RFK Jr has joined the Dark Side. The light is flickering on Democracy and Freedom. It will be out soon. As Peter Theil said, Freedom is no longer compatible with Democracy.
I used to be a huge fan of RFK Jr. I remember gifting everyone his Fauci Book for Christmas in 2021. Great Book.
My fandom began long before COVID. I remember reading his book on Mercury (Thimerosal) in Vaccines. I don’t know why I became interested in Vaccines. Maybe because a young Cousin had profound Autism in the late 70’s and his disease shocked me. Autism was quite rare then.
Still, I never had Children and never took many Vaccines aside from an occasional Tetanus shot. So why care?
Around the time RFK Jr was rejected as Vaccine Czar by Trump I had to get a MMR Vaccine for my Visa. Taiwan had started testing for Measles antibodies. I didn’t have enough of them which meant I never had natural infection. I did have some however, which suggests I was vaccinated. But I needed a Booster and it was not optional
MMR did not come out until 1973 and schools had just started requiring Vaccines to attend so perhaps since I never had Measles (unlike Chicken Pox) they probably gave me the shot while I was in High School. I don’t honestly remember.
In 1974 I developed ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura) which meant my spleen was eating my platelets which are responsible for clotting. Huge bruises. After 6 months of steroids to restore my platelets blew me up like a ballon , they decided to remove my spleen. Don’t worry they said, you don’t need a spleen. So good, problem solved.
After getting my Booster Vaccine I started reading up on MMR Vaccines. They don’t have Mercury as they use a live virus. When looking up Adverse Events Associated with MMR I notice ITP. A light bulb goes off
ITP as my Doctors told me at the time could come from exposure to drugs or viruses. Well, I hadn’t had any of those but if I got the vaccine I would have been exposed to the virus. At that time nobody knew there was a link between ITP and Vaccines
Getting up to date on what it means to be without a spleen I discovered I am immune deficient and susceptible to pneumonia and sepsis. I am also at higher risk of Cancer. “Vaccine Victim” I exclaimed in outrage!
This got me interested in the history of viruses and vaccines and eventually Pandemics and oh my, there was so much for a Conspiracy Theorist like myself to latch onto.
I started following RFK Jr blog (Children’s Health Defense) and another blog (Age of Autism) and read Suzanne Humphries book Dissolving Illusions and reading up on it all wherever I could, while ignoring the quackery. There was also a DVD by Del Big Tree on Vaccines called Vaxxed
There was a lot to absorb but I went all in. During my last trip ever to US in 2019 I waxed poetic on the evils of Vaccines to my Nieces, Sisters and Mother. Unaffected by glazed or rolling eyes, smirks ,and yawns my words of wisdom spewed forth. My departure was no doubt welcome by all.
Shortly upon my return to Taiwan a cancer diagnosis (damn MMR) got me studying immunology , and then COVID got me studying Cellular Biology and Virology and figuring out how PCR Testing and Genomic Sequencing worked. They don’t make it easy I can tell you, especially for old farts who only remember dissecting a frog in high school biology and hardly knew what DNA was
I do thank RFK Jr for much of my early education in the Vaccine area which led me to my journey of discovery.
But then came some disturbing signs. His CHD blog began putting out what I felt was disinformation. The one that bothered me most came in August 2021 when one CHD Article said that by issuing the license (BLS) to the Pfizer Vaccine the liability waiver was void under the PREP Act, and that the reason they would not use the label authorized by the license was so they could keep their liability exemption
This was not true. The PREP Act clearly provides a liability waiver for all designated countermeasures regardless of if they had a BLS or EUA.
Despite my proof this was so it was ignored and was repeated over and over agains by the turned over COVID truthers who would become one of the greatest sources of misinformation after speaking so much truth.
There are other examples I wont bore you about but the critical point where I suspected RFK Jr was turned was when he chose not to continue to run as a Democrat, or run as a Republican. Instead of joining the race as a Republican (I believe he could have, Trump was once a Democrat) he chose to run as an Independent. His policies were not that far from Trumps.
The Supreme Court ruled in 1998 that Independents do not need to be included in debates. Plus there was no path to 270 Electoral Votes as an Independent and if no candidate got 270 Votes the Republican Controlled House decides the election. It was clear to me where this was heading especially as his biggest donor was Timothy Mellon.
The final straw came when his long awaited book on the Wuhan Cover Up in December 2023 that basically parroted the right wings Limited Hangout on COVID ORIGINS. Needless to say I gifted this to nobody
In his withdrawal speech while he mentioned Big Pharma a few times there was no mention of Vaccines. RFK Jr will not be able to target Trumps Vaccines. Message sent and received
He also said
“In an honest system, I believe that I would have won the election. In a system of the kind that my father and my uncles thrived in, a system with open regularly scheduled debates, with fair primaries……..”
Just a refresher, Primaries were held in only a few states and did not decide the nomination until the 1970’s. The last Incumbent President who debated a challenger was Gerald Ford (unelected) in 1976 with Ronald Reagan.
Trumps last debate during primaries was in 2016
JFK won 10 of only 12 primaries held in 1960. He held 1 primary debate with Hubert Humphrey but none with LBJ who finished 2nd in total delegates after JFK
RFK did not announce his candidacy until after the NH Primary where LBJ was defeated. LBJ withdrew shortly after the NH primary, RFK only won primaries in 6 states (out of 11) and held no debates before being assassinated after winning the California primary
Hubert Humphrey, who was LBJ’s VP announced his candidacy after LBJ withdrew and did not participate in the few primaries held. He won the nomination at the Convention.
A frequent chant by his Democrat Party opposition was, "Dump the Hump!" 😀
Humphrey lost to Nixon in the end.
Maybe RFK Jr should brush up on his history.
Trump also announced he would set up an Assassination Commission to review and release documents he would declassify. He didn’t say RFK Jr would head it. Why not just release them all and dump them on the Internet?. Give amnesty to everyone involved to protect them from lawsuits if needed. Sounds like another limited hangout to stall any damning releases
Ok, so far I have refrained from postulating a Conspiracy Theory. Cant do without one of them but like with any theory or hypothesis, they can not be proven, just disproven. So here it goes.
I believe RFK Jr and a bunch of other COVID truthers (I will leave them unnamed, you know who they are, and one of them likes to sue) were recruited by the Political Right following Trump leaving office
But RFK Jr was a loyal Democrat you say. Well, was he really or was that his cover?
RFK Jr. during the mid 1970s was attending one of the deep states favourite universities, Harvard, where he also allegedly dealt Cocaine according to a classmate who was a satisfied one time customer. . RFK Jr would be approached by Republican Roger Ailes at that time. Roger who?
Roger would become chairman and CEO of Fox News, Fox Television Stations and 20th Television. He was a media consultant for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, and for Rudy Giuliani's 1989 New York City mayoral election.
RFK Jr was soon taking a year out to make a documentary with Roger Ailes about Falconry. Could this have been when deep state actors began grooming him looking down the road and seeing him as a potential political threat? Who knows, just planting the thought.
Six weeks in a tent with Roger. Wow. Hope it was a big tent
RFK Jr announced he would run for President as a Democrat on April 19, 2023. I believe the map was already laid out for what would follow so that he would endorse Trump after both conventions were over to convince Never Trumpers who put their hopes on RFK Jr to vote for Trump rather than stay at home or Vote for Biden/Harris. His endorsement would not have been as valuable without running himself, or shall I say, pretending to run
I also contend, going back to 2016 that Trump was only meant to serve 1 term to unleash Phase I of Operation Covid (Lockdowns-Warp Speed) , he would then lose due to the Lockdowns and be replaced by Biden for Phase II (Mandates, Ukraine War) . Biden would then be replaced by Trump to roll out Project 2025 and Phase III (Virus X)
I think RFK Jr is being brought on board to assure people the next Vaccines for the next Pandemic will be Safe, and there will be another Pandemic. If he says so, many will think they must be safe.
Why this staggered approach? The BLOB* , which controls both parties knows the system very well. There are things they can do with a Republican President but not with a Democrat and things they can do with a Democrat President and not with a Republican.
*Note: I used to use the word Elite or Deep State but Elite is a complimentary term and Deep State has been too watered down to be meaningful
Lockdowns, huge Tax Cuts and Blowing up the Money Supply and Debt could not be done with a Democrat in Office, the Right would have resisted that hard if a Democrat was in office but with Trump they sat on the couch and shrugged. Trust the Plan.
Likewise, trying to do Mandates and leaving Afghanistan with tail behind the leg to focus on the next War were not something a Republican could get away with. Their base would not tolerate it especially after being Locked Down.
Just to be Clear, Biden failed at the Mandates although technically it was really a Test and Mask Mandate for Unvaxxed workers that he pushed. Mandates were limited to Military and HC Workers treating Medicare patients. I am pretty sure the Military got the “good stuff”. If you know what I mean. Peter Thiels Tiberius program dictated where each lot went to. There were Hot and Cold Lots, and you were Ok if you got the Cold Lot.
After a 4 year Cool Off Period with a massive Brain Washing Campaign with the help of the turned COVID Truthers they helped erase 2020 from the Rights memories and they kept them from seeing who was really behind OPERATION COVID and the origins of the Virus.
Now the Hero with a lot of help is about to get his 2nd term.
The BLOB is very clever and powerful and does 10 year plans. This is not very believable to most people as believing such powerful forces exist is scary and removes hope for the future. Plus most people cant accept that they got Played. Mark Twain said something like how its easy to fool somebody but much harder to get them to admit that they got played for a fool . And finally, nobody wants to give up believing in their hero .
I get it, really I do. Its ok, it wont help to get up off the Couch and piss off the BLOB. Your Hero will be back in the saddle soon and bring Joy to the World.
If my theory is wrong, your Hero will Make America Great Again and by the end of 4 years, the economy will be wonderful with high paying jobs, low prices, no new illegal immigrants and massive deportations of 20 million criminals and insane immigrants lurking in the shadows.
Xi and Putin will bow to the American Crown and Peace will Reign on Earth, and the Palestinians will disappear into the night not causing Israel anymore trouble.
Our Freedoms will be coming out of our Yin Yang, Censorship will be left behind, and no more Surveillance or TSA Body Scans since everyone will carry an AR-15 with them.
No more Poverty or Homelessness except lazy people who don’t want to work. No more dole for them. If you want to Eat and are able to Work (not too old or sick) you Work and since there will be plenty of jobs paying a living wage with affordable health insurance that will be a matter of choice
Of course, maybe Trump needs JD Vance to tie up a few loose ends after he leaves in 4 years (if he leaves). Rome wasn’t built or rebuilt in a day.
Paradise. I hope it happens. I really do.
I like stories with good endings.
ps. I don’t say that the Democrats are any better, but the BLOB does its most destructive work with a Republican in charge. Look at the great disasters since the 80’s, all under a Republican Administration
Iran Contra
S&L Crisis
Iraq War I
Iraq War II
Afghanistan War
Global Financial Crisis
For whatever reason, Americas destruction accelerates when Republicans control the White House, and the BLOB is in a hurry to bring on the New Order.
It was obvious that RFK Jr was part of the psyop when he took Israel’s side against the Palestinians, dumped Kucinich for “ex-CIA” Amaryllis Fox, turned his focus on the border, and modeled his version of COVID origins on Robert Kadlec’s Muddy Waters, but I never guessed he was in it to elect Trump or that he might be a closet right-winger. I thought the Democrats would use his 3rd wheel race to get elected. I am dismayed by friends I thought were progressives jumping on the MAGA bandwagon with RFK Jr. I shudder to think what the blob will do next. What they’re doing in Congo right now with Moneypox is bad enough. The point you make about CHD not always being a reliable source is really disturbing. I’m worried about people who gained trust on things like Ivermectin during COVID pushing Tamiflu or god-knows-what next. How horrible to think of RFK Jr legitimizing whatever crimes roll out during a second Trump presidency.
This article gives hope because imperfect men , no matter how well-meaning, can possibly save the world. The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one ,so only a higher power can bring EVENTUAL peace. But first there has to be a reckoning with the Creator of this planet. I look forward to future peaceful conditions on earth ….but it will only happen AFTER the last great battle as the article points out. I try to Look at the bigger picture …I wish you well Pete and all other truth-seekers and Thankyou for your interesting article