Lots to cover here. Too long for Email.
I covered Gnosticism a bit in a recent post
In recent years I have been speculating on the Elites Religious Motivations in pursuing Transhumanism and the Singularity which I have called Techno-Gnosticism, but its been hard to wrap my head around it.
James Lindsay has recently went on a deep dive into Gnosticism which has helped shed more light on it, especially as it relates to Hermeticism . Together they make up the third component of western culture.
I’ll get to James in a bit. First a bit of an introduction to the subject.
It is still often regarded as self-evident that western culture is based on the twin pillars of Greek rationality, on the one hand, and biblical faith, on the other. Certainly, there can be little doubt that these two traditions have been dominant forces in cultural development. The former may be defined by its sole reliance on the rationality of the mind, the latter by its emphasis on an authoritative divine revelation.
However, from the first centuries to the present day there has also existed a third current, characterized by a resistance to the dominance of either pure rationality or doctrinal faith. It has sometimes been called "the third component of western culture.
The adherents of this tradition emphasized the importance of inner enlightenment or gnosis: a revelatory experience that mostly entailed an encounter with one's true self as well as with the ground of being, God. In antiquity this perspective was represented by Gnostics and Hermetists.
Starting with the Italian Renaissance of the late fifteenth century, the newly discovered "Hermetic philosophy" rapidly spread all over Europe. It found many adherents, in particular during the sixteenth and the first half of the seventeenth century. This so-called Hermeticist tradition and its later developments the whole of which may referred to as "western esotericism"was characterized by an organic view of the world that assumed a strong internal coherence of the whole universe, including an intimate relationship between both its spiritual and its material elements.
The scientific mechanization of the world, the doctrinal consolidation
of Reformation and Counter-Reformation, and the rationality of the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century made the Hermetic philosophy, with its strong connections to alchemy, magic, and astrology, scientifically backward and religiously suspect.
Nevertheless, the hermeticist current took on new forms in Rosicrucianism and Christian theosophy, and continued to flourish in secret associations such as Freemasonry.
Thus, it continued to have a strong impact not only on philosophers, mystics, and occultists, but on many writers, painters, and musicians as well.
In our own time many people, disappointed in the perspectives on humanity and the world offered by either rationalism or traditional religion, turn again to the basic principles of Gnosticism and Hermeticism, often integrated with some kind of New Age thinking.
Now that was well put, a nice introduction to Hermeticism without getting too deep into the weeds about its ancient origins which you can research if interested, but it doesn’t tell us much about its impact on life today beyond the New Agers
This article gets closer to it
Hermeticism has influenced such mainstream rationalist thinkers as Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and Newton and has played a hitherto unappreciated role in the formation of the central ideas and ambitions of modern philosophy and science, particularly the modern project of the progressive scientific investigation and technological mastery of nature.
It is surely one of the great ironies of history that the Hermetic ideal of man as magus, achieving total knowledge and wielding Godlike powers to bring the world to perfection, was the prototype of the modern scientist.
The widespread recourse to magical and alchemical techniques inspired a new confidence in man’s operational powers. In contrast with the passive and contemplative attitudes which generally prevail during earlier centuries.
Hermeticism replaces the love of wisdom with the lust for power. Hegel’s system is the ultimate expression of this pursuit of mastery.
Hegel’s interests coincide with the curious mixture of interests typical of Hermeticists. These include alchemy, Kabbalism, Rosicrucianism, Masonry, Eckhartean mysticism, etc
Hermeticism constitutes a middle position between pantheism and the Judaeo-Christian conception of God. According to traditional Judaeo-Christian thought, God utterly transcends and is infinitely distant from creation. Furthermore, God is entirely self-sufficient and therefore did not have to create the world, and would have lost nothing if He had not created it. Thus the act of creation is essentially gratuitous and unmotivated. God creates out of sheer abundance, not out of need. This doctrine has proved dissatisfying and even disturbing to many, for it makes creation seem arbitrary and absurd.
Pantheism, by contrast, so thoroughly involves the divine in the world that everything becomes God, even mud, hair, and dirt — which drains the divine of its exaltedness and sublimity. Thus, pantheism is equally dissatisfying.
Hermeticism is a middle position because it affirms both God’s transcendence of the world and his involvement in it. God is metaphysically distinct from the world, yet God needs the world to complete Himself. Thus the act of creation is not arbitrary or gratuitous, but necessary and rational.
According to Hermeticism, God requires creation in order to be God. This Hermetic account of creation is central to Hegel’s thought as well.
But there is more. Hermeticists not only hold that God requires creation, they make a specific creature, man, play a crucial role in God’s selfactualization. Hermeticism holds that man can know God, and that man’s knowledge of God is necessary for God’s own completion
Man’s contemplation of God is in some sense a two-way process. Not only does Man wish to know God, but God too desires to be known by the most glorious of His creations, Man:” In short, it is man’s end to achieve knowledge of God (or “the wisdom of God,” theosophy). In so doing, man realizes God’s own need to be recognized. Man’s knowledge of God becomes God’s knowledge of himself.
This Hermetic doctrine of the “circular” relationship between God and creation and the necessity of man for the completion of God is utterly original. It is not to be found in earlier philosophy. But it recurs again and again in the thought of Hermeticists, and it is the chief doctrinal identity between Hermeticism and Hegelian thought.
Hermeticism is often confused with another form of mysticism, Gnosticism (particularly in recent Hegel scholarship). Gnosticism and Hermeticism both believe that a divine “spark” is implanted in man, and that man can come to know God. However, Gnosticism involves an absolutely negative account of creation. It does not regard creation as a part of God’s being, or as “completing” God. Nor does Gnosticism hold that God somehow needs man to know Him.
Enlightenment, for the authors of the Hermetica and for Hegel, is not just an intellectual event; it is expected to change the life of the enlightened one. Philosophy, for Hegel, is about living. In brief, the man who achieves Selbstbewusstsein is the man who becomes selbstbewusst: confident, self-actualized, no longer an ordinary human being.
Klaus Vondung writes that “The Hermeticist does not need to escape from the world in order to save himself, he wants to gain knowledge of the world in order to expand his own self, and utilize this knowledge to penetrate into the self of God. Hermeticism is a positive Gnosis, as it were, devoted to the world. To know everything is to in some sense have control over everything. This is what I term the ideal of man as magus, and it is unique to the Hermetica.
Hermeticists do not rest content with the idea of an unknowable God. instead, they seek to penetrate the divine mystery. They hold that it is possible to know God in a piecemeal fashion, by coming to understand the different aspects of the divine.
Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, begins with the famous lines “As above, so below.” This maxim became the central tenet of Western occultism, for it laid the basis for a doctrine of the unity of the cosmos through sympathies and correspondences between its various levels. The most important implication of this doctrine is the idea that man is the microcosm, in which the whole of the macrocosm is reflected. Self-knowledge, therefore, leads necessarily to knowledge of the whole.
Young Hegelians” gave non-metaphysical, anti-theological “interpretations” of Hegel. The non-metaphysical reading is simply Hegel shorn of everything offensive to the modern, secular, liberal mind.
Hegel structures his entire philosophy around the Christian Trinity, and claims that with Christianity the “principle” of speculative philosophy was revealed to mankind.” He tells us — again with a straight face — that the state is God on earth.
. He believes that his Absolute and World Soul, and so forth, are real beings; they are just not real in the sense in which traditional, pious “picture-thinking” conceives of them. If Hegel departs from the metaphysical tradition in anything, it is in dispensing with its false modesty. Hegel does not claim to be merely searching for truth. He claims that he has found it.
So that was a bit much to digest and some might take issue with the source, but the take home is Hermeticism’s impact on Science and Hegels Dialect, and the Lust to Power replacing or at least supplementing the Lust for Knowledge in Science
Its also important not to lose sight of the Religious Impacts driving these nut jobs, their religion being an Inversion of traditional monotheism.
Hegel wrote Philosophers are the Mysti and closer to God and since he is a Philosopher he himself he is writing the Mind of God. Mysti is a reference to initiate into pre-Socratic Greece secret society Eleusinian intended to elevate man beyond the human sphere and making him God
No doubt the ideas behind Transhumanism and achieving the singularity are related and at least some of the Elites believe they are God or meant to become Gods . This may be what united them against us. They consider us to be rats or hackable animals , at least according to Yuval Noah Yuval Hariri. We are also seen as impeding their evolutionary progress . Yuval warns we will be lucky to avoid the fate of the Neanderthals (us humans treated them quite poorly using their women for sport, thats why we have some Neanderthal DNA).
Before considering the application of the Dialectic in achieving the future Dystopia we should consider the importance of a few of the Seven Hermetic principles and Hermetica's preoccupation with reverence for and unification with the divine
The principle of polarity
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites
The Dialectic is used to create a synthesis of the two opposites.
For example
Capitalism as Thesis, Communism as Antithesis produces a Synthesis that some call Fascism (or Mussolini’s more benign description-Corporatism). This synthesis takes from the Corporate and Private ownership of Capitalism and merges it with Communism’s Authoritarianism , and transitions State Owned Capitalism to a State-Private Corporate Partnership. This is essentially what the West and China are today.
China pretends to be Communist and we pretend to be Free Market Capitalism w/o State interference and maintain the illusion that the state serves its non-corporate citizens in a representative Democracy. Truly a very large Sorcerers Circle which will be described soon.
The principle of cause and effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause;
This is involved in the Dialectic as Problem -Reaction - Solution
The Problem is usually engineered to cause a reactions that brings about the predetermined solution. 9/11 and Operation Covid are good examples but there are many more.
We will soon learn another form of the Dialectic
James Linday -Secret Religions of the West. The Negation of the Real
Part II
As Below So Above
James explains here how Ancient Cult Religions teach a Negative Theology called Critique or Negative Thinking. Denunciation is the driver for Change
The Sorcerers (Elites and Their Priesthood-Science) obliterate Reality and Culture to bring in the Fake Reality and the New Culture . Once detached from Reality you are stuck in the Sorcerers Circle
The Hyper Reality they create is a Simulated Fake Reality. This is what we live in, at least most of us. Perhaps ELon Musk hinted at this when he said we may be living in a Simulation.
Hermetic Sorcerers are Confidence Men that Con you. Trump is a Sorcerer, as is Bill Gates , Fauci, Schwab , and Elon Musk and frankly most Elite , Politicians and Government , Corporate and Philanthropic funded Scientists
James mentions a Book-Hegel A Study in Sorcery by Voegelin
Voegelin- The Sorcerers work is “replacing the 1st reality of experience with the 2nd reality of imaginative construction and endowing it with the illusion of truth with pieces of the 1st reality.
Hegel-The movement of dialectical knowledge is the circle that runs back on itself presupposing the beginning it reaches in the end (like a snake eating tail)
Voegelin-Once you have entered the magic circle the sorcerer has drawn around himself you are lost
James provides a use of Hegel’s Dialectic Method that I found interesting
Abstract Idea (aka 1st Reality)-Actualizing (aka Negation)- Concrete Fake Reality (aka 2nd Reality, Hyper Reality, Synthetic Reality, Imaginative Social Construction)
Real -Negation -Fake
He says Hegels Dialectical Method uses an Abstract Thought to turn existing reality into a new reality by negating the Abstract thought underlying the first reality because its incomplete . Actualizing the negation is done by making the Abstract Thought more Concrete by filling in the gaps with Sorcerers Science (Fake Science). This makes it Concrete albeit Synthetic, and thus turns Reality into Hyper Reality (Simulacrum-Wizards Circle). This second reality or hyper reality is Imaginative Social Construction
Surely this was well done with COVID
Those pulled into the Wizards (aka Sorcerers) Circle are Blue Pilled and Lost, and most of those who fell for the Sorcerers COVID Science are still lost. Bark raving mad in fact (some of them).
Now imagine this is being done and has been done at multiple levels for decades, Science, Economics, Geopolitics, Politics, Woke, Gender, Race, Sex, Liberalism, Conservatism,etc
It is this form of the Dialectic used to change Culture and Engineer Society.
They shape our understanding of race (white -black), gender (male -female), economy (socialism -capitalism), community (individual -collective), religion (Theism -Secularism), money (fiat CBC -Gold/Crypto), Sex (Hetero -Homo), Politics (left or right) , etc
Using agitprop on various dualities serves a couple of purposes
Polarization (divide and rule)
Cultural Destruction
Obscuring the Truth
Each of the two poles of the duality may be subject to this dialectic. The Sorcers Science (Fake Science) is used to create a more concrete form for the idea of gender for example. This Creates a hyper reality (Fake Reality) .
As an example Sorcerers Science negated the 1st reality that says there are 2 Genders by saying Gender is a social construct and you are what you identify as , regardless of if you have XX or XY chromosomes. This creates acceptance of Transgender, allowing you to chose the gender of your choice regardless of the biological reality. As this becomes accepted some parents and schools accept a child’s decision to identify as a different gender and allow chemical and surgical castration and mutilation of children
In Summary, Hegel created a System of Science using the Dialectic of Abstract - Negation - Concrete Thinking (or Real -Negation -Fake ) where the new Concrete Thinking created by Sorcerer Elites is a Hyper Reality (Fake Synthetic Simulation)
In order to be effective as a Magic Opus Hegel’s System of Science had to satisfy 2 conditions
Operation in 2nd reality had to look the same as in 1st reality
Escape control and judgement by criteria of 1st reality
This 2nd point is very important because if you applied the same criteria to convincing everyone the 1st reality was false or deficient, the 2nd reality would be exposed. This was not possible with a Free Media and Free Speech so they have worked very hard to suppress both, and their efforts are accelerating
This War on Reality in the Social and even the Physical Sciences is taking place on many fronts to the point virtually everything the People believe is a lie. This includes both sides of the political spectrum.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)
The Scientific method today only publishes the results embraced by the wizards (ELites and their High Priests-Politicians and Scientists) behind the Imaginative Social Construction . This is Scientism. Not Science. Religion
Robert Malone wrote an article on Scientism pointing out Scientism is without Religion.
Scientism holds that there can be no supernatural, no religion, no God - everything must be grounded in physical matter. That which we can not see, does not exist.
I would clarify that Scientism is a secular religion for the people meant to replace Christianity. The creators of Scientism have their own Religion, which is an inverted version of Christianity based on Gnostic -Hermetic principles
Indeed, Malone understands that its the defacto religion of the government for the people, but fails to see many of those in control of government and the creation of Scientism are themselves religious in the Gnostic -Hermetic sense
In the United States, scientism has become the official religion of the US government. This is evidenced by the huge expenditures in research programs and the censorship of scientific dissent
Also, the idea Science and Religion are opposed to each other is a False Dichotomy . This is a Sorcerers Circle. The purpose of this Sorcerers Circle is to destroy Christianity by discrediting it with Fake Science and historical myths like Galileos prosecution by the Church which had more to do with disobedience than Science.
Indeed, the more you know about Science, the more you realize life today could not come about by random accident, and you are more inclined to believe in a creator, although not necessarily one who cares about humans (but maybe, nobody knows).
So the High Priests of Scientism will keep their own Religion while replacing Christianity for the masses with Scientism and its Cults such as Climate Change, Sustainable Development and One Health
They know the Mind of God as they believe they are one with God and thus consider themselves God. Thats Science today. No doubt the new Religion will involve worshipping these Gods on Earth, like this idiot
New CDC Director
They are removing the First Reality (Real) built on the foundation of Judeo Christian values and are building the Second Reality (Fake ) with the pieces of the First so as to be believable and smooth the transition , this being the Hyper Reality. No doubt pieces of Christianity will be attached to the Cults of Scientism to smooth the transition.
Build Back Better refers to the building of the Hyper Reality with the visible external pieces of the demolished First Reality , but its built on a Foundation of Lies where you learn to bow to the Rulers as God and erase the idea that individuals have any importance to a divine God or that there is a Natural Law endowing you with liberty and natural rights. You will serve your Gods on Earth until you are no longer needed and then disposed or turned into Soylent Green to serve the Cult of One Health and Sustainability
The few outside any Sorcerers circle are either the Sorcerers (ELite) and their Apprentices or those deemed crazy by virtue by the arbiters of Truth.
I suppose I may be in one or more circles myself, but its hard to know, and when you are in its hard to climb out. I have crawled out of more than a few circles though, mostly over the last 20 years. The more you get out of them the more isolated you become, so I can see why many are content to stay in and not take the red pill
People want to be part of a group to prevent being isolated and alienated. They mostly don’t seek the Truth but do seek comfort in confirmation of their beliefs. They mostly only question beliefs they don’t wish to be true. The Circles they are in bring them comfort and company.
As an example, those who believe Individualism trumps Community (sorry, couldn’t help myself 😃), will generally question anything requiring sacrificing individual rights for the common good (and vice versa) , such as COVID Restrictions and Mandates.
However, many of those same Individualists who questioned the COVID Narrative wont question any aspect of 9/11 or our Military Adventures, and they gladly supported increased surveillance, no fly lists, surrendering their bottled water at TSA checkpoints and submitting to body scans to keep us safe from “Terrorists” lurking in hidden cells.🤔
I did some research on Sorcerer Science and found an interesting article that confirms most of what James says.
But James may have fallen into a Sorcerers Circle that is the Fake Left/Right paradigm (not that there is not Left and Right but its mostly Fake Wrestling by Fake Left and Fake Right actors) , so he sees the Sorcerers shaping our Reality and Culture as being dominated by Communists and Liberals, yet as will be seen, this is probably not entirely the case.
Voegelin posited that sorcery was an attempt to create a “second reality.” Brought into being by a spell of words, this second reality is supposed to be more real than the primary reality that we encounter every day. How in the world could a “sorcerer” create such a “second reality” or make living in it seem preferable to living in primary reality?
The first thing a sorcerer must do is seduce his acolytes into the new reality by offering some genuine insights about the nature of the old reality. So, for instance, Hegel, a brilliant scholar of the history of philosophy, could offer his readers novel perspectives on the development of the subject. Marx, who was a keen observer of the social scene around him, could provide genuine insights into mid-nineteenth-century European social relations.
To take a more recent example, L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, had studied Buddhism, psychoanalysis, and cybernetics, and thus could offer potential acolytes an interesting perspective on their psychological difficulties with what he called “Dianetics.” And Ayn Rand, another modern sorcerer, drew upon the sound philosophy of Aristotle and had personal experience with collectivist tyranny in the USSR, and so she could offer real insights into collectivist madness.
In “On Hegel—A Study in Sorcery,” Voegelin summarizes this feature of the sorcerer’s work as “replacing the first reality of experience by the second reality of imaginative construction, and endowing the imaginary reality with the appearance of truth by letting it absorb pieces of first reality.”
Voegelin notes that this sort of sorcery is widespread: it is “the great confidence game played by modern man . . . under such titles as advertisement, propaganda, communication, and comprehensively, as ideological politics.”
Ideologies gain their plausibility because they point to something that really is a problem, such as racism or “capitalist exploitation.” But they typically try to treat this one problem as if it were the source of all problems.
The truths offered by a sorcerer, moreover, only serve as lures, inviting acolytes into the sorcerer’s second reality. Once “hooked” by these lures, the apprentice is then educated into a whole new way of viewing the world. This new vision is made attractive by the assertion on the part of the sorcerer that those who have embraced it are now superior to the run-of-the-mill human beings who have not done so.
For example, followers of Hegel are told that they are at the forefront of the historical development of geist, or the “world spirit.” Voegelin observes: “Hegel’s obsession was power. If he wanted to be the sorcerer who could evoke the shape of history, he had to penetrate the political events of the time with thought until the events and thought would coincide.”
Similarly, the most diehard Marxists are assured that they are “the vanguard of the proletariat.” But these are promises about the future; the sorcerer’s apprentice also gets a more immediate payoff: the conviction that he is now privy to previously hidden knowledge about how the world “really” is structured.
The newly minted Marxist can “see” that class struggle is what really drives human affairs. And the imbiber of critical race theory today is enlightened to the “fact” that “white supremacy” is the key to understanding all things American. For someone floundering in the troubled waters of a society in flux, this assurance of special insight into reality is a tremendous boost to one’s self-image.
Lest this analysis of sorcery seem like merely a right-wing tactic to smear leftists—although Ayn Rand, for one, was hardly on the left!—I will cite another recent example of sorcery: what is often called “neoconservatism.” The secondary reality that neoconservatives of the George W. Bush era attempted to create is one in which all actions by the United States are, by definition, virtuous, and all people, all around the world, have as their deepest aspiration to become American.
Writing in the New York Times Magazine, Ron Suskind reported on a conversation with a Bush administration official [now known to be Karl Rove] as follows:
The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. . . . That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
It is stunning how explicit this official was about ignoring the primary reality of experience and creating “our own reality.” If one were to write a fictional character intended to exemplify Voegelin’s concept of sorcery, and put those words into his mouth, a critic would call it too ham-handed, a caricature of an ideologue.
Yet the promise of being able to create one’s own reality is very seductive: as Voegelin noted, “Once you have entered into the magic circle the sorcerer has drawn around himself, you are lost.”
According to James, Love Thy Neighbor is Gnostic and a Sorcerers Circle to get Christians to be Compliant and sacrifice themselves for the COMMON Good. I am not sure I buy that but I am open to the idea that Christianity itself is a Sorcerers Circle that went wrong (for the Sorcer ELite).
Christianity was useful to the Elite for a long while since they didn’t have a large Police Force or Judicial System and they were divided and fighting each other. Christianity kept people well behaved and committed to family and growing food while paying tribute (tax) to the King and rent to the landowners that kept the ELite well fed.
The one problem is it meant the rich landowners and even the Monarchs had to follow the same rules which were enforced by the Church, so eventually they got together to weaken the Church, first with the Reformation and then again with Sorcerer Science (Enlightenment) as applied by the Illuminati and Marx
Sorcerers Circle or not Christianity proved useful for the well being of Society in terms of Science , Education and Family and restrained the Predatory Elite for fear of excommunication. People in the Dark and Middle Ages identified themselves first as Christian , and even Americans considered themselves a Christian Nation despite the separation of Church and State.
Religion was the Foundation of Western Culture and the Hermetic Illuminati through Marx ,and the Frankfurt School sought to change that
While Marx and the Frankfurt School perfected the art of using the Dialectic to effect Economic and Cultural Change they don’t have a monopoly on its use. I will discuss the Frankfurt School a bit later for anyone not familiar with it.
According to Marx , under Capitalism man is alienated from being a social man which is his true nature. So using Hegel’s Dialectic he negates this reality by criticizing Capitalism .
This later evolved under the Franklin School into criticizing Western Culture when Gramsci in the 1920’s figured out the working class in the West had adopted the Cultural Values of the Capitalist Elite, and had no desire to Revolt and overthrow the Capitalist Class like in Russia. He decided the only way to bring about Revolution would be to change the Culture, which the Tavistock Institute , CIA and Franklin School began to do after World War II.
The end goal is to demolish everything (economy and culture) and Build Back Better.
[As mentioned, I’ll explain the Frankfurt School a bit later]
It may be true that Marx and the Marxists in the Frankfurt School wanted Communism to replace everything. But that was over a century ago. Marx created his Manifesto 175 years ago and the Franklin School was influenced by post World War II American anti-communism. Ideologies do not remain static, they change with the times, adding or subtracting as needed, and sometimes recombining with other ideologies in a dialectic fashion
So while James is right that the roots behind the Cultural Destruction of the West began with Communism and those on the Left, its not necessarily true today. Indeed, a case can be made today that the Left no longer exists
Today the goal is closer to Techno-Fascism where we will live in a Digital Gulag and become automons that mindlessly serve the State and community. What people don’t understand is Fascism like Communism requires sacrificing the individual for the state (community) . The main difference is the ELite own almost everything instead of the State.
Fascism requires a Common Purpose such as Defeating an Enemy. Nazis sought to eliminate Jews and Communists and defeat the Soviet Union.
Today the Global Fascists controlling America seek to defeat anyone wanting to maintain the 1st reality and anyone opposed its negation (mostly conservatives on the right) so as to bring about a Green Fascism with you in a Digital Gulag and the Elites owning everything (including the Hackable Human Cattle)
They seek to reduce population and consumption to preserve natural resources for the improved humans they will create through Technological Enhancement and Genetic Engineering, although they simplify this by calling it ONE Health (preventing Climate Change and Pathogenic Disease)
The Club of Rome put it neatly over 30 years ago when they said the Enemy of Man (the Elite) is Humanity (us)
Club of Rome-The First Global Revolution (1991)
Some of you might be confused. You thought Fascism was a Right Wing Ideology. No indeed. Hitlers Germany was National Socialist after all. Indeed, it was predicted over 50 years ago by some on the Left that it would be the New Left (now the Woke Left) that would bring Fascism to America. This does not mean the Right can not embrace Fascism. We saw a taste of that after 9/11
Today we have Fascism on the so called Left and Right. The Elite are neither Left or Right, at least not as we understand the meaning. Not to say there are not factions, but every faction agrees you are their problem and property,
In any event its likely Democratic Capitalism , Fascism and Communism have combined in some fashion and require a new name. At different levels of society it may look more Democratic Capitalism (top), at others Fascism (middle) or Communism (bottom-you will own nothing and be happy)
It began in the 1920’s with Gramsci -best known for his theory of cultural hegemony, which describes how the state and ruling capitalist class — the bourgeoisie — use cultural institutions to maintain power in capitalist societies.
The bourgeoisie, in Gramsci’s view, develops a hegemonic culture using ideology rather than violence, economic force, or coercion. Hegemonic culture propagates its own values and norms so that they become the “common sense” values of all and thus maintain the status quo.
Hegemonic power is therefore used to maintain consent to the capitalist order, rather than coercive power using force to maintain order. This cultural hegemony is produced and reproduced by the dominant class through the institutions that form the superstructure.
The bottom line here is that for social progress and the liberation of the worker to occur, the current culture and value system must be attacked and replaced with a new one that reflects the interests of workers and, more broadly, the oppressed. Establishing this new “truth” is critical to human liberation
Gramsci’s ideas influenced the Frankfurt School, an approach to social theory and critical philosophy originally centered in the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. Founded in 1923 by Carl Grünberg, a Marxist, the school was heavily influenced not just by Marx, but by Kant, Hegel, Freud, Max Weber, and others. Its work centered on the institutional conditions that allow social change.
Funding would come from various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, and several American and British intelligence services
The Frankfurt School introduced Critical Theory .The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure.
[Clearly Critical Theory is the use of Hegels Negation in the Dialectic creating Hyper-Reality (Fake)]
Critical Theory is indeed a form of black magic. The reoccurring theme in all of this is thetikkun, or the restoration of everything to a state of oneness. According to the Zohar, the messiah destroys the differences between genders, nations, religions and everything else.
A key member of the Frankfurt School was Herbert Marcuse, a strong critic of Soviet Communism and many Marxist ideas. At the same time, however, he agreed with the basic Marxist goal of liberating the masses from the oppressive capitalist system.
Herbert Marcuse started as a Communist; became a protégé of philosopher Martin Heidegger even as the latter was joining the Nazi Party; coming to America, he worked for the World War II Office of Strategic Services (OSS), and later became the U.S. State Department's top analyst of Soviet policy during the height of the McCarthy period; in the 1960's, he turned again, to become the most important guru of the New Left; and he ended his days helping to found the environmentalist extremist Green Party in West Germany.
Marcuse’s critique of capitalism was built on a synthesis of Freud and Marx. He agreed with Marx that capitalism dehumanized workers by turning them into objects, resources to be used for production. Marcuse took this further, arguing that workers had begun to see themselves as extensions of the things they made and thus had adopted a consumerist view of the world where life does in fact consist in the abundance of possession.
This, in turn, meant that the working classes have bought into the capitalist system which provides them with the goods they pursue.
If social change is to occur, Marcuse argued, it would have to come from an alliance of radical intellectuals with the marginalized, ethnic minorities not integrated into the system, the unemployed, etc.
Marcuse argued that in these conditions, democracies could become totalitarian. While in general, he supported the idea of free speech, he argued that in a totalitarian democracy, it could be dangerous. Had someone withdrawn the right to free speech from Hitler, for example, it could have prevented Auschwitz and a World War. Toleration, then, had limits.
[Free Speech caused the Holocaust? SMH]
As he put it, “Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left.”
[Man , that is some Sorcerers Circle]
Marcuse was very popular among radicals of various stripes in the 1960s and is considered “The Father of the New Left.”
Anyways, in 1955, he published Eros and Civilization. In the book, Marcuse argued that Western culture was inherently repressive because it gave up happiness for social progress.
The book called for “polymorphous perversity,” a concept crafted by Freud. It posed the idea of sexual pleasure outside the traditional norms. Eros and Civilization would become very influential in shaping the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Marcuse would be the one to answer Horkheimer’s question from the 1930s: Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist revolution?
Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities—blacks, women, and homosexuals.
The social movements of the 1960s—black power, feminism, gay rights, sexual liberation—gave Marcuse a unique vehicle to release cultural Marxist ideas into the mainstream. Railing against all things “establishment,” The Frankfurt School’s ideals caught on like wildfire across American universities.
In 1967 a “ long march through the institutions” was a slogan coined by Communiststudent activist Rudi Dutschke to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the professions.
The phrase "long march" is a reference to the prolonged struggle of the Chinese communists, which included a physical Long March of their army across China.
Herbert Marcuse corresponded with Dutschke in 1971 and agreed with this strategy, "Let me tell you this: that I regard your notion of the 'long march through the institutions' as the only effective way...".
And that is exactly has been done for over 50 years. Every institution is now infiltrated
Marcuse published Repressive Tolerance in 1965 as the various social movements in America were in full swing. In it, he argued that tolerance of all values and ideas meant the repression of “correct” ideas.
It was here that Marcuse coined the term “liberating tolerance.” It called for tolerance of any ideas coming from the left but intolerance of those from the right. One of the overarching themes of the Frankfurt School was total intolerance for any viewpoint but its own.
[It also serves to polarize those holding views on the left and right. Divide and Rule]
Read it and weep
I saw that play out in the early 70’s in Boston when the city was polarized by court ordered bussing to address inequality in the public schools. Totally one sided coverage of events and anyone pointing out the stupidity of bussing was ignored or attacked in the media, and the excesses (violence) of some of those on the other side were ignored, while any excesses by whites was amplified
Lord Bertrand Russell joined with the Frankfurt School in their effort at mass social engineering and spilled the beans in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote: 'Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which still await development.'
“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called "education." Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.
…Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated.
Russell said education will affirm:
First, that the influence of home is obstructive.
Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten.
Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective.
Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark grey .
When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen."
In particularly, the Frankfurt School explored the role of the mass media. Where control of mass media was overt in Nazi Germany, and similarly in the Soviet Union, the Frankfurt School saw that the instruments of mass culture and communication were playing an equally important role in marketing capitalism, democracy and the American way of life. They played a significant role in the Radio Project, Television Programming and Hollywood to negate and undermine American Culture along with the CIA and Military Industrial (now Everything) Complex.
To achieve their ends society must be controlled. This brings us to the field of Cybernetics. According to one of Cybernetics pioneers, anthropologist Gregory Bateson,an approach to controlling societies, is “the biggest bite out of the Tree of Knowledge that mankind has taken in the last 2,000 years.”
Bateson was a leading member of the Cybernetics Group, a CIA project that both directed the evolution of the personal computer, and contributed to the CIA “mind-control” program, known as MK-Ultra. MK-Ultra was imported to the US from the eugenic practices of the Nazis with the help of Operation Paperclip.
MK-Ultra, begun in the 1950s, developed from the behavior control research project coordinated by the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Masons, the CIA, and other British, American, Canadian and United Nations agencies. Formed at Oxford University, London, in 1920 by the Round Table’s Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the Tavistock Clinic, whose members referred to themselves as an “invisible college,” became the Psychiatric Division of the British Army during World War II.
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, was founded in 1946 under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation when it separated from the Tavistock Clinic.
The Tavistock Institute’s projects were a follow-up on the work of the Frankfurt School
Tavistock is ostensibly concerned with group behavior and organizational behavior. Tavistock engages in educational, research and consultancy work in the social sciences and applied psychology. Its clients are chiefly public sector organizations, including the European Union, several British government departments, and some private clients. Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the US through the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Esalen Institute, MIT, Hudson Institute, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Heritage Foundation, the Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, US Air Force Intelligence, and the RAND Corporation.
The Tavistock clinic, named the Gender and Identity Development Service (GIDS), was launched in 1989 to help people aged 17 and under struggling with their gender identity.
The new centres - one based in London and the other in the north west of England - should be fully open in spring 2023 and would run in conjunction with leading children's hospitals, including Great Ormond Street and Alder Hey.
They will aim to help support young people under the age of 18 who are struggling with their gender identity, and be linked to mental health care and GP services where relevant.
Today I believe the Tavistock Institute and descendants of the Franklin School have all been absorbed by the Globalist - Military Industrial Everything Complex Partnership that is conduction 5th Generation Warfare against Western Civilization, and as I mentioned earlier their goal is not Communism.
We can argue what - ism that is exactly but I don’t think its productive. Its not Good, and it looks Evil.
Here is an add on for anyone up to it
During my reading I came across Leo Strauss lectures (transcripts) on Hegel. Strauss was a Philosopher and mentor to some the leading neoconservatives and a great believer in the Noble Lie
He mentioned the Owl of Minerva
According to Leo Strauss
“…Hegel seems to agree with Rousseau’s analysis in the First Discourse that science and moral and social corruption go together. This is what is implied in Hegel’s famous saying that the “Owl of Minerva takes flight with the coming of the dusk” which represents the End of History
For Hegel, the end of history means that all the fundamental problems have been solved; there remain no fundamental tasks. In this sense, the peak of history is also a going down or decline.
This is the ominous meaning of the Owl of Minerva passage. The twilight in which philosophical wisdom appears is the twilight of nihilism.
It is the dawning of Spengler’s “Faustian culture” and Nietzsche’s “last man.” It is the “end of all meaningful life.”
Strauss finds this implication of Hegel’s notion of the end of history so problematic that he wonders whether “Hegel was fully aware of what he clearly implied: that with fulfillment, with the completion of world history, there is now the beginning of a final decay, a final corruption of mankind.”
Furthermore, Hegel in a discussion with a fellow Philosopher about what the End of History or Final State of Civilization would look like
The second fundamental point about Hegel—or Kojève’s version of him—that Strauss makes in his response concerns the end or goal of history. Kojève famously describes this end in terms of the “universal and homogeneous state,” that is, the non-national and classless state. Strauss wonders whether such a state, where no struggles remain and there is nothing left to do, does not rather resemble the state of Nietzsche’s “last man” and point toward the destruction of humanity.
This is a criticism that Strauss comes back to again and again in his correspondence with Kojève, and we will see it appear in his courses on Hegel as well. Kojève himself seems to concede this point to Strauss, and as time went by he described the end-state in ever more ironic, less utopian terms. Thus he writes to Strauss: “In the final state there naturally are no more ‘human beings’ in our sense of an historical human being.The ‘healthy’ automata are ‘satisfied’ (sports, art, eroticism, etc.), and the ‘sick’ ones get locked up.”
[Boy, that sure sounds like Transhumanism. Remember, this is 60 or more years ago ]
The Sick Ones I gather will be the few who are Red Pilled and outside the Sorcerers Circle. Locked up might be optimistic. Ah well, I don’t have much time left anyways😬
So thats pretty dark. But the Owl of Minerva is interesting for another reason. Some of you may be familiar with the annual Bohemian Grove festival each year
The Bohemian Club, hosts a two-week-long camp at Bohemian Grove. Bohemian Club was founded in 1872 in the San Francisco Bay Area from a regular meeting of journalists, artists, and musicians, including Mark Twain and Jack London. Bohemian Grove is a restricted campground located in Monte Rio, California, which brings together members of the some of the most prominent men in the world, including corporate leaders, celebrities, and government officials for relaxation and entertainment.
The motto on the insignia of the Bohemian Club, “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here,” is a direct quote from Act 2, Scene 2, of Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Many presidents since the early twentieth century have been a member or guest at the Grove, with Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and George H. W. And George W. Bush as members. Other notable members have included Walter Cronkite, David Rockefeller , Henry Kissinger and William F. Buckley.
[I don’t know about Trump, Obama or Biden]
During their stay the campers are treated to plays, symphonies, concerts, lectures, and commentaries by entertail1ers, scholars, corporate executives, and government officials. The most memorable event is an elaborate ceremonial ritual called the Cremation of Care, which is held the first Saturday night, at the base of a 40-foot owl shrine, called the Owl of Bohemia, recalling the Owl of Minerva.
The ceremony involves the poling across a lake of a small boat containing an human mummy (some say child size) named Care. Dark, hooded figures receive from the ferryman the effigy which is placed on an altar, and, at the end of the ceremony, set on fire. The “cremation” symbolizes the members banishing the “dull cares” of conscience.
Music and pyrotechnics accompany the ritual for dramatic effect. One year, Cronkite provided the voice for the owl.
According to the club’s librarian, who is also a historian at a large university, the event “incorporates druidical ceremonies, elements of medieval Christian liturgy, sequences directly inspired by the Book of Common Prayer, traces of Shakespearean drama and the 17th century masque, and late nineteenth century American lodge rites.”
The lake is also the location of the daily “Lakeside Talks,” given over the years by entertainers, professors, astronauts, business leaders, cabinet officers, CIA directors, future presidents and former presidents.
“The religion they consecrate,” according to Philip Weiss writing for Spy Magazine,, laissez-faire and quintessentially western, with some Druid tree worship thrown in for fun.”
According to Weiss, “Vaguely homosexual undertones suffused this spectacle, as they do much of ritualized life in the Grove.” In May 13, 1971, President Richard Nixon was recorded saying: “The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time — it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.”
So they are Cremating Care in a ceremony at the base of a 40-foot owl shrine, called the Owl of Bohemia, recalling the Owl of Minerva.
Care and conscience is a product of Empathy, which is what Psychopaths don’t have much of , and gets in the way of doing Evil.
They do so in front of a shrine which to Hegel represents the end of History (Western Civilization?) perhaps to bring on a New World Order (Klaus Fourth Industrial Revolution aka Fourth Reich?).
Perhaps I read too much into this?
Owl (what you can see)
Google made tweaks to its normal, non-Chinese search engine in April 2017. Dubbed “Project Owl,” the changes were designed to prevent fake news sites from scoring too high in search results.
After Google revised its search tool a range of alternative news operations — from the Intercept to Common Dreams to Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now! — began experiencing precipitous drops in traffic.
Minerva (funding Sorcerer Science)
The Minerva Initiative is a research program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) that provides grants to sustain university-based, social science studies on areas of strategic importance to U.S. national security policy. The program looks to tap into the community of area specialists and other university researchers, particularly those who work on Islam, Iraq, China, and related areas.
Since its establishment in 2008, the Department of Defense has awarded over 70 grants to private researchers. Grants are awarded on an annual basis for research projects that typically last three years.
In 2008, the project was provided $50 million by the United States Department of Defense to fund research on five separate themes. When the program began in 2008 project funding was split between DoD and the National Science Foundation.
Since that time, all projects have been funded solely by the DoD. The goal was to create improved relations between the Department of Defense and the universities and to develop knowledge that the military can benefit from in the long term.
The stated goal of the Minerva Initiative "is to improve DoD's basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the U.S."
Originally, Secretary Gates proposed four principal focus areas: 1) Chinese Military and Technology Studies 2) Iraqi and Terrorist Perspective Projects 3) Religious and Ideological Studies, and 4) New Disciplines Project and 5) Open Category. Since its establishment, the Minerva Initiative has expanded the breadth of sponsored research to include a wide range of academic disciplines and topics [see Ongoing Research].
As of 2015 the Minerva Initiative's priority research areas fall within four categories:
I. Identity, Influence, and Mobilization
II. Contributors to Societal Resilience and Change
III. Power and Deterrence
IV. Innovations in National Security, Conflict, and Cooperation
In 2008 the American Anthropological Association sent a public letter suggesting that the funding be transferred to a different body, such as the National Science Foundation (NSF). Hugh Gusterson, a prominent anthropologist at George Mason University, wrote a series of articles in a variety of venues that have attracted significant attention,
any attempt to centralize thinking about culture and terrorism under the Pentagon's roof will inevitably produce an intellectually shrunken outcome. ...
The journalist Nafeez Ahmed has expressed concern that Minerva research, in its effort to understand mass mobilization, may be targeting peaceful activists, NGOs and protest movements. Others believe social science should continue to emphasize security issues but worry that DoD funding will bias findings.
Nearing the end here. A bit more on
Leo Strauss . He was an interesting guy. For some reason he attracted the neoconservatives. Thats beyond the scope of my post here, but it is his promotion of the idea of Esoteric Writing that I find interesting, because I see evidence of this in many Scientific Papers, UN/WEF/WHO White Papers and Articles today.
Philosophy or science, the highest
activity of man, is the attempt to replace opinion about ''all
things" by knowledge of ''all things"; but opinion is the element of society; philosophy or science is therefore the attempt to dissolve the element in which society breathes, and thus it endangers society.
[This strikes me as an esoteric way of saying we can use Science to change Culture and destroy the existing Society]
Hence philosophy or science must remain the preserve of a small minority, and philosophers or scientists must respect the opinions on which society rests.
[The preserve of the Philosopher Kings, aka Cognitive Elite]
To respect opinions is something entirely different from accepting them as true.
Philosophers or scientists who hold this view about the relation
of philosophy or science and society are driven to employ a
peculiar manner of writing which would enable them to reveal
what they regard as the truth to the few, without endangering
the unqualified commitment of the many to the opinions on
which society rests.
[Yes, like lets talk about how COVID Vaccines are unsafe without letting the rest of Society know]
They will distinguish between the true teaching as the esoteric teaching and the socially useful teaching as the exoteric teaching; whereas the exoteric teaching is meant to be easily accessible to every reader, the esoteric teaching discloses itself only to very careful and well-trained readers after
long and concentrated study.
How many times have you read a scientific paper that appears to support FAKE Science Narrative but upon close heading you find well hidden data that contradicts the conclusion that “society” is meant to accept?
So they are following Leo Strauss Esoteric Writing, but at an inverted purpose
Instead of hiding truths for a good purpose (Societies well being) , it is being done for nefarious purposes (harming society so they can Build Back Better)
The Hermetic-Gnostic beliefs in Hegels Time has certainly evolved over the Last 200 years, but no doubt that whatever form it now takes it still holds the idea of Man (Elites) being Gods or becoming Gods.
The Road from Hegel to Marxism and then Nietzsche’s Nihilism and Superman (God Father of Fascism) and Social Darwinism and Eugenics, Bakunin Terrorism, to Blatvasky and Crowleys Satanic Theosophical Madness to the Bailey New Age (World Religion) , Club of Rome and Dawning Age of Aquarius , and finally Technocracy and WEF’s Green Fascism and the AI Digital Gulag and Transhumanism requires several books to tell the tale.
Fortunately its already been done so I’ll leave with a Reading Recommendation. David Livingstone has a ton of stuff on his web site (https://ordoabchao.ca) actually 6 books for free. He covers our esoteric history better than anyone I have come across. He gets too deep into the weeds for some, but if you have the time he is well worth reading
Here is one of his chapters for those up to it
New Age
I also recommend Patrick Woods 3 Books on Technocracy and Transhumanism, and David Livingstones book Transhumanism. All of them are available on Kindle
Ending this beast here
One more link to my 3 part Techno-Satanism series