We have all heard of MFP by now. Its a collective reaction to Fear and Isolation that shuts down critical thinking and gets people to support Draconian Measures for nefarious purposes while lashing out at anyone resisting those measures out of an irrational belief they are the reason those measures don’t work and are putting them and their families at great risk.
While I think MFP has lost steam among those who were fearful of the Virus, it still persists among some of the True Believers.
But there is another group of victims of MFP. Their MFP has only grown stronger as the so called Pandemic has transitioned from exterminating the virus (Zero Covid) to living with Covid.
For them belief in a Virus was originally just an honest mistake 100 years ago to a massive Conspiracy to exploit the fear Viruses engender for societal control and profit. The Conspiracy includes Scientists , Universities, Military Bio-Defense , Big Pharma , MSM and Public Health Officials at Federal and State Levels all over the world. China, Russia and Iran are all in on this Conspiracy. I am unsure about the Taliban though.
I have tried to reason with them kindly, having briefly fallen down that Rabbit Hole myself before coming to reason.
My latest effort his here.
I think I would have better luck convincing a Die Hard MAGA Supporter that Trumps not going to save them than converting a Virus Denier, because at least we have a common ground in wanting America to be Great, or at least as good as it was 60 years ago (w/o the racism) .
So all thats left for me to do now is to understand where the poor Virus Deniers are coming from because I do fear they are just as dangerous as their counterparts that are enablers of the Virus Terrorists.
For some of them I think its just a Coping Mechanism for Fear. If you can convince yourself there is nothing to worry about then you wont be afraid and can try to ignore those ridiculous masking, social distancing, inconvenient testing and isolation requirements. You can even remain unvaxxed if your employer or university permits. And of course if you are not very old or unhealthy you are unlikely to suffer serious harm from the virus validating your skepticism a virus exists
Deep down, I wonder if some of them realize that if there is a real Virus, and given our Government was hell bent on funding its creation with the hated CCP’s Wuhan Laboratory, that maybe We did it. Maybe our Government and the Military is not working for us but want to Depopulate us and take away out Freedom by creating and then unleashing a virus that will kill as many social security and pension collecting senior citizens as possible.
“Mommy, make it go away!” they cry. Mommy says “don’t worry dear, the Virus is just a bogeyman, it doesn’t exist”. Crying stops and feeling so much better they realize they were fooled first by Santa Clause and now by Viruses. “Never again !” they vow with a determined voice.
So something like that.
But then there is another element. What if the fear that the government created a virus and unleashed it on their own people is true?. Millions have died, not only due to the virus but lockdowns, harmful treatment protocols, denial of drugs that could reduce deaths, unsafe vaccines, etc. Its basically a holocaust on a larger scale but instead of focusing on Jews, Communists and Gypsies the victims are the elderly and useless class and now the children.
The perpetrators of such a monstrous act might like the idea of a segment of the population believing there is no such thing as a virus. Hard for them to push for a Nurember II and arresting the criminals for Biological Terrorism and denying Life Saving Drugs if a Virus does not exist. As for the Lockdowns and Vaccines, these are lesser crimes because the poor fools were duped into believing in such a thing as a Virus.
Yes indeed, the Criminals have a vested interest in promoting Virus Denial. Indeed, the last Crime was so successful (lots of deaths and trillions in profits) they might want to try it again.
Most of us sane people reacted in horror and outrage at the Boston University GOF experiment creating Super Omicron. Not the Virus Denier, silly you, there is no Virus. The mice just died because of chemicals in the culture of the imaginary virus. Lol.
Yet tell them Omicron-infected mice with the same chemicals displayed little to no signs of clinical illness, while the health of those infected with WT and Omi-S rapidly deteriorated.
Update- Georgie and Donnie responded to their credit
There absolutely was not crickets. There were 2 replies and an edit ;THE EXPERIMENTS AND PATHOLOGISTS WERE NOT BLINDED. Analysis of symptoms and histological features is very subjective. Which is why such extraordinary lengths must be gone to double blind all experiments. All the symptoms and histological observations can also be explained by the trauma of the experiment. THERE WERE NO CONTROLS.
The mice; 6 for ‘WT’, 10 for ‘Omi-S’ (which includes engineered and manipulated proteins with unknown effect), and 10 for ‘Omicron’ were not injected with viruses. They were injected with cell cultures made with samples containing thousands of biologically active substances, including bacterial toxins and proteins involved in the stimulation of inflammation and fever to expel toxins, from patients with varying degrees of symptoms. The ‘WT’ culture severe symptoms, the ‘omicron’ very mild, and Omi-S with the manipulated ‘spike’ ie p180-200 which is known to cause inflammation.
6/6 WT and 8/10 Omi-S and none of the Omicron were euthanised after observations of clinical scores of criteria such as ruffled fur and unresponsiveness by 8 days post injection. It did not show that Omicron showed no signs of illness.
The fact that the experiment was not blinded is sufficient to explain the differences in the observed subjective criteria leading to euthanasia in this very small, non-peer reviewed study. However the differences in the amount and make up of biologically active substances present in the samples used to make the cell cultures would also explain them. THIS TINY STUDY IS NOT PEER REVIEWED.
I think it's you with your fingers in your ears
This is not a Clinical Trial, Blinding is not required. Negative controls are routine procedure for Cultures to ensure the witches brew added to the Culture is not Contaminated with other viruses or bacteria. Its not mentioned because its as routine as calibrating and zeroing your scale before weighing.
The fact of the matter is the only significant difference is the virus, and the mice got sicker with WT and Super Omicron than Omicron. You can deny all you want, but thats the reality.
And really, Peer Review is an objection? Who do you think their Peers are ? LMAO. They are all bonafide Priests of Virology. They are going to reject this paper because “Viruses Don’t Exist?”
Look, I get it, Viruses are scary so you pretend they don't exist. And papers showing a scary one has been concocted in a lab scare you more so even though you dont believe in viruses you feel the need to discredit the authors with no proof other than it wasn't blinded or peer reviewed (yet) , and claim he felt the need to make up a scary virus and be accused of GOF and risk his job to get published so as to keep his job.
Never mind that this science can always get published because it was funded by NIAID and the more importantly the fact that WT + Omicron Chimera does not change its function compared to Omicron or WT is interesting in itself
Got it
I no longer agree. It occurs to me that Virus Denial allows people to deny the existence of the Holocaust perpetrated by Virus GoF. In a sense its not unlike Holocaust Denial which denies Jews and others were killed by those who espoused a harmful ideology. This is going on under our noses and the deniers laugh off Boston University GoF experiments as harmless because they deny viruses exist.
I wont debate you on Virus Existence . I gave you a chance and you walked away. Keep walking. You will need to discover the truth on your own if you dare open your mind.
But you should ask yourself, what if you are wrong?. And what if psychopaths are using them to do harm. First they came for the Elderly. Then they came for the Poor and infirm. Then they came for me. Sound familiar?
Anyways, believe what you will, but denial of whats real can cause harm IMO