It starts with Austrian-Japanese politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi - Forgotten Father of Europe (EU).
Allegedly Coudenhove-Kalergi devised a long-term scheme to undermine the white race by encouraging immigration into Europe, creating a populous devoid of identity who would supposedly be easily ruled by Jewish overlords.
From wikipedia:
In the turbulent period following the First World War the young Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the Pan-European Union, offering a vision of peaceful, democratic unity for Europe. The Count’s commitment to this cooperative ideal infuriated Adolf Hitler, who referred to him as a “cosmopolitan bastard” in Mein Kampf.
Kalergi's 1925 book Praktischer Idealismus ("Practical Idealism"), in which he predicted that a mixed race of the future would arise:
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."
Some Conspiracy theorists believe this is a plan being executed today, and is the reason immigration (legal and illegal) of Hispanics in North America and Arab-Black Muslims in Europe , and Asian immigration in both areas is being encouraged.
We see today much anger and hate being directed at Hispanic immigrants, Arabs (eg Palestinians) and Chinese (albeit mostly the government at this point).
It also explains the Elite driven anti-White Woke Movement, although semitic Jews are not considered White, hence the intolerance to anti-Zionism which is being conflated as antisemitism.
I knew of Kalergi’s history related to a Pan-European Union. I only looked into this after running across a Tweet posting this.
My Skepticism Meter quickly flashed Red as a likely Racist and Antisemitic Trap for Whites to promote extremism, much like the infamous Protocols were bait for extremists that led to the Nazis.
At this point I can’t rule anything out, but its something I plan to explore before I rule it out entirely. I have no doubt the Elites are behind this.
As with so much in history we can not be sure of anything. History is after all just a hypothesis. If a historical hypothesis explains events today, it should be considered
Incidentally the Protocols, an anti-Semitic document that outlined the plans of the Jews to establish world domination and destroy the Christian world., was first published in Russia in 1903, 6 years after Herzl’’s 1st World Zionist Conference and shortly before the first Russian Revolution triggered by antisemitism and pogroms in Russia. This helped fuel support for Zionism in Russia which was responsible for most of Palestines Jewish immigration at the time
It was later translated into English in 1919, after the 1917 Balfour Declaration promising Lionel Walter Rothschild that Palestine was to be a Jewish Homeland, just as the new British Mandate in Palestine was preparing to open the doors in Palestine to Jewish immigration.
The Protocols were clearly a forgery. They were not however a pure invention. It may have been a legitimate plan created by Free Masons which was then altered to make it look like a Jewish Plan so as to increase antisemitism and boost the British Zionist Colonial Project in Palestine. Quite clever if indeed this is true
Indeed, in 1919 a forgery of the forgery was published in the Philadelphia Public Ledger, this time it was called the "Red Bible," deleting all references to the purported Jewish authorship and re-casting the document as a Bolshevik manifesto. The author of the articles later became the head of the journalism department at Columbia University teaching American Journalists of the future his tricks
The Protocols were discovered to be loosely based on a rare 1864 book by Maurice Joly, titled Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. Joly was a lifelong Freemason and a member of the Rite of Misraïm. His book was an attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon III who, represented by Machiavelli, plots to rule the world.
The Elites of all races, nations , and religions have learned the best way to protect themselves is to blame some other group for doing what they themselves are doing. Its called Projection. The group (s) they blame, may be Jews, Communists, White Supremacists, Vatican, Blacks, Terrorists, Chinese, Muslims, Russians, Hispanics, Zionists or some other Political Party
Divide and Rule. As all these groups fight each other they meet in Davos or at some Bilderberg Hotel and laugh at how easy it is to fool the Rats.
As Yuval Hariri said, we cant let the Rats win.
Of course, even if we disappear, it will not be the end of the world. Something will survive us. Perhaps the rats will eventually take over and rebuild civilization. Perhaps, then, the rats will learn from our mistakes.
But I very much hope we can rely on the leaders assembled here, and not on the rats.
The “We “ Yuval is referring to are the Cognitive, Power and Financial Elites, or Homo Deus, the Rats are us Homo Sapiens, todays Neanderthals. Yuval once said we should hope we are treated better than we treated the Neanderthals, suggesting we will not be.
Its not enough to call us sheep because sheep are hard to hate. You must be able to hate what you wish to harm. Rats are easy to hate and Elites sleep better at night calling us rats
I for one hope they disappear, but thats probably not going to happen.
RE The Protocols were clearly a forgery. They were not however a pure invention. It may have been a legitimate plan created by Free Masons which was then altered to make it look like a Jewish Plan so as to increase antisemitism and boost the British Zionist Colonial Project in Palestine. Quite clever if indeed this is true
1. I believe ya got it correct here... an' it did the trick! online everybuddy an' his brother is quotin' them "Proto-CULLS" chapter an' verse an' sayin' it's a fully "Jewish Plan" (interesting to know about the blame them Bolsheviks version...)
2. Matthew Ehret spoke--sorry no link--'bout the Kalergi plan an' I believe debunked it as bullshart / made up outta whole cloth--if ya can, reach out ta him--he's gotta GREAT handle on much of this "docu-MENT-tation" (ment meanin' lying) an' also on "Khazaria" an' that whole boondoggle...
hth, the proper-gander machine "werked" well (too well) back in the day an' thus remains embedded in the so-called "truth" movement (lies tho they may be...)