like your writing style better than mine. glad you get it: less about what I wrote and more important to read the links, which takes awhile.

the best one on self spreading vaccines:


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I’ve speed read this and only skimmed ( previously) Jim Haslam’s work. I think you put forward an important case but it’s too complex and time consuming for most to read. If either of you could put this into a video format I think it would get more traction. It’s hard to understand the overall picture when you are so detailed here.

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I am not really trying to get more traction. My posts are my way of helping me understand, and I share what I find and my thoughts for those that can handle it. Videos are not my forte.

I suppose I could try to simplify it, but I doubt I would get much more traction. Like 9/11, most people on both the left and right simply don't want to believe it.

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There's another term for "self-spreading vaccines," since live-attenuated vaccines like OPV end up spreading through fecal-to-hand-to-oral routes in the third-world where there isn't proper sanitation and hand-washing, and after enough transmission OPV can revert back to fully virulent Polio.

Thanks what's been happening, except SARS-CoV-2 unexpectedly got it's FCS back at the Wuhan Military Games because the overcrowded conditions presented the opportunity for airborne transmission, just like the H5N1 viruses got their FCSes back during the GoF experiments in 2012 during airborne transmission between ferret cages:


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Problem is removing FCS in Sars-Cov-2 LAV reduces or stops transmission

“However, LAVs carry the risk of unintentional transmission. To address this issue, we investigated whether transmission of a SARS-CoV-2 LAV candidate can be blocked by removing the furin cleavage site (FCS) from the spike protein. The level of protection and immunity induced by the attenuated virus with the intact FCS was virtually identical to the one induced by the attenuated virus lacking the FCS. Most importantly, removal of the FCS completely abolished horizontal transmission of vaccine virus between cohoused hamsters.”


I am open to the idea of FCS being acquired via accelerated evolution in lab using prolonged HAE cell cultures or serial passaging through humanized mice, but I can not rule out insertion by other means

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And if you're asserting that the FCS could have popped up from serial passaging, maybe you want to take a moment and listen to someone who's been writing about that for literal years:



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Yes, they didn't want the original LAV to have the FCS because no live-attenuated vaccine is meant to spread to others using airborne transmission. OPV is able to spread to people who didn't get the vaccine because of poor sanitation, it wasn't SUPPOSED to do that, strictly speaking.

And when there's lots of poor sanitation, like in the third world, OPV is able to transmit so much that it regains full potency, and becomes Polio but worse because the usual vaccines don't work against it.

The concept of a "self-spreading vaccine" is a cover for the fact live-attenuated vaccines like OPV spread beyond the people its administered to, it's not meant to be part of the design. Just like the H5N1 variants back in 2012 didn't appear to have an FCS, it was hidden until the chance for airborne transmission was given.

You can either assume you have this all figured out, or you can take some time to read what's already been written many years ago, by someone who passed peer-review twice.

No LAV is ever MEANT to be self-spreading, but that's what happens through fecal contamination throughout the third world.

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The Virus The Virus The Imaginary Virus

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