There's a few videos that explore the idea of charges going off at various points. The flashes may be electrical lines arcing but I wouldn't know.

If I was determined to take down the bridge I would want "insurance", ie, I'd want to rig the bridge with explosives.

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Why do you think they were so determined? Rig the ship to lose power and propulsion and if what you want to achieve happens, great. If not, no big deal. Explosives just adds a layer of complexity and in the video I saw I did not see evidence of that. My minds open though.

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I assumed that the bridge was chosen specifically because of the name (national anthem creator) and location (feeder for Washington DC). So it's an attack on the independence of the USA and a threat to the political consciousness of the nation - even if only subconsciously. (Not that it is meant to threaten the leaders specifically but more likely the general population. Who knows, perhaps the Brits want the US back?)

And, you only get one shot at it. Pulling the same stunt twice would be a little suspicious, if for example the ship had been travelling a little slower and had not had enough momentum to completely compromise one pylon the first time round.

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It may have been an accident. If not the attacker is likely homegrown, like 9/11

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Lara Logan made a big stink about what her intelligence informants told her: spoofing by Chinese cyber operatives. Have you heard about that?

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Total BS.

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Yup, that's what it turns out to be. Seems like a legit accident - maybe.

BTW do you have any reliable sources about the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine?

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