The War on Us
Before I get into it I took a bit of a break. Too much Darkness going around for my old brain and I had been feeling under the weather.
Maybe a touch of Covid, lots of that going around here in Taiwan but just another Cold (its been a couple of years since I had one which is unusual)
Mentally its been a rough ride for the last 3 1/2 years. Cancer then COVID and now Economic, Food and maybe a World War coming. Not complaining, others have it tougher.
To boot I am living in what may be the next Ukraine here on Taiwan. At least the US seems to be doing their best to provoke China. Scott Ritter expects it before the end of the year.
[Not that I have any love for the CCP or Putin but the psychopaths in control of the US are to Democracy and Peace what a Monkeypox rash is to sex appeal]
As the Chinese say “living in interesting times” isn’t all its cracked up to be.
And our Demented in Chief says another Pandemic is coming. Of course it is, this one proved so profitable to so many and the Pandemic Economy might be the biggest part of our GDP now.
Besides, look at the benefits. People will save so much on Gasoline during the next lockdown (Climate and Pandemic) and Canada is growing Crickets so we can eat them instead of meat (which is also getting expensive).
They cant have all those Cow Farts warming the planet and lowering Heating Oil and Gas bills.
Anyways, moving on to the War on Us. This is something I wrote about 18 months ago before my substack. It’s aged well so will publish it here since I think we are heading into what may be an accelerated phase of the Great Reset. I had posted some of it on my twitter way back when. Way too shadow banned now.
Like it or not we are in a war, a one sided war to be sure because most of our side does not recognize there is a war . And many of those on our side that do know, they don’t know who the real enemy is (wrongly believing its another party, race, religion, country).
Its worth remembering Sun Tzu in the Art of War who said to win a War one must first know your enemy and yourself.
Lets look at the enemy first. Who are they, what do they want, what motivates them?
Who? The Global Elites. They are the Generals (Self appointed Gods). You know them. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Eric Schmidt, Matt Carney, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel., Elon Musk, Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, Jeff Bezos, Larry Fink , Warren Buffet. There are many more but I will stop with these 12 Monkeys.
And also many Government, Corporate ,Religious, Military and Academic leaderswho are the Officers or High Priests
The useful idiots and others are simply the “soldiers” or Public and Private Servants (Faithful) , unwitting accomplices for the most part
[its important to distinguish between the leaders of these institutions and the rank and file who mean good but are misled (Faithful) or are coerced into doing their dirty work]
Then there is the Useless Class (Heretics). Basically anyone not not serving the agenda and not going along , or they are oblivious and do go along, but in either case provide little value to the Officers or High Priests.
What do they want? Total control over population and natural resources
What Motivates them?
Lets start with the Global Elites. The Elites are motivated by their religion. They already have Power and Money. Call it Techno-Gnostic Transhumanism or just Transhumanism. They seek to be Gods (Human+) with the rest of humanity and non-human Androids/Robots as their servants
Officers (or High Priests) . They want a chance to become one of the Elites, plus they want power and money and protection for them and their families. They seem to take the Elites word that they shall have it, and be in line for Technological and Genetic enhancement. They may be in for an unpleasant surprise
Soldiers/Public and Private Servants (Faithful)- They are a more diverse group and need a good reason to do evil if they are even aware they are doing evil. Keeping their job is one good reason but they also need an ideology.
The Elites and Officers/High Priests have been hard at work for 50 years building an ideology that basically says the Enemy of Man is Man himself (Club of Rome-1991) . This ideology justifies doing Evil for the greater Good. The End justifies the Means
There are too many of us, we use to many resources, and we are causing Climate Change that harms the Planet. Individual rights must be “replaced” by Communitarian Responsibility.
Man is a sinner who must sacrifice for the common good and live in a “Sustainable manner” . Those who do not obey the Officers /High Priests are a threat to the collectives health and safety.
Plus, there are too many of us. They say so openly. Depopulation is required. Sustainability means fewer people
The Soldiers/Servants (Faithful) obey the orders of their Officers/Priests to enforce the rules and punish those who don’t obey. They do so for the greater good, or so they tell us so.
Many of the younger ones are true believers, thoroughly brainwashed by the public education system of the last 30 years. Others pretend to believe to keep their paychecks and pensions
The Useless Class (Heretics, thats us). In their eyes we are unrepentant selfish sinners who are dangers to the health and security of the planetary citizens (aka Global Elite) and Gaia (Mother Earth). First in line to be depopulated. The culling has already begun.
What about in our eyes, who are we? Assuming we among the Presently Useful Faithful or Useless Classes
Some see through the lies and are not restricted in their thinking by theistic or secular religions including nationalism, race, scientism, militarism, politics, etc. They think for themselves and appreciate Freedom and Rights while recognizing they have Responsibilities as well (need to balance out). And above all else, they hate the Noble Lie.
I fear this is a distinct minority
Many of the younger crowd have bought into the Green Religion and LGBTQ Woke nonsense. I wont say all, but there are a significant number. I cant blame them, young people have always been easily manipulated, at least since us Boomers. We were the first experiment run by the Tavistock Behaviorists and Franklin School.
Many of the older folks like many of us Boomers just stopped thinking. Maybe because nobody likes to admit they spent all of their life being played for a fool. Completely oblivious as to what was going on for decades, cheering for their team and blaming all woes on the other team and the umpires.
Of religions I just mentioned it seems the religion of Politics is most influential in US today, especially among those older than Millennials. People are Faithful to the left/right political paradigm, not recognizing its Fake Wrestling run by Hegelians.
They may be on the side of the politically homeless on various issues like COVID measures until their political party is in power and then they will follow in lockstep like the party faithful tend to do
Not to paint people as black or white, as there is a spectrum , but the vast majority of people are faithful to one religion (secular or otherwise) or another, and some have multiple religions. Their beliefs are strong and they only question that which goes against their beliefs.
Marx was right in that Religion is the Opiate of the People. He wasn’t talking about Secular Religion but Marxism was a powerful Religion in itself. It sure duped a lot of the Working Class for awhile
Cognitive Dissonance is common among the Faithful. One might protest having to wear a mask while shopping as violating your rights but support surrendering your unopened bottle of water, removing shoes and pat downs of elderly in wheel chairs at TSA checkpoints.
You might be against a digital ID and health passports as violating your freedom and privacy but fully support the Patriot Act which allowed government to spy on you while arguing you had nothing to hide . If not then whats the fuss?
The right, besides their Party Religion have also adopted Militarism and American Supremacy as a Religion
While they seem more pro-individual rights thats simply in opposition to the perception the Mandates were driven by the Left (this was not the case in the early Lockdowns even in Red States, only 8 smallish states avoided Lockdowns)
Also if one remembers the aftermath of 9/11 and the early days of HIV they certainly were willing to surrender your rights for their security.
The left has been drifting toward more collectivism and now embrace mandates and authoritarian measures for safety/security. Frankly there is no left anymore , they have went so far right they are to the Right of the Right on many issues
Whats left of the alleged Left is Bark Raving Mad. After their fifth dose of the COVID Jab I expect them to become like the Walking Dead trying to bite anyone who disagrees with them through their mask
They are all in on Fascism now which is also collectivist (Nazis were National Socialists and all in on the supremacy of the Common Good).
While the Left supported Fascism to support their religions (Scientism) War on the Virus the Right supported the Fascism of Militarism and the Security State in the War against Islamic Terrorism
Phony Wars created to gain support for Fascism (they don’t use the F word though)
So looking at this real war objectively (the one few know they are in) , the Useless Class is in deep doo doo in the short term and the Soldiers and Public/Private Servants are next in line.
For now the Elite and institutional leaders /priests and their soldiers /servants are united in a common cause to fight both the virus and us Heretics in the name of God (the elites) and Gaia (Natures supremacy over Man).
They control media (information), police, military, and soon will control access to medical care, transportation, energy, credit, food with health passports, digital currency, rationing and controlled supply disruptions
Meanwhile many of us Heretics (some of whom are Resistors) have embraced hopeium and are waiting for some savior, a Governor DeSantis, Senator Paul, Elon Musk, Dr Malone, even the return of Trump himself to save us. Others are hoping for lawyers and courts to save us
Then some of you want run off and become self sufficient in your own communities and hope they let you alone. Good luck with that
Some say the way out is non-compliance , boycotts, protests. My feeling is they will just wait you out and make do with the majority who do comply (the majority of adults are complying)
Those who are complying are unlikely to join your protests in any great numbers. Besides, politicians no longer fear being voted out of office, as some corporation will offer them a great job for their service in the War against the Useless Class , Freedom and Democracy
They have polarized us to divide us so they may take away liberty and freedom, and bring on a Dark Winter (Controlled Demolition) which will lead to a New Dark Ages (Build Back Better) where you are happy serfs and own nothing (Great Reset).
The Elite/Officers/Priests use party and identity politics to divide us while at the top of the political, economic and social power pyramid they are united against us
Those non-elite (Soldiers/Servants and even some Officers/Priests) who are supporting the psychopathic Global Elite at the local and national levels foolishly think they will be unaffected. As mentioned this may be true for a short period of time but make no mistake, life will never return to the normalcy before 2020.
Sooner or later AI and Robotics will replace most of the military, police, government workers, lawyers, doctors, and teachers. Its closer than you think. Soon you will not be much use to them and will replenish the ranks of the depleted (depopulated) Useless Class.
By that time some of the more recently departed Useless Class may have been the main ingredient in your last Buggie Burger. Don’t laugh, remember Soylent Green.
Furthermore you doomed your children and grand children to a life of serfdom like the rest of humanity. To be used for data and organ harvesting, biological and genetic experiments, sex slaves and maybe protein for human herd feed after they serve no other purpose.
You may scoff at this and think how is it possible?. Certainly evil could not be so pervasive for this to happen. That would be wrong.
While evil psychopaths are certainly a minority, and most are dumb enough to get caught, the successful psychopath is extremely bright and make up the majority of the Global Elite and many of the Officers /High Priests (Institutional Leadership) as well.
Many of the Elites are descended from family wealth so they are rich and powerful as well.
Is everyone who is rich and smart a psychopath? Of course not. But evil, like pond scum rises to the top of the power pyramid so you find more of it there.
Being a smart psychopath is an advantage when competing against equally talented people limited by their empathy and sense of morality. They are not restrained by morals or empathy like normal people.
In the past these psychopaths used to fight among each other and needed us to help them win their battles. They were responsible for many of the Great Wars and atrocities of the past.
Over the last 75 years they have gradually united around a common purpose to return us to slavery and take ownership of all the worlds natural wealth. They believe AI , Tech and Robotics will allow them to ascend beyond humanity and live forever like Gods without any need of us or our labour.
As mentioned, the Religion that binds them most tightly is Transhumanism which is a form of Gnosticism
Most of the rest of us are a lesser species to them. As I said, perhaps the best of you may provide some value for a time to power the world brain and virtual reality/ metaverse and other purposes. But not for long.
Eventually Home Sapiens will go the way of the Neanderthal leaving behind Homo Deus (who are chosen among the elite to Ascend to what they believe will be a more Evolved Human or Hybrid Cyber-Human Species).
So whats the solution? Beats me. I’d like to get more military and police on our side if we can convince them the future of both careers is going to be bleak after the Great Reset and Robots and AI take their jobs. And not great for their families down the road even if they can hang on awhile.
We are many, they are few. They keep us afraid of each other with mask mandates and COVID terrorism using bogus case and death data. They get us angry at each other with their psyops and propaganda. They censor the Truth to keep us ignorant
They know time is not on their side since more are awakening. They will pick up speed and steam roll the Great Reset
[I wrote this 18 months ago and as we see today the steam roll is picking up speed with the economy, inflation, war, Climate lockdowns in France, Monkeypox, and predictions of new pandemics to bring back new lockdowns this fall -which no doubt will allow them to manipulate election results again]
They have crossed the Rubicon, so will not turn back. They will destroy society and the economy. A controlled demolition dwarfing that of the WTC collapse and 2008 Financial Tsunami is coming.
People will wake up and unite, and stand against this evil tyranny, or submit and become slaves.
Its really that simple. I do think the main Resistance will have to come from the Inside from the Soldiers/Servants (Faithful). What it will take to awaken them and unite I don’t know. Maybe its not possible
Riots and street violence wont fly, and neither will the Ghandi method with those on the outside simply not complying . This is because they are getting to the point where they can make sure that if you don’t comply you don’t eat and they don’t care if you don’t comply and don’t eat.
Some might escape for awhile in the hills but that will just be buying time. Drones and Satellites will allow them to root you out when they are ready
So unless something changes you may hope you will be happy slaves with benevolent Masters. Maybe the Hopium lasts after the Lights go out on Freedom. Maybe not.
For those of you that have read this far and think everything will be Ok after the next election, I got nothing more for you.
As I finish this I see the announced the repeal of Roe vs Wade. It strike me this is pretty much irrelevant today with abortion pills that are readily prescribed and can be mailed. Also since few states will make Abortion illegal it will be fairly simple to get one without having to leave the country.
No doubt they will arrange for organized mobs to hit the street and cause violence like they did with BLM in 2020. More distraction. Another opportunity to pass laws on Protests and Domestic Terrorism
Funny how nobody takes to the streets over the authorization of harmful shots to 6 month old babies with no clear benefits
Like I said. Bark Raving Mad.
And DeSantis Exposes himself as a CIA sock puppet by calling the expected Protests an “Insurrection”