Not that this post will change anything.
James and Whitney on a recent podcast believe both parties are controlled by a group of Elites and do their bidding, so it makes no matter who wins
I agree on the Elite (BLOB) control part but I will try to explain why they are wrong on their conclusion. It does matter.
I might have to do a Trump Weave to show this, so if you can handle it read on.
The BLOB that controls both parties has a plan for a Dystopian Authoritarian Future, with your consent. Both parties are instrumental to reaching their goal. Most probably do not realize this but the party elite probably do
Like many Corporations they likely have short (5 year), medium (15 yr) and long term (30 yr) plan, which are subject to revision as circumstances change.
To reach their goal they face obstacles . The appearances of a Democracy (elections) and a Constitution (Rule of Law) means they must Manufacture Consent to get the policies and legislation they want.
They control Media (Main Stream and Alternative) and Information flows to facilitate their program and obtain consent, and have infiltrated SCOTUS with a majority of the justices willing to subvert the Constitution and Rule of Law.
At times they resort to False Flags which are staged events (Make it Happen-MIHOP) ) or events that are allowed to happen (Let it Happen-LIHOP). The BLOBS control over the media, intelligence agencies, political parties, DOJ , military snd academia (through funding) makes anything possible.
Either way, the person or entity blamed assigned will support the agenda. The agenda is generally support for the Solution which they have prepared in advance, or in the case of an election related event to influence the outcome.
The events tend to generate many emotions ranging from fear to anger and sadness, often all three, which shut down the populations critical thinking facilities. No matter how absurd the official explanation, or official counter explanation, any questioning is likely to be met with outrage and calling those who do question it conspiracy theorists, unpatriotic, terrorist sympathizer, traitor, Libtard, Magarat, antisemite, Whatever
They event can have bipartisan support or serve to be divisive with one side totally supporting the official narrative and the other side the counter narrative. Generally both narratives are false. Recent examples are COVID origins and Trumps assassination attempt
They also have Total Information Awareness thanks to Technology Companies like Palantir and using AI Predictive Models they can monitor the effectiveness of their program toward reaching certain goals and adjust as needed
To gain support among the population for this Dystopian Future, they must change our Culture. They have been working on this for awhile. Let me remind you of Aldous Huxley 1961 speech at Berkley
There will be, in the next generation or so, a method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship w/o tears,... producing a painless concentration camp ... people will in have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted by propaganda or brainwashing...,. And this seems to be the final revolution.
He was a bit too optimistic as it generally takes 3 generations to totally remake a Culture, at least thats the measure Persias Cyrus the Great used to determine how long a population in which he introduced a new religion based on Zoroastrianism would be fully converted
Significant change has been achieved.
The Moral degradation and diminished Christian Values since 1961 has been significant.
Let me give you a short timeline of how it began
1963-Eric Trist, the chairman of Tavistock's governors described his and Tavistock's work on mass brainwashing, delineating in detail his theory of "social turbulence," based upon the theories of Hegel, although again, Trist is far more quick to cite Lewin.
Trist postulated that the administering of a series of traumatizing shocks upon a society would destabilize it, lowering the overall character of the society's reasoning.
Trist suggested that by late 1963 the world had moved into a condition of "permanent social turbulence" that would serve to usher in a new condition of society, a new paradigm, and a new possibility for remaking the face of the planet.
The "shocks" of the 1960s were the Cuban missile crisis, the sequence of brutal political assassinations escalation of the Vietnam War following the JFK murder and its coverup; and the urban riots and student riots
The shocks continued into the 70’s with Watergate, Oil Shortages and Stagflation
He later published in a short book, A Choice of Futures, stating that a series of sharp and universal, cathartic shocks would destabilize a targetted population, plunging a whole society into a form of managed psychosis. If the shocks were repeated over a period of years, there would be a shift in mental capacity to more infantile forms of reasoning.
1965, Alvin Toffler, then a lecturer at the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, wrote an essay in a British intelligence sponsored publication, Horizon magazine, titled "The Future as a Way of Life."
Toffler argued that the only way humanity could cope with the "future shock" caused by the rapid transformation of modem society, was by launching a study of "the future, " and introducing futurism into all policy deliberations and educational programs.
1965- The Club of Rome grew out of an international conference called “The Conditions of World Order,” at the Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio, Italy, which was owned by the Rockefeller Foundation,
and which was sponsored by the CIA-front, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), with a grant from the Ford Foundation and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
1967 at Queen Elizabeth's palatial estate in Deauville, France, a conference was convened. It was intended to update participants on ongoing projects of the Tavistock network.
This was the "Conference on Transatlantic Technological Imbalance and Collaboration," sponsored by the Scientific and Technological Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly and the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Among the projects mentioned at the conference were the collaboration of Emery and Trist on "social turbulence," and the SRI-Tavistock "Images of Man" project.
Participants in the conference included Tavistock's Harland Cleveland; Willis Harman of the Tavistock offshoot Stanford Research Institute;
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the future Carter national security advisor and the Trilateral Commission's founding executive director; and Fred Emery, who delineated the stages of societal disintegration in his Futures We Are In.
Other participants were Dr. Aurelio Peccei, later to head the zero-growth fixated Club of Rome, then chairman of the Economic Committee of the Atlantic Institute, an important NATO think tank; and Sir Alexander King and Sir Solly Zuckerman, advisors to the British crown.
A general consensus reportedly was achieved on certain "principles":
1) The promotion of the rock-drug-sex counterculture would, over a span of little more than a generation, lead to its becoming the dominant global culture; this would mark the end of western Christian civilization, ending what was referred to as the "Age of Pisces" and ushering in the "Age of Aquarius."
2) "Scientific progress," as defined by man's successive mastery of ever-higher laws of the universe, giving him do minion over nature, was to give way to man reduced to being part of nature, whose laws were unchangeable and unknowable.
3) The term "science" was to be substituted with the loosely defined term "technology," which was to be given a meaning separated from physical economy. Hence, Harman and Emery both spoke of "science" creating a new "techno logical age," in which man was no longer bound to the production of material goods, but in which "information" and "ideas" were the new "commodities."
4) Systems of government, founded for the previous, industrial and pre-industrial paradigms, would no longer function in this "post-industrial" New Age. Government would have to give way, nation-states fall aside, as man found new, more "empathetic ways" to deal with each other.
1967- Report from Iron Mountain. After a 15-member panel, called the Special Study Group, was set up in 1963 to examine what problems would occur if the United States entered a state of lasting peace (They met at an underground nuclear bunker called Iron Mountain as well as other, worldwide locations and worked over the next two years). A member of the panel, one "John Doe", a professor at a college in the Midwest, decided to release the report to the public in 1967.
The report (which has been declared a hoax by the mainstream) concluded that peace was not in the interest of a stable society, that even if lasting peace "could be achieved, it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of society to achieve it."
War was a part of the economy. Therefore, it was necessary to conceive a state of war for a stable economy. The government, the group theorized, would not exist without war, and nation states existed in order to wage war.
War served the vital function of diverting collective aggression. They recommended "credible substitutes" and paying a "blood price" to emulate the economic functions of war. Prospective government-devised alternatives to war included reports of alien life-forms, the reintroduction of a "euphemized form" of slavery "consistent with modern technology and political processes", and the threat of "gross pollution of the environment".
The Report’s other recommendations were:
a giant space-research programme whose goal was largely impossible to achieve (a black hole, budget-wise and hence able to feed the economy);
create a new, non-human enemy, e.g. the potential threat of an extra-terrestrial civilization
create a new threat to mankind, e.g. pollution
new ways of limiting births, e.g. via adding drugs to food or water supply
create fictitious alternate enemies
create an omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force
1967 a “ long march through the institutions” was a slogan coined by Communiststudent activist Rudi Dutschke to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the professions.
The phrase "long march" is a reference to the prolonged struggle of the Chinese communists, which included a physical Long March of their army across China.
One of the leaders of Cultural Marxism, aka Critical Theory is, Herbert Marcuse and he corresponded with Dutschke in 1971 to agree with this strategy, "Let me tell you this: that I regard your notion of the 'long march through the institutions' as the only effective way...".
No doubt the infiltration has been underway for decades. He also wrote an essay in 1965 called Regressive tolerance. Read it and weep
1968-a prophetic essay, "The New Left, Local Control, and Fascism," which warned that the student radicals of the 1960s
counterculture would be the fascist stormtroopers of the late twentieth century,unless the majority of Americans woke up to the danger.
Pg 72
1968-Stanford Research Institute (SRI) International was closely interwoven with the U.S. government, the Department of Defense and the CIA.
Its sociology department, the Center for the Study of Social Policy, was established in 1968 by the U.S. Office of Education with the aim of "exploring alternative future possibilities for the society and their implications for educational policy."
The center then began studying "World Macro Problems" to come up with a plan on how the world needed to evolve to meet the challenges of the future and change people so that he better lived up to the demands of the post-industrial era.
1969-Pentagon official Donald MacArthur on June
9 requested $10 million
to develop, over the next 5 to 10 years, a new, contagious microorganism which would destroy the human immune system.
1970 Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. It was this book that led him to Rockefeller and other elitists behind the Green Movement that was promoted by the Club of Rome
“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how.
Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.”
“It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files, containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen in addition to the more customary data. "
“These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information. “
“Our existing institutions will be supplanted by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs to cope with them.”
1970-Aurellio Peccei wrote The Chasm Ahead. Peccei reiterated that a one-world government was the only solution to the problems of the world. Also required was that Russia and the U.S. would have to enter into partnership in global planning and enforcement
1971-BF Skinner followed up his vision of Walden Two , with his nonfiction book Beyond Freedom and Dignity, awarded the honor of being the most important book of the year by the New York Times. "What is needed is more control, not less," Skinner reminded us.
1971 Maurice Strong was named Undersecretary of the United Nations and Secretary General of the June 1972 Stockholm Earth Day conference. He was also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
1971, the first meeting of the World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab – then called the European Management Symposium – convened in Davos, Switzerland.
1971-Written to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Lewis Powell Memo was a blueprint for corporate domination of American Democracy.
He warned that survival of the free enterprise system depended on “careful long-range planning and implementation” of a well-financed response to threats from the left. This warning was answered by a sustained right-wing offensive, coordinated by think tanks and funded lavishly by a small group of family foundations
1972-three business organizations merged to form the Business Roundtable, the first business association whose membership was restricted to top corporate CEOs. In part at the urging of Bryce Harlow, lobbyist for Procter & Gamble, this new organization combined two groups focused on relatively narrow business issues with an informal organization called the March Group.
The March Group had grown out of a meeting with top Nixon administration officials and prominent executives and was designed to bring together many of the nation’s most powerful CEOs.
Within five years the new mega-organization had enlisted 113 of the top Fortune 200 companies, accounting for nearly half of the economy.
The Business Roundtable quickly developed into a formidable group, designed to mobilize high-level CEOs as a collective force to lobby for the advancement of shared interests. President Ford’s deputy treasury secretary Charls Walker, a leading corporate organizer about whom we’ll say more in a moment, later put it this way:
“The Roundtable has made a lot of difference. They know how to get the CEOs into Washington and lobby; they maintain good relationships with the congressional staffs; they’ve just learned a lot about Washington they didn’t know before.
Jamie Dimon is its current chairman
1972 Club of Romes book entitled “The Limits to Growth” that largely focused on global overpopulation, warning that “if the world’s consumption patterns and population growth continued at the same high rates of the time, the earth would strike its limits within a century.”
1972, Maurice Strong prepared “Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet” In the same year, he created the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and made a fortune as a businessman for Alberta Oil and the mineral industries.
1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference, Strong promoted population reduction and lowering of living standards around the world to “save the environment.”
1972-In consultation with Boulding, on the eve of the Presidential elections, Alvin Toffler hosted a secret planning meeting .
Among the participants were Joseph Slater and Amos Jordan, both of them Bertrand Russell-linked Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies,and several representatives of the British media and the British Labour Party.
Out of that conference, Toffler and others formed the Ad Hoc Committee on Anticipatory Democracy, which would play a major role in subverting the U.S.Congress over the next decades
1973-Ervin Laszlo led the Club of Romes Goals for Mankind project (published in 1977) in which preached an ideal world population of 500 million inhabitants.
1973 Changing Images of Man study initiated by SRI.
Ervin Laszlo contributed as a referee to SRI International's Changing images of Man project at Stanford University .The project was led by futurists Willis Harman and O.W. Markley.
According to their analysis, the future could take two different paths.
Technological extrapolationist image:
A technocratic and centrally planned society with an expert/elite government in which citizens' leisure time has been institutionalised and behavioural modification techniques are used economically, politically and socially.
Society is characterised by an increasing urbanisation and migration to megacities.
Evolutionary transformationalist image:
A balanced, political and economically decentralized society with less technology and more leisure time where behavioural modifying techniques are used sparingly except when deemed necessary by the group.
Financial equalisation with the reliance on holistic expertise and greater participation of citizens in planning.
Technological and scientific development is adapted to the new "moral" paradigm. With this comes a greater awareness of the world we are part of.
These two "images" constituted the two opposites of the dialectical game. It was then a matter of navigating correctly to minimize the negative effects during the transition.
They then presented an action plan to governments, companies and foundations to lead humanity to the desired utopia with social engineering.
However, changing images of Man expressed the following warning:
Methods of regulation that severely reduce individual freedoms could be welcomed in the face of severe disruptions. We could quickly or, more likely, gradually emerge into the kind of society that Bertram Gross (1970) has termed "friendly fascism.
This is a fascism that "will come under the slogans of democracy and 100 percent Americanism ... in the form of an advanced technological society, supported by its techniques-a techno-urban fascism, American style"
The fear was that Laszlo's and Willis Harman's ideal society would be kidnapped by the industrial elite to be unilaterally transformed into their "technological extrapolationist image."
In any case, some kind of authoritarian reaction was considered necessary to manage the transition to the desired post-industrial society (evolutionary transformationalist image).
Regulation and restraint of behavior will be necessary in order to hold the society together while it goes around a difficult corner. The more there can be general understanding of the transitory but inescapable nature of this need, the higher will be the likelihood that a more authoritarian permanent regime can be avoided.
In order to make people put up with the transition, a vision was also needed that a better society would emerge after the difficult time.
The funder of Changing Images of Man was the Charles Kettering Foundation. One of the Trilateral Commission's early financiers and a close partner of the Rockefeller sphere.
The project can be said to have formed part of the trilateral plan to (with the help of SRIs futurists) create The Technetronic Society.
The study was published in 1982
1973 Club of Rome issued a Report entitled “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System” which was part of their “Strategy for Survival Project”. It put forth the goal of submerging nation states into 10 Global Regions for the administrative convenience of a World Government
1973-Club of Rome financed a computer program called World One, it was developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT).
It predicted the collapse of civilisation by 2040. The major turning point indicated by the algorithm was 2020! It predicted that by 2020 pollution would become so serious that it would start to kill people, leading to a massive decrease in population.
1973-Trilateral Commission established by David Rockefeller and Brzezinsky to bring together prominent citizens from North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific much like the Bilderberger Group did for North America and Europe
1973-Daniel Bell’s seminal book published, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting.
“Since the post-industrial society increases the importance of the technical component of knowledge, it forces the hierophants of the new society – the scientists, engineers and technocrats – either to compete with politicians or become their allies.”
1974 -Former U. S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateralist and CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in an April, 1974 Foreign Affairs article entitled The Hard Road to World Order, provided insight into how the World State was to be built:
“If instant world government, Charter review, and a greatly strengthened International Court do not provide the answers, what hope for progress is there?… ....In short, the `house of world order’ would have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down.
It will look like a great `booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.” Richard Gardner would become one of Jimmy Carters mentors.
1974, Following Nixons resignation Kissinger issued National Security Council Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), on the subject of Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests. NSSM 200 argued that population expansion posed potential US “national security threats.”
1975, Sen. Frank Church, the chairman of the Senate panel probing U.S. Intelligence agencies says the government has the technological capacity to impose “total tyranny” if a dictator ever came to power.
“There would be no place to hide..and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know , such is the capability of this technology.”
1975-On November 26 NSSM 200 was formally adopted by the Ford administration. A follow-up memo issued in 1976 by the NSC called for the United States to use control of food supplies to impose population control on a global scale.
1975-Project Democracy would originate out of a Trilateral Commission meeting on May 31st, in Kyoto Japan, where the Trilateral Commission’s “Task Force on the Governability of Democracies” findings were delivered.
The report says that in the United States the problems of governance "stem from an excess of democracy which needs to be moderated by reasserting undemocratic authority and cultivation of political apathy and by instigating a “controlled disintegration of society.”
1975 the CFR launched a public study of global policy titled the 1980’s Project. The general theme was “controlled disintegration” of the world economy, and the report did not attempt to hide the famine, social chaos, and death its policy would bring upon most of the world’s population.
1975, In Futures We Are In, a book published Fred Emery, the three stages of societal disintegration of Trist's paradigm shift are laid out.
The first stage is called superficiality, in which people start to break the bonds with the societal values of the past, the values of Judeo-Christian civilization. Superficiality results in the collapse of moral judgment, says Emery.
The next, lower stage of societal disintegration is called segmentation, in which the larger institutions of society start to disintegrate, and the focus moves from the nation-state to the local community, then to retreat into small and increasingly more paranoid groups, whose interests are pitted against each other.
Then disassociation. The individual becomes the societal unit, withdrawing from society into a "world in which fantasy and reality are indistinguishable," and in which the difference between fantasy and reality hardly matters
Man is reduced to a worldview dominated by "fantasy and superstition," in which he trusts no one. Government-by-reason is impossible, thus it and all its institutions must give way to "direct decisionmaking," with decisions made by "feeling states."
Emery uses the term "Clockwork Orange," as a descriptive metaphor for this type of society gone completely insane, in which habituated, random vioolence committed by gangs of youth is the order of the day, while the adults retreat into their television and other entertainments.
1975?-Trist later writes that the so-called "wired society," with individuals hooked together by cable television, personal computers, and other interactive electronics, is a more "popular" metaphor for this same disassociated, totally controlled social order. A "new order" was coming into being, he pro claimed, the dawning of the "Information Age."
1975, National Institute of Mental Health funded an overall evaluation of behavior modification approaches. Its conclusions were that these techniques should be applied to the general population of the world, and to larger numbers than ever before.
At about the same time, the Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, in their Mankind 2000 report, introduced the following dark vision:
“In the organization of a civilization of the future we anticipate that the individualistically-oriented man will become an anachronism. Indeed, he will be viewed as a threat to the group organization as well as to his fellow man.
Hence, he in all likelihood will have few individual expectations. While such a picture may not be pleasant to contemplate, when viewed with our present orientation and value judgement, we would be amiss were we to deal with unrealistic imageries that would blind us to future reality..."
"The new world of the closed, automated system will necessitate a radical change in political, technologic, and social thinking. All too often, however, we remain bound by the conventional tenets and wisdom of past generations...
The cybercultural revolution is altering all this. It differs radically from previous innovations because now man has devices that will largely supplant his labor and certain activities of his mind."
1978-US Supreme Court put a fascism-friendly time bomb into our body of constitutional law when Lewis Powell wrote the 1978 decision in First National Bank v Bellotti, saying that billionaires and corporate “persons” had a First Amendment right to pour money into politics because, Powell claimed, money in politics was the same thing as “free speech.”
1978 Nov 9th, Trilateral Commission member Paul Volcker (Federal Reserve Chairman from 1979-1987) would affirm at a lecture delivered at Warwick University in England: “A controlled disintegration in the world economy is a legitimate object for the 1980s.”
1979-Robert McNamara, who became president of the World Bank, and ran the Vietnam War, stated: There are only two possible ways in which a world of 10 billion people can be averted.
Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly. Or the current death rates must go up. There is no other way. There are, of course, many ways in which the death rates can go up.
HIV was being introduced into the gay population via Hep B Vaccine trials at the time
Ok, maybe not so short so I’ll leave it here, but you get the point.
You will have noticed the tones of both Leftist and Right in the timeline. Thats the Hegelian Way. People will naturally align into Left or Right with some in the Center . The Center outnumbers those on both the extreme left or right. By altering the beliefs of either the extreme Left or Right the Hegelian synthesis dictates an adjustment by the other groups in response, including the all important Center.
This is how they control our Cultural Evolution
The Breitbart Doctrine is the idea that "politics is downstream from culture" and that to change politics one must first change culture. I don’t agree 100%, I think Politics may be upstream from Culture, at least in the Trump era. That said, Hollywood, Media and the Education System are important drivers of Culture and these are all controlled by the BLOB
I am doing the Trump Weave here so bear with me
The BLOB plays off the Cultural preferences of the Left and Right with the Political Parties they now control. Woke shit, DEI and Climate Change were well received by those on the Left and understandably alienated the Right.
The perceived immigration and welfare policies of Democrats which has been vastly exaggerated by Republicans in the wake of declining living standards since the late 1970’s allows the BLOB to use Republicans to point at them for their economic woes. This is to prevent them seeing that the decline was due to both parties adopting neoliberal economics of the Chicago School still being preached today
Another patsy is China , allowing them to disguise the fact that both Parties encouraged and incentivized corporations to offshore production and jobs over a 40 year period. Tariffs wont bring those jobs back.
This is a Global Economy. US makes up 5% of the population. Tarrifs work both ways, other countries will apply their own Tarrifs. Manufacturers go where qualified labor is cheaper. This is their biggest expense. Other factors like Taxes, Tarrifs are secondary. Infrastructure is also a big concern and our infrastructure is not great.
And of course the regulatory environment. For those who don’t remember pre-EPA pollution and the pre-OSHA safety environment, you better be careful about jumping on the deregulation bandwagon. Thats not very consistent with MAHA
OK, I will take the Weave Home.
I obviously agree with James and Whitney that the BLOB controls both parties and Presidents, and at one time I would have agreed it doesn’t matter who wins.
What has changed my mind is my reflections over the last 24 years when I recognized all the really bad shit this century has started under a Republican President.
9/11, Anthrax, Iraq/Afghanistan War, Great Financial Crisis, COVID and its resulting Debt Blowup and toxic Vaccine. To be sure all was not roses and candy with Obama and Biden but they were the Clean Up Crew and their shit was mostly directed elsewhere like Ukraine, Syria, etc.
While James recognizes there are two or more factions of Elites with one caring more about the people, the faction backing Trump does not care more about the people than the other party, even though they have duped their base into believing making the rich and corporations richer means they will benefit
This got me thinking there really may be quite a sizeable rift between the two main factions. I liken the difference to the difference between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Both wanted Communism but the difference was in how to get there.
The Bolsheviks wanted it done quicker and were willing to use more extreme measures and violence. Our 2 Elite Factions both want Global Fascism, and one seems in a bigger hurry than the other.
Fascism has been the goal for both parties for awhile, starting first with the Trotskyites take over of Conservatism whom we now call neocons. Neocons have taken over both parties, first with Reagan/Bush then Clinton .
The leading faction today behind Trump are Accelerationists like Peter Thiel, while Altruists like Bill Gates are behind the Democrats, creating a rift among the neocons, so we see Cheney backing Democrats, big Whoop. The Democratic Party of today is further Right than Nixons Republican Party on Economic and Foreign Policy.
But make no mistake, Trump is a necon as well as guys like Pompeo whom he recently praised as a “good guy”.
I dont want to go over it again but we have basically been more of a Fascist Democracy (Corporatism) than a Liberal Democracy (Representative of all Citizens). Corporate and Billionaire $$$ deliver the Votes needed to win Elections today. Both Parties care more about their Corporate donors and the BLOB dictates who gets those $$$
The problem is that over the last 24 years the vision of Global Fascism by Trump Backers resembles a more virulent form of racist Fascism, much like we are seeing in Israel today
The BLOB is backing Trump for a reason. Their plan for the next 5-15 years requires something only he can deliver. And whatever it is its probably going to involve disasters such as occurred under Bush and Trump and subsequent policies and legislation that could not get through with a Democrat in office, at least not without risking a Civil War.
Imagine Biden locking you down in 2020? The gun toting right would have marched on DC , but with Trump they were docile and stayed home even in places like Florida and Texas
This is why I think James and Whitney are off base. I think they are too smart not to know it but both have audiences who are backing Trump to feed what James calls their need for Hopium.
Voting for Harris slows down the BLOBS plan. Harris cant do much harm with a Republican Congress. Trump however can do a lot of irreversible harm. He wont have to worry about being re-elected. SCOTUS has given him legal immunity for Official Acts. He is motivated by money and power, has no morals or respect for law and he is backed by people like Thiel who want to weaken the constitution and democracy
Harris no doubt will go along with what she can get away with but a Republican congress and angry Right she cant deliver what Trump could. Thats good.
On a final note I want to look back on the Cultural Change that made Trump possible. I can guarantee someone like him would not have been able to be elected 50 years ago
This is a change that began before Trump but was accelerated by 9/11. There is no way Trump could have ever been elected without the societal degradation that has taken place post-9/11, and Trump himself has accelerated the Lefts moral degradation which began with the Social Turbulence and Tavistock engineering in the 60’s and 70’s, which played a big factor in the Trotskyite Left turn to neoconservatism.
Proof of the lefts moral degradation is their refusal to address legitimate vaccine safety concerns, vaccine mandates, masking children, apathy over the Genocide in Gaza, etc.
The right which supposedly is made up of Christian Nationalists don’t act very Christian to me. They support whats going on in Gaza even more than the left. The Party itself and Trump has ignored COVID Vaccine Safety issues. Don’t be fooled by him bringing on RFK Jr as an adviser or whatever he will be (he avoids V talk now and moved to food). And lets face it, Racism is an awful look
Trump is a master of promising people what they want. Thats what a Conman does. Most politicians are Conmen. But Trump is not afraid of the Big Lie. He dares go beyond what most Politicians dare to do. He respects no rule or law, thats why he has been litigated against his whole career. He is also a prolific litigator
The latest is he plans to sue CBS for exercising their Free Speech right to edit content on their show. Hardly a Champion of Free Speech. Anyone think Fox has not done similar for him. He also wants to criminal criticism of Israel as antisemitic Hate Speech
So Trump probably wins this. The BLOB gets what they want. They got Demented Joe Biden elected in 2020
Because they needed him to push the Trump Vaccine, something Biden was more suited for to get the TDS left begging for their Warp Speed Trump Shot. Trump got a time out to take care of some business while they worked on Project 2025.
Jan 6 was probably planned to help make this happen and recharge a base that was demoralized over his COVID performance. His role in OPERATION COVID has been memory holed by many of his supporters, others just write it off as him being misled despite him saying he deserves more credit for the lockdowns and that they saved many lives.
Elections are actually some sort of giant polls, the purpose of which is to show TPTB the amount of communism/fascism the braindead voting masses are willing to accept.
With regard to Trump getting in last time...
You didn't mention Pizzagate's influence. I'm not sure Republicans would have tolerated Trump if it wasn't for the abhorrence many had for the Democrat eletes.
The "awakening" and all that stuff is quite a new phenomenon.
Q also help set up parallel world views and information streams (not that I followed or trust Q), but to me splitting the US into information streams is a great way to create internal conflicts.