This post covers a lot of ground and might seem a bit disjointed but there are a lot of moving pieces that are interconnected
I will try to put this Natural Origin vs Lab Release Distraction into some context.
Before I get to that, for the record, I believe the virus was Engineered in the US under cover of being a Self Spreading Bat Vaccine and deployed in China with their consent (otherwise we would be in World War III) , and then elsewhere (more virulent strains) to facilitate the Great Reset. The strain first deployed , or at least the strain that became predominant in China might have been a less virulent strain. A more virulent strain that may have been tailored to be less pathogenic to East Asians was also deployed, followed by lockdowns/travel bans to contain it within China to Hubei. However, since Lockdowns coincided with the Lunar New Year Holiday, many foreign residents, visitors and Chinese tourists , some of which were infected by the more virulent strain left China before Lockdowns and arrived in other Asian Countries, US and Europe.
The less virulent strain which no doubt spread through much of China in the fall may have acted as a vaccine, so they never had much of a problem with any strain of Sars-Cov-2 until Omicron, which was also likely engineered and deployed as a kill switch, but which also acted as a booster to the vaccine they used, and no doubt Chinas Vax had its own adverse events (also spike related) that was amplified during their Omicron wave.
Here are a couple of papers supporting this hypothesis
The original one is the L strain, that appeared in Wuhan in December 2019. Its first mutation -- the S strain -- appeared at the beginning of 2020, while, since mid-January 2020, we have had strains V and G. To date strain G is the most widespread: it mutated into strains GR and GH at the end of February 2020.
"Strain G and its related strains GR and GH are by far the most widespread, representing 74% of all gene sequences we analysed," says Giorgi. "They present four mutations, two of which are able to change the sequence of the RNA polymerase and Spike proteins of the virus. This characteristic probably facilitates the spread of the virus."
If we look at the coronavirus map, we can see that strains G and GR are the most frequent across Europe and Italy. According to the available data, GH strain seems close to non-existence in Italy, while it occurs more frequently in France and Germany. This seems to confirm the effectiveness of last months' containment methods.
In North America, the most widespread strain is GH, while in South America we find the GR strain more frequently. In Asia, where the Wuhan L strain initially appeared, the spread of strains G, GH and GR is increasing. These strains landed in Asia only at the beginning of March, more than a month after their spread in Europe.
Globally, strains G, GH and GR are constantly increasing. Strain S can be found in some restricted areas in the US and Spain. The L and V strains are gradually disappearing.
Forster and colleagues found that type A, which was the original human virus genome, was present in Wuhan, but surprisingly was not the city’s predominant virus type. Their analyses showed that mutated versions of A were seen in Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan, and a large number of A-type viruses were found in patients from the United States and Australia.
Wuhan’s major virus type was lineage B, and this was prevalent in patients from across East Asia. However, the variant didn’t travel much beyond the region without further mutations, implying a founder even in Wuhan, or resistance against this type of COVID-10 outside East Asia, the researchers noted.
The C variant was identified as the major European type, and was found in early patients from France, Italy, Sweden, and England. It was absent from the study’s Chinese mainland sample, but was found in Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea.
Before you scoff at this idea consider this from wikipedia
In 1997, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen referred to the concept of an ethnic bioweapon as a possible risk. In 1998 some biological weapon experts considered such a "genetic weapon" plausible, and believed the former Soviet Union had undertaken some research on the influence of various substances on human genes.
In its 2000 policy paper Rebuilding America's Defenses, think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC) described ethnic bioweapons as a "politically useful tool" that US adversaries could have incentive to develop and utilize.
In 2003 the first SARS epidemic seemed to target Asians. Perhaps this time SARS-Cov-2 was designed to not harm East Asians as much. There were hardly any COVID deaths in East Asia before Vaccinations began. Just look at Taiwan. No doubt this was a condition of the Chinese before agreeing to participate in OPERATION COVID
In fact, consider Taiwan and its lack of COVID until May 2021 (shortly after a vaccination campaign). Lot of Taiwan people visited China in 2019 and into 2020. Many working in China returned to Taiwan before the Lunar New Year Holiday and Lockdowns in China. Many Taiwanese who were going to school in Europe and US returned to Taiwan in March, 2020 when they Locked Down and closed schools in those areas. There were no mandatory mask mandates outside public transportation until December 2020. Sure there were border checks for symptomatic patients who would be tested and contact tracing of those who test positive but little local testing beyond that. Yet no COVID or Excess Deaths until May 2021, and COVID really didn’t kill many until Omicron in 2022
Now lets look at this 2018 paper by Baric-the CORONAVIRUS Master Mind and we can see using the virus as a vaccine was on his mind
“Evaluation of a recombination-resistant coronavirus as a broadly applicable, rapidly implementable vaccine platform”
Gee, 2018 was also the year the DEFUSE project was proposed to create and then deploy a live virus bat vaccine. Maybe somebody switched the target host?
As I pointed out in a recent Tweet

2006 paper by Baric
Pg 67
Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material ....If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
For more on this
And this
Anyways, back to the Distraction.
To prevent discussion of the Lab Origins, government funded virologists led by one of the top funders (Fauci) engaged in a disinformation campaign with the help of the DoD, CIA and State Dept who also are big funders of virus collection and GOF (Through DARPA, DTRA, USAID) to push the Natural Origins narrative and ridicule Lab Origins as Conspiracy Theory.
This is all well documented.
As the narrative started crumbling due to the lack of evidence that there was an intermediary, not to mention the lack of any reasonable explanation for that pesky FCS , a limited hangout was given to us in the form of lab origin where Chinese scientists working with funding from Eco Health Alliance who in turn was funded by Fauci, the Pentagon and USAID (although they emphasize Faucis role) create the virus and accidentally release it.
Before I continue I must remind you that although my hypothesis that China and the US were complicit at the highest levels in this Globalist Plot, it was still orchestrated by a relatively few number of people and so the rest of the bureaucrats will react as they always do to a crisis and overreact, point fingers and cover up mistakes.
[I will explain in more detail a bit later why China would want to go along with this Globalist Plot]
So after its release China bureaucrats frantically try to cover it up for several months while they take data bases off line, put the military in charge of WIV, improve their lab air conditioning filtration-systems, etc. Apparently our intelligence agencies were aware of all this but did nothing.
Or maybe they did. They reported up the chain of command until it got to someone at the highest levels who was in on the project, and they sat on it. Did this reach the BOSS? I’ll leave it to you to decide
Contrast this with Taiwan
At 6:30 a.m. on Dec. 31, Dr. Lo at Taiwan’s CDC woke to an alert on his phone.
His colleagues in the media monitoring unit had detected social media posts about a pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan. The original posts in China were quickly removed, but screenshots had been reposted on PTT, a popular online forum in Taiwan. Some commenters feared a resurgence of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which had killed 774 people in 2002 and 2003, mostly in Asia.
Lo, an infectious disease expert, looked at the images of laboratory reports and doctors’ messages and suspected something else, something new. “But whether the source was reliable or … indicated the correct pathogen [couldn’t] be proved just from reading that,” he says. So he instructed his colleague to get in touch with counterparts in Beijing and the WHO through the International Health Regulations mechanism, a WHO framework of exchange between countries, to ask for more information.
Around 1:30 p.m. that afternoon, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced 27 cases of pneumonia related to a seafood market. It said their investigations found “no clear human-to-human transmission.” It would be another three weeks before a top Chinese government-appointed expert would confirm on state TV that the disease could spread between people, followed two days later by a WHO statement that said data “suggests that human-to-human transmission is taking place in Wuhan.”
But Taiwan didn’t wait to step up precautions. On Dec. 31, the island began instituting health screenings for all flights arriving from Wuhan. “We were not able to get satisfactory answers either from the WHO or from the Chinese CDC, and we got nervous and we started doing our preparation,” Foreign Minister Joseph Wu tells TIME.
Does anyone think Taiwan does not tell the US as well? President Tsai and Trump were pretty chummy.
Of course, not only did Taiwan and our intelligence agencies know but many Western virologists like Ian Lipkin and Ron Fouchier claim they were tipped off in early-mid December.
By December 2019, the Wuhan pneumonia rumors were growing in the tight virology community. Ron Fouchier, known for H5N1 GOF and Munsters mentor claimed to know of “an outbreak of an unknown disease in Wuhan” by the “first week of December,” during a Dutch national holiday.
Also by mid-December many US professors knew of a Wuhan outbreak. Most of us would not learn of a city named Wuhan until late January.
Ian Lipkin admitted he gota call on December 15 from China telling him about the outbreak
Israel knew in November , 2020
US intelligence agencies alerted Israel to the coronavirus outbreak in China already in November, Israeli television reported Thursday.
According to Channel 12 news, the US intelligence community became aware of the emerging disease in Wuhan in the second week of that month and drew up a classified document.
Moderna hastened to sign that Material Transfer agreement with Baric in Descember
2019 December 16th, A material transfer agreement for Moderna mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates was signed by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina
The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik PhD, a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th 2019 at 8:05 am.
The final signatories on the agreement were Sunny Himansu, Moderna’s Investigator, and Shaun Ryan, Moderna’s Deputy General Councel. Both signautres were made on December 17th 2019.
And in December Moderna’s CEO Bancel was wondering how he could produce a billion doses of vaccine in 2020
“I remember walking after Davos into the office of my head of manufacturing and I say ‘how we make a billion dose next year?’ And he look at me a bit funny and say, ‘What?’ I say, ‘yeah, we have to make a billion dose next year, there is going to be a pandemic.’”
And of course we had DARPA and the CIA’s Man , also Robert Malones buddy , Michael Callahan in Wuhan figuring out which drugs that China was using that were working well. Apparently Callahan called Malone on January 4 to inform him of the situation. Malone was working on a Military project called DOMANE with MIT’s Lincoln Labs that used a computer program to figure out which drugs would work based on the virus sequence which would not be released until January 10 (although maybe Callahan had it earlier).
Callahan after returning from China to work for Kadlec was then sent to the Diamond Princess cruise ship
Curiously DOMANE was created on December 11, 2019
Domane is Latin for Kings Crown. In Latin corona means crown
Discovery of Medical Countermeasures Against Novel Entities (DOMANE) is a program of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) intended to rapidly identify drugs and compounds for repurposing against emerging pathogens.
Somehow Malone found time between his work on DOMANE to publish a book in February on treating COVID, get infected with COVID in February and after recovery goes to the Biogen super spreading event in Boston, and publish a paper on COVID vaccines the first week with his DOMANE partner at MIT Lincoln Labs. Busy guy.
Bob Malone’s “Practical Guide To CoronaVirus”, written in February 2020 with his wife, Jill Glasspool Malone, had been removed from Amazon and other outlets by April 2020. A seemingly updated version under a different Authors name was published in UK. Unfortunately I cant find the link to to a You Tube by someone who managed to get a copy of the UK version.
COVID Vaccine paper
According to George Webb Bob Malone told Biogen Conference attendees of his “personal miracle”, relating how he solved his own early case of CoronaVirus with a drug DOMANE predicted would be helpful. A year later he would take 2 doses of the Moderna Vaccine in the hope of alleviating his Long Covid symptoms. I still have trouble believing he did. He is way too smart. But he says so.
I digress.
So yeah, everybody seemed to know what was going on in Wuhan way earlier than us
A sub-narrative put forth by China War Hawks is they deliberately released it in their own back yard so they could trick the West into following their Lockdowns while they merrily opened up and watched the West destroy itself. This is clearly ridiculous. If you had a biological weapon why not just release it elsewhere, then pretend it spread to China and then Lockdown. No need to release a novel virus in your backyard next to your BSL-4 lab that does coronavirus work next to a market that sells wild animals suspected of being an intermediary in the first SARS.
But clearly deploying the virus in Wuhan would result in speculation that the fault was Chinas. Either by not controlling trade in wild animals or lab release. Why would they agree to this?
The reason could be to prevent anyone from thinking China and US partnered to deliberately release a biological weapon on the world, so they decided on Kayfabe. Fake Wrestling. A match between Natural Origin vs Lab Release. Throw in a Cold War between China and US over Taiwan to make the idea of collaboration even more ridiculous.
Plus, its not like China cant make the case that the US released it during the October Wuhan Military Games to make it look like a lab leak and blame China. That could easily be sold to those in China and those outside US
Of course if the US created such a virus deploying it in a enemies backyard next to the market and a lab they funded research on similar viruses might seem like a good idea, except for one thing. China is a nuclear power and you risk World War III, not to mention without Chinese Imports life would be difficult
Of course there is another narrative that there is no Virus and this is all faked. I entertained this in the first months but there is no way they could keep that going for this long. Indeed, the pesky virus wont go away and thats causing people to question vaccines . Maybe not what they wanted although who can say?
So lets get back to the Distraction-Natural Origin vs Lab Release
CDC George Gao of Event 201 fame released a pre-print a year ago that claims the Wuhan Market was a human self spreading event not related to animals. This may be where the Self Spreading Human Vaccine was released.
Western virologists had somehow got ahead of an advance copy and had their own pre-print released a day later claiming Natural Origin with animals spreading the virus at market. Unlike Gao their paper got approved a few months later. Of course, MSM gave all the coverage to the Natural Origin Paper.
Georgie was told his paper would only be approved after his metagenomics data were placed on GISAID. So he did and with approval coming the Western Virologists pounced again with a pre-emptive strike.
They had reviewed the GISAID data Gao had deposited and reported stunning news. Raccoon Dog stall samples showed lots of Raccoon Dog DNA and little or no Human DNA. More importantly, in a market where there was a Sars Cov-2 airborne virus super spreading event, trace amounts of Sars-Cov-2 was present.
Did that knock your socks off? Me neither.
But it gets more interesting. Apparently Gaos paper claimed there was no Sars-Cov-2 based on a negative PCR Test. Yet according to our Western Virologist a sample with a negative PCR test (not positive after 40 cycles~ 1 trillion x amplification) was sequenced.
Keep in mind our CDC required samples that are PCR positive can only be sent for full genome sequencing if CT is no higher than 28, since they need enough viral load to sequence properly. Also, RNA unlike DNA is not very stable in the environment and may degrade more quickly, making sequencing even harder.
Until more information comes out I cant say any more on this but something is not right. Did Georgie lie or was his PCR test wrong? Did someone misread the GISAID data? No idea.
Either way, even if there is virus, it does not mean the Raccoon Dog was infected, let alone transmitting it. And even if it was infected, and we know in the lab Raccoon Dogs can be infected with Sars-Cov-2, it may have been infected with fine aerosols (<5 microns) which would not contain human cellular DNA (cells 10-100 microns in diameter) . So its a chicken or the egg problem (Infected humans or infected raccoon dogs). Which came first? Impossible to tell.
Or is it?
We know from lab testing that although Raccoon Dogs can be infected, they don’t get sick. Which means they are unlikely to transmit to people.
We demonstrated susceptibility of raccoon dogs to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection and transmission to in-contact animals. Infected animals had no signs of illness. Virus replication and tissue lesions occurred in the nasal conchae.
Meanwhile, as people are Distracted by this or the ARREST Distraction, the criminals remain free.
Between the Natural Origin and Virus Denial Quacks, and the China Hawks who wont consider its governments or military role in this crime, the ELites can breathe a sigh of relief. They got away with another crime
Now as I mentioned above the FCS is the smoking gun. Until thats explained in a satisfactory manner, natural origin should not really be on the table, at least not in a prominent way
Sachs et al explains it most clearly
As Baric is the Godfather of Coronaviruses, he is the number 1 suspect. Here is his 2017 paper.
Efficient Reverse Genetic Systems for Rapid Genetic Manipulation of Emergent and Preemergent Infectious Coronaviruses
This review primarily focuses on the reverse genetic strategy developed in the Baric laboratory, a technology that partitions the CoV genome into discrete fragments, and uses class IIS and IIG restriction endonucleases to systematically and seamlessly assemble full-length cDNA genomes of CoVs. After in vitro transcription and transfection of full-length genomes into permissive cells, recombinant viruses are recovered which contain the genetic content of the molecular clone.
Although the reverse genetic system (RGS) described here achieved prominence shortly after the emergence of SARS-CoV , this platform has been used to generate CoV infectious clones that span nearly the entire breadth of the Coronaviridae family, including pathogenic viruses from groups 1a and 1b of the alphacoronaviruses and groups 2a, 2b, and 2c of the betacoronaviruses
The entire CoV fragments are joined by type IIS or IIG restriction sites (e.g., BglI, SapI, and BsaI) that support directional, seamless ligation into full-length genome
But that does not let China off the hook. They are no slouches and while they may be behind Ralph, they can do Reverse Genetics and put in a FCS in their labs too, and Ralph has given them transgenic humanized mice to play with as well.
Keep in mind too they have a lot of talent beyond the Bat Lady (aka Shi Zhengli)
The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program (TTP) (Chinese: 千人计划; pinyin: Qiān rén jìhuà), or Overseas High-Level Talent Recruitment Programs(Chinese: 海外高层次人才引进计划; pinyin: Hǎiwài gāo céngcì réncái yǐnjìn jìhuà) is a program by the central government of China to recruit experts in science and technology from abroad, principally but not exclusively from overseas Chinesecommunities.
It grew out of the "Talent Superpower Strategy" of the 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2007
A study published in 2023 found that the Young Thousand Talents program has been successful in recruiting high-caliber academic talent whose publication of scientific papers outperforms their peers. Law enforcement and counterintelligence agencies in the United States, Australia, Canada, and other countries have raised concerns about the program as a vector for intellectual property theft and espionage.
Shi Zhengli herself has created Chimeras with reverse genetics in a BSL-2 laboratory, however, she was working with WIV-1 backbone. While it is a SARS related virus its not all that dangerous, and as such is not classified as a select agent with GOF concern. Shi claims all work with infected animals are done in their BSL-3 lab, same as Barics lab. Of course, it would be best if all coronavirus work was done in BSL-3
And China has done work with attaching FCS to viruses
In 2013 Chinese scientists demonstrated the capability to insert a furin polybasic cleavage site, similar to that of COVID-19, into a protein, an article which cited US patent “Insertion of Furin Protease Cleavage Sites in Membrane Proteins and Uses Thereof.”
The holder of this patent is Dennis T Brown out of the UNC , the same UNC that Ralph Baric is from.
One of the authors of that 2013 article, Chinese scientist Shibo Jiang, has a joint appointment at the Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute in New York and Fudan University in Shanghai and is a long-time collaborator of Zheng-Li Shi and Ralph Baric in coronavirus research
Despite having the innocuous title “Simultaneous Expression of Displayed and Secreted Antibodies for Antibody Screen,” Shibo Jiang and his military-trained colleague Shuwen Liu, demonstrated the artificial insertion of a furin polybasic cleavage site similar to that found in the COVID-19 virus.
That study was directly funded by the Chinese government and a private Chinese biotech company
There is no identified natural evolutionary pathway for the presence of the furin polybasic cleavage site found in COVID-19. It had to be artificially inserted.
Between 1987 and 1990, he received his postdoctoral training at the Rockefeller University in New York, largely through HIV AIDS funding provided by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
And in 2007 the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Shi Zhengli published a study in the Journal of Virology in which they combined a SARS-like virus from bats with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and created a chimera virus capable of infecting human cells
In the experiment, they also changed several key amino acids of bat ACE2 to test its binding to the S protein and constructed the HIV pseudovirus HIV / BJ01-S with the SARS virus BJ01-S protein.
This work was jointly funded by a State Key Program for Basic Research Grant (2005CB523004) from the Chinese Ministry of Sci- ence and Technology, a special fund from the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (no. 1009), the Knowledge Innovation Program Key Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX1-YW-R-07) to Z. Shi, the Sixth Framework Program “EPISARS” of the European Commission, a National Nature Science Foundation of China for Creative Research group grant (30421004) to H. Deng, and the Australian Biosecurity CRC for Emerging Infectious Diseases (project 1.026RE) to L.-F. Wang.
Linfa Wang who coauthored the above paper is part of Faucis CREID network
This is not US or China thing IMO. Thats a false dichotomy . This is a Global Biological Terrorist Network involving a number of actors who are acting on behalf of the Global Elite where many of the major players are Chinese, American and British (UK and from Commonwealth nations such as Canada, Singapore, India and Australia).
I realize some will not be convinced. China had little to gain here. Their Economy was growing, living standards were increasing, why risk all of this?
One word. Sustainable. China realizes that so long as living standards are lower than in the West and is exposed to the Western Ideals through education, business and tourism its people may become dissatisfied with their authoritarian system.
They also recognize as they and their neighbor India continue to grow (30% of the worlds population) there will be a limit to growth as resources are limited and they are not self sufficient. Furthermore, they do not want to impede the Western Elites plan to destroy the foundations of Western Civilization which is the greatest threat to China.
Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself.”
— Napoleon
Not only is China not interfering, they are lending a hand
The West seeks to reduce their populations living standards with Carbon Net Zero and a Controlled Demolition of the Real Economy and Deindustrialization of Europe. Once the Western Model is destroyed and Builds Back Better, the Chinese Model will be adopted by all. To be honest, the demolition has been ongoing for over 40 years, but it is still reversible so they want to help finish the job
This is what Sustainability means according to Maurice Strong
1992-At the Rio Earth Summit Strong added, “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.”
Later that same year
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
Almost 30 years later they tell us
Thanks Klaus. WEF partnered with UN in 2019. Here is what UN and China are up to
The Government of China and the UN System in China are embarking on a new cycle of cooperation as set-out by the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for the People’s Republic of China 2021-2025. The UNSDCF will help China meet and respond to the new opportunities and challenges presented by the country’s post-2020 development landscape, including building back better in the post-COVID-19 era and supporting China’s high-quality development.
Informed by China's development needs and capacities, and the UN System's own comparative advantage and expertise, programming under the new UNSDCF will be strategically centred around three key priority areas: 1) People and Prosperity: Achieving Innovation-driven, Coordinated and Shared Development. Equitable and high-quality economic, social and human development for all throughout the life-course. 2) Planet: Achieving Green Development towards a more sustainable and resilient environment. 3) Partnerships: Through South-South cooperation and humanitarian cooperation, China makes greater contributions to SDG attainment and the principles of the 2030 Agenda, including leaving no one behind.
Both East and Western Elites, which includes Russian and Chinese are building a Digital Gulag for its people, which includes Social Credit Scores, Programmable CBDC, 24/7 Surveillance and Internet of Bodies and Things, Digital Economy, Total Information Awareness and Control and of course, Population Reduction. COVID has accelerated progress toward these ends.
I’ll end this shortly, but one more piece of circumstantial evidence. Baric certainly moves fast, unless he already had a head start with the virus. 😉
In January, 2020 as scientists geared up to research the dangerous new illness, all eyes were on ACE2 — a protein that sits on the surface of many types of cells in the human body, including cells in the heart, gut, lungs and nasal cavity. SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, latches onto the ACE2 receptor and uses it to enter cells and begin growing, leading to infection.
Researchers discovered, however, that SARS-CoV-2 cannot latch onto the mouse version of the ACE2 receptor. For a time, this difference rendered mouse studies essentially useless in the fight against the pandemic.
That changed thanks to the team at the Baric Lab, which has a history of generating mouse models for other coronaviruses like SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. By changing two amino acid positions in the viral genome, they generated a mouse-adapted virus capable of infecting standard laboratory mice with COVID-19.
This mouse model — developed in the laboratory of virologist Ralph Baric, PhD, William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor at the Gillings School — already has been used to accelerate the development of Operation Warp Speed vaccines.
The model is expected to have a further positive impact on the development of antivirals, vaccines and antibodies in the fight against COVID-19
“We have used our SARS-CoV-2 mouse-adapted model to test a few medical countermeasures already,” said lead study author Kenneth H. Dinnon III, a graduate research assistant in the Baric Lab. “We collaborated with the National Institutes of Health Vaccine Research Center and Moderna to test their mRNA-1273 human vaccine candidate and showed that the therapy effectively protected mice from infection
Other experiments described in the Nature study reveal that mice given single injections of interferon lambda-1a — either before or after infection with SARS-CoV-2 — were protected from virus replication and loss of lung function. The UNC mouse model is the first to show that this kind of treatment works against SARS-CoV-2 in a living organism, which supports ongoing clinical trials at Stanford University.
Not to be outdone here is Shi Zhengli
Here, we successfully developed a SARS-CoV-2 hACE2 transgenic mouse (HFH4-hACE2 in C3B6 mice) infection model. The infected mice generated typical interstitial pneumonia and pathology that were similar to those of COVID-19 patients. Viral quantification revealed the lungs as the major site of infection, although viral RNA could also be found in the eye, heart, and brain in some mice. Virus identical to SARS-CoV-2 in full-genome sequences was isolated from the infected lung and brain tissues. Last, we showed that pre-exposure to SARS-CoV-2 could protect mice from severe pneumonia. Our results show that the hACE2 mouse would be a valuable tool for testing potential vaccines and therapeutics.
So fast, almost like they saw what was coming before anyone else. Could be a coincidence but.......
More musing. I wonder if VIP’s get a daily shot of interferon lambda-1a . How manySenators, Presidents, Fortune 500 CEO’s, Active duty Generals and Admirals or Executive Agency Directors have died of COVID. Hmmm? You think they release a virus they didn’t have a way of protecting themselves or their family against? Or maybe they just take the horse paste.
They were seeking an EUA for COVID treatment but dropped this at FDA request because you know its not like FDA would not approve anything that is safe and actually works, especially if Fauci and other HHS held no patent rights and a big company like Pfizer or Merck was not involved.
Here are most recent trial results
Among predominantly vaccinated outpatients with Covid-19, the incidence of hospitalization or an emergency department visit (observation for >6 hours) was significantly lower among those who received a single dose of pegylated interferon lambda than among those who received placebo.
However, if Biden is going to lift the Emergency in May its doubtful FDA can issue an EUA in time. I guess we will see.
Thats all I got.
Good article.
One problem though. It isn't the first time that the US has used biological weapons on China (in recent times) or any nation for that matter (since WWII). They all simply contain it without responding with aggression because they desperately want to avoid direct conflict or WWIII. If your reasoning is that China wants to maintain their stability and authoritarian rule:
"One word. Sustainable. China realizes that so long as living standards are lower than in the West and is exposed to the Western Ideals through education, business and tourism its people may become dissatisfied with their authoritarian system."
What do you think would happen if China engaged in a hot war with the US? The resultant political instability could remove the communist party from power.
Believe it or not, this is just one assault in a long line of assaults towards China and the rest of the world. The dominant position of the US rests with its exorbitant privilege, US dollar reserve currency status which allows them to fund a global military and 50 years of uninterrupted war. The only way to respond is to remove the dollar as reserve currency so the US will think twice about the feasibility of hegemony. Coincidentally this is exactly what China has been doing with Belt and Road, Iran-Saudi peace deal, BRICS etc. This is the art of war.
The desire for the Anglo-Saxon empire to impoverish their own populations is an endogenous and secular trend which China is not party to. It's due partly to the fact that the empire is overreaching and partly due to financial crises, but fundamentally due to the long term decline in ROI in western economies. The west is all heading towards Japan, a zero growth economic paradigm, and the elites in the west are simply more aggressive and have completely given up pretenses on letting wealth trickle down.
China would be happy for the populations of the west not to be impoverished, in fact they agreed to support the reintroduction of manufacturing in the West through a trade deal with Trump. Coincidentally we had COVID and the deal never materialized.