The Red Wave
The Red Wave becomes a Red Ripple. Like a drop of red wine in the bath water.
There will be many explanations given. I don’t really care because both parties serve the same Corporate Masters, needing up to $100 million to win a Senate Seat for 6 years and then they can earn millions on the stock market with insider trading thanks to information they have access to.
What is relevant is best said by Paul Craig Roberts
Now, ask yourself, what is worse, a stolen US election or an American electorate so insouciant and out to lunch that they would keep a political party in office that is leading us into war with Russia and China, that hates white people and persecutes them, that has politicized the FBI and Department of Justice turning them into Gestapo agencies serving Democrat power, that fervently believes that parents are bad for children and should have no say in their education (brainwashing), that is demonizing normality and normalizing perversity, that . . . I could go on and on.
I don’t discount the possibility of election fraud here and there. Not 100% convinced it can occur at a scale needed to explain crazy
elections when old people clearly having cognitive issues win more than a handful of votes, in some cases many millions.
However, what if 1/2 or more are equally cognitively impaired or just flat out crazy and insane and in some cases stupider than Forrest Gump
Consider these ICAN/HighWire polls.
This one seems encouraging
However, check this out
Whats that tell you? How about we want the right to decide but we want our governors to force everyone else to go along with our decision, even if they don’t agree. In other words, they favor Tyranny that they like, and Freedom to do only what they agree with.
Then these
Conclusion. Half the population no longer believes in Democracy and Freedom, and are so stupid or brainwashed they cant think.
A True Democracy is simply not possible with such a population, only a Faux Democracy which is an organ of Tyranny
Could this be changed by revamping the Education System and freeing Media from Corporate and Government influences and have them report honestly instead of Propaganda ? Perhaps, after 20-40 years. But thats not happening.
There is another factor. Those on the right must deal with figuring out whether Trump is an asset or a liability. My feeling is he is a liability. What wins elections is not the hard core right or left (30% of the population for each), its the middle, the so called independent vote, and many want no part of Trump.
Trump said a lot of good things to get elected, but failed to deliver on most and his handling of COVID, which was his biggest test, was a miserable failure benefitting only the Billionaires and WEF Corporations. The 2020 election was only close because Biden was clearly dealing with progressive Dementia. That he could not runaway with the race going up against a guy who couldn’t deliver sentence without botching it says a lot.
He had his chance, he failed. So move on Trumpers.
As for DeSantis, I have issues with him too. Probably Skull & Bones and CIA and like Trump is just as much an Israel First’er. However, he doesn’t have Trumps moral baggage and doesn’t owe banks hundreds of millions of dollars that will need to be extended and might be used to influence him.
Unless folks find a way to keep Corporate Money out of Elections there will be no political savior. Since Citizen United non-corporate citizens are irrelevant, and easily manipulated to select one of the two candidates the Corporate Masters sponsor