancourt’s Pandemic Denial is not a Psyop , so long as its not conflated with Virus Denial. I will discuss this at the end
So lets get to the article linked to above that is making the rounds on Twitter
That the US government funded coronavirus research for years, via experiments in which the viruses were manipulated. Much of that funding went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, just a half-hour drive from the Huanan Seafood Market which was initially suspected as the source of the pandemic.
Only a very small fraction of the funding for Coronavirus GOF went to WIV, a mere pittance. Baric himself received $230 million since 1986
As military money flowed into public health at flood levels, Anthony Fauci had NIH’s $42 billion annual funding to evangelize principal investigators, many of whom are in the US and working on Weaponized Virology.
According to the BOOK (Rfk Jr)
Between 2004 and 2022, Eco Health wheedled nearly $16 million just from the Department of Health and Human Services, but a meet pittance compared
to that received through USAID ( CIA cutout) which funneled nearly $65 million in PREDICT funding to EcoHealth between 2009 and 2020.
DOD was the NGO’s second largest donor, giving $38 million during the same period.59 The majority of that Pentagon lucre—$34.6 million—came from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a Pentagon branch tasked to “counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks.”
But WIV received nowhere near that
The NIH gave a grant totaling $3.4 million, beginning in 2014, to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. And EcoHealth distributed $600,000 of that total to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, and EcoHealth received $292,161 in 2019 before NIH canceled the grant last month.
Wow, something like $ 1 million. Pfft.
And lets be real, its not like China needs US funding. We used WIV because the horseshoe bats where Sars like coronaviruses circulate are in their back yard, and they are cheap, in part because they don’t need to follow US regulations
He goes on to say
Nicholas Wade was one of them. Wade was the former science editor of the NYT and wrote for the science desk between 1982 and 2012. He still writes freelance for the NYT.
In April and May 2021, he pitched a story to the NYT describing, at length, with on-the-record sources, how the Wuhan lab had been researching coronavirus for years; that it was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the US National Institutes of Health; that it created a novel coronavirus in 2015 by taking the backbone of the SARS virus and replacing part of it with material from a bat virus; and that — contrary to popular belief — viruses routinely escape from labs, usually by accident.
One problem here is that novel virus was created in Barics lab, not at WIV. Shi Zheng Li was listed as a coauthor because she provided the sequences and plasmids Baric (lead author) used to create the novel virus. Baric never even provided the sequence of the novel virus he created to WIV so that they could not see the details as to how it was engineered
Some consider my 2015 paper in this light, although after consultation with the NIH and the journal, we purposely did not provide the genetic sequence of the chimera in the original publication. Thus, our exact method remained obscure.
[Baric is referring to a 2015 collaboration with Zhengli Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or WIV, in China.....]
Around 2012 or 2013, I heard Dr. Shi present at a meeting. [Shi’s team had recently discovered two new coronaviruses in a bat cave, which they named SHC014 and WIV1.] We talked after the meeting. I asked her whether she’d be willing to make the sequences to either the SHC014 or the WIV1 spike available after she published.
And she was gracious enough to send us those sequences almost immediately—in fact, before she’d published. That was her major contribution to the paper. And when a colleague gives you sequences beforehand, coauthorship on the paper is appropriate.
That was the basis of that collaboration. We never provided the chimeric virus sequence, clones, or viruses to researchers at the WIV; and Dr. Shi, or members of her research team, never worked in our laboratory at UNC. No one from my group has worked in WIV laboratories.
Now he gets to the crux of the matter
There are two threads to the lab-leak theory: One argues it might have been a sample collected from nature — perhaps from one of China’s many bat caves — that escaped from the lab by accident. The other posits that the lab was manipulating samples it had collected into more infectious “man-made” versions, one of which also escaped, probably by accident.
To be clear: There is no scientific proof that SARS-CoV-2 (the official name of the virus) leaked from the Wuhan lab.
Here we have a classic False Dichotomy. Two options are provided.
Natural Release
2 . Man made in Wuhan and accidentally released from WIV
Nowhere is there a consideration that the Virus was made in US and then
a. Sent to WIV as part of Defuse and accidentally released
b. Deliberately released after receipt from US by saboteur within WIV
c. Deliberately released by unaffiliated “agents” in Wuhan in vicinity of WIV and wet market to set up WIV the release or natural origins. Perhaps during the Wuhan Military Games. Similar to a criminal framing someone else for his crime.
Now for Defuse
In September 2021, The Intercept obtained a leaked copy of a grant proposal Ecohealth had written in 2018. It asked the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to give Daszak’s company $14m for a project in which researchers at six institutions in the US and China would collect bat coronaviruses in China, reverse engineer samples, and then insert the samples into different coronavirus “backbones” to form new “chimera” viruses. The intent was to see whether a new, engineered SARS coronavirus caused disease in human cells.
Shi Zhengli’s Wuhan lab would “conduct PCR testing, viral discovery and isolation from bat samples does collected in China, spike protein binding assays, humanised mouse work, and experimental trials on Rhinolophus bats,” the proposal said.
Lies by omission are the best lies. Notice how he is vague about who does the reverse genetics work. The casual reader will assume US and China researchers both do this work although the proposal clearly hands that off to Ralph Baric. How hard would it have been to mention that?
There really is not much else worthy mentioning. Just a lot of repeat of the same nonsense. If you say something untrue often enough it becomes accepted as Fact, and they literally have a well funded Army that does just that
Now lets discuss Pandemic Denial
Denis goes on to say
….hot spots of sudden surges in all‑cause mortality occurred only in specific locations in the Northern-hemisphere Western World, which were synchronous with the March 11, 2020 declaration of a pandemic.
Such synchronicity is impossible within the presumed framework of a spreading viral respiratory disease, with or without airplanes, because the calculated time from seeding to mortality surge is highly dependent on local societal circumstances, by several months to years.
I attributed the excess deaths to aggressive measures and hospital treatment protocols known to have been applied suddenly at that time in those localities.
The work was pursued in greater depth with collaborators for several years and continues. We have shown repeatedly that excess mortality most often refused to cross national borders and inter-state lines.
I completely agree with Dennis. However, this does not mean there was no virus. There was a virus but it was of low pathogenicity. The treatment protocols were designed to kill.
What this means is if they were to treat the respiratory symptoms in elderly as they normally did, far many would have survived. Those areas that did so had little excess mortality.
Of course, one question I have is if the virus spread naturally and was present in these low mortality areas, but undetected through lack of hype and engineered hysteria, or if designated areas were targeted for viral dispersion, especially those areas in US coming fresh off the 2019 Crimson Contagion Exercises.
For example, places like California and Taiwan should have had early spread given the virus originated from China and both areas had a lot of visitors who came from China. Seropositivity studies suggest the virus was not present in a significant amount but how much can we trust these studies?
Anyways, I will let this go for now.
Now here Dennis falls into a Rabbit Hole
…..there is no evidence that there was any particularly virulent pathogen causing excess mortality, the debate about gain-of-function research and an escaped bioweapon is irrelevant.
I do not mean that the Department of Defence (DoD) does not fund gain-of-function and bioweapon research (abroad, in particular), I do not mean that there are not many US patents for genetically modified microbial organisms having potential military applications, and I do not mean that there have not previously been impactful escapes or releases of bioweapon vectors and pathogens.
Furthermore, it would be suicidal for any regime to vehemently seek to create such a pathogen.
This probably sounds reasonable to many people. This is because they fail to distinguish between a synthetic virus engineered for Bioterrorism as opposed to a Virus created as a Bioweapon designed to kill and incapacitate enemy populations .
Ralph Baric said in 2006
Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material......
If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
They needed a novel virus that could spread and be transmissible so it could be detected by PCR test which will show that unique parts of the virus was present. PCR does this very well. What PCR Test does not tell you is if the sample is infectious or causing the disease called COVID. COVID is a disease caused by a Virus and if you have no symptoms you don’t have COVID. A Positive PCR test is not proof you have a live or transmissible and infectious virus or that you have or will get COVID.
PCR Tests and their use on asymptomatic people was a tool of the Bioterrorists who should all be sent to GITMO. Their use in rapidly inflating case and death counts, and convincing health care professionals the virus was a killer, and terrorizing the locked down population seeing the rapidly increasing counts was effective, as planned.
The real Bioweapon was the mRNA/DNA Vaccines designed to produce the pathogenic protein known as SPIKE in your body, as opposed to mainly staying outside on the mucosa surface of the Upper Respiratory System as it does with the virus for most healthy and not too elderly people
Using Bioterrorism, and Coercion, they were able to get many to submit to this Bioweapon. Whether every area or country got the same thing its hard to say. The fact that Palantir was chose to determine what where lots were distributed via its Tiberious Program and the Militaries involvement in Operation Warp Speed makes me wonder.
While the vaccines do kill fairly quickly my best estimate is its something of the order of 0.03% per dose, or 1/3000.
But what these injections will do to the Life Expectancy of those who received them is unknown. As we all know Kissinger’s 1974 NSSM 200 made Population a National Security Concern. Was the 201 in Event 201 signaling something?
That said, Humans have a pretty robust Immune System and Biological QC System. My guess is most of the Vaccinated fully recover, but this excludes those who subject themselves to Chronic Boosting
COVID Pandemic Trajectory - A Case Study (Taiwan)
Here is what I wrote on April 21, 2020 in Taiwan. I was mostly commenting on blogs then, cant remember where I posted though.
In Taiwan they banned flights from Wuhan on Jan 26, and had started temp checks at airports earlier, and closed schools for a month after the Lunar New Year holidays. Thats it. No lock downs. No mandatory mask wearing except at hospitals and over the last couple of weeks on Trains.
Hundreds of thousands of residents/citizens returned from China by Feb 1. Many more from infected areas in US and Europe over the next 2 months. Foreign visitors prohibited from mid-March
They do a lot of contact tracing and impose home quarantines on those who came in contact with infected persons but given how rapidly the virus can spread its pretty amazing there are so few cases of local transmission (vast majority are imported cases)
Personally I think the virus has been spreading for months and there is already herd immunity, but we cant know this for sure until they do widespread antibody testing. Covid-19 testing has been limited to those hospitalized with serious symptoms or those with contacts who are infected although I think I read they have expanded this recently to include anyone with pneumonia regardless of severity or contacts.
One thing I have noticed is that despite national health care the hospitals were quite less populated in February and into March. Being a cancer patient with diabetes and kidney disease I had no choice but to make all my appointments. This meant less chance of being infected because the hospitals are usually very crowded. So people choose not to go to hospital or doctors unless they are very sick. This might be changing over the last month though. In waiting areas every other seat is marked no sitting to help social distancing (instead of 3 cm now 40 cm distance)
People also self regulate. More people out walking in the parks, fewer people eating out. Social distancing not really a reality because of population density but trains seem slightly less crowded. When schools were closed kids were out traveling in packs and mingling with retired older populations that are not working. Not sure how effective that was but certainly understandable.
They have done a good job of making people aware and concerned without creating panic like you see in US and parts of Europe. Being free of WHO and Big Pharma interests probably helps. Wish everyone could follow Taiwan and perhaps Swedens model.
Of course, things started to change by the end of 2020 despite no COVID. The mandated masks indoors at end of 2020 (December) in advance of the Vaccine Campaign in April 2021
In May 2021, Excess Deaths began in conjunction with the Vaccines (AZT) and the first COVID spread within Taiwan, although it was limited as the only testing was in hospitals
While Antibody testing seemed to confirm COVID was not present in Taiwan in 2020 you can see there was some Excess Deaths in Taiwan in the last quarter of 2019 when COVID was silently spreading in Wuhan
The explosion of COVID seen starting in May 2022 coincided with Omicron and the Government providing Free Antigen Tests to Households and using these results in lieu of PCR Tests. Those who tested positive could quarantine at home and get paid leave by employer if results were reported to the Government. Many also had separate COVID Insurance coverage which paid out a lump sum if you were a confirmed case.
Cases/Death remained high until March 2023 when Taiwan government stopped providing free tests and quarantine was waived for those testing positive. Those with mild or no symptoms were asked not to call in positive results, so from that point on only Weekly Hospitalized Cases/Deaths were reported. Hospitalized Cases/Deaths after an early summer increase have now all but disappeared, despite the end of Mask Mandates outside Hospitals (about 70% still mask anyways)
Excess Deaths as seen for the earlier chart are declining but still high. A new booster campaign began end of September. Vaccine doses administered are no longer published but here are Oct/November Data
Oct- 16594 deaths, 9.7% Excess %, ~125 COVID
Nov-15965 deaths, 11.1% Excess %, ~100 COVID