"You would think these enemies would not be part of the conspiracy."

Pete, I believe that I understand the desire that "good" humans have - to partake of this life honestly, with dignity and respect, and that we also show a tendency to imagine that our fellow human's surely exhibit these same qualities, not many of us ever really wanting to ferret out the Bad Eggs, nor enjoying such activities...

While surely there are a few such good humans, I would venture that not one of such makes their way to, or otherwise finds their self in, a position of power within these hierarchical institutions, such as the arena of world politics, or those of the world's military powers, or within the vast, global markets, which consist of Everything That Is Sold- from living, breathing humans, to all of our medicinals and therapeutics (fraudulent,and otherwise...), along with all of the Earth's "resources"- food, water, air, the raw materials, and the goods made from such... all of which have been "legally" co-opted by the global elite, such as those of the WEF.

By now, surely, you are familiar with such agencies , and if so, surely it is not too far a stretch of the mind to see that there is Most Certainly a sinister scheme that has been hatched out upon our Earth, and that there are No Rules held to by those that one such as I may be tempted to call "evil", those psychotic, near conscience-less power players, like Klaus Schwab, et al., nor are any such rules held to by the vast legions of flunkies and sycophants, who appear so glibly willing to complete such tasks as they are directed.

So, with this knowledge in hand, why would anyone continue to go to a poisoned well for their water?

Is it because it is being seen as The Only Well?

We are all taught to trust our teachers, policemen, and all those sorts within our supposedly upstanding public institutions, and I call "Foul", for they have not upheld the traits required of one to be deemed as worthy of our trust, or honor, or respect in such important matters as their duty should require, because The System Is Rigged. Rigged!

The Whole System is corrupt, from the top, down, and the bottom, up, and is not worthy of "building back", and needs to be let go, and to fall apart, perhaps with our help, even; and for those that are unwilling to admit to such- what is to become of them?

Must they be chewed up in the process? I hope to prevent as many outcomes like this as possible, by conversing among ourselves, to bring awareness to these things that are being held sitting mainly out of sight, but affect us all, nonetheless.

Tptb would like us one and all to be willing participants in the Wild Goose Chase, so that they can sneak out the side door, meanwhile.

No one should allow theirselves to be made into a dupe, if they value life.

And to that end one must be vigilant, or most likely shall perish, having wasted their life's gifts in vain.

Farewell along the path.

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Have you ever read "Pascal vs Bechamp"? Quick read and can be downloaded.

I read it and didn't get the impression that there was "nothing" that wasn't transmissible or an infection (perhaps better phrased as infestation). Under several circumstances Bechamp found parasites, mites.

I too am hesitant to believe that the US military has spent billions on research that wasn't transmissible.

I am however skeptical of any pictures "models" of viruses. As I am now skeptical of things to do with DNA and mRNA. Much like the PCR test there is something there (like a fibre belonging to a couch) but there is so much missing and noone can question it.

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Bechamp almost 150 years ago proposed that Microzymes caused disease and that people don’t “catch” germs that give them diseases. Instead they are actually opportunistic only causing disease in people whose bodies have a weakness or imbalance internally.

He is partly right. Viruses are opportunistic and mostly only cause disease in those who are weak or imbalanced internally (elderly and those with comorbidities). We have many more tools today than Bechamp had and no Microzymes have been detected

We never had pictures of atoms until recently. We do have pictures of viruses (not just picture models). You could make the same argument against atoms, or gravity (we don't even have pictures of gravity)

PCR is a wonderful tool. Mullis was justly very proud of it. It cant tell you that anyone has an infectious virus, or that the virus causes disease. It can tell you if you have fragments of that virus, and how much, but not if there is a complete replicating virus.

In the presence of clinical symptoms of a disease similar to that caused by a virus isolated from patients with the same symptoms, a positive test is useful in confirming the dx if you exclude other viruses. However, during epidemic periods where a given virus dominates, you may discard excluding other viruses since treatment is basically the same

The same tests used to sequence the human genome are used to sequence viruses genetic material. These sequences have proven invaluable in detecting genetic diseases and understanding how cancer forms, and have provided us with useful treatments.

The methods used to sequence pieces of the genome and assemble the are not easily explained or understood by the layman and they difficult to do without computers. People don't understand exactly how their smart phones work either , and many don't understand how anything they use is made or how it works. We trust that the gas meters are accurate, and that our electric bills are correct, unless they give us a bill thats too high.

There is much evidence to support the existence of viruses, and very little to support Bechamps microzymes. And even if there were microzymes, that does not explain Chicken Pox parties where healthy kids happily gathered together to play knowing they would get a week off of school from catching their classmates chicken pox. Germ Theory explains it very well.

And I could point to antibodies. Nobody had antibodies specific to Sars-Cov-2 before 2019 (based on testing from blood banks). Today more than 50% and up to 90% in some areas have antibodies to the N protein that can only be obtained from the infection with Sars-Cov-2, and many of them had a positive PCR test at the time of infection

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I really don't know much about viruses or biology but I think you're probably right.

I do know a thing or two about cellphones and gas meters though.

I worry about the level of abstraction involved in this PCR, DNA, mRNA, CRISPR. I am no natural scientist but the disconnect between the natural scientists and the 1s and 0s they take as gospel concerns me. (Programmers who think they're gods concern me as well but I digress)

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Oct 14, 2022
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My reply is rather long so I will include it in the body of my post above

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