A question came to mind, wasn't RaTG13 around 95% similar to SARS CoV 2? If Sars CoV 2 was made from 6 preexisting viruses, how did RaTG13 get so close. Was it a composite too, of similar viruses?
So close to what!. I mean, it was 22% away from SARS. SARS was the reference point. And RaTG13 was 1200 nucleotide difference from Sars-Cov-2. Thats huge.
I have entertained the idea viruses like RaTG13 and BANAl-52, and Pangolin RBD were lab created and released to support Natural Origin but there is no way to be sure
The answer was in your brilliant post towards the bottom: "We will compile sequences from a panel of closely related strains (<5% nucleotide variation) and..."
SARS2 <5% for both RaTG13, Laos Banal, etc., which Baric had at UNC in 2018
Thanks for your analysis, which I will read when I get time. It can be hard to keep up with lab-leak, GoF, developments, so I subscribe to https://jimhaslam.substack.com in the hope of not missing anything important.
I made a completely reformatted, easily read, printable, text-searchable, PDF version of the Ralph Baric transcript with links to some of the cited documents: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/07-origins/#baric. This is part of a page linking to lab-leak and GoF research documents and other websites.
A question came to mind, wasn't RaTG13 around 95% similar to SARS CoV 2? If Sars CoV 2 was made from 6 preexisting viruses, how did RaTG13 get so close. Was it a composite too, of similar viruses?
So close to what!. I mean, it was 22% away from SARS. SARS was the reference point. And RaTG13 was 1200 nucleotide difference from Sars-Cov-2. Thats huge.
I have entertained the idea viruses like RaTG13 and BANAl-52, and Pangolin RBD were lab created and released to support Natural Origin but there is no way to be sure
The answer was in your brilliant post towards the bottom: "We will compile sequences from a panel of closely related strains (<5% nucleotide variation) and..."
SARS2 <5% for both RaTG13, Laos Banal, etc., which Baric had at UNC in 2018
Thanks for your analysis, which I will read when I get time. It can be hard to keep up with lab-leak, GoF, developments, so I subscribe to https://jimhaslam.substack.com in the hope of not missing anything important.
I made a completely reformatted, easily read, printable, text-searchable, PDF version of the Ralph Baric transcript with links to some of the cited documents: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/07-origins/#baric. This is part of a page linking to lab-leak and GoF research documents and other websites.
I found your Substack thanks to a link from a comment by Laura Mueller at: https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/dr.-anthony-fauci-publicly-testifies-in-front-of-congress-and-gets-heat-from-republicans-1b8016d8.