So this post is going to cover a lot. Major Murphy, Michael Callahan and Seymour Hersh’s latest article
Lets start with Hersh. The CIA under the new Director (John Ratcliffe) nominated by Trump changed its mind and now believes the virus came from an accidental lab leak. Shortly after Hersh writes a Substack alleging the CIA had an intelligent asset.
The asset, highly regarded within the CIA, was recruited while in graduate school in the United States and provided early warning of a laboratory accident at Wuhan that led to a series of infections that was quickly spreading and initially seemed immune to treatment
Wow. And they never told us this?
The asset is safe and out of danger he says, well rewarded with a burned out mansion in Pacific Palisades perhaps
Despite their warnings, a series of preventative actions were not taken until the United States was flooded with cases of the virus. All of these studies, I have been told, have been expunged from the official internal records in Washington, including any mention of the CIA's source inside the Chinese laboratory. It was a cover-up to protect a president who did not do the right thing.
It kind of sounds like something Biden and Kamala would have liked to expose during the campaign
John Ratcliffe, Trump’s recently appointed CIA director, chose to declassify a new CIA study stating that the virus originated in a Chinese laboratory leak. ….The New York Times reported that the study was authorized in the last weeks of the Biden administration by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.
So it was only in the last weeks of the Administration that Biden asks for a CIA Study on the Origins and its completed just as Trump is inaugurated. Too late to help influence the election😂
By late November of 2019, I was told, “the American intelligence community knew that a virus had escaped.
The key document that was made available during the crisis was the one-hundred-page annex to the executive report handed to Trump late in December of 2019. It was clear then, as the attachment pointed out, that limiting the vulnerability of elderly and poor Americans was key to limiting the spread of the virus.
Those involved inside the agency on the issue, the official told me once again, were horrified by the president’s lack of response
Bad Trump☹️
the official had held his tongue about Trump’s failures in the Covid crisis until he learned of John Ratcliffe’s effort to rewrite history because of the well-known fact inside the American intelligence community that the virus had originated in a Chinese laboratory.
The official’s message was this: “Yes, Mr. Ratcliffe, China was slow to tell its people—and the world—about a laboratory accident. But there is also the question of why America, despite advance warning by a CIA asset in the right place and the right time—who is now safe—was especially vulnerable to the virus. Because of a president who was simply unable, and thus repeatedly refused, to deal with the issue” when it mattered.
So let me help you understand what this Deep State Asset is doing. First its to emphasize that the Virus was accidentally leaked. Their asset confirms that. Assets who are paid and lured with rewards will tell you anything.
Second, it offers up Trump as a scapegoat which the Left will eat up. The Right will ignore the part about Trump and just focus on the confirmation that the virus was “Chinese Junk”.
Very effective but of course Hersh has been a Deep State Asset for decades. They don’t just control the Official narratives but also Counter Narratives
Now onto Major Murphy and his recent article.
Two decades ago, factions argued that biowarfare threats were so significant that biodefense responsibility needed to be removed from the purview of the uniformed military and placed within NIAID under NIH and under HHS.
The landscape of politics had arranged in recent years to where the dominant credentialed caste aligned with the Democrats. This class and party alignment postured this faction to align with the biodefense oligarchy when the Covid “war” started, which is what happened. So biodefense + public health + vaccine industry + intelligence community + social class + political party + “war” = American Oligarchy
What Murphy calls the American. Oligarchy I call the BLOB, and its global not just limited to America although America is the dominant force (financially and scientifically) .
No longer is it just the Military, Big Oil Intelligence and Defense Industries as it was in the 1950’s , but Financial Institutions, Pharma, Academia, Media, Think Tanks, Political Parties, Big Tech, Agribusiness, Entertainment, Medical and Health Industries . They have all been drawn in, along with the Government Agencies that regulate them. With interlocking boards and revolving doors they might best be described as The Blob.
Murphy does a clever job attempting to dissociate the DoD and Republicans from the BLOB but he is wrong, both or important components of the BLOB
Dick Cheney following the Dark Winter planned Anthrax Attacks, a precursor for Sars-Cov-2 put Fauci snd NIAD as the front men for Biodefense as a cover for the DoD bioweapon program. Fauci would fund the dual use research emphasizing health but this research would also facilitate bioweapon development.
Bioweapons csn be designed to be lethal to kill quickly large populations on the battlefield or in population centers, or it can be non-lethal designed simply to incapacitate. It can also be designed to be a relatively harmless pathogen whose purpose is simply to terrorize the population.
I have mentioned Ralph Baric’s 2006 paper many times. I will do do again
2006-Ralph Baric on synthetic viruses used as a bioterrorists tool
Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material......
If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
As a principle goal of bioterrorism is to inspire fear, highly pathogenic outcomes may not be necessary as large scale panic would likely result after the release of designer pathogens in US cities.
Sars-Cov-2 was a tool of Bioterrorism. A low pathogenic designer virus designed to terrorize the population into handing over trillions of dollars to BLOB controlled entities and submitting to dangerous experimental vaccines while reducing the population of the elderly collecting social security, pensions, and those in nursing homes paid for by medicaid.
The effectiveness of Sars-Cov-2 to terrorize the global population was only possible with a globally coordinated psychological operation to induce fear by having the governments taking draconian measures like lockdowns and providing daily death counts which were inflated by agencies like the CDC counting all deaths as COVID if they had a positive test or were assumed to have COVID without a test, even if they died of some other cause.
After the first wave they moved on to asymptomatic testing with high CT levels which gave a positive result in the absence of replication competent virus 95% of the time. Daily Case Count and Death Count reporting kept Americans at home quivering in fear venturing out only when fully masked and eagerly awaiting their Warp Speed Injection to free them
With the help of MSM alarmist reporting and Social Media censoring contrarian reports seeking to minimize the threat many Americans including many Republicans were duly terrorized.
This happened under Trumps Administration as well as Bidens and both funded the states lockdown and school closure measures which were recommended under the NSC PanCAP Adopted (March 13,2020) and administered by FEMA
In 2021 DARPA’s Major Murphy released the CIA Backed Eco Health Alliance DEFUSE proposal from 2018 which was co-authored by Ralph Baric designating WIV to handle some aspects of the proposal to support the Lab Leak hypothesis which stated that Sars-Cov-2 was engineered by WIV and accidentally released.
The hypothesis is that they were trying to develop a vaccine for bats. However, as Meryl Nass states
You would not put in human-specific binding sites if that were so. You would not add HIV inserts and induce IgG4 class switching to impair human immunity if you were trying to stimulate bat immunity. You would not include many epitopes akin to human tissues to stimulate autoimmunity.
Furthermore, Murphy said
it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm
Sars related viruses were evolved to infect bats and not humans. Its unlikely that a spike protein even if optimized for humans on a backbone optimized to replicate and evade the bat immune system would yield Sars-Cov-2
People underestimate the importance of the backbone. The spike facilitates cell entry but its the rest of the proteins created by the backbone that make the virus transmissible and pathogenic. So its not just a matter of swapping an engineered spike protein with a FCS onto any old backbone.
However, while critical for infection of new hosts, changing the spike protein alone is not sufficient to cause epidemic disease, therefore, changes within the backbone are also necessary to speed emergence. Yet, the same dichotomy seen with the spike glycoproteins is necessary in balancing change within the CoV backbone.
Certain elements, most notably accessory proteins, may be added or modified to enhance infection within new hosts. In contrast, other viral motifs and proteins must be conserved to maintain virus functionality.
For each, CoV fidelity, recombination, and evolutionary pressure hone and refine these genes, providing a framework for emergence in a new species to occur.
…across the CoV family, significant differences in accessory proteins can modulate and change infection aspects, including kinetics, severity, and species.
Some accessory proteins such as ORF3b, ORF6, ORF7a and ORF8 have been shown to be important IFN-I antagonists inducing an impairment in the host immune response.
In addition, ORF3a is involved in apoptosis whereas others like ORF9b and ORF9c interact with cellular organelles leading to suppression of the antiviral response in infected cells.
Here is Ralph Baric on the subject
Together, both fidelity and gene acquisition have honed and refined CoV proteins, which can be divided into three broad groups based on selective pressure: spike, con- served, and variable proteins.
For a novel CoV to emerge, these three groups must function in harmony, providing sufficient changes to overcome species barriers while maintaining key viral functions.
However, more recent advances identified bat CoV spike proteins that could produce robust infection without manipulation . Building from sequences closely related to the epidemic SARS-CoV strains , chimeric viruses employing the spike sequences from SHC014 and WIV1 clusters produced CoVs capable of replicating in human cells and causing disease in vivo .
[Note: this is talking about a SARS backbone which was already evolved via intermediate hosts for human infection, not a WIV I or SHC014 backbone which were evolved to infect bats, ]
Coupled with the discovery of sequences even more closely related to the epidemic SARS-CoV strains and evidence of robust S1 recombination, the results suggest that extensive mutation of the spike RBD may not be the only correlate for infection of human hosts.
….changing the spike protein alone is not sufficient to cause epidemic disease , therefore, changes within the backbone are also necessary to speed emergence. Yet, the same dichotomy seen with the spike glycoproteins is necessary in balancing change within the CoV backbone. Certain elements, most notably accessory proteins, may be added or modified to enhance infection within new hosts.
In contrast, other viral motifs and proteins must be conserved to maintain virus functionality. For each, CoV fidelity, recombination, and evolutionary pressure hone and refine these genes, providing a framework for emergence in a new species to occur.
In contrast, accessory proteins distinguish CoV infections from each other, with high variability across the family, allowing viruses to adapt to current and novel hosts. The majority of these genes have been characterized in the context of antagonizing host immune responses, most notably type I IFN pathways . However, the functions of these proteins may extend beyond host immunity and may be species-specific.
Notably, protein-coding sequences similar to SARS-CoV ORF6 are not readily detected beyond the group 2B CoV family, suggesting a more recent acquisition . Similarly, SARS ORF8 has undergone significant modification, with a 29-nucleotide deletion found in epidemic strains result- ing in two novel proteins (ORF8a and 8b) ; coupled with reports of human isolates with larger deletions, these results suggest that the epidemic strain may be removing a protein only necessary for survival in bats
[Perhaps SARS ORF 8 needed to be replaced by a Novel ORF8 necessary for survival in humans, alas, SARS became extinct before this could happen]
across the CoV family, significant differences in accessory proteins can modulate and change infection aspects, including kinetics, severity, and species.
While the majority of accessory proteins are thought to be acquired from the host, recent work suggests that novel CoV proteins can even be taken from other pathogens
[makes you wonder if Ralph Baric had the ability to engineer Sars-Cov-2 without a better animal model than humanized mice, perhaps even humans ]
Here is what Ralph Baric reportedly said during a conference in Harbin, China in January 2019
Studies to alter pathogen properties of viruses can use several approaches, including selection pressure to drive evolution toward a phenotype as well as deliberate design.
Potential opportunities might include building chimeric viruses with altered structures for the receptor for viral entry, or those that incorporate changes to other virulence determinants or that modulate host-pathogen interactions.
Dr. Baric noted the example of adding the spike protein from a mouse coronavirus to a bat coronavirus, which can produce a strain that is more virulent in mice. But he cautioned that a combination of techniques, including selection pressure from passaging in mice, is generally needed to generate virulent strains in a host and reminded the audience of the law of unintended consequences and the possibility of surprise.
Dr. Baric also noted that predictive modeling of protein interfaces and the use of such models for structure-guided virus design has recently improved, providing advancing capabilities for affecting host-virus interactions and altering antigenic properties.
Similarly, he noted that the "shopping list" of virulence determinants continues to grow as more is learned about host-virus interfaces and how they evolve as viruses move through different species.
As examples of both potential opportunities and ongoing barriers to effective engineering of viral properties, Dr.
Baric referenced studies to develop a self-replicating alphavirus containing HIV sequences for use as an HIV vaccine, an approach that was abandoned when the virus was too pathogenic in mice.
He also noted the barrier provided by a glycosylation site that makes it relatively easy to create mouse-adapted SARS strains but not mouse-adapted MERS. And the use of newer tools such as CRISPR/Cas-based gene editing to create a mouse model by introducing the human virus binding receptor domain into the mouse.
On the other hand, creating a virus that is super-adapted to a particular host can actually result in an attenuation of virulence, if the virus interacts overly strongly with a cellular receptor. This shows the complexity of deliberate design as well as a potential sweet spot for pathogenicity.
Other challenges to deliberate design include the fact that a large number of virus-host protein interactions occur, and changing one can have unexpected effects across the interaction networks as virus-host interactions are usually a "highly coordinated co-evolved process."
Viral packaging constraints, the effects of host genetic variation on disease severity, and other factors all add to the complexity and confound the utility of predictive design models.
There are others who suggest that WIV somehow found a bat virus with backbone of Sars-Cov-2, were able to culture it, recognize its significance, engineered a spike protein with FCS so it could infect humans , perhaps as part of an effort to develop a Live Attenuated Virus Vaccine and then accidentally released a virus perfectly adopted for human. 😂
The odds against that are astronomical.
Sars-Cov-2 was created by someone who knew what they were doing, backbone and spike.
One concept that folks have ignored is accelerated evolution.
As you know coronaviruses are prone to recombination. Recombination occurs when there are 2 or more viruses infecting the same cell. So lets say you have 5 viruses similar to each other (say 5% ) but 10-25% different than SARS. Using trypsin (Barics 2019 paper) to facility transfection of human airway cells of several viruses and do serial passaging until a dominant virus emerges. Then sequence it and see what you can tweak. Perhaps add a FCS and then do some more culturing and passaging, maybe then you get something close to Sars-Cov-2, backbone and all. Not quite yet though because you need to passage in-vivo, perhaps in mice with humanized airways and immune systems, and then finally maybe you are ready for trials in captive human populations. A lengthy and expensive process
From one of my older posts
2009-Prophecy was a program created by Michal Callahan at DARPA. It sought to “transform the vaccine and drug development enterprise from observational and reactive to predictive and preemptive” through algorithmic programming techniques. In layman’s terms, the program proposed that “viral mutations and outbreaks” could be predicted in advance to more rapidly counter the unknown disease with preemptive drug and vaccine development.
They wanted to develop novel lab-based methods to reproduce "virus-host interactions," in different environments and test how they adapt and change under diverse conditions.
In other words they wanted to accelerate natural evolution for Predictive Purposes so they could intervene and Preempt mutations in viruses that would have Pandemic Potential.
Alternatively, and left unsaid, they could accelerate the evolution of a virus hundreds of years from being able to evolve into a Pandemic Virus and create that Pandemic Virus in the lab by letting nature and the virus do the heavy lifting (designing a full length virus that works as you want it to work is probably beyond even Ralph Baric)
This brings me to another DARPA guy named Michael Callahan home I briefly mentioned above. I was going to do a stand alone post but I’ll just add it here.
Michael Callahan is a physical scientist boarded in both internal medicine and infectious diseases and is a Diplomat of Mass Casualty Care and Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (UK). Dr. Callahan received his M.S. in International Public Health and his M.D. from the University of Alabama School of Medicine, where he was the 19th Tinsley Harrison Scholar and received three academic and research awards in his graduate and medical training.
His biodefense clinical research is focused on vaccine defeat, immune evade and multidrug-resistant organisms, and on best practices for highly dangerous pathogen infections in Africa where he prospectively enrolls cutaneous anthrax in Nigeria; and monkey pox, Ebola and Marburg in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola.
In 2002, he was appointed clinical director for Cooperative Threat Reduction programs at six former Soviet Union (ex) Biological Weapons Institutes (VECTOR, State Research Center for Applied Microbiology, Kirov, Bersk, RCMDT, Highly Pure, and RIHOP), which included redirecting of unanticipated dual use and gain-of-function programs.
In 2004 he was recruited by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to run the biodefense therapeutics portfolio.
From 2005 to 2012, Dr. Callahan led the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) biodefense therapeutics portfolio, involving eight programs that generated nine investigational new drugs (INDs) and three new drug applications with products in market.
While at DARPA he launched the Department of Defense Icon program Accelerated Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals (AMP), for which he received the 2010 DARPA Achievement Award, and which generated emergency use good manufacturing practice pH1N1 vaccines, and Nicotinia-expressed monoclonals such as ZMapp.
His drugs in market include Ambisome (Gilead), which has generated $6 billion since approval, cPG100, and four private-sector INDs involving novel anti-infectives, cytotherapeutics, or host-based antivirals.
One of Callahan’s major goals was to find a way to replace the traditional egg-based methods of producing vaccines, which can take “eight years to forever” to develop, and six months or more to actually produce.
In 2009 he launched the Darpa Prophecy Program that'll develop methods to predict the rate, location and likely mutations of viral agents.
It sought to “transform the vaccine and drug development enterprise from observational and reactive to predictive and preemptive” through algorithmic programming techniques.
The PREDICT project was also launched in 2009 during Jeremy Farrar’s fake bird flu pandemic. PREDICT appeared to be a reincarnation of the CIA’s Argus project under the cover of USAID.
Dennis Carroll, a former USAID director of emerging threats division who had led the U.S.’ response to Avian influenza (H5N1) in 2005 was appointed its head. After leaving PREDICT we went on to become Chair of the Global Virome Project Leadership Board
While I cant find a direct link of Callahan working on PREDICT his PROPHECY program established an early warning system that can rapidly collect and share information across borders. In March 2009, the Prophecy network was the first to detect sick flu patients in a Mexico City intensive care unit, an indicator of the coming 2009 H1N1 pandemic.
The 2009 Fake Pandemic was a Live Exercise providing valuable information for the planning to develop OPERATION COVID
PROPHECY wanted novel lab-based methods to reproduce "virus-host interactions," in different environments. After that, researchers sequence different viral genomes, and test how they adapt and change under diverse conditions. Ideally, that yields a host of algorithms, capable of accurately predicting "the rate, direction and phenotype of viral mutations."
From there, scientists will be able to develop appropriate attack strategies in the right geographic locations. Most notably, Darpa wants to see mere mortals outdo the forces of nature, by creating "high energy evolutionary boundaries" that keep genetic mutations at bay.
DARPA Prophecy
Development of a viral-evolution platform to include mechanisms capable of controlling multiple selective pressures to create predictive evolutionary models and algorithms .
Use multiple selective pressures on at least three closely related virus strains in an experimental setting.
Prophecy wanted to develop novel lab-based methods to reproduce "virus-host interactions," in different environments and test how they adapt and change under diverse conditions.
In other words they wanted to accelerate natural evolution for Predictive Purposes so they could intervene and Preempt mutations in viruses that would have Pandemic Potential.
Alternatively, and left unsaid, they could accelerate the evolution of a virus hundreds of years from being able to evolve into a Pandemic Virus and create that Pandemic Virus in the lab by letting nature and the virus do the heavy lifting (designing a full length virus that works as you want it to work is probably beyond even Ralph Baric).
One of Prophecy’s grantees was the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, which houses the King Chulalongkorn Medical University where Callahan is a visiting professor.
Dr. Supaporn “Chu Wacharapluesadee, from the King Chulalongkorn Memorial and faculty of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University had been conducting research on viruses in bats for years and is considered one of the world’s leading experts on bat pathogens. ”
Callahan and DARPA had identified Wacharapluesadee as an asset in 2004 when she discovered the Nipah virus in bats, which can affect humans and pigs. Callahan and the Thai doctor worked together on several studies.
Dr. Supaporn “Chu Wacharapluesadee also worked on USAID PREDICT projects as Thailand was known for being a “hotbed of undiagnosed illnesses and viruses” and had lots of bats.
One of these, funded by the USAID PREDICT, titled “Diversity of coronavirus in bats from Eastern Thailand” was published in 2015 and carried out between 2008 and 2013
Prophecy allegedly ended in 2016 although it may have been taken over by the private Global Virome Project which was formed at that time to take over from the PREDICT project which was to be shut down in 2019
Dr. Callahan is president of United Therapeutics (UTHR) Division of Cell Therapeutics, and maintains faculty appointments at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School and King Chulalongkom Medical University in Bangkok.
Dr. Callahan continues his federal service as infectious disease and biosafety SME to the Academies, the National Security Council, BSEG, the Office of Net Assessment, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, MITRE, American Society of Microbiology, Infectious Disease Society of America, and the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
In fall 2012, he returned to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he has worked for three months each year in the Division of Infectious Diseases, to run a new disease surveillance and antiviral clinical trials program in Africa and southeast Asia. He hasn’t relinquished his defense role, however. “I still have federal responsibilities to the White House for pandemic preparedness and exotic disease outbreaks, which will continue for the near future,” he says.
At the same time Callahan was working on the AMP and PROPHECY Programs a related DARPA program named ADEPT was created in 2010. The ADEPT program at DARPA supported work on mRNA vaccines and gave Moderna 25 million to start.
Dr Michael Callahan, was in China in January 2020 as reports of a new virus broke. Dr Robert Malone, says Callahan rang him from China on January 4, 2020. It is unclear when he first arrived or the details of the call. Some reports said he told Malone he had been treating hundreds of patients.
As reported by Raul Diego after studying data from over 6,000 patient records from Wuhan, Callahan reportedly detected a pattern that could point to a possible treatment using a low-cost and widely available ingredient of an “over-the-counter histamine-2 receptor antagonist called Famotidine”, more commonly known as the brand name Pepcid.
Dr. Robert Malone was working alongside U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) consultants as part of DOMANE to carry out supercomputer-based analyses to identify existing FDA-approved drugs that may be useful against various viruses. After the sequence of the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 was published on January 10, their analyses indicated famotidine turned out to be the “most attractive combination of safety, cost and pharmaceutical characteristics“.
Curiously DOMANE was established only a month before on December 11,2019
On January 8, a Thai woman returning from Wuhan was “pulled aside” at the airport over symptoms of a runny nose, sore throat and high temperature. “Supaporn Wacharapluesadee’s team”, as claimed, discovered that the woman was infected with a “new coronavirus”.
Dr. Wacharapluesadee herself had allegedly succeeded in “partially” decoding the genetic sequence of the virus by the following day and reported it to the Thai government.
Callahans Prophecy working as intended while Callahan is in China?
January 17, 2020 Callahan was in Wuhan before the World Health Organization (WHO) made its preliminary field visit on January 20-21. Callahan was the source of US reports that China’s infection numbers were under-reported.
According to Rolling Stones article Callahan was in Nanjing first and did not go to Wuhan until sometime before January 22 (January 17?) right before the Lockdown
He went to Wuhan anyway and hunkered down in a guest house, waiting to get the word from his friends. “They had to check in to make sure things were safe for me.” On Jan. 22, Callahan slipped on medical scrubs and donned an N95 mask and a pair of goggles to pass through the entrance of the Wuhan Central Hospital, a boot-shaped glass building rising up from the city’s empty streets. There, his colleagues registered him as a “guest clinical educator,” a title that would allow him into the wards as an observer. The next day, the city locked down. Callahan had just made it into the white-hot center ofthe outbreak.
Then he was smuggled out by boat and returned to Nanjing
All told, Callahan spent almost a week on the ground helping his colleagues keep the hospital functioning, learning about the virus’s toll on the human body, and taking note of what drugs doctors were throwing at the virus. Chinese officials were planning to tighten Wuhan’s quarantine measures, banning residents even from stepping out to buy food. Callahan slipped across the river by boat — “the black-market way” — and returned to Nanjing, where he and his colleagues had a video link with the ICU units in two hospitals in Wuhan and could provide advice and track patient outcomes. Callahan knew he needed to report what he was seeing to his friends in the U.S. government.
Its unclear why he went to Nanjing in the first place (to escape the Boston weather as stated in the article?) or if he had a video link or other contact with Wuhan hospitals
Winter in Nanjing is generally from November to February, with the coldest month falling in January when the average temperature is around 2.4 degrees Celsius
On leaving China, Callahan returned to Washington to brief federal officials and then went directly to work as a “special adviser” to Robert Kadlec, managing the government’s response to the coronavirus.
On February 4, Kadlec dispatched to Japan Callahan to manage the evacuation of Americans from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. It had been quarantined at Yokohama after ten passengers were reported sick with Covid. Callahan, joined by Dr Lawler, prevented two officials of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) from boarding the ship with them.
During the second week of quarantine, the pair extended testing to passengers who weren’t sick and were soon reporting back to their superiors at the US Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) that Covid was everywhere.
However the Japanese report on the Diamond Princess outbreak belies this: 3,618 of the 3,711 occupants were tested and 410 of the 696 positive cases were people with no symptoms. Only 13 passengers, almost all in their 70s or 80s, died of Covid.
Cant find much information about Callahan recently. The DARPA Spook has gone dark.
That 2017 Orf paper by Baric referenced Linfa Wang 4 times. Baric even discussed "protease cleavage" for his bat research.