Many of you have seen this article thats been making the rounds
Its a professional attempt to try and appeal to the Woke movement that seems most sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians and argues that Israel is an exception to their anti-Colonial anti-White ideology.
They conflate the issue with the Occupied Territories (West Bank and Gaza) with Israel proper.
The problem is not the settler colonialism within Israel, which began in the late 19th century. Thats ats a done deal as it is in America. Israel exists. Period. Even Hamas and Fatah accept that reality
The problem is the settler colonialism in the occupied territories. The purpose of this is to prevent a 2 state solution. The right wing Israelis want to absorb the Occupied Territories as part of Greater Israel, and their problem is what to do with Palestinians
In the US we granted Native American Indians Citizenship. They can leave the Reservations anytime and with equal rights. Some choose to stay on Reservations with citizenship and equal rights, with their own government (semi-sovereign).
Palestinians in the Occupied Territories were not offered citizenship because this would jeopardize Israelis Jewish Majority. In Israel itself its 80% Jewish. If the Occupied Territories are included its 50% Jewish.
Instead Palestinians are subject to Military Rule under regulations similar to those of the British Emergency Regulations in the latter days of the Mandate, policies so harsh Zionists described them as worse than Nazis policies
Indeed, the Jews in Palestine organized into groups like Irgun to resist these policies and drive the British out. Many of their actions would be called terrorism today. The leader of Irgun which would be absorbed by IDF would cofound the Likud party with Sharon. Bibi is the leader of the Likud Party today and Prime Minister. He has also been one of Hamas biggest supporters because the existence of Hamas splits Gaza from West Bank making a 2 state solution impossible
In effect, the Occupied Territories are basically Open Air Prisons while day by day land is confiscated and illegal settlements built . These are walled off from Palestinian areas, making travel difficult and creating many security check points that cause long delays.
Now lets go through this cleverly written and deceptive article riddled with distortions if not outright lies
Referring to the Hamas Attack
How can educated people justify such callousness and embrace such inhumanity? All sorts of things are at play here, but much of the justification for killing civilians is based on a fashionable ideology, “decolonization,” which, taken at face value, rules out the negotiation of two states
I imagine there may be a few who support what Hamas allegedly did but I don’t, and most of the so called Pro-Palestinian crowd do not.
I say allegedly because while I have no doubt Hamas did kill Civilians, but I am less sure about how many they killed, and how they were killed. That 1,400 figure includes police and military, and there are reports some civilians were killed by cross fire. Israel has not issued a full list of those killed and their ages but what they have released included few babies and children and almost half were police/military. As for beheadings, I am skeptical.
In those cases Hamas did intentionally kill unarmed civilians this cant be supported, regardless of age. Was this authorized by their leaders? That seems doubtful because its stupid. They would understand that would enable Israel to get support for a maximum military response. Why would they want that?
However, we do know that in wars and battles some young men do evil things. We saw some of that in Vietnam and Iraq. Which makes you ask, why in gods name do you go to the expense of equipping fighters with bodycams knowing most would be captured or killed and the films would provide evidence of their crimes (and manufactured if there were none). Not too smart, and not something anyone on a tight budget would do. So either they didn’t do this (made up so Israel could introduce Deep Fake videos) or someone in Hamas is serving Israel interests
Not once in the article does he question how Israel let it happen. $1 billion fence. Military bases along border. Large military. Plenty of Warning (Egypt, US, their own people).
And coming around the 50th anniversary of Yom Kippur when Israel was surprised by Arab Armies looking to recover territory taken in 1967, and as settlers were inflaming tension in the West Bank, they should have been on high alert, yet the border was remarkably unmanned.
Now get this, so predictable
Indeed, it requires an astonishing leap of ahistorical delusion to disregard the record of anti-Jewish racism over the two millennia since the fall of the Judean Temple in 70 C.E. After all, the October 7 massacre ranks with the medieval mass killings of Jews in Christian and Islamic societies, the Khmelnytsky massacres of 1640s Ukraine, Russian pogroms from 1881 to 1920—and the Holocaust.
He is actually comparing what Hamas did to the Holocaust! As predictable as it was its still amazing.
I always wondered about the leftist intellectuals who supported Stalin, and those aristocratic sympathizers and peace activists who excused Hitler. Today’s Hamas apologists and atrocity-deniers, with their robotic denunciations of “settler-colonialism,” belong to the same tradition but worse: They have abundant evidence of the slaughter of old people, teenagers, and children, but unlike those fools of the 1930s, who slowly came around to the truth, they have not changed their views an iota.
The lack of decency and respect for human life is astonishing: Almost instantly after the Hamas attack, a legion of people emerged who downplayed the slaughter, or denied actual atrocities had even happened, as if Hamas had just carried out a traditional military operation against soldiers. October 7 deniers, like Holocaust deniers, exist in an especially dark place.
And he took the next predictable step, labeling those who seek to put what Hamas in context as Holocaust Deniers. This is not a trivial matter as in some countries this can land you in jail
Tackling Woke insanity
The decolonization narrative has dehumanized Israelis to the extent that otherwise rational people excuse, deny, or support barbarity. It holds that Israel is an “imperialist-colonialist” force, that Israelis are “settler-colonialists,” and that Palestinians have a right to eliminate their oppressors. It casts Israelis as “white” or “white-adjacent” and Palestinians as “people of color.”
Jews therefore cannot suffer racism, because they are regarded as “white” and “privileged”; although they cannot be victims, they can and do exploit other, less privileged people, in the West through the sins of “exploitative capitalism” and in the Middle East through “colonialism.”
I do agree with this takedown of the Woke Ideology.
But wait for it, Gaza is not Occupied!
Contrary to the decolonizing narrative, Gaza is not technically occupied by Israel—not in the usual sense of soldiers on the ground. Israel evacuated the Strip in 2005, removing its settlements.
So basically someone locked in a Prison Cell is free because the prison guards do not enter his cell. The fact the guards determines who can enter or leave the prisoners space and what food and goods they can receive or send out , and can be punished at anytime means they are occupied, indeed they are prisoners
In 2007, Hamas seized power, killing its Fatah rivals in a short civil war. Hamas set up a one-party state that crushes Palestinian opposition within its territory, bans same-sex relationships, represses women, and openly espouses the killing of all Jews.
He leaves out the fact that the US/Israel were pushing the Fatah to do a coup against Hamas after Hamas won the election and that this was detected by Hamas (perhaps leaked by Israel) so they would kick preemptively kick out Fatah. This essentially split the Palestinians into two groups and prevents a 2 state solution
For more information on Israel relationship with Hamas see here
Hamas Beginnings
Bibi Support for Hamas
Of course, some protesters chanting “from the river to the sea” may have no idea what they’re calling for; they are ignorant and believe that they are simply endorsing “freedom.” Others deny that they are pro-Hamas, insisting that they are simply pro-Palestinian—but feel the need to cast Hamas’s massacre as an understandable response to Israeli-Jewish “colonial” oppression. Yet others are malign deniers who seek the death of Israeli civilians.
I interpret the “river to the sea” meaning today as freedom for all, from the Jordan River to the sea. One state or two state, but freedom for all
Headless Babies
The toxicity of this ideology is now clear. Once-respectable intellectuals have shamelessly debated whether 40 babies were dismembered or some smaller number merely had their throats cut or were burned alive. Students now regularly tear down posters of children held as Hamas hostages. It is hard to understand such heartless inhumanity.
Regardless for how they were killed where is the evidence for 40 dead babies. Surely we have Death Certificates by now. Could it be these babies are just propaganda like the babies Saddam took off incubators? Show us the receipts.
But if even 1 baby was killed intentionally, this is wrong.
As for tearing down posters, how are the baby hostages hidden in the tunnels of Gaza being helped by posters in an American University. Its clearly just for propaganda.
Speaking of which why is there no outrage that Israel is dropping bombs in a place where baby hostages might be held? Why is Israel not negotiating their release?
Deadly Rockets
Israel, with Egypt, has imposed a blockade on Gaza since Hamas took over, and has periodically bombarded the Strip in retaliation for regular rocket attacks. After more than 4,000 rockets were fired by Hamas and its allies into Israel, the 2014 Gaza War resulted in more than 2,000 Palestinian deaths.
How many Israelis were killed by 4,000 homemade Hamas rockets. Surely Hamas rockets did not kill 2,000 Palestinians. According to Wikipedia 6 Israeli civilians were killed, presumably by rockets. Those Rockets killed 13 Palestinians in Gaza. Hamas might want to rethink their strategy, but of course the Rockets are Israels excuse to kill Palestinians. Thats why Hamas supported by Israel
What is Genocide?
In a further racist twist, Jews are now accused of the very crimes they themselves have suffered. Hence the constant claim of a “genocide” when no genocide has taken place or been intended.
More than 7,000 Palestinians, including many children, have died so far in this war, according to Hamas. This is a tragedy—but this is not a genocide, a word that has now been so devalued by its metaphorical abuse that it has become meaningless.
So wait, Hamas killing 1,400 , of which maybe 1/2 were civilians in a population of 9 million is comparable to the Holocaust (genocide), but killing 7000 (now 10,000 and counting) mostly civilians, 1/3 of which are children, through indiscriminate bombing in a population of 2.3 million is not a Genocide.
Sign me confused
But Israel Cares
The Israeli goal in Gaza—for practical reasons, among others—is to minimize the number of Palestinian civilians killed.
Well, you convinced me 😂
In the 1930s, Britain turned against Zionism, and from 1937 to 1939 moved toward an Arab state with no Jewish one at all.
The British proposed a One State Solution which the Arabs supported. This did not mean exclusion of Jews. Jews had lived alongside Muslims and Christians peacefully for centuries
It was an armed Jewish revolt, from 1945 to 1948 against imperial Britain, that delivered the state.Israel exists thanks to this revolt,
And what exactly was the nature of this Result. It looks remarkably like an Intifada with acts of terrorism by Jewish Militants against the British which included civilians. I touch on it in this thread
Likud Thread
He goes on with a convoluted history of how Israel came to be, trying to justify and normalize the carving out of Nation States in the Middle East after World War II along ethnic and religious lines and promised made to Zionists in the Balfour Declaration He leaves out the fact the Arabs were made promises as well in World War I when the allies asked for their support in the War. These did not include a Jewish State or Mandates. I’ll leave it at that
Now he gets creative with lies about the makeup of the Jewish population in Israel
At the heart of decolonization ideology is the categorization of all Israelis, historic and present, as “colonists.” This is simply wrong.
Most Israelis are descended from people who migrated to the Holy Land from 1881 to 1949. They were not completely new to the region.
This is a lie, most Jewish Israelis were due to post 1948 immigration
The Jewish people ruled Judean kingdoms and prayed in the Jerusalem Temple for a thousand years, then were ever present there in smaller numbers for the next 2,000 years. In other words, Jews are indigenous in the Holy Land, and if one believes in the return of exiled people to their homeland, then the return of the Jews is exactly that. Even those who deny this history or regard it as irrelevant to modern times must acknowledge that Israel is now the home and only home of 9 million Israelis who have lived there for four, five, six generations.
Total BS math, the majority of Israeli’s7 million Jews have lived there no more than 2 -3 generations. Also , while its beyond the scope of this post it can be argued most Jews are not descended from those who lived on the land we call Israel today.
Even more preposterous than the “colonizer” label is the “whiteness” trope that is key to the decolonization ideology. Again: simply wrong. Israel has a large community of Ethiopian Jews, and about half of all Israelis—that is, about 5 million people—are Mizrahi, the descendants of Jews from Arab and Persian lands, people of the Middle East. They are neither “settlers” nor “colonialists” nor “white” Europeans at all but inhabitants of Baghdad and Cairo and Beirut for many centuries, even millennia, who were driven out after 1948.
More deception; worldwide there are 5 million Mizrahi Jews, not all in Israel. 35-40% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahim. It is true 55-60% of the Israeli population is ‘non- white’; but only if you add Mizrahim and Palestinian Israelis together, but in terms of power they are 2nd class citizens and are at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid , much like African Americans and Hispanics in the US
More one sided history
The Arab side [in 1948] sought the killing or expulsion of the entire Jewish community—in precisely the murderous ways we saw on October 7. And in the areas the Arab side did capture, such as East Jerusalem, every Jew was expelled.
Israel had worked out a deal before/during the 1948 War whereby Jordan could keep the West Bank and East Jerusalem if they did not join the rest of the Arab Armies against Israel in the remainder of Palestine . There was some regret after the war since the arms Israel received during the 1st Ceasefire from Czechs ,France and US meant they could have taken all of Palestine. In hindsight, this was a disastrous mistake. It would have been better for all if Israel had secured a total victory
But why do we bother with tiny Israel?
It is bizarre that a small state in the Middle East attracts so much passionate attention in the West that students run through California schools shouting “Free Palestine.”
Its because Israel receives $ 3 + billion a year from the US and has cost us up to 10 trillion dollars and many thousands of lives dealing with their conflicts and fighting wars that neocon Israeli Firster’s embroil us in to pursue Israels policies of destabilizing the Middle East
It was out support for Israel which was used by Al Qaeda to justify 9/11 according the official narrative.
Not to mention their treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is inhumane
Hamas Prevent a 2 State Solution
Since its founding in 1987, Hamas has used the murder of civilians to spoil any chance of a two-state solution. In 1993, its suicide bombings of Israeli civilians were designed to destroy the two-state Olso Accords that recognized Israel and Palestine. This month, the Hamas terrorists unleashed their slaughter in part to undermine a peace with Saudi Arabia that would have improved Palestinian politics and standard of life, and reinvigorated Hamas’s sclerotic rival, the Palestinian Authority.
This is precisely why Israel supported Hamas. Israel hardliners do not want a two state solution
He ends by claiming a 2 state solution is the only way forward but is blind to the fact Israel government, military and security forces will never permit it
Leaked Plan
Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza
The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move
Marc Lamont Hill interview of Israeli former deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon, lays out the plan where he calls for Gaza civilians to be pushed down into the Rafah crossing
Might want to start at 5:30 if pressed for time
He clearly states that the Palestinians are to be filtered into tent cities in the Sinai. This fully corroborates the “leaks” about the total forcible relocation of the Gaza population into Egypt,
Moshe Feiglin, one of the most powerful members of the Likud Party, calling for a Biblical punishment unto Gaza in the form of total Dresden-like destruction of all Palestinians, and to turn all of Gaza “to ash”:
Egypt doesn’t seem to want to comply though.
Netanyahu frames the conflict as that of “light” versus “darkness” and good versus evil, painting the Palestinians as the Children of Darkness to be vanquished by the Chosen Ones
Bibi invokes Isaiah 60:18
Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders; you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.
But then, more controversially, he invoked the Biblical blood-enemy of Amalek:
And another:
- a test for all of humanity, is a struggle between the forces of evil... and the axis of freedom and progress. We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness and light should triumph over darkness. Now my role is to lead all Israelis to an overpowering victory... We shall realise the prophecy of Isaiah... together we will win.
So it’s not the sheer act of Biblical invocation itself that is troubling, but rather the implication that Netanyahu appears to conceive of himself as a messianic figure leading his nation to an eschatological fulfillment, a sort of Judgment Day or Rapture. Naturally, it’s incredibly dangerous for a nation led by a self-styled end-times messiah to be leashing the rest of the somnambulant world along toward WW
New House Speaker Mike Johnson, immediately pivoting into full Christian Zionist mode:
Independent journalist Lee Fang pushes the angle that many of these people do believe in the Rapture, where a final ‘Armageddon’ battle will be fought over Jerusalem, which will prefigure the Second Coming of Christ.
Lee Fang adds:
For many of these evangelical Christians, the modern founding of Israel was the beginning of this prophecy, which they argue states that Jews must control Jerusalem before a war between the evil empires of “Gog and Magog.”
Televangelists such as Hagee have said that various Arab nations, as well as China, Russia, and Iran, correspond to these biblical enemies of Israel, and he believes a war is necessary to fulfill the prophecy.
According to this belief, the End Times conclude with faithful Christians raptured to heaven and Christ returning to slay or convert nonbelievers, including Jews, before ruling over the world in a final era of humankind.
It’s plain to see that a large portion of America’s political elite and intelligentsia do envision Israel as being central to the long awaited, culminating ‘Rapture’ event. They view their support of Israel as being absolutely necessary for their ascension and the salvation of their souls. This inherently puts them in a subservient position to Israel’s geopolitical machinations, and allows Israel to easily manipulate and puppeteer them through grassroots evangelical capture and religious control into supporting whatever initiatives are needed, no matter how belligerent or harmful to America’s own national interests.
Biden last year
So, I think we have an opportunity to do things, if we’re bold enough and have enough confidence in ourselves, to unite the world in ways that it never has been. We were in a post-war period for 50 years where it worked pretty damn well, but that’s sort of run out of steam. Sort of run out of steam. It needs a new — a new world order in a sense, like that was a world order.”
Trump weighs in with whats coming
If you vote for this guy thinking you will have peace you will be disappointed, but then again, I believe many of his supporters and those on the right don’t want peace. Biden is a neocon who would have made a good Republican
The Uniparty is real folks.
Another 9/11 seems certain. Hope I am wrong.
In the aftermath of another 9/11 its easy to see how those behind the Woke Ideology will be the new Domestic Terrorists due to them being Hamas Sympathizers. The tables may be about to be turned.