Update 10/15
I seem to be involved in a few Virus Does Not Exist discussions so think it is a good time to bump this post from last January
I received a Comment:
My Response:
Science is not about proof, its about disproof. First comes a hypothesis based on facts. If the facts are proven wrong, or if the hypothesis is testable and proven wrong upon proper testing, then its disproven or at least discredited. The absence of proof is not disproof.
If the hypothesis is useful, in this case if it can be used to explain disease causation, and predict subsequent transmission upon detection in the population, or it may lead to treatment of disease caused by the virus, or prevention via vaccination with inactivated virus or viral antigen, it becomes accepted
Another item lending support for Viruses is our military has spent tens of billions of dollars if not more over the years researching viruses, hunting viruses and manipulating viruses in their search for biological weapons or defenses. And enemy militaries have as well, especially before and during the Cold War. You would think these enemies would not be part of the conspiracy. The Soviet Scientists exposed that Oil is abiotic and not from Fossil Fuels which was a Big Oil Conspiracy, so why not expose the Virus con game .
Why is the CCP blindly following the Zero Covid scam, and doing so much virus research?. Wouldn’t they love to show viruses didn’t exist and lay to rest the idea Sars-Cov-2 came from their lab?
And where are these independent Viral Deniers published papers?. Even a pre-print in a low quality journal. Assuming there is one, have they collected comments from reviewers with a medical or science degree and responded publicly in writing? Maybe they have, so I am asking. And have they published a paper with a detailed hypothesis that explains “all” current diseases that are currently attributed to Viruses?
I believe the pathogenesis of Sars-Cov-2 in COVID-19 disease involves both germ theory and terrain theory, not just one or the other. SARS-CoV-2 infection is an insufficient but necessary factor in the pathogenesis of COVID-19.
Those with a weak terrain such as the elderly and those with morbidities who are immune deficient or have dysregulated immune responses are at most risk.
Facts supporting Virus Hypothesis
1.Those with more severe symptoms tend to have higher viral load as determined by PCR than those with mild symptoms/asymptomatic, although there are some conflicting studies
Also viral load as determined by PCR do decrease over time as disease symptoms resolve
2.Purified spike protein and isolated Sars-Cov-2 (includes cellular debris) are commercially available.
3.Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of Whole Genomes does not require purified virus samples as the clinical samples are lysed destroying all lipids/proteins leaving only genetic material, and algorithms distinguish between human and other viral/bacterial and Sars-Cov-2 genetic material
Millions of clinical samples taken from PCR positive patients have been sequenced and the vast majority if not all find Sars-Cov-2 after whole genome sequencing
5.From the Sars-Cov-2 sequences one can estimate the number of amino acids that should be in the virus, and amino acid analysis is used to verify these proteins in isolates from humans
6.Those who have moderate COVID symptoms and test positive for COVID develop antibodies to the virus. Serology is old and proven science
Humans only began to make antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in 2019, consistent with sporadic exposure from China . This means I think SARS-CoV-2 began to infect humans in the same year
7.Animals infected with viral isolates (not purified as you would like) that are obtained from humans who test positive for COVID via PCR , get sick and develop antibodies
8.Epidemiological evidence is convincing that those with COVID symptoms who test positive via PCR transmit to close naive contacts who then develop symptoms and/or test positive
9.Spike protein in urine of patients who test positive for Sars-Cov-2 and have Covid symptoms
10.We have numerous EM pictures. While some may argue without proof that these are just Exosomes, it should be noted there are many viruses which do not look like Exosomes
Furthermore exosomes can be separated from viruses now, affinity-based purification which uses antibodies that specifically bind to cell surface proteins which vary between exosomes and viruses can discriminate between them and are used to isolate specific populations of exosomes.
Newer techniques that utilize flow cytometry can also discriminate between exosomes and viruses. Nanoscale flow cytometry or nano flow-assisted cell sorting (nanoFACS) can be used to specifically separate EVs. Similarly, flow cytometry can be used to purify virions.
I have yet to see any isolate of an exosome which contains a full sequence of Sars-Cov-2 mRNA. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, but that evidence would be required to support the Exosome Theory for COVID
11-There is clearly excess mortality even if that may be overstated as some being with Covid but not dying of Covid. Indeed excess deaths for all causes is approaching 1.5 million for 2020-2022 in the US
While some of the excess deaths can be attributed to lockdowns or the vaccine, in April,2020 the spike in deaths in UK and US could not all have been due to the recently imposed lockdowns (just beginning) or flu (flu season is usually waning in April).
And it wasn’t only in nursing homes as these only accounted for 40% of the early COVID deaths
Certainly inadequate/improper treatment of those dx with Covid was responsible for a high mortality rate(overuse of respirators, use of midazolam which suppresses respiration, and withholding of steroids, and by May the use of Remdesivir (which proved toxic in Ebola trials) which contributed to more deaths
12 CDC Timeline:
On January 20, 2020, CDC received a clinical specimen collected from the first reported U.S. patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. CDC immediately placed the specimen into cell culture to grow a sufficient amount of virus for study.
On February 2, 2020, CDC generated enough SARS-CoV-2 grown in cell culture to distribute to medical and scientific researchers.
On February 4, 2020, CDC shipped SARS-CoV-2 to the BEI Resources Repository.
Their procedure is here.
Based on this CDC then developed the first FDA EUA RT-qPCR test in February/March (which they withdrew support of and rescinded EUA in December 2021 due to the multitude of other commercially available EUA - PCR tests)
Last but not least, we have a Human Challenge Study
Researchers enrolled 36 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 29 years who provided written informed consent. All 36 participants were seronegative at the screening by Quotient MosaiQ antibody microarray test and had no history of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination or infection. As two participants turned exhibited seroconversion before inoculation, only 34 participants were screened during the study.
All participants were inoculated with a low inoculum dose of 10 median tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) of D614G-containing pre-alpha wild-type SARS-CoV-2 intranasally. After the inoculation, 18 study participants developed polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-confirmed infection.
A robust viral replication was observed in 53% (18/34) of seronegative participants. Within two to four days of incubation, viral loads (VLs) escalated rapidly, peaking at high levels and continuing for over a week.
Symptoms that were reported in 89% of infected individuals
Detailed viral kinetics showed that some individuals shed culturable virus at 12 days pi, up to 10 days after symptom onset.
The rapid onset of infection was reflected in serum antibody responses. No increase in serum antibodies by microneutralisation or anti-spike protein IgG ELISA was observed in those deemed uninfected, even where isolated viral detections had occurred, except for one participant who acquired natural COVID-19 after discharge from quarantine . In contrast, serum antibodies were generated in all infected participants with neutralising antibody titres of 425 (median, IQR 269) at 14 days post-inoculation and a further rise to 863.5 (IQR 403) at 28 days
Taken together, these facts support the Virus hypothesis. If you can refute all of these facts, or even most, I might be interested in continuing the discussion.
"You would think these enemies would not be part of the conspiracy."
Pete, I believe that I understand the desire that "good" humans have - to partake of this life honestly, with dignity and respect, and that we also show a tendency to imagine that our fellow human's surely exhibit these same qualities, not many of us ever really wanting to ferret out the Bad Eggs, nor enjoying such activities...
While surely there are a few such good humans, I would venture that not one of such makes their way to, or otherwise finds their self in, a position of power within these hierarchical institutions, such as the arena of world politics, or those of the world's military powers, or within the vast, global markets, which consist of Everything That Is Sold- from living, breathing humans, to all of our medicinals and therapeutics (fraudulent,and otherwise...), along with all of the Earth's "resources"- food, water, air, the raw materials, and the goods made from such... all of which have been "legally" co-opted by the global elite, such as those of the WEF.
By now, surely, you are familiar with such agencies , and if so, surely it is not too far a stretch of the mind to see that there is Most Certainly a sinister scheme that has been hatched out upon our Earth, and that there are No Rules held to by those that one such as I may be tempted to call "evil", those psychotic, near conscience-less power players, like Klaus Schwab, et al., nor are any such rules held to by the vast legions of flunkies and sycophants, who appear so glibly willing to complete such tasks as they are directed.
So, with this knowledge in hand, why would anyone continue to go to a poisoned well for their water?
Is it because it is being seen as The Only Well?
We are all taught to trust our teachers, policemen, and all those sorts within our supposedly upstanding public institutions, and I call "Foul", for they have not upheld the traits required of one to be deemed as worthy of our trust, or honor, or respect in such important matters as their duty should require, because The System Is Rigged. Rigged!
The Whole System is corrupt, from the top, down, and the bottom, up, and is not worthy of "building back", and needs to be let go, and to fall apart, perhaps with our help, even; and for those that are unwilling to admit to such- what is to become of them?
Must they be chewed up in the process? I hope to prevent as many outcomes like this as possible, by conversing among ourselves, to bring awareness to these things that are being held sitting mainly out of sight, but affect us all, nonetheless.
Tptb would like us one and all to be willing participants in the Wild Goose Chase, so that they can sneak out the side door, meanwhile.
No one should allow theirselves to be made into a dupe, if they value life.
And to that end one must be vigilant, or most likely shall perish, having wasted their life's gifts in vain.
Farewell along the path.
Have you ever read "Pascal vs Bechamp"? Quick read and can be downloaded.
I read it and didn't get the impression that there was "nothing" that wasn't transmissible or an infection (perhaps better phrased as infestation). Under several circumstances Bechamp found parasites, mites.
I too am hesitant to believe that the US military has spent billions on research that wasn't transmissible.
I am however skeptical of any pictures "models" of viruses. As I am now skeptical of things to do with DNA and mRNA. Much like the PCR test there is something there (like a fibre belonging to a couch) but there is so much missing and noone can question it.