Todays Highwire Show and Floridas 2021 Non-Covid Excess Deaths
Dels latest show had a few noteworthy matters
Del said all we need to do is End mandates . This is not enough IMO. Many took the poison without any mandate. Florida is a good example
At 53:50 Martin said Florida had fewer deaths due to lack of Lockdowns than rest of the US. This is untrue. In fact Florida did worse than the rest of the US in 2021 looking at excess deaths
In 2020 they did have Lockdowns and were not fully reopened until September 2020
The 2022 data is misleading since they calculate based on expected deaths for the entire 2022 and we have not completed December and November is only partially counted but Florida is running slightly above the rest of the country
DeSantis needs to address the High non-Covid Excess Deaths if he is going to address Vaccine Safety.
In 2021 Florida had a Non-Covid Excess Death rate of 8.0% based on calculations from the CDC data. This is 40% above the national average. Florida was not among the most highly vaccinated states, but uptake was significant even without mandates
Florida 2021
208,525 expected
56,302 excess deaths
38,876 COVID deaths
17, 426 non-Covid deaths (31%)
8% Non-Covid Excess Deaths in 2021
2,845,682 expected deaths
626,050 excess deaths
463,203 covid deaths
162,847. non-covid deaths (26.0%)
5.7% non-covid Excess Death rate
Florida had a 40.3% Non-Covid Excess Death rate than US as a whole (including Florida).
Early in the show he expressed hope AI might lead to the Lies being exposed because the information the AI had access to but which was concealed from much of the mainstream audience contradicted official narratives. This is an excellent observation by Del
The solution for the Transhumanist and Technocratic Musketeers is simple.
Consider self learning AI to be like a child. If the state is responsible for educating the child so the child grows up believing what the state wants it to believe, it controls what the child is taught, so it also must control the information the child gets.
The solution to the AI problem is to limit the AI inputs, which are books, media and hollywood productions that support their narratives . So the state must censor these to ensure they only provide information suitable for their AI student.
This is exactly what they are working so hard to achieve. Some might express hope that Musk will thwart their efforts. Perhaps I am overly cynical but Musk strikes me as a Trojan Horse, much like Trump
Del also mentioned DeSantis petition to the Florida Supreme Court to investigate the Vaccines.
Reading through the petition I have to wonder why more wasn’t made of Floridas high Excess Deaths (Covid and Non-Covid) in the post vaccine era, although maybe they just wanted to keep it brief.
Lets hope this goes somewhere, but I have to ask, as I have many times in the last year, where are all the other Red States? Why have they not convened Grand Juries?
He also had in Edward Dowd. Everyone knows him, and he did a good job bring to our attention the Insurance story about how Group Insurance Policy claims for 25-64 year olds were up 40% in the 3rd quarter of 2021
Now I have to ask, where is the data for 2022? Its been a year. Has that trend continued? Del doesn’t ask
Now I want to rant a bit. 40% is a big scary number. It is. Its a relative number though, with no context given . For that we need absolute numbers. This is like with the Pfizer trials they told us over 91% efficacy which sounds exciting but the absolute numbers told us it translated into only 1% fewer people getting COVID.
Edward tells us 25-64 year old who are still working for a company who provides Group Life Insurance (about 100 million people) die at rates only 1/3 of the overall population.
The mortality rate of the overall population is about 8,500 per million. So in a group of 100 million working age (25-64 yo ) with a Group Insurance policy one would expect 850,000 deaths divided by 3 in a year. Thats 283,333. Lets call it 283K. In a quarter, thats 71K expected deaths.
There were 40% excess deaths, so thats 28K. Out of a workforce of 150 million thats 0.02%.
I am not making light of this, because if you are losing 0.02% of your workforce every quarter, some of the best and brightest who are lucky enough to be working for companies offering it (0.03%), thats going to take its toll.
So thats why it would really be nice to see updated numbers, especially now that vaccine uptake has tapered off.
Also, those larger companies who offered these policies were no doubt more likely to mandate the vax in 2021 than those that did not
Of course, deaths are only part of it. As Ed mentions disabilities are up, and nobody knows how many are sucking it up and working through their medical problems at reduced efficiencies.
And last but not least, Del celebrates the return of this guy to Twitter
I am glad he is back, nobody should be censored, but he censored me
Why? I don’t really know. I didn’t engage with him except to call him out for saying that Swedish Study confirmed the vaccine mRNA integrated into the human genome. It only reported that some of the mRNA converted to DNA and was found in the nucleus. It specifically said it did not go further and test to see if it integrated into the genome
Malone tends to do the same thing. I had called him out on it earlier on GETTR. He didn’t agree. Just said I was wrong without explanation. He said it again and I tweeted this before knowing he was back on Twitter
Perhaps just honest mistakes or they know better than me.
Well, thats all for now