Many of you read this already
The CIA or some other Spooks must have worked overtime to produce this propaganda piece. You can tell when its written by Spooks because they give you little idea who is the source and what is the evidence and its littered with contradictions, omissions and misrepresentations all designed to direct your attention away from them and toward their target
Before I get down to it , I want you to keep the following in mind.
Ralph Baric is literally the Godfather of Coronavirus Research , for over 30 years now
2018 paper by Baric
“Evaluation of a recombination-resistant coronavirus as a broadly applicable, rapidly implementable vaccine platform”
2006 paper by Baric
Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material......
If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
BTW-This is too long for some Email Servers so click on header to see the entire post.
So lets get to the propaganda piece
It starts off like this
Investigators who scrutinised top-secret intercepted communications and scientific research believe.....
US investigators say one of the reasons there is no published information ....,.Chinese military....they say, was pursuing bioweapons.
US State Department investigators — including experts on China, emerging pandemic threats, and biowarfare......
Not a lot of names, are there?. Sadly this continues for most of the article, anonymous folks saying this or that.
Lots of beliefs and assertions without evidence
“The trail of papers starts to go dark,” a US investigator said. “That’s exactly when the classified programme kicked off. My view is that the reason Mojiang was covered up was due to military secrecy related to [the army’s] pursuit of dual use capabilities in virological biological weapons and vaccines.”
According to the US investigators, the classified programme was to make the mineshaft viruses more infectious to humans.
How do US investigators know what a Chinese Classified program was up to? Could this be Projection, painting what you yourself are doing with someone elses brush?. We do that a lot.
They believe this led to the creation of the Covid-19 virus, and that it leaked into the city of Wuhan after a laboratory accident. “It has become increasingly clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the creation, promulgation and cover-up of the Covid-19 pandemic,” one of the investigators said.
An investigator said: “We were rock-solid confident that this was likely Covid-19 because they were working on advanced coronavirus research in the laboratory. They’re trained biologists in their thirties and forties. Thirty-five-year-old scientists don’t get very sick with influenza.”
Rock solid confident, does not get more convincing than that. 😂
BTW, I had my worst flu ever at about that age, maybe a few years older. Knocked me on my back for 3 days, couldn’t get out of bed, was weak as a puppy for more than 2 weeks after. Plus COVID does not bother most 35 year olds, whereas flu can be tough even for healthy 35 year olds.
The US investigators also revealed how they had been given evidence indicating the institute had been working on a vaccine before the pandemic.
“I interviewed scientists in Asia who have close relationships with the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” the source said.
“They told me it is their belief that there was vaccine research going on in the fall of 2019, pertinent to Covid-19 vaccination.”
What evidence, belief is not evidence, and whose belief?
Tests on humanised mice
The truly cutting-edge experiments were being done in the US by the veteran virologist Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina. He used a technique to fuse together different pathogens by mixing their genes. To test the effect of these lab-created mutant viruses on people, he created “humanised” mice by injecting them with genes that allowed them to develop lungs and vascular systems similar to ours.His ultimate aim was to create a universal vaccine against Sars-type viruses — an objective still not achieved.
Baric was aware this type of “gain of function” work, so-called because it can enhance virus potency, was controversial and could have a sinister application.
“Ominously, tools exist for simultaneously modifying the genomes for increased virulence [and] transmissibility,” he had written in a 2006 paper.
“These bioweapons could be targeted to humans, domesticated animals or crops, causing a devastating impact on human civilisation.”
This is the same 2006 paper I quoted at the top.
Bioweapons warnings
In 2012, in a cave called Shitou in the remote mountains of Yunnan province, southern China, Shi’s team made a breakthrough. They recovered a virus that was the closest match to Sars of those found at the time. They labelled it WIV1, using the initials of the institute, and demonstrated through laboratory work that it was able to infect human cells.
But they were unable to grow sufficient quantities of a second Sars-like virus found in the cave, labelled SHC014, to do similar tests.
For all the Sars like viruses they found, they only cultured in quantity a handful of viruses. Many of the viruses they collected they only sequenced, and many were just partial sequences until they got an Illumina NGS in 2018 to do full genome sequencing at scale, and this does not require any culturing. When they found an interesting sequence they were not always able to culture it, so they went to Ralph for help.
Of course, we cant accept anything they say at face value. Could they have secretly stashed virus and hid sequences? Can’t rule it out.
Shi needed Baric’s expertise. She contacted him in 2013 and he agreed to help. The Wuhan Institute provided Baric’s team with the genetic sequence for SHC014 so he could recreate the genes from the microscopic spikes that protrude from its sides.
The American scientists then inserted SHC014’s “spike gene” into a copy of the original Sars virus Baric had created in his lab and tested the new mutant on his humanised mice.
In May 2014, EcoHealth Alliance was awarded a $3.7 million publicly funded grant by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). More than $500,000 of it went to the Wuhan lab for equipment and a further $130,000 was spent chiefly on pay and benefits for Shi and her assistant.
Pressure was being exerted on the lab work, however. That year, Barack Obama announced a moratorium on all gain-of-function experiments that would be “reasonably anticipated” to increase a pathogen’s infectiousness or lethality. This included Sars-related work.
It could have been the end of the Wuhan-North Carolina collaboration, but a loophole allowed gain-of-function work to proceed if deemed urgent and safe. Baric made the argument to the NIH, which gave approval.
The results of Baric’s experiment with the genetic sequence given to him by Shi were published in co-authored research in November 2015. The combined Sars copy and SHC014 virus was a potential mass killer. It caused severe lung damage in humanised mice and was resistant to vaccines developed for Sars. The paper acknowledged this might have been an experiment that was too dangerous.
It caused a big stir. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” warned Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.
What would the Bat Lady be without her Godfather Baric?
Just give Ralph the sequence and let him do his Sorcerers Magic and give birth to a virus and watch it replicate.
No doubt she has learned some magic tricks herself over time.
Safety fear at Wuhan labs
The Wuhan institute began stepping up its own lab work using Baric’s techniques. It created two new mutants by fusing viruses with the WIV1 pathogen it had found in the Shitou cave.
That same year, Daszak announced to a New York conference that Shi was moving “closer and closer” to obtaining a virus “that could really become pathogenic in people”.
By 2017, according to a paper published by Shi, her scientists had sought to create eight mutant viruses from the Sars-like coronaviruses found in the Shitou cave. Two of the mutant viruses were found to infect human cells.
Most of this work was carried out in the institute’s biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) laboratories, which took only light precautions that have been compared to those used in a dental surgery.
By contrast, the US guidelines require level 3 (BSL-3) precautions for similar work, including self-closing doors, filtered air and scientists equipped with full PPE while under medical supervision.
The US embassy found out about the experiments in Wuhan and sent diplomats with scientific expertise to inspect the institute in January 2018, according to diplomatic cables leaked to The Washington Post. They observed “a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory”.
So why did we remove so many of our CDC staff from China in 2019? They were our watchdog, and so nice of China to let us in but we pulled them out ourselves. What was the problem, afraid someone would blow the whistle too early before the fire took hold?
The CDC’s China headcount has shrunk to around 14 staffers, down from approximately 47 people since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, the documents show. The four people, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the losses included epidemiologists and other health professionals.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China, Reuters has learned.
The American disease expert, a medical epidemiologist embedded in China’s disease control agency, left her post in July, according to four sources with knowledge of the issue. The first cases of the new coronavirus may have emerged as early as November, and as cases exploded, the Trump administration in February chastised China for censoring information about the outbreak and keeping U.S. experts from entering the country to help.
Creating a mutant virus
Around the same time, the Wuhan institute took another perilous leap forward with its work on the Shitou viruses. It began what Professor Richard Ebright describes as the most dangerous coronavirus experiment ever undertaken. The scientists selected three lab-grown mutant viruses, created by mixing Sars-like viruses with WIV1, which had all been shown to infect human cells. These mutants were then injected into the noses of albino mice with human lungs.
WIV1 is not especially dangerous, and we were doing similar work in US with coronaviruses, H5N1 and god knows what else
The aim was to see whether the viruses had the potential to spark a pandemic if they were fused together, as they might do naturally in a bat colony.
Who says that was the aim?
The original WIV1 virus was injected into another group of mice as a comparison.
The mice were monitored in their cages over two weeks. The results were shocking. The mutant virus that fused WIV1 with SHC014 killed 75 per cent of the rodents and was three times as lethal as the original WIV1.
In the early days of the infection, the mice’s human-like lungs were found to contain a viral load up to 10,000 times greater than the original WIV1 virus.
The scientists had created a highly infectious super-coronavirus with a terrifying kill-rate that in all probability would never have emerged in nature. The new genetically modified virus was not Covid-19 but it might have been even more deadly if it had leaked.
The Sars epidemic had proved how lethal these types of virus were, and Sars itself was ten times as deadly as Covid-19.
So they created a super-coronavirus as or more deadly than SARS but ended up with a virus (Sars-Cov-2) only 1/10 as deadly as SARS but more transmissible (like a live attenuated self spreading vaccine)
The experiment was part-funded by EcoHealth’s grant money, but the FOI documents show that, while the Wuhan institute’s experiments were described in Daszak’s April 2018 annual progress report to the NIH, he did not refer to the deaths of the humanised mice.
There was also no mention of the mouse deaths in the grant renewal application Daszak filed to the NIH later that year. In this account, he said the mice had experienced “mild Sars-like clinical signs” when they were infected with the mutant virus. It had actually killed six of the eight infected humanised mice.
Daszak eventually provided details of the experiment’s deadly results to the US authorities in a report after the Covid-19 pandemic. He now says his 2018 statement about the “mild” illness was based on preliminary results — even though the experiment in which the mice died had taken place several months before he issued the statement.
I cant condone that but then we rewarded him with new grants, didn’t he? Got $7.5 million as part of the CREID Network in August 2020 then another $3.3 million in 2022 to study viruses similar to COVID-19 in Southeast Asia including Laos where Sars-Cov-2 closest ancestor was found
US defence funds rejected
By March 2018, the Wuhan institute was keen to press ahead with more experiments. Daszak applied for more funding from the US. He made a pitch for $14 million over three years from the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), which is responsible for emerging technology for use by the military.
The application, entitled Defuse — which names Daszak, Shi and Baric — proposed the Wuhan laboratory find large numbers of new Sars viruses and mix some of them with their two deadly strains from the Shitou cave — WIV1 and SHC014 — to see what would happen. Darpa declined to fund the research.
One specific experiment involved inserting a furin cleavage site, a tiny section of a virus’s genetic order that makes them more infectious, into the pathogens.
Daszak and the Wuhan laboratory say they did not go ahead with the work. But when Covid-19 emerged the following year, it was notable for being the first Sars-like coronavirus with a furin cleavage site.
if you read the Defuse Project this work was intended to be done by Baric
As I understand the project, Baric was to have developed a self spreading vaccine that would be sent to China for release in bat caves
Also, according to Robert Malone and former EHA employee Andrew Huff most funding requests of this nature occur after work has already begun and preliminary results were obtained. DARPA was just one funding option for EHA
Why Daszak and Baric have not been called to testify under oath is beyond me (if they have I missed it). Obviously the bat lady is beyond reach.
Before I go on I want to add a bit of context to the DEFUSE Project Proposal which DARPA rejected , allegedly because it was GOF but also because they “couldn’t afford it.”
EHA bid to DARPA was solicited by the DARPA Preempt Project. EHA lost to Munster’s team. Munster was working as the technical lead on a “novel animal vaccine” which only cost $10M. Munster worked at Fauci’s BSL4 Rocky Mountain Lab in Montana on viruses, including Coronaviruses
The losing DARPA Defuse team would later ‘merge’ with the winning DARPA Preempt team in Fauci’s $82M CREID Network. Fauci’s NIAID budget is twice the size DARPA.
The Montana State University (MSU) based team, using Munster’s method, was 25% cheaper; $10M versus $14M. Munster’s technical approach did not require Daszak’s expensive field equipment, medicine, or tracking for deployment of an animal vaccine in remote locations
This unclassified project was in the public domain, but it involved proprietary information, with a degree of “ambiguity” from reading the press releases. This vaccine was “intended to protect US military service members and the local communities where they operate” in Africa. But this “novel vaccine” was not for US troops, it was for African bats.
Munster was “creating the world’s first prototype of a self-disseminating vaccine designed to induce a high level of (wildlife) herd immunity.”
We are creating the world’s first prototype of a self-disseminating vaccine designed to induce a high level of herd immunity (wildlife population level protection) against Lassa virus (LASV) and Ebola,
Not unlike the Defuse Project just with a different virus, allegedly, but how hard would it have been to repurpose the project with another virus (Sars-Cov-2 ) and another target (humans). Not saying that was done, but think about it.
Back to the Times article.
Last week, Daszak denied the EcoHealth-related experiments were dangerous. He said the NIH did not view the experiments as gain of function and that laboratory safety rules in China were followed at all times. The NIH said it “has never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans”.
NIH said it was not approving research designed to make coronaviruses more deadly, not that such a result could not occur since results are not always predictable
While the US funders had been kept informed about the work on the cave viruses, investigators believe the Wuhan institute was running a shadow project that it kept secret, even from Daszak.
And how did we learn their secret?
In 2012, the Wuhan institute’s researchers investigated an abandoned copper mine with a large bat colony in the Mojiang region of south China. Six men clearing out bat guano there were struck down by a mystery illness that caused fever, coughs and pneumonia.
All the men required hospital treatment and three died. Tests on the men for various illnesses came back negative but they tested positive for antibodies to an unknown coronavirus.
Where is the evidence they tested positive with a new virus?. Antibody tests only test for antibodies of a known virus. Also early reports suggested the cause was a fungal infection. Shi said in the summer of 2020 they got sick from fungal infections
“The mine shaft stunk like hell,” says Shi, who, like her colleagues, went in wearing a protective mask and clothing. “Bat guano, covered in fungus, littered the cave.” Although the fungus turned out to be the pathogen that had sickened the miners, she says it would have been only a matter of time before they caught the coronaviruses if the mine had not been promptly shut.
As the world emerged from lockdown, US State Department investigators were given access to secret intelligence on what had been happening in China in the months and years before Covid emerged.
Secret intelligence which surely was disclosed with those who needed to know in real time-like maybe the President.
The investigators’ report was published in early 2021. It made two assertions: that Wuhan scientists were conducting experiments on RaTG13 from the Moijang mine, and that covert military research, including laboratory animal experiments, was being done at the institute before the pandemic.
So why couldn’t the intelligence agencies have analyzed this data earlier?
But the published report was brief — just 700 words — and was stripped of all sourcing and detail because so much of it was confidential.
More fiction (or at least lacking solid evidence )no doubt
The Sunday Times has spoken to three members of the team. The intelligence they saw suggests the types of risky experiments undertaken on the Shitou cave Sars viruses were also conducted in secret on RaTG13 and the other Covid-19-like viruses from the mine.
Which 3? Names?
“They were working with the nine different Covid variants,” one of the investigators said. They believe one virus at the Wuhan institute was an even closer match to Covid-19 than RaTG13. “We are confident they were working on a closer unpublished variant — possibly collected in Mojiang,” the source added.
The investigators spoke to two researchers working at a US laboratory who were collaborating with the Wuhan institute at the time of the outbreak.
Which lab, which researchers? UNC? Baric? If Baric no doubt he would love you all to believe the FCS was inserted at WIV
They said the Wuhan scientists had inserted furin cleavage sites into viruses in 2019 in exactly the way proposed in Daszak’s failed funding application to Darpa.
Again, the Defuse project called for Baric to conduct this work at UNC, not WIV.
Dr Steven Quay, a US scientist who advised the State Department on its investigation, believes the Wuhan institute’s secrecy about the mine virus never made sense. “There has never been an example of a bat virus directly infecting humans and killing,” he said. Sars was a bat virus that infected people via an intermediary animal. “If those miners died from a bat virus, that was the first time in the history of human science that that happened. And the Chinese didn’t publish it,” he added.
The investigators think Daszak was kept in the dark about this part of the work.
Quay believes Covid-19 was created by inserting a furin cleavage site into one of the mine viruses and then serial passaging it through humanised mice.
He submitted a statement to the US Senate explaining the process. “You infect the mice, wait a week or so, and then recover the virus from the sickest mice. Then you repeat. In a matter of weeks this directed evolution will produce a virus that can kill every humanised mouse.”
This explains why from the beginning of the outbreak, he says, the pandemic virus was so remarkably well adapted to infect humans.
I agree with Quay. But the question is, who did it ? UNC or WIV or X?. And while the original Defuse project was to create a self spreading vaccine for bats, could some military group hijacked this idea to create a self spreading live virus vaccines for humans (which would require a FCS) .
If it was Chinas Military, why release in China near the WIV laboratory?. The US would of course have motive to release in Wuhan and the opportunity (Wuhan Military games in October).
Notice also in discussions about military involvement in bioweapon research discussion carefully avoids the possibility of intentional release. While this makes sense when talking about Chinas military, given the release in China, if it were a US bioweapon , releasing it in China allows them to blame natural origin or Chinas own lab release given their known work on bat viruses and collaboration with Baric and Daszak .
Of course, it was known any release in China would eventually make its way to the rest of the World if it could remain undetected for long enough. Perhaps this is why those early intelligence reports were not acted upon and our CDC presence in China was downsized
A shadow project
One of the reasons there is no published information on such work, according to all three investigators, is because the shadow project on the mine viruses at the Wuhan institute was being funded by the Chinese military.
Do we really think Chinas military needs funding from Fauci to fund its own bioweapon research? Lol.
Also, could this be more Projection, a Defuse like Project proceeding under another name and kept secret with Dark Funding?
The State Department investigators wrote in their report: “Despite presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the Wuhan Institute of Virology has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military.
Yet our Military was EHA biggest funder despite knowing it was partnering with WIV
The Wuhan Institute of Virology has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.”
Yet knowing this the pause on GOF was lifted and funding to EHA/WIV was permitted. Who was Captain of the Good Old USS -USA at the time? What did he know and when did he know it?
The military was also given positions of responsibility in the Wuhan institute, according to a US Senate report. A book published in 2015 by the military academy discusses how Sars viruses represent a “new era of genetic weapons” that can be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponised and unleashed”.
This was well known in the US for ages. Read Barics 2006 paper
The authors are PLA researchers, and one of the book’s editors has collaborated on numerous scientific papers with Wuhan scientists. They discuss how Sars can be weaponised by fusing it with other viruses and “serial passaging” the resulting mutant to make it more dangerous.
A vaccine to shift power
The investigators believe the Chinese military had taken an interest in developing a vaccine for the viruses so they could be used as potential bioweapons. If a country could inoculate its population against its own secret virus, it might have a weapon to shift the balance of world power.
Isn’t this the foundational justification behind all GOF work in US being able to produce a vaccine . But how would you then inoculate a population of 1.3 billion secretly, and how would you know it was safe and effective without a virus in circulation?. And why would you target the population of consumers who buys your crap? And why wouldn’t you expect to be nuked once it was apparent that only 1 country suffered no ill effect.
I doubt China or anyone is that stupid.
On the other hand if you develop a virus that really isn’t that harmful and where you can limit the effect on the segment of the population that you want to protect with cheap and effective repurposed drugs and saline instead of BW (mRNA) vaccines, and you can make a lot of money , gain more control of your disposable and terrorized population and reduce the burden on social Security/Medicare/Pension funds, it might seem like a Winner to a group of psychopaths
The PLA had its own vaccine specialist, Zhou Yusen, a decorated military scientist at the academy, who had collaborated with the Wuhan scientists on a study of the Mers coronavirus and was working with them at the time of the outbreak.
Suspicion fell on him after the pandemic because he produced a patent for a Covid vaccine with remarkable speed in February 2020, little more than a month after the outbreak of the virus had first been admitted to the world by China.
A report published in April, co-authored by Dr Robert Kadlec, who was responsible for the US’s vaccine development programme, concluded that Zhou’s team must have been working on a vaccine no later than November 2019 — just as the pandemic began.
And Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement with Moderna in December 2019. Remember, Chinas head of CDC -George Gao was invited to Event 201 in October, and Gates invested hundreds of millions in BioNTech in September, 2019. They all knew it was coming because they were bringing it
In fact in September, 2019 Trumps Council of Economic Advisers did an estimate on the cost of a Pandemic and found it could cost as much as 4 trillion (current tab is 5 trillion). This was just after the Pandemic Exercise -Crimson Contagion was releasing its draft report and a month before transferring the Pandemic Stockpile from CDC to BARDA (exempt from FOIA’s)
Meanwhile the engineered Repo Market Crash in September gave the Fed a chance to put into motion Black Rocks “Going Direct “ Plan that was proposed in August, starting the Inflation Pump of the Money Supply, which was then scaled up in March after the Pandemic was declared with Black Rock in charge of spending the 400 billion authorized by the CARE Act (which could be used to inflate the money supply by more than 4 trillion).
There was certainly much activity at the institute. It issued a patent on November 15 for a tourniquet to treat researchers who are “exposed accidentally, especially when wounds such as needle pricks and blade cuts occur”. A few days later, it sent out a procurement request for an incinerator to sanitise air being piped out of its laboratory complex.
On November 19, the safety director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences made a visit, according to the institute’s website. He addressed a meeting of the institute’s leadership with important “oral and written” instructions from China’s president, Xi Jinping, regarding “a complex and grave situation”.
Does anyone remember CDC shut down Fort Detrick from August-November 2019 for safety deficiencies and in July there were some unusual pneumonia outbreaks in Virginia nursing homes?
So thats all I have to say about that spook piece. Not very convincing.
Then there is this one, piggy backing on the Times article, both of which seems to be prepping us for the Directorate of National Intelligence release of previously classified materials next week (can you smell PSYOP?)
First People Sickened By COVID-19 Were Chinese Scientists At Wuhan Institute Of Virology US government sources say.....
“Next week, the Directorate of National Intelligence is expected to release previously classified material, which may include the names of the three WIVscientists who were the likely among the first to be sickened by SARS-CoV-2.
Of course, the article then gives us the 3 names. I doubt we will see any evidence from DNI beyond anonymous source says, or secret intelligence which cant be disclosed.
When the WIV put out their first paper about the pandemic virus, they failed to point out the novel furin cleavage site despite having had plans to and allegedly putting such gain-of-function features into SARS-like viruses in their lab. “It’s as if these scientists proposed putting horns on horses, but when a unicorn shows up in their city a year later they write a paper describing every part of it except its horn,” said Chan.
As for them not mentioning the FCS, Ralph Baric -the Godfather of Corona Virus Research GOF gave a presentation to Congress in February 2020 a month after the sequences were released to educate them about this new virus and he mentioned nothing about the FCS. Remember, as part of the Defuse Project he was tasked with the job of inserting a FCS
Into bat viruses.
As I have written before I do not believe this is natural origin or accidental release. OPERATION COVID was planned for years and went into its operational phase around 2016-2017. It was a Globally Coordinated Event likely involving many Global Actors and the Military Industrial Everything Complex.
China was a partner who played their part and in turn was rewarded with praise early on for their handling of Pandemic. No doubt Chinas Elite came out of it with more power, authority and money , but I don’t know much about China these days. My understanding is they have some serious issues economically so creating a digital gulag is probably more urgent for them .
The virus was not especially pathogenic. It was attenuated much like a live virus vaccine, although it is dangerous to those who are immunosuppressed like the elderly.
To drive up the death count and get acceptance for the real bioweapon (BW), which was the injected vaccine , the lock downs and treatment protocols were developed and designed to kill.
The Federal Govt offered financial incentives to get everyone going along, the Money gushed to states, cities, hospitals, nursing homes, Scientists, Pharma, big business (PPP), and MSM got its rewards with a captive audience . They were fed government fear porn followed by billions in advertising to support the Government Narrative and market the Vaccine Campaign
Those who went along got the money. No street lady worked harder or spread their legs wider than the suits wanting their piece of the action.
Was there a larger motive? Much of the West and East Asia/China have a growing problem with too many elderly and too few Children (perhaps by design, check out my post on HPV vaccines) . Culling the elderly was necessary to reduce costs and help achieve Net Carbon Zero. COVID helped accelerate the digitizing of the economy which will be necessary to build the Digital Gulag. Its possible the vaccines will reduce the life expectancy of those who seemingly survived their shots, and serve the depopulation agenda
It was a very successful operation. Klaus Schwab and Tedros must be pleased.
It did carry some risk that people would wake up and rise up. But they got away with 9/11 and WMD Lies that got Americans to support Wars and give up Freedoms. They knew they could convince the majority of almost anything. They had to ramp up the Propaganda Machine and Censorship Industrial Complex, and they did. The were working on building the infrastructure and connections quite hard from 2016-2020 , so when the Pandemic was officially called they were ready to go without delay.
To prevent people from seeing through it they exacerbated tensions between the left and right and exacerbated geopolitical tensions between China and US over Taiwan coupled with allegations Sars-Cov-2 was a Chinese bioweapon . So everyone is pulled into the Sorcerers Circles of their choice and oblivious to how they got played.
I don’t expect to convince anyone. The Truth is a Cold Dark Mistress who Bites Hard. No comfort there. Put all this behind you and pretend they won’t do it again. Maybe Aliens will save you because nobody you are allowed to Elect will.
Maybe I am wrong, maybe not. Can anyone really know the Truth? My mentor once said the most dangerous people are those who insist they know the Truth and demand you believe their version of the truth. Decide for yourself.
So for more reading
Operation Covid
Was Sars-Cov-2 a Self Spreading Vaccine
Sars-Cov-2 is Way Bigger Than Fauci
*Information War on US (aka Cognitive Warfare)
*Note: My apologies for leaving out mention of Newsguard