I once suggested on Twitter that Russia

a$$assionate Nuland. It seemed a more direct approach than going through Ukraine's fighting men. Twitter blocked my account until I removed the tweet. :-) Apparently twitter deemed calling for violence unacceptable. Although I do note it is a little inconsistent.

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I agree with Twitter on this. Free speech does not include suggesting assassination targets. Anybody suggesting Trump should be assassinated should be prosecuted. Consider yourself lucky

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Do I understand that you are using the "bloodbath" term as an equivalency of urged violence against Trump and "Trumpers?" That is completely out of context as pretty much everything is. Really - Black Lives Matters was "peaceful?"

Pete Lincoln, you need to LOOK. When Trump was shot - clipped by that assassin's bullet? What did supporters do? They went and donated to his campaign.

Who burned the cities? Who killed people?

Dan Bongino reminds people that while - I will say conservatives - think liberals are people with bad ideas, liberals believe conservatives are bad people.

You are so generous as to say that not all conservatives are bad people.

Conservatives have more fun. They have more love. They refrain from taking liberty and life away. Conservatives have a lot of work to do.

btw Milley is a problem as was Mattis. Mattis once fired, filed his FARA papers the very next morning and went to work as a Lobbyist on behalf of the CCP. Did you hear the things Milley said?

John Ratcliffe explained in late 2020 that the CCP General he hid who had "defected." from the IC, because the XXP has infiltrated all the agencies to the top. He did not realize that included the DOD. That "defector" was a plant, and he is right where the CCP planned for him to be.

You are aware that the CCP has bought up huge tracts of land near U.S. Airbases? CFIUS has been rubber stamping that and other activities all during the Obama admin and the present one. Those vast tracts of now CCP owned land have military grade runways and facilities on them. The CCP bought up most of the privatized military academies. Milly, Mattis and others all think the CCP is their friend and that they will live out the rest of their lives comfortably, and that their families will be untouched.

Do you know there are DOD personnel training ChiCom soldiers in Ecuador, and Columbia and other countries? That there are 10,000 PLA coming into the United States with papers that CPBP has to honor and let them in - something like diplomatic immunity? See, it is easy to be a liberal a lefty and spew the cheap and tired rhetoric you are doing in your substack, when there is a large industry to support your efforts. Congress allocates over $1 Billion (yes, with a capital B) a year to support the establishment narratives. All the MsM (Marxist state Media) takes it and oh yes, Fox and many "independent" journalists (and "journalists').

Neo-Maoist Marxist Chinese are not going to treat the Leftist ideologues who were stupid enough to go along with the Overthrow. The CCP HATES any ethnicity except Han. Marxists don't keep people around who took the bribes, who were "useful idiots," who expect favors, expect atta boys and girls, who have memories of who said/did what and when.

They will remove the Americans, and they will remove all the POCs after working some of them to death.

20% loss of buying power and real wages is on this administration.

I'm not seeing how a Trump admin is going to destroy America. Liberals and Left were operating (too) healthily during his admin. No one lost rights during that time.

Violence is encouraged, yea, more than encouraged under the liberals and Left.

But you make your wages writing lies that the evidence doesn't hold up. Trump and conservatives have to "tone it down" because why - they bring the violence on themselves?

Look at the real crime stats, look at the "Summer of Love" where minorities' businesses were burned out, they were killed, beat up, run out by the willing Left and financed by the Blob. The Blob does not want We the People, does not want a Republic to have a chance no matter the cost.

You can do the research, you probably know how much trouble America is in, but what you do is easy. You are willing to write fairly shallow negative skimmed off Left stuff because it pays, it's easy and wow, Hail the Dystopia?

You can do so, only because there is still some of America right now.

Do you have any skin in this?

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I guess we disagree😀

Too much for me to respond to.

BTW, I get paid nothing. Lefties hate me because of COVID, the right hates me because of Trump

Everything I point out is factual. My point was the hypocrisy on the rhetoric. Not that there are not baddies on the left but much of this is Fake Wrestling to divide and polarize. Its working

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