I drafted this post a couple of weeks ago but decided against posting it since many of my few followers are pro-Trump and its early in the election season. But after watching Trump on Tucker Carlson , and reading the transcripts of the awful debate (both of which did not touch the origins, lockdowns or COVID vaccines and the corrupt CDC and FDA) I have decided to post this.
If you are a Trump loyalist, I am not trying to change your mind. Politics is a religion to some people. If you feel strongly about Trump you might want to give this post a pass
This will be more to your taste (a fairy tale well told)
Meanwhile, the highest hopes for saving the country from ruin are being placed in the hands of the very chief executive under whom all this began. And why? Because people believe that he was tricked and betrayed into greenlighting this wreckage even though he has never actually said anything like this. It’s the only hope people have. It’s a thin hope indeed.
For those who choose to read on, while I don’t like Trump, I can understand those who voted for him , many of which did not know much of his history. He told people what they wanted to hear. Thats what con men do, and those who sell Real Estate and all Politicians are con men. And he was running against Hillary. Don’t get me started on Hillary. So its understandable to vote for the guy who says he will make America Great. I get it.
Then we come to 2020, post COVID Lockdowns. Well, what are you going to do, vote for Demented Joe who probably wears Depends and cant tie his own shoes or utter a coherent sentence? Perfectly understandable to vote for Trump if you didn’t understand OPERATION COVID and think he was taken for a ride by disloyal back stabbers.
But to vote for him in 2024 without even giving anybody else a shot, knowing what you should know about his performance if you had done your research over his handling of COVID and endorsement of his unsafe vaccines. Thats sad. I am sorry. It just is.
I am reminded by some of his supporters how in January 2020 everything was great, Trump had started no new Wars, was taxing China (tariffs) , the economy was wonderful and that the last thing Trump would have wanted was COVID to disrupt the Good Times. The Proof of this that is then given is that Trump lost the election because of COVID, so there is no way he could have been a part of Operation Covid. I am then told the ELITES must be against Trump or they wouldn’t have helped steal the Election and wouldn’t be trying try so hard to put him in jail.
You know what, it almost convinces me.
Before I go on, I will boldly predict Donald J Trump will the 2024 Election. For one simple reason
Billionaires wealth went from 7.7 trillion in 2017 to to $10.2 trillion in 2020. It fell from $13.1 trillion in 2021, to $12.2 trillion in 2023.
The Elites want him back, or at least many of them do.
Now that being said, I was absolutely sure Trump would lose in 2016 and Win in 2020. So my track record is not good. In fairness I am far away and might have lost touch with the pulse of the nation.
I was asked if I would admit Trump is not backed by the Elites if he lost in 2024. I won’t. The reason is I can imagine a scenario where his loss benefits the Elites, or at least one faction of the Elite Crime Family . For example if the nature of his loss precipitated civil unrest and allows the government to declare martial law and end Democracy, free to do whatever the Global Elite want
Indeed, if they bring back the COVID hysteria under Biden so as to expand mail in voting for whoever the Democratic nominee is in 2024, this would surely be adding gasoline to the fire
Lets start first with why the ELITES allowed the election be stolen in 2020, and it was stolen, and why are their puppets indicting him.
First of all, Trump did his job. Tax Cuts and the first phase of Operation COVID where even Red States went along with Lockdowns because TRUMP was in charge, and of course OPERATION WARP SPEED.
Second, the next phase included Mandates for which a Republican Administration was not suitable to attempt to pull this off. Their base simply would not buy in. Even Trumps most ardent supporters would have seen the Emperor Had No Clothes if he tried.
Furthermore, the Left was distrustful of Trumps Vaccines, so they had to market them as Bidens Vaccines. The mandates (or employer coercion) would take care of the reluctant right. Plus they wanted to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine and get the Left on board with supporting Ukraine in the War, something they would be unlikely to support if Trump remained President.
So Trump had to go away for the next stage, and January 6 was a Fake insurrection that would be the next “Russia Gate” and help facilitate his return , while providing Biden the support to expand the War on Domestic Terrorists, which is basically anyone questioning the government.
Much like Russia Gate was used to create CISA under the DHS and GEC under the State Department, forming the government backbone of the Censorship Industrial Complex.
So Biden did or tried to do what he was supposed to do, plus setting the table for a future conflict with China over Taiwan, which will no doubt be Trumps job in his second term, along with securing the southern border from immigrants, cartels and China .
[Based on Trumps interview and debates this might involve action against Mexico, Cuba and possibly retaking the Panama Canal which is something a Democrat President cant easily do.]
Also, as Trump would not need to worry about reelection in 2025, he can go after Social Security and Medicare which is something some factions of the ELITE have longed for, even if Trump dares not speak of such a thing. However, to do this he would need to have control of Congress which he would not have had in his 2nd term if it started in 2021 , but will have in 2025.
Now what about all those indictments and trying to put him in jail? The indictments have been the greatest booster for Trumps campaign. Every time he gets indicted his poll numbers go up. His legal fees are being paid by campaign donations. It allows him to evade any serious discussion of his past performance , as Tuckers interview showed. Jan 6 is the gift that keeps on giving.
And how often do people get indicted under the Espionage Act get released on bail AND allowed to travel all over the country. I’ll eat my hat if he ever spends a day in jail.
I will get to the Economy, China tariffs and the lack of Wars later but as for the ELITES being against Trump, I would say if they were they wouldn’t have bailed him out in his first bankruptcy. NM Rothschild under Wilbur Ross (Trumps Commerce Secretary) guiding hand got Wall Street Banks to give him a sweet heart deal where he got to keep a lot of his wealth.
Since that time I believe he has been owned by the ELITE. In the aftermath of his bankruptcy , he always managed to find someone to loan him hundreds of millions of dollars despite more bankruptcies, Deutsche Bank in particular (Deutsche Bank also was Epsteins banker after JP Morgan gave him the axe, and it is also the bank involved in the PUTS before 9/11 and shorted Sub-Prime Mortgages before the 2008 crash) .
There was also another entity called Ladder Capital which is beyond the scope of this post, but here is a taste.
In August 2015 co-founder Greta Guggenheim left Ladder to run TPG Capital’s new Real Estate Investment Trust unit. TPG launched its real estate finance subsidiary after it acquired $2.5 billion in high-yield real estate debt from Deutsche Bank. TPG Chairman and co-founder David Bonderman was covered in the news recently when he resigned from the Uber board after making sexist remarks. And Bonderman, along with Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman, was an original advisor to the government-backed Russian Direct Investment Fund.
There is no evident business connection directly between TPG and Ladder Capital, but it’s interesting to note how Greta Guggenheim’s career has connected to both of Trump’s largest creditors, Ladder and Deutsche. On her LinkedIn profile Guggenheim is listed as President of Ladder Capital from 2008 until 2015
Moving on. Then there is the most important thing, nobody today gets to be President without serving the interests of least one faction of the ELITE.
Its important to know the ELITE are likely not a homogeneous group. They are more like they are like the Mafia, a network of crime families that have more in common with each other than those they rip off, and find cooperating in a mutually beneficial way is more productive than going to war with each other . An offspring of Operation Underworld perhaps, where the Military Industrial Complex partnered with the Mafia in World War II.
Also, perhaps structured like the CCP, with multiple parties within the main party who vote and all abide by the decisions of the elected faction or are purged.
The Business Round Table headed by Jamie Dimon might serve a similar function nationally and the WEF/BIS which are both based in Switzerland with legal immunity might serve a similar function globally. There are other groups as well, such as the TrIlaterals (TLC), Bilderbergers, Aspen Institute, CFR, Atlantic Council , Club of Rome, which all have a say. And there are no doubt higher level groups that are unknown to all but those in the inner circle. How it is all structured we can not know
These various factions used to fight among each other, but sometime after World War II came together and decided on a common enemy in which to unite against, probably sometime in the 70’s under the guiding hand of David Rockefeller and his protege Henry Kissinger. . That common enemy was us. In or around 1990, Gorbachev’s Soviet Union and Dengs CCP were invited and decided to join the party.
The early 90’s was when they decided on the plan to eliminate Democracy. It was announced at Rio in 1992. Agenda 21. The long term plan was to foist a Green Religion based on Climate Change that would introduce austerity and population reduction. In the shorter term they would use Terrorism, Pandemics and Economic Crisis to gain the power needed to implement the long term plan, basically a Global Digital Gulag enforcing their Green “One Health” Religion.
Feudal Communism for the bottom 80%, Technocratic Fascism for the upper 20%. The bottom 80% own nothing, the upper 20% own what they deserve based on their status among the upper class. Only the top 1% will be augmented and enhanced, while the bottom 80% will be used to experiment on to make sure the technology is safe enough for the 1%
I digress.
So back to the main focus of my post. If you look back at the 2016 Election you will see Trump owed an awful lot to Comey at the FBI for saying he was reopening Hillarys Investigation days before the election and sitting on the Steele Dossier much like they did with Hunger Biden’s Lap Top. Never mind that much that was in the Steele Dossier was not true. But ask yourself, if the DNC was paying for this file why wouldn’t they use it before the Election (except one Mothers Jones article a few days before the Election that hinted at it)
And then we have Wikileaks leaking Hillary Emails in dribs and drabs. Assange was an Australian detained in UK at the Ecuador Embassy. I’d say he was perhaps a bit compromised
And of course, another British Entity known as Cambridge Analytica partnering with an Israeli company and Facebook to influence voters
It looks to me as if there was Foreign Interference in the Election but Russia was probably the least of it, and no doubt it was sanctioned by the ELITE
I need not remind you that MSM bent over backwards to give Trump all the free press they could. Granted, much was negative and was self serving (ratings) but in politics just keeping your name out there in the public is valuable. And we see the same happening today. Poor DeSantis and RFK Jr
I have mentioned ad nauseum the Pandemic Predictions/Preparations that took place during his Administration. I wont rehash that.
But I will rehash a little about what happened after COVID came on the scene.
In middle of January before Trump headed off to DAVOS for a 2nd time during his term and after concluding Phase I of his China Deal, all meetings regarding COVID preparation were required to be held in a Classified Setting per White House Order. Seem strange to me.
On February 3 the White House OSTP arranged for NAS to hold a conference on the Origins of the Virus and the meeting concluded it was Natural Origin. Fauci, KGA, Baric and members of DoD and IC were said to have attended.
On March 13 the NSC approved the adoption of PanCAP for COVID policy. Measures endorsed were school closures, social distancing, remote working, business closures for non-essential work and workers.
On March 16 Lockdowns were announced by Fauci with Trump present.
Some Trump supporters like Justin Hart predicted on Twitter this would cost Trump the Election.
At end of March Trump announced the extension of said Lockdowns
Later would say they would not let any state with too many cases open up.
Then he reversed himself a few days later
Here is Trump defending Lockdowns
There are many more details but I have covered them in the above link, so I wont prolong this.
Some will excuse Trumps performance by saying he was mislead by his people. Whatever happened to “the buck stops here”. Hire better people for one thing. Think for yourself, for another. Many of us saw through this BS, but not the 5D Chess Playing Genius?
Remember, Trump promised to drain the Swamp but then filled it with more Swamp Creatures. Mnuchin, Pompeo, Acosta, Ross, DeVos, Chao, Haspell, Bolton, Kadlec, Azar, Redfield, Gottlieb, Haley, Barr, Wray, Powell, oh my
[In his Tucker interview he said he hired great people except for some Bushies like Barr)
Back to my case on Trumps first term. I would counter the Good Times claim by saying the Economy was not so great unless you conflate the Stock Market with what is happening on Main Street, and that it was not COVID that hurt Trump but his handling of COVID.
The U.S. economy grew 2.3 percent in 2019. It was the weakest since Trump took office. From April through December, business investment contracted as corporate leaders preferred to sit on cash, buy back stock or return it to investors instead of using it to build factories or buy equipment.
The falloff in growth — from 2.9 percent in 2018 suggests the stimulus from the tax cuts wore off and Trumps trade war didn’t help. The tax cuts came with promises it would be offset by stronger growth for years
Economists predict the U.S. economy will cool further in 2020, with growth coming in around 2 percent
The deficit neared $1 trillion in 2019, an unprecedented level when there is not an all-consuming war effort underway. Trump’s tax cuts and additional funding for the military and domestic programs have pushed the gap wider.
“The United States is by far the strongest economic power in the world,” Trump said in a speech last week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
When the president cites the economy’s strength, he often references stock market gains. But many economists note a disconnect between a surging stock market and a slowing, unspectacular economy.
Business investment shrank for three consecutive quarters last year to end 2019.
Vincent Reinhart, chief economist at investment firm Mellon. “Immediately after completing the ‘Phase One’ trade deal with China, the president rattled the cage by threatening Europe with auto tariffs.”
The Trump tax cuts that took effect in 2018 gave businesses the biggest reduction in their tax bills in U.S. history.
U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession for all of 2019, according to data released Fridayby the Federal Reserve.
U.S. factory production shrank by 1.3 percent in the past year, the Federal Reserve reported. It marked the worst year for manufacturing since 2015, as the trade war, lackluster global growth and problems at airplane maker Boeing hurt America’s industrial economy.
Large U.S. manufacturers like Caterpillar have blamed Trump’s trade war for their slumping sales. The tariffs have hit the hardest on parts used to make cars, washing machines and other products, raising costs for U.S. manufacturing companies.
The president has frequently toured U.S. factories and promised to revive blue-collar jobs and manufacturing. He celebrated the surge in manufacturing jobs in 2018 when the sector added 264,000 workers, but hiring pulled back sharply in 2019 as manufacturing added 46,000 jobs.
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released its first estimate for the December quarter and it shows the economy growing at 2.1%. For 2019 GDP growth was 2.3%, which is down from 2.9% in 2018 and just below 2.4% in 2017, Trump’s first year in office.
Over the 12 quarters Trump has been President only four of them have had GDP growth over 3% and six of the quarter’s growth was 2.3% or lower. And for the past three quarters GDP growth has been 2.0%, 2.1% and 2.1%, respectively. This is a far cry from Trump’s claim that the economy could growth 4%, 5% or maybe even 6% when he was President.
Even consumer spending slowed substantially in the December quarter. It went from a 4.6% growth rate in the June quarter to 3.2% in September to 1.8% in the last three months of 2019
I’d also mention the Repo Market Crisis in September 2019 which was a major alarm signaling all is not well in the Financial Markets , and that the money pump would need to be restarted soon to void a major problem. Sure enough, the excuse to restart the money pump came with COVID and it went into overdrive in March 2020, pumping $5 trillion into the economy before it was turned off, and one of the reasons for the inflation we saw the last couple of years (along with collusion and supply chain manipulations)
Now China Tarrifs, Trumps tax on China. China paid not one penny. The Tariffs are paid by the US importers and this then gets passed down the line to the ultimate consumer. Thats you. Trumps tax on China was a tax on you
Trumps Trade Agreement with China.
Trump agreed to scale back some tariffs (which was China’s top demand and was cheered on Wall Street). In exchange, China said it will buy more U.S. farm products (which Beijing had wanted to do anyway), enhance its intellectual property protections and allow U.S. banks and credit card companies full access to China.
The phase one agreement does mean China is likely to buy close to $200 billion more of U.S. goods over the next two years (about half of which would be in agriculture), which should reduce the trade deficit.
Due to COVID China bought nowhere near what they agreed to.
Last but not least. The claim Trump started no new wars. Except the one against the American People (Operation Covid) , even if he didn’t know it
Besides, he was a one term President and only 3 years in before COVID. He had plenty of time to start one if he got reelected, but we will never know unless he gets elected in 2024. War or no war , he increased the Military Budget every year he was in office. Seems the only timed Republicans care about deficits and debts is when Democrats are in the White House.
Trump continued to support the Wars in Syria (Obamas War), Afghanistan (Bush Jr War) and Yemen (using Saudi Arabia , much like Biden is using Ukraine against Russia).
Under Trump the US, its allies, and the Afghan government killed an average of 582 civilians per year from 2007 to 2016. The annual average of civilians killed rose by nearly 95% from 2017 through 2019 to 1,134 each year.
Trump dropped the Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) – nicknamed the 'Mother of All Bombs' – in April 2017 against ISIS forces located in eastern Afghanistan. Can’t count the civilians since there is nothing left but atoms
As he decreased troops in Syria he increased bombing there as well
He began delivery of the first lethal weapons to Ukraine and he continued CIA -Military support for Ukraines military that was engaged in War in the Donbas . All of which contributed to Russias decision to invade when Biden helped escalate tensions,
Trump started an economic and trade war with Venezuela and China, the latter of which may escalate into a Military War over Taiwan. Furthermore, walking away from the Iran deal and Sanctions and assassination of their top General was a defacto Act of War. Fortunately Iran is too weak to retaliate
But hey, Trumps boys were busy planning Operation Covid, they were too busy to bother the boss with a new War. The War on the US people was in the works. Whether he knew this is anyones guess
As for other Presidents first term in the last 30 years, Clinton started no new War in his first term beyond short (Bosnia) or sporadic (Iraq) air campaigns, the latter was a continuation of Bush War. Clintons 2nd term saw the NATO Air war against Yugoslavia
Obama did a short Naval/Air War on Libya as part of NATO in his 1st term. The only boots on ground were CIA.
Saudi Arabia
When Trump was running for president, he reportedly told Fox News viewers in February 2016:
“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi—take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.”
Attorney General Barr Refuses to Release 9/11 Documents to Families of the Victims
The move comes after President Donald Trump promised to help families, who accuse Saudi Arabia of complicity in the attacks. Barr says he cannot even explain why the material must stay secret without putting national security at risk
March of 2021, Jared Kushner filed papers showing that his brand new investment company — against the advice of the Saudi government but at MBS’s order — had received over $2 billion from the Kingdom.
So, thats all I got to say about that. For those who choose to unsubscribe I wish you the best. At least my CIA and DoD contractor subscribers are with me forever.
I will leave those who have made it this far with a brief summary of what transpired in the Trump Years leading to COVID. I guess you can Trump it all up to Coincidence if you try.
2017-Fauci predicts outbreak in Trumps term
2017-G20 Joint Exercise Scenario with an imagined China contagion dubbed MARS
2017-SPARS Table Top Excercise
2017- Gates CEPI created
2017- DARPAS -Pandemic Prevention Platform created and funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
2017- Moratorium on GOF funding lifted
2018-Clade X Simulation
2018- NSC’s PanCAP 2.0 Pandemic Plan
2018- DARPA DEFUSE Project Grant proposal rejected (but likely continued with other funding)
2018 September, Trump issues National Security Presidential Memorandum 14 (NSPM 14)
NSPM 14 established a committee tasked with implementing the National Biodefense Strategy with the National Security Advisor as the lead for policy coordination and facilitate policy integration for Federal biodefense efforts
2019-NIAID CREID Network Grant Proposals from same folks involved with DEFUSE
Jan 2019-Crimson Contagion Excercise
July 2019-Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense hosted a panel calling for "A Manhattan Project for Biodefense w/Kadlec
July 2019-CDC last epedemiogist in Beijing leaves
Aug 2019-CDC Closes Derrick for 3 months
Sep 2019- White House Economic Advisers estimate cost of Pandemic at up to $4 Trillion
Sep 2019 GPMB w/Fauci&Gao warned that "there is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen wiping out nearly 5% of the world’s economy."
Required action before September 2020 -two systemwide training and simulation exercises,
Sep 2019-Gates invests in BNT (Pfizers partner).
Oct 2019-Event 201
Oct 2019-BARDA handed Pandemic Stockpile from CDC
Dec 2019-Moderna-Baric MTA
Dec 2019- US Defense Threat Reduction Agency announced launch of DOMANE program, Discovery of Medical Countermeasures Against Novel Entities.
Malone went to work at DOMANE with MIT’s Lincoln Labs which was quickly put to work on COVID in January (nice timing)
The word Domane is Latin for Kings Crown. In Latin corona means crown. Interesting choice of name as the Crown Virus is circulating in Wuhan
Jan 2020- Whitehouse orders all COVID meetings to be held in Classified setting
Jan-2020- France bans HCQ OTC after 60 years and makes it prescription only
Jan-2020 DARPA/CIA man Michael Callahan returns from Wuhan to work fir Kadlec
Feb 2020- Malone on Rogan show "I was the guy that first acquired, because I had Chinese connections, the Chinese protocol for treating this virus. I got it in late February and I sent it in to my buddies at the CIA and at DTRA."
March 2020 Malone publishes a book on treating COVID (written in February) after contracting COVID himself in February and attending the BIOGEN super spreading event in Boston at end of February. The book is quickly removed from sale (Amazon censorship or did Higher-ups not approve?)
March 2020, PanCAP Adopted on March 13,2020 by NSC calling for lockdowns.
Lockdowns announced March 15
FEMA and DHS would later be made lead agencies to implement the NSC COVID Policy.
CISA (formed in 2018), and the Global Engagement Center (GEC ) which was authorized in December 2016 but only made fully operational by Pompeo’s State Department in 2019 following his transfer from CIA Director. Both would assist the governments censorship on social media
March/April-2020. CDC under Director Robert Redfield made changes to counting COVID deaths so as to include deaths where COVID was not the underlying cause and to allow determination of a COVID case to be made in the absence of a positive test
May 2020- Trump announces Operation Warp Speed
June 2020- Redfield claimed masks are the best Vaccine
Yikes. What to say? Many conflicting things here, all hard to reconcile though some points matter more than others. I was stunned and disappointed that Tucker asked zero questions about “warp speed” of which Trump is truly - and inexplicably, especially with hindsight - proud. His base is keenly attuned to this dilemma. None of us is sure what to make of this, and his biggest weakness imo. The Tucker interview was very milquetoast though a helluva lot better than the inane debate format for sure. Point of your article I think is we must always observe every player with a critical eye, including President Trump whom I still think is our best bet. But thanks for the review and reminder.
Okay, I'll try to explain, and maybe I'll be all wrong, but here goes.
I suppose - no I don't - I'm lying - that Joe Biden legitimately got 81 million votes, most popular president ever! How counting votes was suspended on election night, never happened before. How Trump was in the lead in so many states, then trucks dropped off more and more ballots in the middle of the night, and in a turnaround, Biden wins!
Forget about Hunter’s laptop, forget about how Joe has been a corrupt bastard ever since he started in politics and probably before. Not to mention that even pre-election, Joe's dementia is showing.
More and more information comes out about the Biden crime family. Everybody knows.
Nothing is done about this. Zip. Nada.
Meanwhile, Trump is charged -and arrested- for questioning the election.
Huh? Did nobody notice all the funny business going on? Is it illegal to question elections in the US now?
Apparently so.
And if they can go after Trump like that...they can do that to any of us, no?
My thoughts, anyway. Even if you hate Trump, you've got to admit what they're doing to him is unprecedented - and wrong. Places like America didn't jail their political rivals.