So Twitter is censoring posts with Substack links after ADL warns of antisemitism on Substack and calls for Twitter to censor sub-stackers.
This comes a month after a bipartisan group submitted legislation know as Safe Tech Act that would limit Section 230 Protection for a platform that receives payment from a content creator (eg Substack paid subscribers, Twitter Blue users).
This would mean Substack and Twitter would be forced to censor content of substack authors with paid subscribers and Twitter Blue Tweets
And ADL recently reported cases of antisemitism reached an all time high in 2022. They are relentless.
Note: Too long for Email so click on title to read the whole thing.
Every American fears being labelled as an antisemite. Of course, nobody likes an antisemite or racist, they are awful people and hopefully not as common as some would like us to think. The solution to this problem is to expand the definition of hateful anti-semitism to criticisms of a state that murders civilians and embraces apartheid and racism. Deeming those who hate hateful actions hateful themselves.
If you don’t love Israel and everything it does you are a hateful anti-semite. Of course, many of those who oppose Israels actions are Jews, so antisemitism does not apply to them. They are simply described as Self Hating Jews. Much like an American who criticize their Governments actions might be called a Self-Hating American
Its Ok to hate yourself, just not acceptable for others to hate the hateful actions of Israeli government. So us non-Jewish Americans best keep our yappers shut over anything Israel does even though we give them billions of dollars every year and have spent trillions engaging in Wars to make them more secure
And don’t dare mention Israel governments past espionage and technology theft, and god forbid, interference in our elections, and their possible role in 9/11 which worked out quite well for them. Nope.
But this is more than just stopping talk about Israel or combatting antisemitism. Those are just acceptable reasons that tend to get wide spread support among both the left and evangelical right to support measures that will then be used to censor any and all speech against any policy or narrative the government supports.
This is also an important part of the UN’s Common Agenda.
The Digital Commons must be controlled to usher in the Digital Gulag. As Palantir’s Peter Thiel once said, Freedom and Democracy are no longer compatible. That includes Freedom of Speech, and once Musks Neuralink is up and running after chipping our brains and hooking us up to the Global Brain- then Freedom of Thought will go too.
Democracy will be (is) an illusion, like Chinas Communism, but Freedom will no longer be an illusion. You must have state permission or license for everything you do or say. Penalties for those that don’t, which will be easy to levy once CBDC and Social Credit Scores are linked, automated by AI who will be the Judge and Jury, and for all intents and purposes a God who shall not be questioned. In AI we Trust.
Your Individual rights are sacrificed for the Common Good. Sounds like Communism, but not really. Communism applies to the Ruling or Party Elite . Thats why the Soviet and CCP Elite gave it up, so they could join Western Elites in private ownership of Capital, which is decidedly anti-Communism.
So Communism for the bottom 90%. You will own nothing and be happy. But Utopian riches for the Ruling and Managerial classes. Its simply a return to Feudalism, but now they are free of the Church and Monarch. The Descendants of the “Illuminati” which coincidentally was founded in 1776 have come a long way.
They freed themselves first of the Church and Monarchy, but had to deal with a Democratic Government. They soon discovered the means of controlling government with the capital they accumulated in the Industrial Age. Politicians can be bought, laws may be changed to weaken the constitution, Media can be owned and used to control what the people think, and Emergencies can be manufactured to eliminate whats left of the constitution and individual rights, and once they controlled Money Creation with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act there was no stopping them.
The Income Tax and Exemption from the Income Tax for Foundations created by the Rich were also passed in 1913. The tax was to secure the payment of interest on the debt they planned to mushroom with a succession of Wars. Sure enough World War I started in 1914 and although we did not enter until 1917 JP Morgan took it upon himself to finance the British. Since JP Morgan was “ Too Big Too Fail” we had to go to War to ensure he got paid. He did. We didn’t
And here we are today. A Tragic Comedy of a Democracy
No man is more representative of this than the Trump, but he is not alone in this tragic comedy. Demented Biden is a close runner up.....
.....with Hillary and Bill left in Jeffrey Epsteins dust...
....and somewhere Billy Boy Gates is planning his next Pandemic caper, all of whom remind us how low we have sunk
Or is this more appropriate
In this day the Government has replaced the Church, the Gods are the ELite Billionaires, and the People worship at the Alter of Capitalism and Science.
The rituals differ depending which sect of the Church that you choose to worship in. The House of Republicans or the House of Democrats. Red or Blue, Coke or Pepsi, they worship the same Gods.
The high priest of the Democrats is Demented Joe, who is the head of the Church having deposed Trump with the help of the Divine Intervention of the Gods who desired more jabs in arms than the Trump could have delivered, especially the arms of babes
The simple reason for that is Trump Derangement Syndrome would have kept those who worship in the House of Democrats on the sideline. So Biden was handed the Corona Crown for 4 years.
Now we enter the silly season yet again, where people believe they have the power to choose the head of the Church that will dictate how we may serve the ELite Gods best.
I have no crystal ball. Surely our ELite Gods would love to distract us from what they have done with the help of the Church (they just killed 1.8 million Americans), and what they plan to do, which is to put you all in the Digital Gulag and let you eat Bugs and Be Happy.
Nobody does a better job at Distraction than the Trump. Lets bring on more Trump Derangement Syndrome and prevent any reasonable discourse.
For the Trump Faithful, a particular cult in the House of Republicans the Orangeman is the savior. He will oust the Deep State now that he knows their weaknesses. He will Make America Great Again in his Image, and deliver us from the Evil One (a collective Gates, Klaus, Fauci, Woke, Liberals,etc)
Of course, those worshipping in the House of Democrats see the Orangeman in a similar light. After all, on whose watch did COVID and Lockdowns happen?. And they know Operation Warp Speed was Designed to deliver unsafe vaccines into our Arms but was thwarted by Demented Joe who transformed the poison into an Elixir that was “Safe and Effective”. Jesus himself couldn’t perform any greater miracle of transformation. They couldn’t line up faster for the Miracle Shots .
Mission Accomplished. Even many of the House of Republicans lined up for their shots believing them to be Trump Shots, although many were forced to by Military, Corporate and University Mandates .
So as we begin the preliminary rounds before the Great Fake Wrestling Match of 2024 the show starts off with Trump being arrested for writing 36 checks to reimburse his lawyer for paying Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their romantic interlude, and misrepresenting those payments as business expenses
Donald my man, cant you do better than that?
Now, even if the Trump gets convicted, its not like he ever goes to jail. First time offender, weak charges, Its all theater. The faithful of both Houses of the Church get themselves into a lather, MSM gets a ratings bump. The Trump is back in the news. Rejoice CNN shareholders
The Trump can also smile, he is back in the news for free, its the best thing that happened to his campaign since the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. Both gave him a bump in campaign donations and a lot of attention. Remember, thats the same FBI that days before the 2016 election announced it was taking another look at the Hillary Email case, giving him a boost.
Its also welcome for another reason, instead of talking about his record as President and what he will do if made President again, he can play the Victim of the Deep State part. It also takes away attention from his biggest competitor DeSantis
Of course, its real early in the game yet. He probably needs a couple of more indictments before its all over
But is there a greater purpose than distraction and the urge for legislation to increase censorship?
U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene drew raised eyebrows when she suggested on Presidents Day that the United States pursue a “national divorce.”
“The last thing I ever want to see in America is a civil war. Everyone I know would never want that – but it’s going that direction, and we have to do something about it,” Taylor Greene said in a follow-up interview.
“Everyone I talk to is fed up with being bullied by the left, abused by the left, and disrespected by the left.”
As you remember 160+ years ago the Global ELite centered in London tried to spilt the country in two. Wall Street banks in the North attempted to facilitate this by raising interest rates on loans to support the war facilitating the creation of green backs and an temporary income tax.
In the pre-Trump era we certainly had divisions between left and right which was somewhat exacerbated in the Obama era but nowhere what we have seen the last 6 years.
If a divorce is what the ELites desire is there any man more suited to this purpose. With the Trump, you can only Love him or Hate him. Nothing in between.
Trump is what you may call a Discordian . According to David Livingstone author of Terrorism and the Illuminati and Transhumanism:
Discordianism is a parody religion, an occult-based prankster cult which exercised an important influence in the development of chaos magic, as well as computer culture, to ultimately give rise to transhumanism and the subversive online community of the alt-right which helped propel Donald Trump to the presidency.
Discordianism is founded on the notion of the trickster, first proposed by renowned psychologist Carl Jung, to explain the recurring archetype of the Devil and its variations. It represents the attempt to revive what has been interpreted to be the “dying-god” cults of ancient times, but often colored by modern interpretation. In other words, the same tradition of the “wise fool” that eventually inspired the Mistick Krewe of Comus.
The trickster archetype is an important model for modern occultism, particularly through chaos magic and Discordianism, which is dedicated to the worship of Eris, the goddess of chaos and a trickster.
Their pranksterism, according to Ian Bear, writing in the neopagan journal Green Egg, is referred to as “Divine irreverence”..... It is the job of the Discordian to disrupt.
Discordianism betrays disturbing associations with Satanism and Nazism, and with libertarianism through its association with the Freedom School of former I AM member Robert LeFevre, which had numerous ties to the John Birch Society.
For her doctrine of radical selfishness and individualism, Ayn Rand is one of the principal authors cited in the Satanic Bible of Anton LaVey, who explains that his religion is “just Ayn Rand’s philosophy, with ceremony and ritual added.”
Joseph Maurone in “The Trickster Icon and Objectivism,” suggests that Rand served as a Trickster archetype. Rand sought to challenge two thousand years of Christianity. Her goal was partly to counter altruism, and she held as virtues that which the Church called vices.
Merrill roots Rand’s “predilection for paradox and her pleasure in surprising and shocking the reader…On Rand’s use of paradox, Stephen Cox observed that she “loved the artist’s ability to make life look interesting by changing the point of view from which it is seen. She loved antithesis, irony, paradox, parody, reversal. She loved the freedom that a spiritual outsider has to explore what happens when normal perspectives are inverted.”
As Robert Anton Wilson explained, “Many people consider Discordianism a complicated joke disguised as a new religion. I prefer to consider it a new religion disguised as a complicated joke.”
Discodianism is linked with Satanism in its rejection of the existence of a higher God, and a kind of Nietzschean “positive nihilism.”
The model of the Discordians is the Wise Fool, possessed with Divine Madness, who, like Nietzsche, peered into the abyss and cracked.
According to Robert Anton Wilson, however, “It will be understood by the Cabalistic reader that Discordianism is a system of transcendental Atheism, agnostic Gnosticism, skeptical Monotheism, and unified Dualism. In short, the Erisian revelation is not a complicated put-on disguised as a new religion, but a new religion disguised as a complicated put-on.”
Discordians use irreverent humor to promote their philosophy and to prevent their beliefs from becoming “dogmatic.” Their favored prank has been spreading false legends about the Illuminati, who are mentioned as the inheritors of the Assassins in the Principia Discordia.
The chief promoter of Discordianism was a longtime collaborator with CIA agent Timothy Leary, author Robert Anton Wilson, a spokesman for the psychedelic culture, and fascinated with mysticism, conspiracy theories, and Aleister Crowley.
The Discordians planted stories about the secret society in various leftist, libertarian, and hippie publications, introducing the Illuminati to the counterculture. “We accused everybody of being in the Illuminati,” Wilson recalled, “Nixon, Johnson, William F. Buckley, Jr., ourselves, Martian invaders, all the conspiracy buffs, everybody.”
Wilson laid out the basic instructions for Operation Mindfuck in a memo sent to several friends, including fellow Esalen personality Paul Krassner, his editor at The Realist.
[Operation Mindfuck was a free-form art project–cum–prank–cum–political protest of the sixties and seventies, designed to sow the culture with paranoia. The key figures behind it were Kerry Thornley, co-founder of a satiric religion called Discordianism, and Robert Anton Wilson, a Discordian staffer at Playboy. Through every means available, Wilson explained in a memo laying out the plan, the Mindfuckers intended to “attribute all national calamities, assassinations, or conspiracies” to the Illuminati and other hidden hands.]
“What if there really is an Illuminati?” Wilson asked. “Maybe they’ll find out about us and be pissed.” “I doubt if there is,” Thornley replied. “And if there by some chance is, they would probably be very happy to have wildass fools like us covering up for them by spreading bizarre theories.
And some more from Livingstone
Having spent decades crafting the illusion of being as a wily “deal-maker,” achieving all the shallow trappings of his perverse version of the American Dream, Trump finally successfully rebranded himself paradoxically as the “anti-establishment” hero of the common man, who could simultaneously drain the swamp, and upend the bureaucratic inefficiencies by finally “run the government like a business.”
Trump is the Big Brother of the New World Disorder, the insane clown who embodies the truth that there is no truth, and everything is a cruel joke. It’s a time where everything is a joke. Except the “Lulz” are not the simple giggles of mischievous pimple-faced pranksters of 4Chan, but the maniacal cackle of a devilish fiend. And Trump is at once emperor, and messiah of the god of chaos.
According to Gary Lachman, in Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump, the “magic” element of meme magic that propelled Trump to office comes from its association with “chaos magick.” Trump, Lachman observes, is “in fact, the first ‘postmodern president,’ in the same way that chaos magic is a kind of ‘postmodern occultism’.” For postmodernism, adds Lachman, “‘Nothing is true, everything is permitted,’ attributed to Hasan i Sabbah… is taken as a given. The same goes for chaos magick
Trump’s “anti-establishment” persona was propelled by an army of alt-right trolls, who employed a type of pranksterism that is part of a tradition of Culture Jamming, which was influenced by Discordianism.
The basic unit in a message in culture jamming is the “meme.” The term was coined and first popularized by geneticist Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene (1976), to describe how ideas spread across cultures. The inference is that, by analogy, memes are for culture what genes are for humans. Memetics is therefore analogous to genetics, where memes can be generated or manipulated to alter human culture.
In 2008, Cass Sunstein, Harvard law professor and adviser to Obama, wrote a controversial paper advocating the use of covert agents in order to infiltrate online communities. The Snowden files confirmed that intelligence agencies monitor sites including YouTube and Facebook, attempt to “control, infiltrate, manipulate and warp online discourse” and even carry out “false flag operations” in order to discredit targets
In Memetics: A Growth Industry in US Military Operations, published in 2005, Michael Prosser, now a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps, proposed the creation of a “Meme Warfare Center.” Prosser noted that memes were not acknowledged or accepted components of military strategy at the time, but that, “under the rubric of Information Operations and Strategic Communications both currently offer a multi-faceted meme generation and transmission capability to US military commanders.”
In Evolutionary Psychology, Memes and the Origin of War, published in 2006, Keith Henson defined memes as “replicating information patterns: ways to do things, learned elements of culture, beliefs or ideas.” Also in 2006, DARPA commissioned a four-year study of memetics by Dr. Robert Finkelstein, founder of Robotic Technology Incorporated.
The term “meme” as later appropriated by cultural critics such as Douglas Rushkoff—a leading cyberpunk, friend of Timothy Leary and a teacher at Esalen—who claimed memes were a type of media virus. Activists count on the use of a meme to disrupt the unconscious thought process that takes place when most consumers view a popular advertising and bring about a détournement in the Situationist sense. The reactions that most cultural jammers are hoping to evoke are behavioral change and political action.
There are four emotions that activists often want viewers to feel. These emotions – shock, shame, fear, and anger – are believed to be the catalysts for social change.
The concept of memes is closely connected to psychological warfare and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), whose co-creator Richard Bandler was also a friend of Robert Anton Wilson, dark lord of the Illuminates of Thanateros and founder of Discordianism.
So I will leave it to you to decide if Trump is a Discordian (knowingly or incidentally) or simply just a Chaos Agent, or just a plain old Shit Stirrer acting in good faith who will lead us to the National Divorce desired by Globalists who may imagine a future of perpetual Civil Wars being fought on North American soil
An interesting connection of Discordianism to JFK Assassination is brought up by David Livingstone, author of Ordo ab Chao
Discordianism’s founder Kerry Thornley was raised Mormon, but in adulthood he shifted his ideology frequently, and after being a Marxist, Thornley read a copy of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and converted to “Objectivism.”
Discordianism began with Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley who were drawn together by their common interest in the occult and their own deranged sense of humor.
While in a bowling alley in 1957, Thornley and Hill debated about chaos. Thornley believed that from chaos would come order, much like the Masonic dictate Ordo ab Chao (“order from chaos”). Greg instead believed that order was merely an idea that humans projected onto reality, where only chaos prevails. They identified this chaos with Discordia, the Roman equivalent of Eris, the Greek goddess of discord.
The Discordian Society was founded after the 1965 publication of its first holy book, the Principia Discordia.
Oswald was recruited by CIA agent David Ferrie at a two-week summer camp of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol in 1957. Oswald was then stationed as a radar technician at Atsugi Air Base in Japan, the CIA’s headquarters in the Far East, where the CIA conducted extensive LSD testing.
In early 1959, before he himself would also be stationed at Atsugi, also as a radar technician, Thornley served for a short time in the same radar operator unit as Oswald at MCAS El Toro in Santa Ana, California.
In 1961, Greg Hill and Thornley moved to New Orleans, where they joined the cabal of Kennedy assassination conspirators. Suspiciously, the city is the base of the Mardi Gras revelries, operated by the Mistick Krewe of Comus, performers of the ritual of the “Killing of the King.”
After he had moved to New Orleans in 1961, Thornley also met Ferrie at one of his “parties,” as well as Clay Shaw and Guy Banister. These men formed the hotbed of the anti-Kennedy conspiracy uncovered by Jim Garrison—when he reopened the Kennedy investigation in 1966—which involved the Mafia, anti-Castro activists, writers, artists, bohemians, Nazis and a homosexual subculture. Ferrie was reportedly a practitioner of black magic rituals, which involved animal sacrifices, blood drying and homosexual rites. Ferrie was also a high priest in the Apostolic Old Catholic Church of North America, which researcher Jim Keith speculated was in reality the Gnostic Catholic Church of the OTO.[. Garrison suspected that the Church was a CIA front.
In 1962, Thornley completed The Idle Warriors about their time together, describing the state of completely chaotic insubordination that prevailed at the base, which can only be attributed to the soldiers being under the influence of LSD. The novel was about a soldier who defects to the Soviet Union. As Thornley described it, he wrote the novel as a way of exploring Oswald’s possible reasons for doing the same, by projecting his personality into Oswald’s.
In his book The Prankster and the Conspiracy, Adam Gorightly explains that perhaps Oswald’s doppelganger was none other than Kerry Thornley, who was born two years earlier than Oswald and looked alike
In 1968, Garrison subpoenaed Thornley to appear before a grand jury, believing that Thornley and Oswald were involved together in covert CIA operations.
Reverend Raymond Broshears, an active member of the New Orleans homosexual community and a former roommate of David Ferrie, placed Thornley in the company of Oswald, Clay Shaw, and David in New Orleans in the fall of 1963.
Broshears also noted that Thornley’s resemblance to Oswald was “rather frightening.” Garrison argued that Thornley had impersonated Oswald between the years 1961 and 1963. Thornley lived only a few blocks away from Oswald, in New Orleans, and they were seen together on repeated occasions according to several witnesses.
A number of people who lived in that neighborhood saw Thornley at the Oswalds’ apartment a number of times, and in fact reported that they saw him there so often that they did not know which was the husband, Oswald or Thornley.
Garrison also began to speculate that the infamous photos of Oswald with a rifle in one hand and a copy of the communist newspaper The Daily Worker in the other, had likely been fabricated by Thornley and other accomplices. Oswald himself denied the authenticity of the photo, claiming his face had been superimposed on the body of someone else.
Garrison also believed The Idle Warriors was written by Thornley to portray Oswald as a communist sympathizer, a tactic known in the intelligence community as “sheepdipping.”
Garrison later suspected that the Discordian Society itself was a CIA front. What especially incriminated Thornley was his public celebration on the announcement of JFK’s murder, and the fact that he would introduce himself as follows: “I’m Kerry Thornley. I masterminded the assassination—how do you do?” And then less than two weeks after the assassination, Thornley moved to Alexandria, Virginia, right near CIA headquarters.
Thornley ultimately came to believe that Robert Anton Wilson was his MK-Ultra handler. Wilson was a friend of Richard Bandler, who in the 1970s with John Grinder would develop an evolution of hypnotherapy called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a product of the Human Potential Movement (HPM), which started in Esalen, which became popular in the psychoanalytic, occult and New Age movements in the 1980s, and advertising, self-help and politics in the 1990s and 2000s.
As Wilson recalled: “[Kerry Thornley] had the impression that I came to Atlanta more than once and that I had given him LSD and had removed the programming the Navy had put into him when he was in the Marines—and that I was one of his CIA handlers.”
Famed JFK assassination researcher Mae Brussell also asserted that Robert Anton Wilson was a CIA agent. When asked about the claim, Wilson retorted, “Ahh, if I were, I would deny it.”
Thornley also finally became convinced that he and Oswald were products of MK-Ultra, to create an “Manchurian candidate”
Food for thought.
In any event in the year 2023, we need to pay attention and not be Distracted. The Discordians would rather you just laugh and pay no mind or fight among each other and believe the Fake Wrestling is real.
The more Kayfabe the better.
[kayfabe (/ˈkeɪfeɪb/) is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged. ]
The text titled Principia Discordia claims that "All things happen in fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5"[4]—this is referred to as the Law of Fives.
The 23 enigma is regarded as a corollary of the Law of Fives because 2 + 3 = 5.
In these works, 23 is considered lucky, unlucky, sinister, strange, sacred to the goddess Eris, or sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos.
The 23 enigma can be viewed as an example of apophenia, selection bias, and confirmation bias. In interviews, Wilson acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Law of Fives and the 23 enigma is in their demonstration of the mind's ability to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.
Yes Robert A Wilson , and we can trust CIA Agents to tell us the truth.
Human sex cells have 23 chromosomes. How do you explain them apples😉. 23 is nothing to sneeze about , its 11+11+ 1. 🤭
I am joking of course, sort of.
And we are almost 60 years into the New World Globalist Order. The Old Order ended on November 22,1963 or 11/ (11+11) /19 63 (6*3 =18, 6+6+6 , 6+3=9) for number aficionados. The New Order of course started on 11-23-63 they day after JFK was assassinated.
The numbers of 23 multiplied by themselves equals 6. 6 as in 60 years. 6 is an important number to Israel. 6 million deaths. 6000 years. 6 Day War. Some suspect Israel may have been behind JFK killing. I have my doubts about that but wont rule anything out. We will never know. Trump said he would declassify everything and did not or could not. Its just not going to happen. Same with 9/11 and COVID.
Maybe 2023 ends up a bust and is a peaceful boring year. Time will tell
Bibi looks to be up to his old tricks though, stirring things up in Greater Israel, trying to trigger another war to pull us into.
My take on numbers and dates is they are not predictive. They may be a forsenic signature the criminals use to signify an event was sanctioned, much like a virus may have the signature of the virus engineer in the form of certain nucleotide sequences.
Now that I have proven my Crazy Conspiracy Theorist credentials that no reasonable person will take seriously, the Illuminati can take me off their hit list (assuming they include amoebas like me on their list )
Just call me crazy 😜 so the Illuminati leave me alone.