Still a lot of people not aware or interested in Sasha or Debra information, good to see the links being shared

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That most people can't imagine such evil in our leaders plays into their hands. Always has, a look at history should wake anybody up to the evil of many, probably most leaders.

Re the mystery of the coordination of the COVID response in the West and Anglosphere, this is must watch, and I'm selective about that designation.


I'm a little burned out on the same info re the scamdemic over and over, with new stuff dribbling out, but not fast enough. Debbie's take resolves some big mysteries, if true. Seems likely true.

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Very good. Ron's book review was pathetic, he didn't even mention Defuse. Ron himself supported the whole Covid agenda including lockdowns, masks and mass vaccination. He completely overlooked the global dimension and instead believed it was an attack on one or two cities, which doesn't make any sense.

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