What should we expect from RFK Jr as Secretary of HHS.
I want to say first off that I don’t see RFK Jr as an expert on chronic disease causation . I concede that RFK Jr ‘s recognition that there is a Chronic Disease problem is a good first step. Chronic disease causation must be determined through large scale long term studies. They are many possible cofactors including RF/EMR, chemicals in water and food, pesticides, GOF foods, vaccines, drugs , all of which cross many agencies. There is no quick fix here.
I also don’t consider him a Food Safety Expert. The state of Food Safety science is awful primarily because we don’t fully understand our own biochemistry and metabolism. This must be fixed first. The primary cause of unhealthy diets is economic and people being forced to eat meals outside them home. Making food more expensive is unhealthy. Go slow on food. Focus on education and labelling
I primarily consider RFK Jr expertise is with regard to the lack of proper safety testing of vaccines and seeing the fallacy behind the “no evidence” claim as proof that they are safe. If you don’t look you don’t find. He can do something about this fairly quickly
Its also important to recognize that whatever HHS Agencies decide to recommend regarding nutrition or vaccines that states do not have to follow, unless you pull them from the market for documented safety issues. Convincing the states is the hard part
So what do I think he should prioritize?
First off, I would expect him to have the final say of all appointments of HHS agencies and sub-agencies, because he has a big job and these are the people who will do most of the work.
The broader context of HHS is concerned with issues such as the Medicare infrastructure, benefits, entitlements, and so many other things
The HHS chief oversees over 100 programs across 11 operating divisions, so these folks need to be supportive or he is toast
I also expect him to reorganize to eliminate conflict of interest. Agencies or departments responsible for approving a drug or vaccine and receiving money from the manufacturer should not be in charge of investigating safety issues and determining if it should be withdrawn. Advisory committees that have members with financial interests in Pharma or a Product should not be allowed .
Second, I would expect an immediate review of CDC Recommendations, Guidelines and Schedule for Vaccines including a limit on the number of vaccines anyone can get at one time, weekly or monthly. Heb B at birth when mother is uninfected is madness. Vaccines for pregnant mothers w/o safety testing is madness.
Get Congress to develop Criminal Penalties for any Doctor failing to report an adverse event on VAERS.
Open up VSD database and BEST databases
Fund a large scale study to evaluate if kids following the current vaccine schedule are unhealthier than those who delay vaccines or take only a limited number
Third, Funding for expedited Clinical Trials conducted by NIAID for IVM and HCQ for COVID
Fourth, Funding for independent testing mRNA products for DNA contamination, DNA integration, and quantification of how much spike protein is produced, how long it is being produced, how long it persists, what cells are producing it, where it is distributed and a determination of if it is shed in any form outside the body (saliva,tears, perspiration, urine, droplets, etc).
Fifth. Immediate requirement for all mRNA clinical trials to follow Gene Therapy Guidelines and perform before and after Troponin tests on all participants and require all participants to be US residents with tests performed in US
6th. Full investigation of all serious Adverse Events Reported to FDA. How many reports, how many investigated and many were deemed credible
7th investigation into Pfizer/Moderna Clinical Trial Fraud and if any FDA employees facilitated the fraud and referral to DOJ if necessary
8th. Increase retirement age of all HHS employees to 65 and require they not be permitted to work in an industry that they regulate for 5 years after they leave unless they are involuntarily laid off. This might require Congress and might need to be vetted legally.
9th. Forbid all Pharma Direct Advertising and giving gifts to Medical Professionals that prescribe their products.
10th. Release all documents and projects related to COVID origins including work done at RML and Ralph Barics laboratory
Immediately Disband and Defund Fauci’s CREID Network which may have funded DEFUSE
As for whatever else he wants to do so long as its based on science and he makes a proper case for it in writing and weighs the benefits vs the cost, then have at it.
As for things RFK Jr cant do but should recommend
Immediate withdrawal from WHO and suspension of GAVI Funding
Declassification and release of all COVID origin documentations and NSC Meeting Minutes regarding COVID policies as outlined in PanCAP Adopted that was approved on March 13,2020
Release of FBI investigation ruling out Bioterrorism as related to COVID origins. If no investigation then why?
Full release of Sars related sequences in UNC database as of 12/31/19
5. Report COVID testing done on all Military Members who attended Wuhan Military Games in October 2019. Its assumed such testing would have been done as soon as it was confirmed a coronavirus was the cause of the Wuhan outbreak reported in December but widely believed to be circulating as early as October
I am sure there is lots more I could add, such as DMED database, Ft Detrick shutdown, DOD own activities like NMRC and coronavirus sequences from their 2017 Laos expedition to caves where BANAL samples were taken in 2020 and release of DEFUSE projects results that were funded in 2018, etc
What a job ahead of that man!
Hammer with extreme prejudice.
Crimes against humanity.
Make it known to all future bureaucrats.