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RE The Protocols were clearly a forgery. They were not however a pure invention. It may have been a legitimate plan created by Free Masons which was then altered to make it look like a Jewish Plan so as to increase antisemitism and boost the British Zionist Colonial Project in Palestine. Quite clever if indeed this is true

1. I believe ya got it correct here... an' it did the trick! online everybuddy an' his brother is quotin' them "Proto-CULLS" chapter an' verse an' sayin' it's a fully "Jewish Plan" (interesting to know about the blame them Bolsheviks version...)

2. Matthew Ehret spoke--sorry no link--'bout the Kalergi plan an' I believe debunked it as bullshart / made up outta whole cloth--if ya can, reach out ta him--he's gotta GREAT handle on much of this "docu-MENT-tation" (ment meanin' lying) an' also on "Khazaria" an' that whole boondoggle...

hth, the proper-gander machine "werked" well (too well) back in the day an' thus remains embedded in the so-called "truth" movement (lies tho they may be...)

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