Taiwan Update and Proof mRNA COVID Vaccines are SAFE and that Long Covid is Not Responsible For Excess Deaths
and other Musings and Speculations
Update 7/18- due to formatting problem with tables I replaced with screen shots. Looked fine on screen b4 posting.🤷🏻♂️
Glad to be back from my detention, interrogation and re-education by the Thought Police. As the following post will attest, I am cured of my insanity 😂
All joking aside, Its that time of a month again, you know when Taiwan releases its death and birth data.
For the past 10 years it been released like clock work, on or before the 10th of the month. In only a handful of cases was it released later, and the latest was the 13th.
Well, July 14th has come and gone. No report in Chinese or English. Perhaps someone besides the Thought Police has noticed my Excess Death Reports. My views for the last one was way up for me and totally ratio’ed (few likes) meaning they were likely hostiles
[Note-this is too long for some email servers]
Regardless of the reason, there is no data, so no excess deaths report. Maybe its in the pipeline but if not thats it for my updates, at least in terms of monthly excess death/births updates. I cant imagine them going all CCP on us and not giving an honest annual update. That would be too noticeable. My guess is we see it after the Election in January.
I can update on the COVID situation, sort of. Data is pretty scarce but they do report weekly on the average daily deaths and hospitalizations (only in Chinese now), this is usually reported by the English papers as well.
From this I can estimate the monthly COVID deaths (+/-). The average for the month looks to be ~35/day, up from 15-25 in May. So maybe 1,000 or more COVID deaths which may or may not translate into another 2000-3000 or more excess deaths (compared to 2020 or earlier)
According to data compiled by the CDC, there have been 14,502 serious and moderate COVID-19 cases (hospitalized) since May 1. Of those patients, 5,089 have not been vaccinated against the disease, and another 2,124 had only received one or two shots of the vaccine.
A total of 6,085 people have died of COVID-19 in Taiwan so far in 2023, compared to 14,667 people dying of the disease in all of 2022, according to CDC data.
So basically half of the newly hospitalized cases for COVID have been boosted. For all of 2022 they used to provide a daily pdf showing the status of each death and over 50% were totally unvaxxed meaning almost 50% had at least 1 dose. Assuming vax status of hospitalizations matches deaths only 35% of them are totally unvaxxed and almost 2/3 have had at least 1 dose
A recent study came out from elsewhere showing most unvaxxed elderly where unvaxxed because they were dying, many in hospice or with DNR’s.
The simple reason why unvaccinated or some of the undervaxxed die more often from COVID than the fully VAXXED. They are already dying
Anyways, I do get the sense of more people masking on trains even though this is no longer required, so people are aware. Also, anecdotally, while walking my dogs last week I came to our usual rest stop under the bridge by the river. Lying face down on the ground by a bench was a guy about my age (~70). We see each other often as he sits under the bridge every morning reading his paper. Half the time he is leaving as I arrive. My dogs hate him because he walked funny and they bark, and he was scared of them so we never talked, but I knew his schedule well enough that I can say I arrived about 30 minutes after he usually left. A closer inspection showed he was dead as a door nail. Apparently after getting up to leave he did a face plant hard enough to break his glasses. There was a pool of blood from a head wound but not as much as you would expect , as they bleed out pretty well. My guess is he died on the way down, probably his heart stopped or it was in a fatal arrhythmia and not pumping. My Wife called the ambulance to report.
I cant say what killed him, he wasn’t in great shape. But you can speculate. It wasn’t as hot as it had been in recent days, a nice river breeze, so I don’t think it was heat related. Rather unsettling especially when you reach an age where you hesitate to buy green bananas
Another anecdotal story, my 5 time vaxxed sister in-law contracted COVID for a second time after a trip to Japan. Japan is experiencing their 9th wave and like Taiwan is making data hard to find. 40% of her highly vaccinated and masked group got COVID on the trip. After verifying her infection she got a prescription of Paxlovid, felt better after a few days , stopped and then the REBOUND hits. Said she thought she was going to die, indeed she welcomed death. She survived but has sworn she is done with any more vaccines
Anyways, back to the data, as I was searching for data to analyze I came across an excel spread sheet with deaths stratified by age. Completed through 2022 no less. For some reason I had never seen this one
What I found shocked me. Despite all the Excess Deaths, those under 45 in Taiwan escaped the carnage, unlike in US. While I knew already there were relatively few COVID deaths among the young I was a bit worried their numbers would be higher in the Non-Covid Deaths group like in the US.
Before I continue here are a couple of charts showing UK and US Excess Deaths by Age
UK (2022-2023)
US (2020-2022)
Compare this to US (US population about 15X Taiwan)
* Taiwan Eq-US average Annual Excess Deaths Adjusted to Taiwan population
So basically, if you were under 65 in Taiwan you were 3.2 times less likely to die of COVID or the vax in 2022 than in the US (3 yr average). About the same as US for the over 65 group, so whatever was killing the elderly in Taiwan or US it was doing so pretty equally.
However, for those age 1-44 those in the US were dying at 123 times greater rate than in Taiwan.
Why is that?. I suppose increased suicides , homicides and drug overdoses in US could account but some of it. But certainly not all of it. I dont have up to date age stratified annual data for each available to confirm this. However, I took a stab at estimating the 3 year average (all ages) excess relative to 2019 by assuming 2022 was same as 2021
Murders 6,347
Drug OD 31,102
Suicides. 7
Total Annual Excess over 2019- 37,456
Annual Avg Excess Deaths for
Age 1-44 38,979
That could explain it if all murders, OD and Suicides occur in the under 45 age groups . While many do occur in this group not all of them.
Still, a reasonable estimate might be that half of the excess is occurring in this group, so excluding that, the US aged 1-44 group is still dying at 60 times that of Taiwans 1-44 year olds
Moving on, and keeping the above in mind
Only 0.2% of Taiwans Excess Deaths were in those aged 1-44. In the US 7.6% of Excess Deaths (18% in 2020, 22% in 2021, 15% in 2022) were in the 1-44 age group (63% of which occurred in the vaccine era).
Approximately 50% of the excess deaths in the age 1-44 age group during the vaccine era were COVID associated and some have attributed these deaths to be Vaccine related (others Lockdowns and Long Covid) . Only 25% of the excess deaths in 2020 were COVID Associated and non-Covid deaths were attributed to the effects of hard lockdowns in 2020
This is quite astounding. Not only were those aged 1-44 in Taiwan largely spared death from COVID, they seemingly emerged unscathed from the vaccine, and those over 18 are highly vaxxed.
Only 8.1% of the Excess Deaths in Taiwan were 45-64 compared to 20.9% in the US. Only half of the deaths during the vaccine era in this age group were attributed to COVID in the US, and only 1/3 (all age groups) in Taiwan although in Taiwan a smaller percentage (<10%) in 2021 and higher percentage in 2022 (>40%). Different age groups and lack of age stratified COVID data in 2021 make it hard to analyze further
In any event , for those under 45 in Taiwan, from a mortality perspective there was no significant excess deaths from COVID or the Vaccine campaign
Lets look at it from the viewpoint of % Excess Deaths for each age group for US and Taiwan in their individual Pandemic Years (US compared to 2019 deaths, Taiwan to 2020)
I bolded those I thought most interesting/alarming
Age 0. Maybe 2019 was a really bad year for infants but the decline in deaths (3,460), perhaps related to birth declines in 2021 was striking. Maybe fewer vaccines taken up during the pandemic, especially in 2020. Taiwan on the other hand had a bump despite robust birth decline in 2022. COVID or vax? Unlike the US there was little disruption to services (most vaccinations for infants done in hospital outpatient visits)
Wicked uptick in excess deaths for ages 15-74 in US in 2021 which continues into 2022 for 25-44
Really bad year for 65+ in Taiwan in 2022 after a not great year in 2021. For some reason 75-84 year olds fared better. 2022 was the year of the Booster
But this leads to the big dilemma. Both Taiwan and US were taking the mRNA vaccines. Taiwan lagged a few months behind US in 2021. Taiwan started with Astra Zeneca for the elderly and HCW in April 2021 but once Moderna and Pfizers became available a couple months later they were the favored vaccines (albeit in short supply until later in the year). A local subunit vaccine also became available at some point in 2021 but was not very popular, especially among KMT voters (much like the Democrats suspicions over Trumps Vaccine until it became Bidens Vaccine).
So the question is, why were Taiwans under 45 and to a lesser extent 45-64 spared relative to their counterparts in US. Sure, they were masked more, had higher vaccines uptakes and no hard lockdowns, but if the Vaccines are so awful, how did the younger folks escape its wrath?
On the other side, the over 65’s in Taiwan got slaughtered as much as in the US. They were also masked as much as the young. Perhaps slightly less vaxxed than seniors in the US although they largely caught up in mid 2022, which coincidentally or not is when the worst of the Excess Deaths piled up.
So if the elderly and the younger adults are both getting the same vaccines, why are the results so different?
While we know the younger people were mostly spared from COVID before vaccination in US, COVID deaths actually increased in 2021 allegedly because the vaccines impaired their immune systems transiently after the shot, and for those repeatedly boosting perhaps immune tolerance, plus Alpha and Delta were said to be more deadly. Yet that didn’t happen in Taiwan, at least not for the younger folks.
In fact during the 1st wave of COVID which was mostly Alpha and Delta hardly any young people died. In the The young people were spared from COVID deaths whatever their vaccination status, and seemingly suffered no other ill effects after an early myocarditis scare in November 2021 halted the 2nd dose for children temporarily before resuming
COVID associated Deaths in US
Age 2020 2021 2022 Sum
The last column is the 3year average adjusted to Taiwans population
As mentioned some blame the increase in 2021 on more lethality and transmissibility of alpha and delta compared to the original Wuhan strain and 12 months of COVID instead of just 9 -10 months.
Some blame the decrease in 2022 on the reduced pathogenicity of Omicron (IFR drop from 0.2% to 0.06%) and boosters. Curiously, the younger age groups had fewer deaths in 2020 than 2022 with Omicron. No doubt there are those who will claim the young ones have a lower booster rate and credit lockdowns and masks with the lower death toll in 2020
In Taiwan hardly any young person died of COVID in 2020-2021 although numbers are hard to come by, but then comes the less pathogenic Omicron and deaths rise (albeit not a drastic number of deaths)
COVID associated deaths in Taiwan by age group during the Omicron Era (1/1/22 -3/1/23)
Plenty of young people in Taiwan got COVID though, in fact they accounted for 70% of infections, yet they did not die of Long Covid as people are alleging is happening in US
So lets consider Long Covid as a driver for Excess Deaths in US DEBUNKED by Taiwan
BTW, I am not denying there is Long Covid, just denying Death due to Long Covid, at least with Omicron where it is known to be less likely and presumably less severe, and is not causing Excess Death in the young in Taiwan. So I see no reason why those in the US who contract Long Covid from Omicron should contribute to the US Excess Death figures as some allege it to.
If you were over 60 in Taiwan you were anywhere from 2300 to 74500 x likely to die from COVID as a 10-19 year old who were less likely to be vaxxed or boosted. CDC US used to put out a chart showing these ratios but I dont recall it anywhere near these levels. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find it.
Taking into account the few COVID deaths in the entire 1-44 age group Excess Deaths for Non-Covid in Taiwan was negative (compared to 2020)
Could it be the young people did not receive the same vaccine as the seniors? But how would that even be possible without thousands of administrators and technicians knowing? I cant imagine it.
Could Taiwan have received something different than was given in US. We have all heard reports as to how Netherlands received “placebo lots”, as many as 30%.
Perhaps these were really vaccines, but with less contaminants. As Kevin McKernan has reported some of these lots may have lots of ds DNA. Maybe there is also an issue with RNA integrity that may affect safety. Too much causing much more spoke protein, or maybe truncated mRNA producing other harmful proteins. No idea
If this is the case and Taiwan and other countries could receive safer vaccines than the US, this would mean FDA, Pfizer and Moderna must know. How could they not?
By safer I am not denying there are any Vaccine Adverse Events in Taiwan, but there is no data I can find. Anecdotally I have heard of myocarditis, High fever (104 deg F), high blood pressure, etc. But at least in younger people, this is not translating into excess deaths
But this leads to another perplexing problem. Why is it that there are so many Non-Covid Excess Deaths in Taiwan, especially in 2022 with extensive testing. Through 2022 there were ~ 20,000 Non-Covid excess deaths (compared to 2020 deaths). This is continuing into 2023 with an estimated 8,000 non-Covid deaths in the first half (making a guess for June) to go along with 6000+ COVID deaths
What else could have killed them but the Vaccine if not COVID? . If it was COVID why was it not recorded as a COVID death? With all the testing done in Taiwan in 2022 its unlikely any COVID deaths were missed. Were they recording COVID deaths differently?. For example if someone had COVID and then had a heart attack perhaps they correctly ruled this not to be a COVID Death?. Whereas in the US Doctors were incentivized to judge the death as COVID.
So if thats the case all of the Excess Deaths (over 34,000) in Taiwan might well be considered COVID Associated Deaths while only 14,667 deaths in 2022 were deaths where COVID was the underlying cause of death. That said the ratio of Only Associated w/COVID Death to COVID as Underlying Cause is far greater in Taiwan (1.3 vs 0.3 in 2022)
This actually makes some sense although it cant be proven. But if that were the case we could then say the Vaccines Taiwan were given was totally safe (in terms of death) but completely Ineffective.
One problem with labelling it as ineffective is that over 50% of the COVID deaths were in the unvaccinated which make up only 5% of the population. Of course, the COVID associated Deaths not recorded as COVID deaths might be mostly vaxxed patients (which is convenient for Pfizer and Moderna).
So sticking with this hypothesis, if all of the Excess Deaths were COVID related , the IFR of Omicron would have been almost 0.4 % instead of 0.17%, which is much higher than has been estimated as the true Omicron IFR (0.06%).
I use IFR and not CFR because Taiwans home testing and reporting scheme ensures there were very few unrecorded positive cases in 2022 , as the population is quite obedient in such matters and many people had COVID Insurance or would get paid leave if their test is verified, both of which are incentives to report.
Also Taiwan hands Paxlovid out like candy if you have a verified test and are high risk, so if the IFR is this high we can presume it is equally ineffective.
thats right, it would mean Paxlovid is INEFFECTIVE in a highly Vaccinated Population agains Omicron if the hypothesis is correct, maybe even if it is not correct since 0.17% still seems high compared to 0.06%
Just to be clear, I dont know for sure what is the reason for the Non-Covid Excess Deaths. COVID Associated Deaths, or the Vaccines, or something else. I am just trying to make some sense of the data.
I just don’t see how the Elderly get a different vaccine than young people. Perhaps they dilute it more? I don’t know. Seems lots of folks would know if that was the case. Could Pfizer and Moderna be sending Taiwan diluted batches (less mRNA)? Thats a thought although I would think Taiwan would be conducting its own quality checks.
Perhaps if they tell us how many deaths in people within 30 days of a positive test it would shed some light on the Excess Non-Covid Deaths, but until then I am just an old guy fumbling in the dark for the light switch
Lets take a look at the present, to see if we can discover anymore clues.
The US despite having 15 times the population only had 3,453 COVID deaths in May and 7% excess deaths. The Excess Deaths might be artificially deflated by not taking into account the Pull Forward Effect which could add 8-10% to the Excess % (15-17%)
Taiwan in May had 24% excess deaths (3445) but only ~600 COVID Deaths (17% of Excess Deaths. There was some month to month variability (April-May) for some reason . It looked artificial like they didn’t get April counted in time so pushed it to May, so using April/May average it is 15% Excess Deaths with COVID accounting for about 25% of the Excess. That seems closer to the truth.
So Taiwan and US may be converging on Excess Death % if we include the PFE. The PFE is less than an issue for Taiwan since we have had only 15 months of high Excess Deaths since the Pandemic began whereas US had pretty much a 3 year culling with up to 1.8 million excess deaths.
The big difference in Taiwan in May is the higher number of COVID deaths on a per 100k population basis (~1/100 K in May for US, 3/100K for Taiwan in May, 4/100K in June). About 3 - 4 times the COVID deaths as in US
One possible explanation for that is before Taiwans population had acquired a significant natural immunity it imposed its vaccine immunity on the population, which may not be as protective as natural immunity. This is just speculation on my part
Another possibility is Omicron is more dangerous to the Asian population. Hmmm. We might get back to that thought later.
Another consideration for the difference in non-Covid deaths between US and Taiwan is that In the US the CDC had recommended (before COVID ) that Aspiration of IM Vaccines was not required. This may be reasonable for the traditional vaccines, I don’t know. The purpose of aspiration is to make sure you don’t hit a blood vessel and turn the jab into an IV and inject it directly into the blood stream
CDC maintained that recommendation for COVID Vaccines
Here is a of what that looks like to hit a blood vessel
Here is a look at what it looks like to hit a blood vessel
He survived but was unable to tweet for a few days. Fortunately his 2nd shot did not draw blood
So I don’t know if they might aspirate in Taiwan. Never had the pleasure of getting the jab
Speculating a bit more now. Taiwan people tend to have lower shoulder muscle mass (less vasculature). Not that there are not muscle men here, I see them in the gym, plus steroids are more prevalent in US . So on average this is the case.
When you accrue significant muscle mass, your body adapts by expanding its blood flow network; thus, veins become more prominent in specific areas." This means the more muscle mass you have, the more vascular you'll appear.
Exercising muscles need more blood. And in response to regular exercise, they actually grow more blood vessels by expanding the network of capillaries. In turn, muscle cells boost levels of the enzymes that allow them to use oxygen to generate energy.
Of course if this is the case the elderly with reduced muscle should be at lower risk of accidental IV injection.
I am just throwing some stuff out there. Not saying thats it.
Now lets get back to some data
According to CDC US the Hospital Fatality Rate 4.9% for Omicron in summer of 2022
But Taiwan seems to be 12.4% based on this (serious and moderate cases are hospitalized)
According to data compiled by the CDC, there have been 14,502 serious and moderate COVID-19 cases since May 1.
and using the calculated figure of 1800 COVID DEATHS after May 1
1800/14,502= 0.124
Of course this number might be lower if a significant number of COVID deaths are people who died before being hospitalized (DOA).
Back when they published the daily death pdf’s this was as high as 20%, so the hospital CFR could be as low as 10%
While some of the COVID deaths after May 1 came from patients hospitalized before May 1 (from March 23 when hospitalization rates were started to be reported replacing case rates), the daily hospitalization rate before May 1 was lower than the post May 1 period in which the 4th Omicron Wave began and peaked by the end of June and is now winding down.
To calculate the true hospitalization fatality rate one would need to know the admission date of each death. Since that’s not available 10% may be considered a conservative number as no doubt many deaths from these post May 1 hospitalizations are still in the pipeline based on current daily deaths of 33 per day and they likely will exceed deaths from pre-May 1 admissions when daily deaths were only 15/day
Whatever it is it seems quite a bit higher than what CDC US reported from earlier Omicron Variants, so this leads to the question of why?
This leads to Treatment Protocols
In 2020 Taiwan had its COVID Treatment Protocol online. I cant find it now but it looked much like the NIH Treatment Protocol and no doubt this is true today, even though it likely has evolved over time.
In other words, probably plenty of Remdesivir, probably too low a dosage of steroids, use of respirators, use of antibiotics, anticoagulants, etc.
While early use of Paxlovid is provided there seems to be no IVM or HCQ, and I doubt they are testing Vitamin D levels and giving Vitamin D/C Supplements
Although I have no knowledge of what treatment studies Taiwan might be pursuing to reduce the CFR, I have not heard of them doing a trial where they hand out IVM along with Paxlovid for one group with a placebo group receiving Paxlovid and a sugar pill.
Such a shame really, assuming this was not done because having such an integrated medical system and centralized control, not to mention the high prevalence of COVID virus circulating, Taiwan would have been the perfect place to do such a study
Since IVM is safe and cheap, and the current CFR is way too high, especially among the elderly, why not try it?
Fear of making the US, WHO and Pfizer angry?
I just ran across this tweet, and will throw it into the discussion since the paper RFK Jr mentioned specifies ethnic chinese
story is mistaken. I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered. That study is here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32664879/
The paper was from 2020 when Asia including China had relatively little problem . Indeed, beyond the initial outbreak China had little problem outside of Hubei (pop 60 million) and the number of COVID deaths in the first 2 months only caused about 10% Excess Deaths for that population (estimated). Of course, we can’t trust any data out of China, but have to use what was given
But Taiwan no doubt had little problems with COVID, and even 2021 was relatively minor. It really did seem to me at the time that the Chinese on Taiwan had some type of resistance to COVID. Some speculated it was due to high levels of circulating coronaviruses, prior immunity to SARS, or the BCG TB Vaccines the much of the population received when they were young.
BCG Vaccine is actually one of the few vaccines that is beneficial. Somehow they improve your cellular immunity allowing you to fight off all infections more easily, not just TB. Curiously, it is one of the few vaccines the Public Health Nazis in US avoided at all cost. I always wondered about that
But that doesn’t seem the case, and given Taiwans proximity to China, and the other provinces proximity to Hubei, you would have expected wider outbreaks. Wuhan is a major domestic and international transportation hub. Many Taiwanese living and working in China (hundreds of thousands live and work there before COVID, with some estimates as high as 2 million) returned to Taiwan before the Lunar New Year , before there were tests to detect infection. Many Taiwan people returned to Taiwan from infected areas in US, UK and Europe after outbreaks there in February-April. Surely some were infected when they returned (they were only screened for symptoms). But no outbreaks and no excess deaths.
Some credit masks and contact tracing. I am not buying it. 2021-2022 showed they don’t really work and masks were not mandated at all indoor settings until December 2020. So I am open to the idea the people on Taiwan had some natural resistance, that the vaccines altered it, or that new variants were able to overcome that natural resistance
However, the paper RFK Jr cited is speculating on a genetic reason, suggesting these groups might have been protected (accidentally or by design), until Super Omicron was unleashed
I wont comment further on the paper because Omicron is clearly a different virus. Indeed it should probably be called Sars-Cov-3 and if anything it seems to favor Chinese and Asians, as opposed to Sars-Cov-2 favoring non-Asians
Indeed, Asia INCLUDING China has had its worst bouts with COVID with the emergence of Omicron
The history of Omicron is quite interesting. Detected in Botswana around Thanksgiving 2021 in several visitors who entered with diplomatic immunity. They were tested before leaving the country. This suggests they brought it in (unknowingly or otherwise) Nobody ever asked or told us what country these folks came from.
And this
The virus quickly spread around the world, behaving much like a self spreading vaccine (spreads easily but with low IFR). Its even spread to the deer population near Faucis RML in Montana and elsewhere in North America.
It makes you wonder if there are a series of engineered viruses being deployed around the world, different enough to skirt developing herd immunity and prolong the pandemic.
The Botswana case where Omicron was apparently introduced to the region via foreign diplomats has me thinking back to Taiwan . There was after a flurry of visits by US officials in March and April 2022 and after that there was a surge in Omicron cases followed by COVID deaths
March 2-2022
Taiwan’s government is juggling competing high-profile visits from the US in a busy week of diplomacy as Washington sends a delegation to democratically run Taipei just before a trip by former secretary of state (and CIA Director) Michael Pompeo.
President Tsai Ing-wen met a bipartisan group including former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen and ex-undersecretary of defense for policy Michèle Flournoy in the Presidential Office on Wednesday, a US display of support amid growing pressure from an increasingly assertive China and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Lindsey Graham visit
TAIPEI, Taiwan — A delegation of six U.S. lawmakers led by Republican Lindsey Graham from South Carolina arrived in Taiwan on Thursday for a two-day visit that has already been denounced by China.
The U.S. lawmakers are to meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and the island’s defense minister. The visit is “again a demonstration of the U.S.’s ‘rock solid’ support and commitment to Taiwan” amid a “severe” situation in Ukraine, the island’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.
Graham is joined by Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Sen. Robert Portman of Ohio, Sen. Benjamin Sasse of Nebraska, and Representative Ronny Jackson of Texas.
The visit follows an announcement last week that U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi would visit Taiwan. However, Pelosi’s trip was postponed after she tested positive for COVID-19.
This leads me to a wild hypothesis. Before I get to it let me lay some ground work.
We all know about the great debate of Natural Origin vs Wuhan Lab Accidental Release. Hardly anybody but yours truly and a few others have contemplated an engineered and deliberate release by rogue elements in the West, although in China they no doubt blame the US for attacking them. However, I believe China was an accomplice and that their accusation is mostly geared for Domestic Consumption. Every Totalitarian Government requires an External Enemy to blame for all Evils, so as to keep the population on their side
I wont get into the details here, but I learned a lot from Andersons and Garrys Proximal Origins testimony as to why accidental lab release was unlikely, and this reaffirms my opinion that this is an engineered virus that was deliberately released.
Its extremely difficult to isolate a novel virus by culture. WIV has only managed it a few times. With SHC014 they tried and failed. They had the sequence since with modern sequencing techniques you dont need to isolate the virus via culture. So they sent the sequence to Ralph Baric and asked for help, Ralph is the Father Coronavirus . With his reverse genetic tools he can print any virus to life with just the sequence. And he did so. Presumably he mailed them a plasmid with the virus which they could culture.
No doubt that if he created a virus for the DEFUSE project he would have done the same so WIV could then deploy the virus in bat caves to vaccinate the bats, which was basically what the Project was about.
Both Garry and Anderson scoff at the idea the virus was engineered as a bioweapon, one of the reasons both give is the RBD was suboptimal based on computer generated predictions of the binding affinity to Ace 2, meaning it would not have been an effective bioweapon
Both make the same mistake in assuming the goal of making and deploying a bioweapon is to make it as deadly as possible.
Here is what Ralph Baric said in 2006
Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material......
If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
Clearly they wanted to minimize the lethality of the weapon. They knew they could manufacture the fear with a minimally lethal virus, so choosing a suboptimal RBD makes perfect sense
So anyways, the odds that WIV could find a pandemic level virus from bat samples (which tend not to be very transmissible in people) and then just so happen to infect workers and release it to the community are pretty low. The odds that such a virus would be found in bats, which it does not infect is also low. The sample would have had to have come from an intermediate host which has never been found. The odds that they managed to enhance a bat virus to a pandemic level virus simply by passaging the virus in culture or humanized mice and then inserting a FCS using Baric like tools they had not had a history of using , and then accidentally infecting one or more of their workers with this engineered virus is also remote.
I’ll leave that alone for now, and proceed to my Super Conspiracy Theory that relates to the Cover up of the Greatest Crime in Human History.
Lets set the stage first. For most of the world the debate of accidental lab release or natural origin is not very interesting. Accidents happen, so just cut down on wild animal trade and toughen up lab safety procedures, maybe stop GOF work completely and be done with it. End of story.
Fauci funding WIV with his pittance is laughable as well. Its not like China, who we have to borrow money from actually needs Faucis $$$ to fund their research. Baric they needed. Fauci’s money not so much.
However, consider if people got the idea this was a biological terrorist attack sponsored by rogue elements in governments and military of the US and China , and guys like Bill Gates and Karl Schwab , using scientists as useful idiots to design a pandemic virus for what they said was for biodefense purposes (counter measures and vaccines).
Man, they would be madder than hornets.
If that awareness should ever come to light, the demand for a Nuremberg 2 would be strong. Over 20 million dead. Tens of trillions dollars spent (half by the USG and all of it borrowed). The biggest Crime against Humanity Ever.
If such a thing did happen, you can be sure the criminal master minds as well as their unwitting accomplices who helped engineer the virus, not to mention scientists doing GOF work on other viruses who could imagine their careers would end due to the backlash, well, they would do whatever they could to prevent anyone from considering such a thing.
Beyond ridiculing such a theory as CONSPIRACY, what else might they do (beyond sending out a hit team to get me).
Organize social media (SM) gangs to spread the idea that no such thing as viruses exist. Cant go to jail for creating something that doesn’t exist. The Virus Deniers wont be interested in pursuit the criminals deploying a Pandemic Virus
Organize SM gangs to convince people there was no Pandemic. Deaths were solely attributed to Lockdowns and inadequate or harmful Treatment Protocols, or denying repurposed drugs. Hard to prosecute for negligence. The regulatory agencies are given regulatory deference by the courts. They can claim they were following the science, made some mistakes, etc
Organize SM gangs to blame the vaccines, with a mixture of reasonable analysis to extreme hyperbole (eg Naomi Wolf, Stew Peters, etc). Throw in a few hot lots in countries who agree to target certain populations (poor, conservatives, elderly) to provide necessary data to support the narrative. In this way many people would then prefer to vent their anger by going after the Vaccine Mfr instead of the Virus Creators. Unfortunately the manufacturers all have liability exemptions and proving willful misconduct is very hard, and going after the regulators who authorized the vaccines is almost impossible.
Blame China
Eliminate data that might be evidence of a bio-crime.
Continue to censor evidence or speculation that a bio-crime was committed
Hold Limited Hangout Investigations which avoid discussion of a bio-crime outside of China
Numbers 2-4 all have some elements in truth. The lockdowns and protocols killed, so too did the hot lots and denial of repurposed drugs effectiveness, and even safe vaccines are unavoidably unsafe per the Supreme Court. And China was a participant in the crime, although not in the way people imagine.
So basically many now believe there is no virus, or there was no pandemic, or if there was a pandemic virus it was natural origin or accidental release, made worse by lockdowns and protocols and the vaccines, and that China is to blame for its origins.
For many the criminals were the regulators and public health official and vaccine manufacturers, all of whom are well protected from criminal charges or tort proceedings. Dont misunderstand me, they were criminals as well, although some may just have been coerced or were useful idiots
Meanwhile those who engineered and deployed the virus can breathe a sigh of relief and congratulate themselves for getting away with the biggest Crime in History. Maybe they are planning another one since Pandemics have proven to be quite profitable. Imagine how much Social Security and the Pension Funds saved
If they do press their luck they will know they have convinced a large number of people the mRNA vaccines are unsafe even though they seem to have spared the young people in Taiwan. Many of these vaccine skeptics are on the right and/or critical thinkers (they hate both).
What if they do another Pandemic and create a mRNA vaccine thats available in 90 days? What if it is really Safe and Effective? What if the next Pandemic Virus is far more deadly and attacks all ages?. What if the right and critical thinkers reject the vaccine and die by the tens of millions?. What if thats the plan?
Ps-if you dont hear from me either the hit men got me or I have been sent for more re-education🥺
Ignore the screenshot, I cant seem to delete it
I see similarities to Blackwater, except now that our technology can reach the cellular level it’s the version of Blackwater for biowarfare. Both types of Blackwater have partial government fingerprints, partial rogue inclinations, the willingness (and ability, with friends in high places) to ignore national and international laws, and a drive for power and money.
The William Strauss and Neil Howe generational theory places our current time as matching the 1930s era and asserts that we are at a crisis moment that is going to end in total war. WWI was fought testing out new technology in its initial phases and WWII was fought after the new technology had been more thoroughly developed, tested, and accessible to zealots with an axe to grind about the aftermath of WWII. As a side note, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were similarly testing out new technology and running iterations of improvement and observation, I think probably most wars are technologically deterministic to some degree.
It seems highly likely that Biowarfare WWII will happen, because I can’t think of a reason as to why the new vaccine technology will not follow the technological patterns of history. Biowarfare Blackwater will probably follow a similar pattern of slaughter and escalation too.