So I had a chance to look at the January to May data in addition to June. Here is the full data for US, January-June. We actually had more births in 2022 than the first half of 2021
2022. 2021. YOY change
Jan. 296,041. 276,793. 6.95%
Feb. 308,489. 289,470. 6.57%
Mar. 298,229. 305,768. -2.47%
Apr 278,284. 267,338. 4.09%
May. 303,928. 294,432. 3.23%
June. 302,165. 314,957. -4.06%
Total. 1,774,790 1,761,104 0.78%
Not entirely unexpected. As you may recall, births plummeted in late 2020 into the first quarter of 2021 due to COVID + Lockdowns. This explains the strong YOY growth in early 2022, this is because 2021 was abnormally low. Unfortunately they don’t have 2020 monthly data on this file. Maybe its somewhere else in a format I can easily use, I will look.
Is June an aberration or will it continue when compared what one expects may have been normal birth rates in the second half of 2021?
I don’t know. I did see a declining trend with the California data and the California site which went up to October.
End Update 12/15
I found this CDC site for live births.
It only goes to June 2022. Before I do a deep dive I thought I would do a quick audit of 25 states (80% of US population) and compare % birth yoy change . Here it is (no pretty pictures) . I see no correlation with anything, but there truly is a noticeable birth decline (states like Florida and CA excepted). Whether thats all vaxx, economic or something else like 5G I cant say.
9 states had over a 5% decline., 4 states had over a 7% decline and 2 were over 10%.
I’ll see if they hold at this level for the entire 6 months with a follow up post. My earlier posts on CA and Florida clearly didnt apply to every state. I didn’t know about the CDC data at that time
Regardless, its not quite European -Taiwan/Japanese declines but its still noteworthy
Note: Excess Death % November 2021
% Fully Vaxxed as of March 2022
State (%Vaxxed)
2022 vs 2021 Births (% yoy change)
New Hampshire (71.3%)
1,031 vs 1.157 (-10.9%)
Louisiana (54.8%)
4,270 vs 4,747 (-10.0%)
Illinois (70.9%)
10,960 vs 11,868 (-7.6%)
Wisconsin (67.8%)
5.137 vs 5,550 (-7.4%)
Utah (66.3%)
3,964 vs 4,240 (-6.5%)
Michigan (62.1%
8,907 vs 9,517 (-6.4%)
Massachusetts (83.6%)
5,826 vs 6,187 (-5.8%)
NC (66.4%)
9,667 vs 10,269 (-5.8%)
NY (80.2%)
17,654 vs 18,609. (-5.1%)
Pennsylvania (72.7%)
10, 908 vs 11,453 (-4.8%)
Alabama (52.9%)
4,674 vs 4,909 (-4.8%)
Colorado (73.1%)
5,297 vs 5,524 (-4.1%)
Iowa (64%)
3,081 vs 3,202 (-3.8%)
Missouri (58.7%)
5,861 vs 6,088 (-3.7%)
Texas (62.9%)
30,945. Vs 32,058 (-3.5%)
Ohio (60.2%)
10,837 vs 11,217 (-3.4%)
Minnesota (71.7%)
5,600 vs 5,794 (-3.3%)
Kansas (64.8%)
2,875 vs 2,959 (-2.8%)
California (74.2%)
34,031 vs 34,849 (-2.4%)
Nj (78.6%)
8,595 vs 8,772 (-2.0%)
Washington (75.6%)
7,052 vs 7,195 (-2.0%)
Tennessee (56.1%)
6,744 vs 6,873 (-1.8%)
Georgia (56.9%)
10,388 vs 10,384 (0%)
Arizona (75.6%)
6,237 vs 6,176 (+1.0%)
Florida (69.1%)
18,090 vs 17,503. (+3.3%)
Is there data available to calculate a 3-5 year average by state, if not on a monthly basis perhaps at least yearly? Given the propensity of the gatekeepers to “massage” the numbers, I can’t say I am surprised that the US data appears anomalous compared to other Western/ industrialized nations. Do the states maintain their own birth statistics, and do they correspond to the CDC data? Thanks for presenting this information.