While I have not had time to read this in detail, you have listed items which I had not heard of and which I think are pertinent to this man-made disaster, with ongoing disasters of censorship, corruption, denial of truth and the suppression of those who try to discuss it.
check out the funding on this self-spreading vaccine paper. Bill Gates Foundation:
Wellcome Trust, NIH, NSF, UK, Brazil, Germany, etc
While I have not had time to read this in detail, you have listed items which I had not heard of and which I think are pertinent to this man-made disaster, with ongoing disasters of censorship, corruption, denial of truth and the suppression of those who try to discuss it.
I have added a link to my large, but surely not comprehensive, list of resources regarding the origins of SARS-CoV-2: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/07-origins/.
I had never heard of pandemic bonds: https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/pandemics/brief/fact-sheet-pandemic-emergency-financing-facility.
Nice work.