Please forgive my 9/11-trauma-based deranged train of thought but...

About the ABC video, aren't we supposed to see some kind of missiles flying in before the multiple explosions collapsing those buildings? Just a thought, I know nothing about military stuff.

*They* are the ones, not me, referencing that op, though.

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"we take you now to our correspondent on the ground in Tel Aviv, Klaus Schwab, for this in depth report":

"Another senseless war fought over imaginary lines drawn on a map. Two different groups of people claiming ownership of the same piece of ground.

Barring a negotiated settlement, which is unlikely after the atrocities committed by either side, there is only one logical solution to this and every other conflict that has mysteriously sprung up, entirely unprovoked, at all four corners of the globe - a One World Government, a Microchipped Population and an Electronic Central Banking System with which we can instantly punish anyone who does not behave properly.

Once we do away with the 'fiction of separate Nations' and the archaic idea of 'National Sovereignty', all of these petty squabbles will be ended overnight.

It's an elegant solution to an otherwise insoluble problem and I would be more than happy to be crowned KING OF THE WORLD as soon as you have been brought to your knees. Thank you."

"Thank you Karl! Now we'll just go back to the ongoing carnage..."

This  "process of transformation … is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor...


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