So Ron Unz did a rather lengthy review of Jim Haslams hypothesis as presented his his book and substack posts
My comment was too long for his Blog so I thought I would post here.
I am a fan of Jim Haslam and appreciate his work [and Ron Unz also found much (90%) of it credible]. I differ with Jim mainly as to his conclusion that it was an accidental release. [Ron Unz had reservations about the WIV release (10%) , but you can read it yourself.]
The value in Jims work is highlighting the evidence supporting the US role in creating the virus beyond funding and tech .
My objection to the 10% was the idea that a bat vaccine (virus) tailored for bats was sent to WIV and accidentally released. However, this Virus (Sars-Cov-2) does not replicate well in Chinese bats but is well adopted to humans. Surely Ralph tests his virus to make sure it replicates in bat cells and not human cells before sending it out.
Furthermore, DEFUSE never contemplated using a full length live virus as a Bat Vaccine. They planned on a pox virus vector that used an engineered spike protein to generate an immunogenic response.
That said I have no more evidence for my bioterrorism hypothesis that it was released, and while I consider Baric as a suspect I am not convinced it was him and even if it was he would have been working under the direction of the BLOB. Use your imagination for the BLOB part.
In unlocking the mystery of COVID origins one must first understand that Sars-Cov-2 was not an exceptionally pathogenic virus (0.2% IFR, and much lower for the young and healthy). The damage caused was mainly in the reaction to the virus which included Lockdowns, harmful Treatment Protocols, rushed to market experimental Vaccines and coercion to take them, universal masking and widespread testing of asymptomatic people with a PCR test where 95% of positives had no replication competent virus , and exaggerating deaths counts by including those who died with a positive test and not from COVID, and the perpetual fear mongering of MSM and public health/government officials keeping the population in a state of terror.
These harmful actions, many of which were contrary to WHO’s own policies in 2019 were adopted Globally with minor differences and seemed extraordinarily well coordinated, even among so called adversarial states, and many of these policies are now widely recognized as being harmful or of little benefit which is why they were rejected as of 2019. What changed their mind? Certainly not any new science.
COVID if nothing else was simply an Act of Bioterrorism to justify support for policies and transfer of trillions of dollars to the Elite Class that would never have been able to have been passed without the scary virus. It also served the purpose of removing many millions of pension and social security recipients.
For COVID to have been preplanned this would have required a synthetic virus engineered in such a way as to be not too dangerous except to the old or sick, transmissible via air, and stable so it does not mutate itself out of existence. Not an easy thing to do.
This gives you a unique sequence which allows it to be called a novel virus. Of course if we did not test for it we never knew it would have existed.
The plan called for the Denial of effective treatments with repurposed drugs to perpetuate the fear and increase demand for the vaccines were also a key, and perhaps was why as early as January 2020 the French Health Minister banned the OTC sale of HCQ (invented by the French) after 60 years of safe use.
It also called for prevention or slowing of herd immunity, and even denial that such a thing was possible was facilitated by lockdowns, social distancing, misinformation and masks. This slowing the spread also kept the pandemic going longer and helped facilitate its mutation into more virulent (transmissible) variants over time. It also gave time to prepare a Vaccine.
Now all of this while providing a plausible motivation and means for OPERATION COVID does not tell us who did it and how they managed to get the support of so many. Keep in mind only the very top echelon of Global Elites needed to know this was a man made Operation. Perception Management and self interest ($$$) did the rest and the managerial, political and academic classes followed their direction in lockstep.
A close look at the recent timeline shows evidence of planning. You might want to scroll down to start at 2015
A Synthetic Virus which is stable, transmissible and low pathogenicity that is almost perfectly suited to infect human cells did not happen naturally within a bat population where it is mostly an enteric virus and which has different cells and a different immune system. And even if it did, it would then have to be obtained as a sample and brought to WIV , and WIV would have to do something they were terrible at, which is to culture it (only managed 3 times). Then it would have to be accidentally released and this low pathogenic virus with symptoms not much different than other respiratory viruses during flu season in Wuhan (12 million population) would have to arouse suspicion leading to it being sequenced. And it would have to be remarkably stable in its new host and not mutate out of existence like SARS. Very unlikely.
Ok, but this is where we talk about engineering. All bat viruses as of 2019 at the amino acid level were far closer to SARS than Sars-Cov -2. While most sleuths focus on the Spike Protein , this is only 1 of 29 proteins. A protein is an assembly of amino acids while amino acids are produced by 3 nucleotides (codons).
The Spike Protein helps the virus attach to the cell (RBD) while the FCS on the spike protein helps it get into the cell. Thats important.
Also important is no Sars Like Virus has ever been found with a FCS among over 10,000 bat samples, suggesting engineering.
But the spike only gets you in the door, this is where the other proteins come in, many of which are found in the backbone of the work. These proteins determine how well the virus replicates, escapes host immunity, provides stability, escapes the cell and aerosolizes which are all essential elements for a pandemic virus.
2019 January , Ralph Baric gave a talk in Harbin, China in a conference talking about the complexity of deliberate design of viruses. He also gave a talk on H5N1 on behalf of USDA
…..challenges to deliberate design include the fact that a large number of virus-host protein interactions occur, and changing one can have unexpected effects across the interaction networks as virus-host interactions are usually a "highly coordinated co-evolved process." Viral packaging constraints, the effects of host genetic variation on disease severity, and other factors all add to the complexity and confound the utility of predictive design models.
As examples of both potential opportunities and ongoing barriers to effective engineering of viral properties, Dr.
Baric referenced studies to develop a self-replicating alphavirus containing HIV sequences for use as an HIV vaccine, an approach that was abandoned when the virus was too pathogenic in mice. He also noted the barrier provided by a glycosylation site that makes it relatively easy to create mouse-adapted SARS strains but not mouse-adapted MERS. And the use of newer tools such as CRISPR/Cas-based gene editing to create a mouse model by introducing the human virus binding receptor domain into the mouse. On the other hand, creating a virus that is super-adapted to a particular host can actually result in an attenuation of virulence, if the virus interacts overly strongly with a cellular receptor.
This shows the complexity of deliberate design as well as a potential sweet spot for pathogenicity.
No Sars Like Coronavirus has ever had a backbone close to Sars-Cov-2. Even RaTG13 with 96.7% similarity to SC2 differs by 1200 nucleotides. The closest before RaTG13 was 88% ~3600 nucleotides.
Some of the Lab Leaker sleuths point out that WIV had many Un-sequenced samples or unpublished sequences so maybe this unique backbone was in their hands. The problem with this is they wound have needed a way to know this backbone was special enough to waste time using engineered spike proteins to make chimeras. Also, they would have needed to be able to culture the virus with the backbone. Very unlikely for all of that to have happened, about as unlikely as Sars-Cov-2 being natural origin and jumping direct to humans from bats or via an intermediate host nobody has ever discovered.
In fact a Sars-Cov-2 backbone in a bat virus is almost as improbable as Sars-Cov-2 itself.
So what are we left with? Not much. All eyes must turn to the Center of the Coronavirus Universe at UNC with its satellite labs like RML and Ft Detrick, and virus hunters like USAID Predict, Global Virome Project, Naval Medical Research Unit, Naval Academy of Medical Research DTRA, etc. and let’s not leave out WIV. Maybe China was part of this Globalist Conspiracy. They played a key role early on with those Psyops.
Of course, we must also look at the infamous DARPA Defuse proposal, specifically at Ralph Barics proposal (not WIV’s as China hawks say) to create a full length Sars Like Coronaviruses made from a Consensus sequence of viruses 10-25% different than Sars and using sequences within 5% of each other. Ralph had actually done such work before unlike WIV and patented a method of reverse genetics that he uses, although he guards the secret details to actually performing this successfully.
One problem with this is you cant get Sars-Cov-2 (even sans FCS) from any consensus sequence of known Sars Like Viruses as of 2019. Curiously a handful of viruses were discovered or published between 2020-2021 that would have allowed this, including the infamous BANAL sequences from Laos. Could these sequences have been known in 2019 but released only after Sars-Cov-2 was released? Hard to say.
Curiously, the BANAL sequences were obtained from samples obtained from Bat Caves nearby those which were sampled from the NAMRU in 2017 and they never released any Coronavirus sequences. Why not?
The House Committee Testimony of Dr Gimlett who ran the PREEMPT programs and rejected the DEFUSE proposal talks about the peer review
Yeah. So the peer review process for any proposal, generally at least three reviewers, in some cases four, generally.
So for PREEMPT and most of my programs, we try to get at least two DARPA program managers as part of that three-person review, and then sometimes there's a third reviewer that may come from another government agency.
And in PREEMPT's case, there were folks from NAMRU, which is the Naval Academy of Medical Research -- or Naval Medical Research Unit, I think -- who also has a lot of local experience with pandemic potential pathogens.
Possibly USAMRIID. We've worked with them on some of these, and they might have had some participation in the review process. BARDA, NIH, sometimes CDC.
So all of those might have been part of the process
Perhaps after DEFUSE got rejected the Navy called Ralph in to look at all of their sequences and pursued some aspects of the DEFUSE proposal with him or without him.
Personally I think the virus created from a consensus sequence could only have been a starting point and further adoption to humans via animal models or even humans themselves to accelerate evolution would be required. DARPA had a program called Prophecy that was established by Michael Callahan in 2009 that did just that (sans humans). Guess who was in Wuhan when COVID emerged? You got it.
Anyway, this is too long for a comment. I posted a lot of COVID for anyone interested
Final thought. Some might think it impossible that our own people could be so Evil, which is why nobody wants to entertain the possibility. Of course, those who do Evil usually figure a way to justify it as necessary for the Greater Good. That said, if they support the Genocide in Gaza surely they wouldn’t lose sleep over OPERATION COVID. After all, they gave you stimulus checks and PPP and let many of you work from home, and the elderly were going to die soon anyways and dying of COVID is more pleasant than dying of CANCER or Alzheimers. Right?
Still a lot of people not aware or interested in Sasha or Debra information, good to see the links being shared
That most people can't imagine such evil in our leaders plays into their hands. Always has, a look at history should wake anybody up to the evil of many, probably most leaders.
Re the mystery of the coordination of the COVID response in the West and Anglosphere, this is must watch, and I'm selective about that designation.
I'm a little burned out on the same info re the scamdemic over and over, with new stuff dribbling out, but not fast enough. Debbie's take resolves some big mysteries, if true. Seems likely true.