Been following a number of posts on the subject but beyond an occasional comment have been too distracted by other events to muster a post
Jessica like many others is concerned about aberrant proteins from frame shifting mRNA vaccines
And here
A Nature publication by Mulroney et al. entitled N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting1 was published on December 6, 2023. The authors showed that N1-methylpseudouridine affects the fidelity of mRNA translation via ribosome stalling resulting in the production multiple, unique and potentially aberrant proteins by frameshifting.
Ribosome frameshifting [due to ribosome stalling] is a well-documented phenomenon that occurs during translation of many naturally occurring mRNAs
To address concerns associated with these findings, Wiseman et al. quickly penned Ribosomal frameshifting and misreading of mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines produces “off-target”proteins and immune responses eliciting safety concerns: Comment on UK study by Mulroney et al.2
Some of the concerns arise from the codon-optimization of the modified mRNAs for use in the COVID-19 products. Codon optimization was done to achieve maximal protein expression in humans. It is based on the fact that specific organisms prefer to use specific codons called codon bias. We can exploit codon bias by crafting mRNAs according to the protein host producer using synonymous codon replacement, to increase translational efficiency and protein expression, without altering the sequence of the protein.
However, it is well-known that codon-optimization can lead to protein conformation, folding and stability problems whereby it may disrupt the fine-tuned timing of translation and ultimately protein function.
Codon optimization can also lead to misfolding of mRNAs due to increased Guanine/Cytosine (GC content) in the optimized mRNA.
Synonymous codon replacement also results in a change in the multifunctional regulatory and structural roles of resulting proteins.*
*Note: there is no regulatory or structural role for spike protein beyond painting itself on your cells surface to target the cell for destruction
Maybe she is right to be concerned, but there is already so much that is wrong with this vaccine, and the main one is it codes for a bioweapon known as the COVID SPIKE Protein to be produced by transfected cells. Spike is not much of a weapon when its limited to your upper respiratory mucosa, but it is when it gets past your immune defenses which is what the injections are able to do
Ψs and m1Ψs are natural and cool and everything, but what about if you introduce billions of them all at once to a cell from an exogenous source like an LNP
Hmm. Billions? Sounds like a lot. 801 m1Ψs in 1 mRNA. How many mRNA transfect a single cell from 1 LNP? Might be billions in a dose but not a cell. I estimated fewer than 10 mRNA per LNP so less than 10,000 per cell/LNP, but not billions.
That cell very likely won’t know what to do with them. It might even spell doom for the cell- which might be a preferable fate for the organsism. And furthermore, since Ψ is usually at 0.2-0.6% in human mRNA³⁵ as Kevin McKernan also notes here, then perhaps the effects of introducing squawking heaps of m1Ψs might be even more problematic since they’re more a single-celled thing
I got news for you. Transfected cells expressing spike are already doomed. Thats how the vaccines work.
Spike protein produced by your cells after injection and transfection is a bioweapon whose only function to to cause harm by various means (eg clotting), as well as illicit an immune response to destroy the cell which contains the spike protein.
Is there any reason to believe aberrant spike proteins are anymore dangerous than pathogenic spike protein?
....spike proteins produced in the human setting might be forming amyloids to induce neurodegeneration and other pathologies.
....molecular mimicry hotspots in the spike protein have already been discovered with autoimmune potential in the context of thrombocytopenia.
The fact that off-target proteins are being produced is very concerning. These proteins could induce an unintended immune response against proteins leading to autoimmunity, especially in the context of chimeric spike-human peptides
Well I guess they (aberrant proteins) could cause autoimmunity, although we don’t know for sure that they do so more frequently than the pure spike protein. But remember, unlike spike protein that is translated with fidelity, the low fidelity off-target proteins are a mix of mutant proteins. They are not all the same, so even if some happen to be “bad mutants” the odds are most will be not so bad, at least not worse than the spike protein itself.
Remember, if the spike protein is doing its job, immune cells will quickly destroy the cell and eat it , degrading most everything within the cell
Also, lets not forget our Cells own QC
....faulty or damaged proteins are recognized and rapidly degraded within cells, thereby eliminating the consequences of mistakes made during protein synthesis. In eukaryotic cells, two major pathways—the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and lysosomal proteolysis—mediate protein degradation.
The proteolytic machinery of this ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation pathway is the 26S proteasome. It is a large and dynamic protein complex that is highly conserved in eukaryotes, in both structure and function.
Ribosome stalling induces quality control mechanisms for mRNA, referred to as No-go decay (NGD), as well as for protein, referred to as ribosome-associated quality control (RQC). RQC is conserved throughout species and consists primarily of four steps: (i) recognition of abnormal ribosome stalling; (ii) ubiquitination of specific residue(s) on the stalled ribosome; (iii) dissociation of ribosome into 40S and 60S subunits; and (iv) degradation of the nascent polypeptide on the 60S subunit. In the first step of RQC, the stalling of a ribosome at a specific sequence results in the formation of a di-ribosome (disome), which consists of the leading stalled ribosome and the following collided ribosome
While COVIDIANS ignore the amazing Immune System in fighting viruses, we have some in the Anti-Vaccine Crowd that underestimate the ability of our Cell Biology and its Quality Control System that has been perfected after billions of years of evolution. Problems are detected and either repaired or the cell will self destruct. As with the immune system, its not perfect but it solves a lot of problems. We have over 30 trillion cells and can produce more as needed until we get very old
Cancer is a problem where both the Immune System and Cell QC System both failed. Which is why its rare except in elderly where both the Immune System and Cells QC Systems become degraded.
What about outside the cell? Perhaps a small fraction of the X amount of the 8% of aberrant proteins produced might escape the cells QC or destruction of the cell by Immune Cells leak out from the cell in some fashion, as small amounts of spike does, but your immune system deals with foreign proteins all the time . These are proteins obtained from diets such as those GMO foods that have proteins created from insect DNA. Not to mention proteins from various viruses, bacteria, fungus and vaccines
While your immune system recognizes foreign proteins it wont launch a full scale assault unless its associated the protein with damage to your healthy cells, much like the spike may do, and perhaps some of the aberrant proteins do.
So maybe they are causing some of the Adverse Events, but keep in mind these have been produced from day 1 starting in clinical trials, unlike DNA contaminants which are primarily only an issue with Pfizers Process 2 Vaccines used after the clinical trials
Its not like J&J and AZT Vaccines, which do not cause frame shifting, are any safer. After all, they also have viral proteins and a number lots of AZT were tested and discovered to have human protein contaminants (over 25 x specification limit) from the human cells used to produce the vaccines
Its seems we are taking our eyes off the ball. The problem is the perfectly designed Bioweapon we call Spike Protein. I kind of look at the design problem that makes less of the optimized spike bioweapon and instead produces some random mutants that might be duds as maybe a good thing in this case , although its a major problem with mRNA products designed to produce therapeutic proteins. SPIKE protein is anything but Therapeutic. Its a Bioweapon
Besides, its worth repeating these are all occurring in cells that are translating spike protein which paint a sign on the cell beckoning immune cells to kill and eat it. Also, if the mRNA translates aberrant proteins forever, as some suggest it will, and the immune system fails to destroy the cell due to immune failure, then the cells will commit suicide (apoptosis) as part of its QC.
There are many reasons to avoid these vaccines and the frame-shifting might be one of the reasons, but the spike protein is the teeth and claws of the lion while the aberrant proteins are the lions bad breath that you smell as he is eating you