I had sort of moved on from OPERATION COVID in recent months since it seems to be a dead end but Jim Haslam new book on COVID got my attention
What caught my interest is that even heavy weights like Peter McCullough are paying attention, which is surprising since their focus has been China, WIV, Fauci and Daszak and a US origin for the virus has not been entertained by these large influencers
So it looks to be the door is opening to an alternative origin Narrative.
Until now the two Mainstream Narratives have been Natural Origin (Official) and China Made Virus -Accidental Lab Leak by WIV (Controlled Counter Narrative).
Now it seems some Influencers are becoming more receptive to US Made Virus-Accidental Lab Leak by WIV.
Small but important step.
Which makes me wonder where this is going and asking why now? Time will tell I guess. My theory is that if the USG wanted support for legislation giving them more control over US Virologists and their work then suggesting the virus was made in US might be useful.
Of course, nobody will ever consider it was anything more than an accident. Well, almost nobody except some Bat Shit Crazy Substack’ers
While I have not read the book yet (waiting for digital version to come out) I have followed his substack and read all his articles and have interacted with him on twitter for a couple of years. Jim brought a lot of useful information to my attention and his links to various papers and comments helped me figure out a lot of the virology and timelines
I agree with him on many things, most important of which is it being a US made virus (with help from China). This is an important step to investigating the BarIc and RML labs work leading up to COVID, but until now nobody had considered anything more than funding and technology transfer to China, which IMO is a Limited Hangout.
What follows are my thoughts, Bat Shit Crazy as some of them may sound. As I have not read his book I cant review it, but his interview suggests that his earlier posts reflect the books overall take, although I am sure he has some new material.
The original DEFUSE plan was to create a bat vaccine, but that vaccine was not designed to be self spreading nor was it to be a replicating coronavirus, at least not as it was written up. Sars-Cov-2 does not replicate well in Chinese horseshoe bats and has a lower affinity to binding Bat Ace2 than it does Human Ace2, and bats immune systems are so tolerant of viruses its hard to imagine a vaccine would be effective in inducing an immune response sufficient to providing sterilizing immunity. Perhaps this is why DARPA refused to fund DEFUSE in its entirety.
However, DARPA did say some parts of DEFUSE looked fundable but did not say which parts. Whether they or Fauci or some private actors funded it I cant say. Jim thinks it was Fauci under the CREID program that was started up and funded during the Trump Administration. He may be right.
Here is my theory, put simply. Part of DEFUSE called for Baric to create a consensus virus from Sars like viruses whose sequence was no more than 20-25% different from SARS. The purpose as I read it was to evaluate the effect of such a virus with the different spike proteins they were designing to create bats immunity to any emerging Sars like virus with or without a FCS. In other words, although left unsaid in the document, a virus that could be used as a Live Attenuated Vaccine Virus for Humans
In one of the FOIA releases Daszak himself mentioned that DEFUSE could lead to a human vaccine.
This section seemed superfluous to the goal of creating a bat vaccine made up of only spike protein with a pox virus vector as specified by DEFUSE. My guess is it was an add on that Ralph tried to sneak through to fund his own work for an eventual human vaccine (he is working on a Universal Coronavirus vaccine now).
The purpose of DARPA’s PREEMPT program which Daszak was trying to get a grant from with DEFUSE was to provide troops sent into a given area protection from pathogenic viruses that are found in bats, by vaccinating bats in advance so they would not harbor or shed these viruses and infect the troops. But given the location (CHINA), with so many bat caves and all the unknowns wouldn’t it be easier to vaccinate the troops?
Also, given the PLA’s link to WIV, don’t you think they would sabotage any plan to protect US troops invading China from bat viruses?
So basically DEFUSE likely led someone to decide to transition from vaccinating bats to vaccinating humans. This leads to the next question. What is the best vaccine and what is the most affordable way to vaccinate the human population to any emerging Sars like Coronavirus?
Obviously, a low pathogenic transmissible respiratory virus is the best vaccine. Respiratory Viruses are in effect a Self Spreading Vaccine. As Fauci said long ago (2004) getting infected naturally by a virus provides the best immunity
Nobody would need to know if such a virus was released. It would just be treated as a common cold. Of course, to the elderly and those with gross comorbidities even a cold can be deadly, but they die every day from respiratory viruses anyways so would not raise much of an alarm. Nobody would notice enough to investigate unless they were told there was a new virus circulating
Prof. Udi Qimron, the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University.
"'If we had not been told that there was an epidemic in the country, you would not have known there was such an epidemic and you would not have done anything about it”
They probably had no intention initially to covertly release a virus to vaccinate the population but were instead focused on developing a live attenuated virus (LAV) vaccine which is usually given via IM injection, even though approval through normal processes would be cost prohibitive and take many years.
This part of DEFUSE was likely funded, probably by CREID
After developing the virus for a LAV Vaccine its possible some Evil Genius (Military, Spook or Billionaire Philanthropist) that was aware of this remembered what Ralph Baric wrote in 2006:
Will synthetic or recombinant bioweapons be developed for BW use? If the main purpose is to kill and inspire fear in human populations, natural source pathogens likely provide a more reliable source of starting material......
If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.
As a principle goal of bioterrorism is to inspire fear, highly pathogenic outcomes may not be necessary as large scale panic would likely result after the release of designer pathogens in US cities.
The Virus created to be an injectable Human LAV Vaccine could be repurposed to become a self spreading vaccine so as to create a pandemic scare to terrorize the population . They would then be eager to take Warp Speed mRNA vaccines that produce the spike protein. With a Declaration of a Public Health Emergency they could bypass the normal approval process which takes 5-10 years and use an EUA which comes with a liability waiver.
Death counts could be inflated with improper treatment protocols (respirators and lack of steroids and Remdesivir) , denying repurposed drugs, and by calling cancer deaths, heart attack deaths and vaccine deaths all COVID deaths with the help of PCR tests with high CT which are positive even without any replication competent virus.
Furthermore, to ensure plausible deniability the virus would be released in Wuhan so China and WIV could be blamed. China, perhaps a partner in this plot for their own reasons likely agreed to the release at the Wuhan Military Games, and they helped with the psyop theater of bodies dropping dead in the street.
Some might ask why China would agree to be a patsy? Perhaps they wanted to break free from the West thinking foreign influence was jeopardizing their control over the population. Also, like the West they also have too many old people and even in China (Capitalist not Communist) every Crisis is an Opportunity
But before they could do this something else was needed. They needed the virus to be especially adopted to cells in the human upper respiratory tract and very transmissible and not very pathogenic to younger people, especially the children. The virus created for the self spreading vaccine would have to be made to meet these specifications.
This is where it gets dicey. How do you justify and hide work to make a virus that can better infect humans and spread easily, preferably asymptomatically or with minimal symptoms, and how do you test it?
The virus exists. Thats a fact. It didn’t happen by accident. Thats my opinion. Such funding might be classified and will never be seen in the accounting books thanks to FASAB 56 (2018) that permits hiding such funding. The virus that was developed replicated well and transmitted well, and was well adopted to human cells and well attenuated , perhaps by serial passaging with Ralphs humanized lung mice after Munster and RML tweaked it enough using lab animals so the virus would become aerosolized. It was also not very pathogenic even in the healthy elderly if properly treated. It was Perfect.
Perhaps this work was done by someone else. Maybe even China. We can only guess using information we have.
Did they test it on humans? Perhaps a young prison population in some country allowing such testing? Maybe even Ukraine with its Metabiota link and DoD biolabs. Chinas Uyghurs population? You need to make sure the virus is not too harmful and spreads easily. You also need to make sure the virus does not mutate too quickly and become either too virulent before a vaccine can be ready (unlikely) or mutate itself out of existence like SARS (most likely). We have no evidence such tests were made, but evidence does not just pop its head out of the sand and say “Here I Am”.
China would be concerned the virus would be designed to ethnically target Asians like SARS would so would want to independently verify this. Turns out Chinese were among the least affected by the pre-Omicron viruses (Slavs seemed most affected). Coincidence?
Agains, we have no evidence it was engineered to spare certain ethnic groups as even RFK Jr has suggested
RFK Jr provided the link to a paper showing the original Wuhan virus seemed to not affect certain groups as much (one of which is Chinese, Amish, Ashkenazi Jewish, etc ).
As for stability, fortunately Baric had done some work on keeping coronaviruses from mutating too fast
h/t Jim Haslam
2018-Evaluation of a recombination-resistant coronavirus as a broadly applicable, rapidly implementable vaccine platform
Because of their history of emergence events due to their prevalence in zoonotic pools, designing live-attenuated coronavirus vaccines that can be rapidly and broadly implemented is essential for outbreak preparedness. Here, we show that coronaviruses with completely rewired transcription regulatory networks (TRNs) are effective vaccines against SARS-CoV.
The TRN-rewired viruses are attenuated and protect against lethal SARS-CoV challenge. While a 3-nt rewired TRN reverts via second-site mutation upon serial passage, a 7-nt rewired TRN is more stable, suggesting that a more extensively rewired TRN might be essential for avoiding growth selection. In summary, rewiring the TRN is a feasible strategy for limiting reversion in an effective live-attenuated coronavirus vaccine candidate that is potentially portable across the Nidovirales order.
Oopsie-this one out of China
2022-SARS-CoV-2 with transcription regulatory sequence motif mutation poses a greater threat
A leader transcription regulatory sequence (TRS-L) usually comprises the first 60-70 nts of the 5' UTR in a CoV genome
TRS motif mutation will occur in all variants of SARS-CoV-2 and may result in super-attenuated variants. Only super-attenuated variants with TRS motif mutations will eventually lose the abilities of cross-species transmission and causing outbreaks.
That doesn’t sound too bad but the Chinese section goes on to say (my translation)
The spread of the super-attenuated strain can cause an increase in asymptomatic or mild infection, a long incubation time, and an increase in the missed detection rate, which poses new challenges to the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2. The super-attenuated strain will also increase the probability of long-term coexistence with humans and will threaten human health for a long time.
That sort of explains Omicron which I believe was also engineered and deliberately released, but lets not go there today
How about the elderly?. Baric knew the elderly were more susceptible to coronaviruses
Could be … you know, we almost have 1 billion elderly on the planet above 60, and coronaviruses like to replicate in old people.
Could those pneumonia outbreaks in Virginia Nursing Homes in July 2019 have been a test?. They happened at the same time Redfield shut down Ft Detricks labs for several months due to safety issues.
The following post probably makes my best non-technical case that COVID was a planned operation
It might very well be that none of the scientists working on the virus knew of the sinister plan that may have been hatched after the fact, or perhaps they only knew part of the plan that they convinced themselves were for the greater good (global immunity from a deadly Sars like Coronavirus pandemic using a benign self spreading vaccine). Not knowing that somebody planned to make it deadly by other means so as to pave the way for mRNA Vaccines
Of course, Baric was working with Moderna on mRNA vaccines for Coronavirus before COVID, signing an MTA in December. He was also preparing a paper on mRNA Vaccine in December
2019- Ralph Baric Quote (2024 House Committee Testimony)
So [Moderna] wanted to evaluate mRNA vaccine performance, and so they contacted us and we worked with them on mRNA vaccines for MERS coronavirus mostly, but also SARS coronavirus in 2003, and were actually writing the paper in December 2019 when COVID hit
Who approved this? Who knew? Who executed the Plan? We will never know because nobody will even entertain the possibility something like this could happen let alone investigate it. Imagine the consequences if it came out this was a deliberate act by the Enemy Within?
The Enemy Within will never let it happen. If you don’t hear from me again I didn’t go on a long vacation😀
Fortunately I am an amoeba whose only purpose is helping to train AI censors, so I may be ok. Or not.
Note: My theory could be challenged on several points.
1…Partnership with China on a global release starting in Wuhan for example. Seems preposterous. To this I argue that Elites in all countries have more in common with each other than the population at large. They are predators. They are concerned with how to to exploit and control the population. They act in self interest. Its worth noting China, Russia, US and EU all followed similar policies in lockstep with OPERATION COVID with no government challenging much beyond varying degrees of lockdown measures and using different vaccines.
China is a major player in WEF as well.
2…The problem with the creation of Sar-Cov-2 via consensus is obvious. The published sequences at the time of the outbreak did not allow for this. There simply were not enough sequences close to 95% of Sars-Cov-2 and 20-25% different than SARS
Interesting, starting with RaTG-13 in January 2020 a flurry of sequences from Laos and China close to SC2 were published over the next year or two. These sequences could have led to a consensus virus matching SC2. Perhaps these sequences were known in advance and publishing withheld until after SC2 release. I expect Jim’s book has more detail on this
Perhaps the biggest problem is that while pieces from this collection of viruses 95% similar to SC2 (only 5% different from each other) could be assembled into SC2, nobody knew the SC2 sequence. There was no blue print. A 30,000 piece puzzle with 300,000 pieces and no clear idea what the completed picture should look like. Many assembly possibilities with no idea which one gives you the desired SC2 like properties
I think even a brilliant guy like Baric could not do this.
Unfortunately most people writing about an engineered virus are hyper focused on the Spike protein, specifically the RBD and FCS. This allows for cell binding and fusion and cell entry. But once inside the cell the backbone (virus without spike) must dampen the immune response, replicate , exit the cell and escape the immune system and get the virus into an aerosol that can exit the body and transmit to others. Not an easy task
The virus must do all of this and the backbone and its accessory proteins must be perfectly adopted to the human host for all of this to happen. You can swap a SC2 spike onto a bat virus but you wont get anything near SC2 virulence and you can do the reverse with the same result.
So how did they manage the backbone? Lab leakers assume this miracle backbone just appeared out of nowhere from a bat. Total BS. The SC2 backbone would never have been found in any bat virus. Bats may be mammals but in bats Sars like viruses are mostly enteric viruses and not respiratory viruses and bats have a completely different immune system. The backbone that exists in bat viruses were evolved for bats and not humans
So how did they manage it? Perhaps they let nature design the virus through a process called accelerated evolution. Viruses evolve by mutation and recombination and it would take a bat virus 95% similar to SC2 decades if not centuries to evolve into SC2 depending on how many opportunities the virus and its descendants have to infect human cells.
This is a relatively rare event in rural areas where bats tend to live in bat caves. But if you have a group of viruses you think could evolve into a virus with the desired SC2 properties you bring the collection of viruses to a human cell culture, add some trypsin to facilitate cell entry and let the viruses replicate and recombine. Then see which viruses have evolved from the brew and then culture it again, and again using less and less trypsin so that the evolved virus may eventually enter cells without help.
Note-In 2019 (September 16) Ralph Baric published a paper on the use of Trypsin
But that only gets you so far. Cultures don’t have immune systems. So maybe you use Ralphs patented mice with humanized lungs and immune systems and serial passage the cultured virus brew (which is a quasi species swarm) and infect the mice. Wash rinse repeat. And over time the virus that is fittest evolves and can be isolated
At this time perhaps you start experimenting with other animal human models or even humans. By now you have a sequence and can look at places you may optimize such as inserting a FCS , altering the RBD, tweaking ORF 8, stabilizing the TRS until you have a virus with the properties you want.
Accelerated Evolution of viruses is not new.
From one of my older posts
2009-Prophecy was a program created by Michal Callahan at DARPA. It sought to “transform the vaccine and drug development enterprise from observational and reactive to predictive and preemptive” through algorithmic programming techniques. In layman’s terms, the program proposed that “viral mutations and outbreaks” could be predicted in advance to more rapidly counter the unknown disease with preemptive drug and vaccine development.
They wanted to develop novel lab-based methods to reproduce "virus-host interactions," in different environments and test how they adapt and change under diverse conditions.
In other words they wanted to accelerate natural evolution for Predictive Purposes so they could intervene and Preempt mutations in viruses that would have Pandemic Potential.
Alternatively, and left unsaid, they could accelerate the evolution of a virus hundreds of years from being able to evolve into a Pandemic Virus and create that Pandemic Virus in the lab by letting nature and the virus do the heavy lifting (designing a full length virus that works as you want it to work is probably beyond even Ralph Baric)
Even the Chinese were on to this concept
In August 2015, the official publishing house of the PLA AMMS published a book titled The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Artificial Viruses as Genetic Weapons. The book’s primary thesis is that SARS-CoV-1 did not emerge naturally through a process of zoonotic spillover, but rather was a genetic weapon, that is, a chimeric virus artificially engineered to infect humans
The authors interpreted an estimate published by WIV researchers that the interspecies transfer of the SARS-CoV- 1 lineage from bats to the amplifying host (e.g., civets) happened roughly 4.08 years before the SARS outbreak as supportive of their thesis: “SARS-CoV could not have taken place in the natural world during this period of just over four years of evolutionary time. It could have only appeared in an artificial setting, by [the application of] man- made technology....”
The book described experimental techniques that a virologist could use to create chimeric viruses like SARS-CoV-1:
1. Apply the latest genetic modification technology to induce recombination between an animal virus and a human virus, and then passage it through tissue cells that are most similar to human cells to strengthen the pathogenicity of the virus to animals with close affinity to humans until the point that the virus can directly attack humans.
2. Take an animal pathogen (at present this is mostly viruses) and use various methods and channels to attack animals with [naturally] high affinity with humans or animals with cellular receptors that are very similar to humans, and conduct various kinds of passaging many times until the pathogen ultimately adapts to transmit among the intended group of animals, and then go through the same procedures until it induces partial adaptation to humans. The authors are provisionally calling this “adaptive trials among animal groups for an artificial human pathogen.”
3. Combine the two methods described above.
The authors highlighted a famous gain-of-function study with avian influenza conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Tokyo in 2012 as an important case study of how passaging a virus through ferrets could confer the properties needed for highly efficient transmission in humans via respiratory droplets.
The aerosolization of biological agents is discussed multiple times in the book as an important element of engineering chimeric viruses as genetic weapons, and a section that outlines the ideal properties of a biological agent identifies one such desirable trait as the ability to transmit through aerosols between 1-5 mm in size. For the reader’s reference, SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted via respiratory droplets and aerosols, and its genes have been detected in sampled aerosol particles measuring between 1-4 mm or even less in size.
The most obvious silver lining to the COVID debacle is much less trust in our institutions. A second one is erosion of the previously unassailable worship of vaccines as perfect products which keep us healthy. So long as vaccines were on their pedestal it was easier for the global health apparatus to foist their dangerous games on us in the name of vaccine development. A lot more people now are less easily convinced pursuit of a vaccine is such a good thing. Some progress, but we need more. If the MRNA "vaccines" had really been safe and effective, we'd be totally screwed.
Brilliant post with great questions. Nice TRS paper. Here is Mr Contagious vaccine (Michael Jarvis from RML) claiming that animal vaccines lead to human approval: "It usually takes 15-20 years to develop a vaccine for humans. For animals, it's more like 2-5 years. This is simply because animals don't live as long and, among other things, the safety requirements for new vaccines are much lower."
Will work on the Kindle version. The book's biological "proof" centers on WA1 and a survey of 100 virologists.