Psychopathic Elite & The Post Christian-Post Truth Era and the Coming Age of Darkness and a Post Human World
The Psychopathic Elite are delivering us into Evil
Evil began to flourish after the Subversion of Christianity and the resulting Nihilism and the growth of Secular Religions like Scientism and Militarism
These secular religions are not constrained by Christian Morality and Values and are accepted by a Population driven to Mass Formation in Search of Heroism and to cope with their Fear and Denial of Death
Part I-The Present
Evil seems to be flourishing in a way I never imagined it to be possible. Imagine a society harming its young and old in such a fashion as it is today, all in the name of health security?
How preposterous is it that an ELite Class that harps on their being too many people to be sustainable and who have embraced Malthusian and Eugenics beliefs impose draconian public health measures that harm health while telling people its for their health, and that people believe them?
What am I missing? How did this world on which I have been on for almost 7 decades become so crazy and evil? Could it have been this way always and I have just noticed it the last 20 years?
Certainly the world was a much darker place than I imagined in my youth, but it wasn’t that dark, at least not at the level of Main Street.
Today Main Street is nothing what I remember.
Its now full of bitter and divided people who have zero tolerance for any belief but their own, and who seem afraid of their own shadow, willing to give up liberty and freedom for security and comfort.
Where did all this Evil come from?
And what exactly is evil?. Not being a religious person I wont say much about Satan or Lucifer or whatever evil spirits people may believe in. To me Evil is simply a lack of empathy and morality that allows people to harm others for personal benefit.
Supposedly the part of the brain brain thought to be responsible for empathy and morality is called the right supramarginal gyrusand Anterior Cingulate Cortex
No doubt military research is being done using Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and drugs to influence empathy. Indeed studies suggest the commonly used painkiller acetaminophen may reduce empathy
Has this already been done? Something in the water, food, medicines, vaccines, etc. Perhaps the bombardment of RF/EMR that we are bathed in 24/7? Have we lost empathy and become like the psychopathic elite? This might be why so many have went along with their demonic plans.
Psychopaths tend to be low empath people. Some argue they may have empathy but are able to switch it off. In any event the dumb ones end up in jail or mental institutions.
Some of the very smart ones become the ELite. Supposedly psychopaths make up 3% of the population. Perhaps only 1/1000 is capable of being one of the elites (number pulled from my arse)
So say 0.003% of the population are psychopathic low empath elites. There are 5 billion adults . 15,000 elites. There are only 3 ,000 billionaires , but I guess the younger ones haven’t had time to accumulate so much money
But you may ask why would all or most of the elites be low empath psychopaths. IMO its because they have a competitive advantage over those who are just as smart but are limited in their actions by their empathy.
Some call it natural selection . As a species no doubt we have evolved to become less empathic. I have noticed this trend over the last 20 years too, too fast for evolution so their may be an environmental component such as RF/EMR, toxins, vaccines, etc and/or mass psychosis due to chronic social turbulence.
Its harder to destroy people to get ahead if you have empathy. So the destroyers tend to have less of it
Over the course of history the psychopathic ELite have always made up most of the ruling class. For much of history they have needed us to fight against the other psychopathic elites.
As time marched on, the ELites formed groups with other like minded elites, taking the form of religions, secret societies, or alliances with other monarchs /leaders and fighting the other elite groups.
In the 20th century following WWII, they basically decided they cant continue fighting each other, or they themselves risked doom. Over the next 55 years they worked out their differences and met in Rio in 1992.
Agenda 21. The new enemy was us. They united against the little people . The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Fourth Turning, maybe the Fourth Reich, call it what you will
Further more, due to Technology and automation they no longer needed us as much and they imagined a Future where AI and Robotics would reduce that need exponentially.
One problem though. To accomplish their objective and depopulate and enslave the rest of us they (lets call them Big Brother) needed help from some of us, including those who may still have Empathy. How do you get someone with empathy to do evil?
Elementary my Dear Watson, you give them an ideology that requires them to do Evil for the Greater Good. The end justifies the means.
You tell them the planet is running out of resources due to overpopulation and that man is killing the planet with excess consumption that will lead to Hell on Earth and the doom of everyone on the planet due to plague, famine, flood. Ta da
Since Agenda 21 was formulated this has been driven into the minds of the young and old alike via education system, Hollywood and Media. Psychological Warfare with weaponized memes is effective, as is waves of Terror and Fear eventually causing Menticide
The individual must sacrifice or be sacrificed for the common good. Communitarianism 101
With this ideology our Big Psychopathic Big Brothers have recruited an Army of mindless Empathic Little Brothers and Sisters whose empathy is suppressed by the Fear driven ideology that population must be reduced and living standards lowered to save the planet
These Little Brothers and Sisters are Zealots and True Believers. They kneel at the alter of their High Priests of Science and commit to rooting out the selfish individual heretics in order to Save the Children and Earths creatures
Their Hive Mind can not be changed by Reason. Menticide prevents most of them from reconsidering their beliefs, the rest and their collaborators go along for greed or self preservation.
But what motivates the ELite beyond money and power?. They are already rich beyond belief. Not being one of the elite nor knowing any of them I can only guess. Based on my readings I believe they have their own religion or ideology
To the best of my understanding this is a blend of Transhumanism and Gnosticism, where they seek to become Gods and create a New World, making it into a Garden of Eden of a sort. They may believe they have evolved beyond Homo Sapiens to Homo+.
We are to them what Neanderthals were to our ancestors. Good for sport or fun but not useful for much in a Technological World where AI and Robotics making our labour redundant.
A Useless class good only for entertainment and experimentation and harvesting our parts (DNA, Organs, etc)
Indeed, our Little Brothers and Sisters and the collaborators will soon join the Useless Class after we are gone. They just don’t know it yet.
So thats where we are. The door was wide open to Evil and it just marched right in and took over.
Part II- The Past
I cant help but ponder what opened the door? After all, evil has always existed and like pond scum it has always floated to the top. The Ruling Class has always been awash with Evil , but since the early days of Western Civilization and the spread of Christianity it was relatively constrained before the Enlightenment.
From my reading of history Monarchy and Church partnered to keep the Predator Class from devouring the Serfs, and while life might have been hard for the Serfs the Predators were kept at bay by enforcement of Christian Values . The Serfs remained at peace with their belief in that they were doing Gods bidding and would be rewarded in Heaven upon death.
Not having been a Serf and not having lived at that time I might be wrong, but thats how I see it.
Anyways, then came the Enlightenment. Weakening a Church corrupted by the Medici’s with Reformation , and then using secret societies to mount Revolutions against the Monarchs , the Illuminated ELite soon found themselves liberated from Monarch and Church, starting first in the United Sates .
It helps to remember the United States was formed not merely as an experiment in a new form of governance; it was thought to be the fulfillment of God’s plan. America was the New Atlantis. True, Adams, Jefferson, and Paine rejected the supernatural elements in the Bible, and separated Church from State, but they never doubted that their experiment had the imprimatur of Providence.
People were to be free but for a purpose. Their God-given rights implied obligations and responsibilities
It didn’t last long. After the Civil War and the belief in Social Darwinism took hold, along with the subversion of Protestantism in the early 20th century, and the birth of Federal Reserve, Eugenics and then WWI, things spiraled downhill fast.
Part III-Mass Formation-Social Disintegration
Prof M. Desmet wrote “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” made the term Mass Formation (Malone calls it Mass Formation Psychosis) famous.
To quote from Desmet’s book
“If under these conditions a narrative is distributed through the mass media which indicates an object of anxiety and provides a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then all the free floating anxiety might be associated to this object and a huge willingness might be observed to participate in the strategy to deal with the object of anxiety.”
This certainly is something we are seeing, on both sides. One side embraces Scientism and vaccines and directs their anxiety against the unvaxxed. The other side directs their anxiety against liberals and front men like Fauci , and dare not consider the role of the Military and Business Leaders as their Religions are Militarism and Capitalism
He then goes on to say:
“At the same time, the field of attention gets narrower until it only contains the part of reality that is indicated by the narrative and people lose their capacity to take into account the other aspects of reality (what makes them often utterly irrational).”
This is really what is described in Fred Emery’s 3rd stage of Societal Disintegration. Right now we are in the end stages of stage 2 and beginning of Stage 3
In Futures We Are In, a book published in 1975 by Fred Emery, the three stages of societal disintegration of Trist's paradigm shift are laid out.
The first stage is called superficiality, in which people start to break the bonds with the societal values of the past, the values of Judeo-Christian civilization. Superficiality results in the collapse of moral judgment.
The next, lower stage of societal disintegration is called segmentation, in which the larger institutions of society start to disintegrate, and the focus moves from the nation-state to the local community, then to retreat into small and increasingly more paranoid groups, whose interests are pitted against each other.
Then disassociation. The individual becomes the societal unit, withdrawing from society into a "world in which fantasy and reality are indistinguishable," and in which the difference between fantasy and reality hardly matters
Government-by-reason is impossible, thus it and all its institutions must give way to "direct decisionmaking," with decisions made by "feeling states."
To further understand what is happening one might look back to Trist in 1963
In 1963-Eric Trist, the chairman of Tavistock's governors described his and Tavistock's work on mass brainwashing, delineating in detail his theory of "social turbulence," based upon the theories of Hegel, although again, Trist is far more quick to cite Lewin.
Trist postulated that the administering of a series of traumatizing shocks upon a society would destabilize it, lowering the overall character of the society's reasoning.
Trist suggested that by late 1963 the world had moved into a condition of "permanent social turbulence" that would serve to usher in a new condition of society, a new paradigm, and a new possibility for remaking the face of the planet.
The "shocks" of the 1960s were the Cuban missile crisis, the sequence of brutal political assassinations escalation of the Vietnam War following the JFK murder and its coverup; and the urban riots and student riots
The shocks continued through into the 80’s with Vietnam War, Civil Rights Riots, Watergate, Oil Shortages and Stagflation and then AIDS
In 1957 Dr. William Sargent of the Tavistock Institute in
his book Battle for the Mind -A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-Washing said:
"Various types of beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility.
Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of 'herd instinct,' and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility."
In 1975 National Institute of Mental Health funded an overall evaluation of behavior modification approaches. Its conclusions were that these techniques should be applied to the general population of the world, and to larger numbers than ever before.
At about the same time, the Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, in their Mankind 2000 report, introduced the following dark vision:
“In the organization of a civilization of the future we anticipate that the individualistically-oriented man will become an anachronism. Indeed, he will be viewed as a threat to the group organization as well as to his fellow man.
Hence, he in all likelihood will have few individual expectations. While such a picture may not be pleasant to contemplate, when viewed with our present orientation and value judgement, we would be amiss were we to deal with unrealistic imageries that would blind us to future reality..."
"The new world of the closed, automated system will necessitate a radical change in political, technologic, and social thinking. All too often, however, we remain bound by the conventional tenets and wisdom of past generations...
The cybercultural revolution is altering all this. It differs radically from previous innovations because now man has devices that will largely supplant his labor and certain activities of his mind.”
Conclusion- Since 9/11 the societal disintegration has accelerated with each event. 9/11, Anthrax Attacks, WMD hoax leading to Iraq War, SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Financial Attack, MERS, Ebola/Zika, the Trump/Russia Gate nonsense and the even more ludicrous COVID scam.
All of this was conditioning the population for an Acute Mass Formation Psychosis and Segmentation brought on by COVID-19 Fear Mongering and a Treasonous Attack against the American People by the WEF Globalists who have infiltrated the hierarchy of every institution including the Military
Fauci is a front man for the Global Mafia, China is the visible face of the Globalist front so you believe , like with Al Qaeda , that the enemy is overseas and not at home. Same folks behind 9/11 are behind COVID-19, they are just using different front men.
But few will see what they don’t want to see, detached from reality as we enter the final stage of Societal Disintegration and into Totalitarianism
The future will be a Dark One.
Best described as a Digital Gulag containing elements of Orwells 1984 and Huxleys Brave New World , and things even they could not imagine.
Your children will curse you if they will even be allowed to remember you.
Part IV- Loss of Heroes and Hope
Denial of Death by Ernest Becker in 1973
He wrote this as he was dying of Cancer, so Death was obviously on his mind. As a teenager questioning my religion (Catholic) and disappointed at the Vietnam War ending and dashing my chances of becoming a hero, I was fascinated by it, although I don’t know if I fully understood it beyond a take home that Religion was just a way for people to escape their Fear of Death and become a hero in their own minds. I decided I had no need of either, so I washed my hands of Religion and embraced Science.
I did exactly what I was being conditioned to do. Religion, especially Christianity was an obstacle to the New World Order, a term I would not hear until 20 years later.
I don’t agree with everything here but here are some excerpts to ponder:
When man lived securely under the canopy of the Judeo-Christian world picture he was part of a great whole; to put it in our terms, his cosmic heroism was completely mapped out, it was unmistakable. He came from the invisible world into the visible one by the act of God, did his duty to God by living out his life with dignity and faith, marrying as a duty, procreating as a duty, offering his whole life—as Christ had—to the Father. In turn he was justified by the Father and rewarded with eternal life in the invisible dimension.
Little did it matter that the earth was a vale of tears, of horrid sufferings, of incommensurateness, of torturous and humiliating daily pettiness, of sickness and death, a place where man felt he did not belong, “the wrong place,” as Chesterton said, the place where man could expect nothing, achieve nothing for himself.
Little did it matter, because it served God and so would serve the servant of God. In a word, man’s cosmic heroism was assured, even if he was as nothing. This is the most remarkable achievement of the Christian world picture: that it could take slaves, cripples, imbeciles, the simple and the mighty, and make them all secure heroes, simply by taking a step back from the world into another dimension of things, the dimension called heaven.
Or we might better say that Christianity took creature consciousness—the thing man most wanted to deny—and made it the very condition for his cosmic heroism......
The personality can truly begin to emerge in religion because God, as an abstraction, does not oppose the individual as others do, but instead provides the individual with all the powers necessary for independent self-justification. If God is hidden and intangible, all the better: that allows man to expand and develop by himself.
Best of all, of course, religion solves the problem of death, which no living individuals can solve, no matter how they would support us. Religion, then, gives the possibility of heroic victory in freedom and solves the problem of human dignity at its highest level. The two ontological motives of the human condition are both met: the need to surrender oneself in full to the rest of nature, to become a part of it by laying down one’s whole existence to some higher meaning; and the need to expand oneself as an individual heroic personality.
Finally, religion alone gives hope, because it holds open the dimension of the unknown and the unknowable, the fantastic mystery of creation that the human mind cannot even begin to approach, the possibility of a multidimensionality of spheres of existence, of heavens and possible embodiments that make a mockery of earthly logic—and in doing so, it relieves the absurdity of earthly life, all the impossible limitations and frustrations of living matter. In religious terms, to “see God” is to die, because the creature is too small and finite to be able to bear the higher meanings of creation.
Religion takes one’s insignificance, and makes it a condition of hope. Full transcendence of the human condition means limitless possibility unimaginable to us.
Hedonism is not heroism for most men. The pagans in the ancient world did not realize that and so lost out to the “despicable” creed of Judeo-Christianity. Modern men equally do not realize it, and so they sell their souls to consumer capitalism or consumer communism.....
[In the absence of Religion] Society provides the second line of defense against our natural impotence by creating a hero system that allows us to believe that we transcend death by participating in something of lasting worth.
We achieve ersatz immortality by sacrificing ourselves to conquer an empire, to build a temple, to write a book, to establish a family, to accumulate a fortune, to further progress and prosperity, to create an information-society and global free market.
Since the main task of human life is to become heroic and transcend death, every culture must provide its members with an intricate symbolic system that is covertly religious. This means that ideological conflicts between cultures are essentially battles between immortality projects, holy wars.
Our heroic projects that are aimed at destroying evil have the paradoxical effect of bringing more evil into the world.
Human conflicts are life and death struggles—my gods against your gods, my immortality project against your immortality project.
The root of humanly caused evil is not man’s animal nature, not territorial aggression, or innate selfishness, but our need to gain self-esteem, deny our mortality, and achieve a heroic self-image. Our desire for the best is the cause of the worst.
We want to clean up the world, make it perfect, keep it safe for democracy or communism, purify it of the enemies of god, eliminate evil, establish an alabaster city undimmed by human tears, or a thousand year Reich.
[Society] create(s) surplus evil—warfare, ethnic cleansing, genocide. From the beginning of time, humans have dealt with what Carl Jung called their shadow side—feelings of inferiority, self-hate, guilt, hostility—by projecting it onto an enemy. ....warfare is a social ritual for purification of the world in which the enemy is assigned the role of being dirty, dangerous, and atheistic. Dachau, Capetown and Mi Lai, Bosnia, Rwanda, give grim testimony to the universal need for a scapegoat—a Jew, a N-word, a dirty communist, a Muslim, a Tutsi.
[And in recent times Al Qaeda, ISIS, Russia, China, Iran, Unvaxxed and the other Political Party]
Warfare is a death potlatch in which we sacrifice our brave boys to destroy the cowardly enemies of righteousness. And, the more blood the better, because the bigger the body-count the greater the sacrifice for the sacred cause, the side of destiny, the divine plan.
The best we can hope for society at large is that the mass of unconscious individuals might develop a moral equivalent to war.
The science of man has shown us that society will always be composed of passive subjects, powerful leaders, and enemies upon whom we project our guilt and self-hatred.
This knowledge may allow us to develop an “objective hatred” in which the hate object is not a human scapegoat but something impersonal like poverty, disease, oppression, or natural disasters.
By making our inevitable hatred intelligent and informed we may be able to turn our destructive energy to a creative use.
[Like the War on Cancer, War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Poverty, War on Climate Change, War on COVIDwere creative solutions for the Psychopathic Predator Class to exploit each of those for Profit and thus perpetuate those conditions and not eliminate them]
One of the key concepts for understanding man’s urge to heroism is the idea of “narcissism.” As Erich Fromm has so well reminded us, this idea is one of Freud’s great and lasting contributions. Freud discovered that each of us repeats the tragedy of the mythical Greek Narcissus: we are hopelessly absorbed with ourselves. If we care about anyone it is usually ourselves first of all. As Aristotle somewhere put it: luck is when the guy next to you gets hit with the arrow.
But each cultural system is a dramatization of earthly heroics; each system cuts out roles for performances of various degrees of heroism: from the “high” heroism of a Churchill, a Mao, or a Buddha, to the “low” heroism of the coal miner, the peasant, the simple priest; the plain, everyday, earthy heroism wrought by gnarled working hands guiding a family through hunger and disease.
It doesn’t matter whether the cultural hero-system is frankly magical, religious, and primitive or secular, scientific, and civilized. It is still a mythical hero-system in which people serve in order to earn a feeling of primary value,of cosmic specialness, of ultimate usefulness to creation, of unshakable meaning.
They earn this feeling by carving out a place in nature, by building an edifice that reflects human value: a temple, a cathedral, a totem pole, a skyscraper, a family that spans three generations.The hope and belief is that the things that man creates in society are of lasting worth and meaning, that they outlive or outshine death and decay, that man and his products count.
When Norman O. Brown said that Western society since Newton, no matter how scientific or secular it claims to be, is still as “religious” as any other, this is what he meant: “civilized” society is a hopeful belief and protest that science, money and goods make man count for more than any other animal.
In this sense everything that man does is religious and heroic, and yet in danger of being fictitious and fallible.
This is why human heroics is a blind drivenness that burns people up; in passionate people, a screaming for glory as uncritical and reflexive as the howling of a dog.
In the more passive masses of mediocre men it is disguised as they humbly and complainingly follow out the roles that society provides for their heroics and try to earn their promotions within the system: wearing the standard uniforms—but allowing themselves to stick out, but ever so little and so safely, with a little ribbon or a red boutonniere, but not with head and shoulders. If we were to peel away this massive disguise, the blocks of repression over human techniques for earning glory, we would arrive at the potentially most liberating question of all, the main problem of human life: How empirically true is the cultural hero system that sustains and drives men?
We mentioned the meaner side of man’s urge to cosmic heroism, but there is obviously the noble side as well. Man will lay down his life for his country, his society, his family. He will choose to throw himself on a grenade to save his comrades; he is capable of the highest generosity and self-sacrifice. But he has to feel and believe that what he is doing is truly heroic, timeless, and supremely meaningful.
And the crisis of society is, of course, the crisis of organized religion too: religion is no longer valid as a hero system, and so the youth scorn it.If traditional culture is discredited as heroics, then the church that supports that culture automatically discredits itself. If the church, on the other hand, chooses to insist on its own special heroics, it might find that in crucial ways it must work against the culture, recruit youth to be anti-heroes to the ways of life of the society they live in. This is the dilemma of religion in our time.
Society itself is a codified hero system, which means that society everywhere is a living myth of the significance of human life, a defiant creation of meaning. Every society thus is a “religion” whether it thinks so or not: Soviet “religion” and Maoist “religion” are as truly religious as are scientific and consumer “religion,” no matter how much they may try to disguise themselves by omitting religious and spiritual ideas from their lives.
So it seems we all want to be hero’s or at least have a hero. People do have a tendency to hero worship. Perhaps hero’s are our new Gods. The most famous Hero’s (like villains) get remembered by history and their names placed on places and objects like monuments so they live on after death. Knowing you will be remembered after death is perhaps not as comforting as believing you will be reborn or live on in paradise but its something
Darwinians thought: early men who were most afraid were those who were most realistic about their situation in nature, and they passed on to their offspring a realism that had a high survival value. The result was the emergence of man as we know him: a hyperanxious animal who constantly invents reasons for anxiety even where there are none.
Itis not so much that man is a herd animal, said Freud, but that he is a horde animal led by a chief. It is this alone that can explain the “uncanny and coercive characteristics of group formations.” The chief is a “dangerous personality, toward whom only a passive-masochistic attitude is possible, to whom one’s will has to be surrendered,—while to be alone with him, ‘to look him in the face,’ appears a hazardous enterprise.”
This alone, says Freud, explains the “paralysis” that exists in the link between a person with inferior power to one of superior power. Man has “an extreme passion for authority” and “wishes to be governed by unrestricted force.”It is this trait that the leader hypnotically embodies in his own masterful person.
Or as Fenichel later put it, people have a “longing for being hypnotized” precisely because they want to get back to the magical protection, the participation in omnipotence, the “oceanic feeling” that they enjoyed when they were loved and protected by their parents.
The members do not feel that they are alone with their own smallness and helplessness, as they have the powers of the hero-leader with whom they are identified.
In the absence of a belief in God it makes sense man would find a replacement in superior men who are their leaders. This is what the Predator Class wants of course.
Hero seeking does seem more prevalent today than when I was a kid. Seems we are slapping around that label on pretty much anyone now. Hero inflation has devalued Heroism. Quantity does not make up for the lack of Quality.
Natural narcissism—the feeling that the person next to you will die, but not you—is reinforced by trusting dependence on the leader’s power. No wonder that hundreds of thousands of men marched up from trenches in the face of blistering gunfire in World War I. They were partially self-hypnotised, so to speak.
The masses look to the leaders to give them just the untruth that they need; the leader continues the illusions that triumph over the castration complex and magnifies them into a truly heroic victory. Furthermore, he makes possible a new experience, the expression of forbidden impulses, secret wishes, and fantasies. In group behavior anything goes because the leader okays it.
People use their leaders almost as an excuse. When they give in to the leader’s commands they can always reserve the feeling that these commands are alien to them, that they are the leader’s responsibility, that the terrible acts they are committing are in his name and not theirs.
This, then, is another thing that makes people feel so guiltless, as Canetti points out: they can imagine themselves as temporary victims of the leader.The more they give in to his spell, and the more terrible the crimes they commit, the more they can feel that the wrongs are not natural to them.
So there, Man needs Heroes and needs to feel heroic. One can commit any crime in the name of out Hero Leader and be absolved of blame.
We had that with a hero named Jesus Christ dying and then rising from the dead to save us from our Sins, and our own small heroism is earned serving God.
After the Christian era, or during its decay, we found heroism in our many Wars and embraced new religions of Militarism and Science which gave us the weapons to win Wars declared by our Hero leaders. We can drop atomic bombs on civilians without guilt because we are following the orders of out Heroic leaders.
Drone strikes on wedding parties are ok if we take out a bad guy in the War on Terrorism. Defeating Terrorism with Terrorism.
Today in the War on Covid people can assist in killing children and the elderly without guilt because the high priests of our Vaccine Religion declare them Safe and Effective and absolve anyone of liability.
With no real Wars to fight after the Vietnam and Korean War Disasters, other than a Cold War a vacuum in Heroism occurred. Yet coping with our inevitable Death remained in the years of Social Turbulence we were in.
Christianity and its values seemed unimportant, and Wars were too costly and dangerous in the Nuclear Age, so what could replace them and what about morality and values?
With Religion falling by the wayside and seeking solution to life without Wars, a 15-member panel, called the Special Study Group, was set up in 1963 to examine what problems would occur if the United States entered a state of lasting peace(They met at an underground nuclear bunker called Iron Mountain as well as other, worldwide locations and worked over the next two years). A member of the panel, one "John Doe", a professor at a college in the Midwest, decided to release the report to the public in 1967.
The report (which has been declared a hoax by the mainstream) concluded that peace was not in the interest of a stable society, that even if lasting peace "could be achieved, it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of society to achieve it." War was a part of the economy. Therefore, it was necessary to conceive a state of war for a stable economy. The government, the group theorized, would not exist without war, and nation statesexisted in order to wage war.
War served the vital function of diverting collective aggression. They recommended "credible substitutes" and paying a "blood price" to emulate the economic functions of war.
Prospective government-devised alternatives to war included reports of alien life-forms, the reintroduction of a "euphemized form" of slavery "consistent with modern technology and political processes", and the threat of "gross pollution of the environment".
The Report’s other recommendations were:
a giant space-research programme whose goal was largely impossible to achieve (a black hole, budget-wise and hence able to feed the economy);
create a new, non-human enemy, e.g. the potential threat of an extra-terrestrial civilization
create a new threat to mankind, e.g. pollution
new ways of limiting births, e.g. via adding drugs to food or water supply
create fictitious alternate enemies
create an omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force
As for Hero’s, they now range from Trump to Elon Musk to Joe Rogan and Truckers to Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. God help us all
Part V-Nihilism and a Return to Paganism
This is an excellent piece on the Poison that has possessed us. I don’t agree with everything but he makes some good points
.....prior to Christianity, Europe was mostly polytheistic in its worship, dedicating themselves to multiple gods.
“Now although there certainly were instances of the gods acting truthfully, there were also examples of them acting in very questionable ways. The Greek god Zeus for example, is notorious for raping women. There are also numerous examples of lying by both the ancient gods and heroes of the past.
There was such an emphasis on cheating, lying and deception in ancient polytheistic religions that Socrates himself, in Plato’s Republic, had to discuss censoring them for this very reason. “
Plato was concerned with the morals and theological aspect of the poets because it was from them the ordinary Greek was expected to acquire his moral and theological notions.
[Plato of course was one of the early proponents of the Noble Lie]
“Socrates despised these stories so much, due to their nature, and the problems that he said:
“And they shall not be repeated in our state, Adeimantus, nor shall any young audience be told that anyone who commits horrible crimes, or punishes his father unmercifully, is doing nothing out of the ordinary but merely what the first and greatest of the gods have done before.”
Now with the rise of Christianity, a solution to this problem became present in the Bible. Lying became “an abomination to The Lord”; on the other hand “those who act faithfully are His delight”...........
Truth became a central emphasis of the doctrine, and the followers were warned of severe punishment for going astray.....
Christianity warned that “a false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.”......,..
Nietzsche [claimed that] the “death of God” (the loss of faith) in the western world, motivation [to follow] this moral underpinning was lost, and with that, the foundation to their ability to claim something is good absolutely. Their valuing of truth became “free floating” as it were, and it was assumed to be “self-evident” by the average person, and many academics. .....
Eventually, the false assumption that truth is a necessary higher value in a secular world—independently from the command of God— began to crumble......
When values are being rooted in sensations like pleasure and pain, this becomes a paradigm through which truth can be seen, in certain circumstances, as an evil, necessarily.
If truth ever happens to get in the way of the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest amount of people, what motivation remains to value truth?
If it happens to be the case that a grand lie is best suited for providing such an end, truth will very quickly be abandoned for something more satisfying.......
As for the grand lie it might be worth bringing up the philosopher Leo Strauss. Leo Strauss died in 1973 . His disciples include Paul Wolfowitz and other neo-conservatives, but his followers cast a wide net amongst the ELite
Leo Strauss was a great believer in the efficacy and usefulness of lies in politics. He was an admirer of Plato and Nietzsche . Human beings are born neither free nor equal. The natural human condition, they held, is not one of freedom, but of subordination and in Strausss estimation they were right in thinking so.
The fundamental distinction that pervades and informs all of his work is that between the ancients and the moderns. Strauss divided the history of political thought into two camps: the ancients (like Plato) are wise and wily, whereas the moderns (like Locke and other liberals) are vulgar and foolish. Leo Strauss repeatedly defends the political realism of Thrasymachus and Machiavelli .
A second fundamental belief of Strausss ancients has to do with their insistence on the need for secrecy and the necessity of lies. Strauss argues that the wise must conceal their views for two reasons to spare the peoples feelings and to protect the elite from possible reprisals.
The people will not be happy to learn that there is only one natural right - the right of the superior to rule over the inferior. Lies are thus necessary to protect the superior few from the persecution of the vulgar many.
They have a moral justification to lie in order to avoid persecution. Strauss goes so far as to say that dissembling and deception in effect, a culture of lies is the peculiar justice of the wise.
The real Platonic solution as understood by Strauss is the covert rule of the wise . For Strauss, the rule of the wise is not about classic conservative values like order, stability, justice, or respect for authority. The rule of the wise is intended as an antidote to modernity.
The global reach of American culture threatens to trivialise life and turn it into entertainment. This was as terrifying a spectre for Strauss as it was for Alexandre Kojève and Carl Schmitt. In short, they all thought that mans humanity depended on his willingness to rush naked into battle and headlong to his death. Only perpetual war can overturn the modern project, with its emphasis on self-preservation and creature comforts. Life can be politicised once more, and mans humanity can be restored.
Tyranny of the wise has been achieved in the United States because fear is the greatest ally of tyranny, and the wise use terrorism to induce fear.
Strauss is a nihilist in the sense that he believes that there is no rational foundation for morality. He is an atheist, and he believes that in the absence of God, morality has no grounding. Its all about benefiting others and oneself; there is no objective reason for doing so, only rewards and punishments in this life.
He does not deny that there is an independent reality. On the contrary, he thinks that independent reality consists in nature and its order of rank the high and the low, the superior and the inferior.
Like Nietzsche, he believes that the history of western civilisation has led to the triumph of the inferior and the rabble . Strausss criticism of the existentialists, especially Heidegger, is that they tried to elicit an ethic out of the abyss. This was the ethic of resoluteness choose whatever you like and be loyal to it to the death; its content does not matter.
But Strausss reaction to moral nihilism was different. Nihilistic philosophers, he believes, should reinvent the Judæo-Christian God, but live like pagan gods themselves taking pleasure in the games they play with each other as well as the games they play on ordinary mortals.
Christianity has been around for so long that its moral system has become somewhat ingrained into society, and many of its moral axioms are taken as a given.”
As such for 50-100+ years we have been running on fumes. These morals have slowly decayed and evolved into something else entirely. What was once unimaginable to most Americans 50 -60 years ago is now accepted and defended.
The author goes on to describe the emergence of the “Post-Truth” Era
“.....the beginning of the enlightenment period, through to the widespread loss of faith, that can be said to have led to what is now described as the “post-truth” era. ....
“In our new normal, experts are dismissed and alternative facts flagrantly offered. This suspicion of specialists is part of a bigger problem.”
[Sadly, we are not suspicious enough]
We have entered a strange period in time where the commitment to truth, inherited from Christian roots, has revealed a seemingly unavoidable scepticism which spawns out of the issues surrounding the nature of having to have trust in what we refer to as “the experts”.
Trust is a central feature of any society, as the average citizen does not have the time or ability to understand the (often very esoteric) nature of the fields that experts study. They must therefore have faith in them in order for any relationship between the two parties to function productively. That is, of course, so long as these experts are in fact trustworthy.
This relationship always leaves open the possibility of trust being abused via manipulation and corruption, as the laymen do not have the knowledge or the ability to recognise when this trust has been violated to then be able to call it out. “
Well certainly we have seen over the last 20 years experts telling us how steel framed buildings can collapse into dust with the steel melting due to fires and the whole host of lies coming from experts in Public Health
It was Nietzsche who warned us, at the end of the 19th century, not only that God is dead but that "faith in science has replaced faith in God.
The author talks a bit about futurist Jacques Ellul:
(Some more here on Ellul

“According to Ellul, man was far free’er in the past when “Choice was a real possibility for him.” By contrast, today, “The human being is no longer in any sense the agent of choice.” And, as for tomorrow: “In the future, man will apparently be confined to the role of a recording device.” Robbed of choice, he will be acted upon, not active. He will live, Ellul warns, in a totalitarian state run by a velvet-gloved Gestapo.
George Bernard Shaw wrote many decades ago that the average person was about as credulous as was the average person in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, people believed in the authority of their religion, no matter what. Today, we believe in the authority of our science, no matter what.
God knows what he would say about the average man today. Freud said most of us were trash 80 years ago, I doubt his opinion would change today.
According to Neil Postman (author of Technopoly )Science has led us to a Technopoly (or Technocracy) , which is a form of cultural AIDS due to the uncontrolled imposition of Technology on society to change culture rather than society adopting it in a controlled way to strengthen or enhance their culture
To every Old World belief, habit, or tradition, there was and still is a technological alternative. Our God is a Technocratic Government or head of our Political Party. Our Priests are Scientists, Tech CEO’s and other SME’s. To prayer, the alternative is vaccines; to reading, the alternative is You Tube, to memory the alternative is a Smart Phone, to libraries and encyclopedias there is archive.org and Wikipedia, etc. There is even an alternative to death which will soon be solved altogether by uploading our brains to the cloud and being downloaded to a machine.
Of course, the average man wont get his brain downloaded to anything, and it will be scrubbed from the Global Brain after death, or perhaps sent to a metaverse equivalent of Hell for experimentation or entertainment of the ELites
The author then goes on to describe the Effects of Nihilism on Ideas & Thinking
“It was naively thought that [a] pursuit for [knowledge] would necessarily be a benefit for society. However, it seems mainly to have led to a thirst for advances in technology which make life more convenient, and also advances and increases in our leisure opportunities, without ever asking if this should necessarily be considered a benefit nor consider its potentially negative consequences.
One such type of consequence is the techno-hypnosis offered through technological escapism as outlined in the work of the author Nolen Gertz in his book Nihilism & Technology
This is linked to what Nietzsche referred to as “self-hypnosis”, wherein the human being turns to technology in order to zone out. That is, to avoid life and to avoid being human. Many people appear to have developed a desire to avoid the burden of consciousness, to avoid thinking too deeply about the big questions in life and on existence. Instead, we turn to things like Netflix, YouTube, or social media to facilitate this self-inflicted hypnosis. ......
We mined the world for information, and have amassed more than we ever thought possible, yet the average person is still more enamoured by illusion and fantasy.
They appear to be more ready and eager to escape reality, not immerse themselves in it. We set out in search of truth and became overwhelmed and confused by it, so now the average person seeks comfort elsewhere by hiding from it.
The issue here is that this technological escapism hardly offers the individuals who engage in it the opportunity to feel any significance, or any genuine sense of meaning in their lives......
In this escape from the world, and inevitably the escape from others, one is potentially removing the sense of duty towards the community as well.
With the rise of convenience technology there is a rise in the physical isolation of others. Cars isolate us from each other on our journeys, and leave us stuck in our own little bubbles. Public transport is filled with people glued to their mobile devices with earphones in, occupying our sight and hearing and letting the Other fade away into the peripheral. There is a decrease in communal religious gatherings in the West,which are rapidly being replaced with weekend binges fuelled by alcohol and drugs.....
People don’t know the names of the people who live next door, but they know the names of the celebrities that populate their shows, and probably know more about their lives than people who live close enough to hear you scream for help were you ever in trouble. This is a huge problem, but a very telling one with regards to our relationship to technology, and our sense of duty to those around us.
Earlier on in this essay I made a particular focus on truth as a higher value to show that societies must orient themselves according to the things that they value the most.
That may be truth, but it could also be the good of the community, or pleasure, freedom, reason, security, etc.
In order for truth to be a higher value, it must be seen as good! That is, it must be something desired, and considered to be beneficial in one way or another.
However, if at any point truth is shown to be detrimental, what motivation remains to hold truth with such high regard? What moral duty binds the people to truth when it ceases to benefit them?
From the perspective of a society that has lost faith in their foundational traditions, and who have removed God from their social sphere, the motivating factors that necessarily commit people to truth— such as fear of eternal punishment— are no longer present. The same can be said with regards to the fear of punishment for the sin of committing suicide. .....
If there is no afterlife, no ultimate accountability, why should someone necessarily care about justice, truth or the community at large?
Especially if these things require great sacrifice, get in the way of experiencing of intense pleasure, and doing what one really wants to do. Take the words of the popular YouTube channel Kurzgesagt for example, where in a video on the subject of “Optimistic Nihilism” they say:
“You only get one shot at life, which is scary, but it also sets you free. If the universe ends in heat death, every humiliation you suffer in your life will be forgotten. Every mistake you made will not matter in the end. Every bad thing you did will be voided. If our life is all we get to experience,then it’s the only thing that matters. If the universe has no principles, the only principles relevant are the ones we decide on.”
The above quote was taken from a video that has so far received nearly 14 million views and over 809 thousand likes, along with tens of thousands of comments of praise; it can hardly be said to be an insignificant movement that is not worthy of attention.
Nihilism has clearly taken a hold of popular consciousness, and videos such as the one I have referenced are attempts to combat this reality. .....
Now, however, with an emphasis on the rejection of tradition and a focus on more self-centred philosophies, how can there be any collective aim?.....
There is a lot to unpackage here. He is right about Technological Escapism. You just have to look at people in public staring at their screens. Hardly any social interaction or awareness of those around them. Its the same in many homes, everyone immersed in their screens. Wait until Meta gives us the Metaverse and that will explode at Warp Speed
He does not mention Technological Control. By now we all know about the Digital Gulag thats being built and imposing on us a Technocracy which will have Experts and Administrators in control of all aspects of out life.
Tocqueville warned long ago after his trip to America before the Civil War
“I have previously made the distinction between two types of centralization, calling one governmental and the other administrative. Only the first exists in America, the second being almost unknown. If the directing power in American society had both these means of government at its disposal and combined the right to command with the faculty and habit to perform everything itself, if having established the general principles of the government, it entered into the details of their application, and having regulated the great interests of the country, it came down to consider even individual interest, then freedom would soon be banished from the New World.”
Writing in our own time, C. S. Lewis believed bureaucracy to be the technical embodiment of the Devil himself: I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of “Admin.” The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid “dens of crime” that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.
The social isolation the author mentions is one of the necessary conditions for what is now known as Mass Formation Psychosis. Lies that create anxiety and Fear is another element. In this post-Truth world and embracing of the Noble Lie by the predator ruling class, lies flow like a river following a Hurricane. Whitewater rafting can be fun until you get tossed from the boat, and many have gone overboard and are now stark raving Mad
He also touches on the underlying corrupting ideology that undermines Christian Values.
“If our life is all we get to experience,then it’s the only thing that matters. If the universe has no principles, the only principles relevant are the ones we decide on.”
That is suggestive of Aleister Crowleys “Do as Thou Wilt”
Crowley studied magic with the Golden Dawn, then went on to construct his own occult system.
He firmly believed that he was the herald for a new age of strife and destruction that would sweep across the world. He saw himself as an incarnation of John Dee’s assistant, Edward Kelley and practiced Enochian magic.
Crowley believed he had opened the gate of the apocalypse in 1904, when he spiritually ‘received’ The Book of the Law.
Aleister Crowley is the notorious godfather of twentieth century Satanism, once referred to by the British Press as, “the wickedest man in the world.”
Crowley, who self-identified as “the Beast” of the Book of Revelation, was born to a wealthy family who belonged to the Plymouth Brethren.
Crowley proposed that the idol Baphomet was derived from “Father Mithras.” Baphomet also features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church, the ecclesiastical arm of the OTO, recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: “And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET.”
According to Crowley:
‘The Devil’ is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes... This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade ‘Know Thyself!’ and taught Initiation.
He is ‘The Devil’ of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection... He is therefore Life, and Love. But moreover his letter is ayin, the Eye, so that he is Light; and his Zodiacal image is Capricornus, that leaping goat whose attribute is Liberty.
Crowley declared, “That all orthodox religions are rubbish, and that the sole true gods are the sun and his vice-regent, the penis.”
The Book of the Lawwould come to be the basis of his new philosophy of Thelema.
Crowley was inspired by Nietzsche. Crowley made Nietzsche a saint in the Gnostic Catholic Church and wrote in Magick Without Tearsthat “Nietzsche may be regarded as one of our prophets...”
Crowley also wrote his own “Vindication of Nietzsche.” TheBook of the Lawdeclared that its followers should adhere to the code of “Do what thou wilt” and seek to align themselves with their “True Will” through the practice of magick.
Magick, in the context of Crowley’s Thelema, is a term used to differentiate the occult from stage magic and is defined as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.”
Crowley applies a Nietzschean interpretation to his dictum of “Do What Thou Wilt,” where in the Aeon of Horus the strong, who have realized their true will, will rule over the slaves whose weakness has brought about their self-enslavement.
According to Nietzsche, there are two forms of nihilism, good nihilism and bad nihilism. To Nietzsche, the logical conclusion of the absence of meaning, if there is no God, is a thought too frightening to bear for most. Therefore, Christianity had been a useful antidote against a primal form of nihilism.
At the very beginning of human civilization, says Nietzsche, the physically stronger and more intelligent minority became the rulers over the majority. Morality was developed by these primordial rulers as a means of social control.
Good was what they desired of people, while bad was what they wished to suppress.
Nietzsche states that the dissolution of Christianity leads again to nihilism, but one that does not stop after the destruction of all values and succumbs to the ensuing absence of meaning.
This is why Nietzsche states that nihilism as “absolute valuelessness” or “nothing has meaning” is “the danger of dangers.”
Such a negative form of nihilism would lead to an existence of apathy, where positive actions would be replaced by a state of reaction and destruction. This is the prophecy of der letzte Mensch, “the last man,” the most despicable man, devoid of values, incapable of self-realization through creation of his own good and evil, devoid of any “Will to Power.”
According to Nietzsche, it is only when base nihilism is overcome that a culture can have a true foundation upon which to thrive. The desirable alternative is instead an “active” nihilism, which destroys to make way for something new. (in todays lingo “Build Back Better”)
Nietzsche, therefore, touts a morality that is strong or healthy, meaning that the person who creates it is aware that he constructs it himself, which he distinguishes from weak morality, where the interpretation is projected on to something external.
Each man makes his own values, makes his own concept of good and evil, based upon his own physical and intellectual strength.
Nietzsche’s revolutionary New Man of the future, the Übermensch or “Superman,” must strip away all values of conventional weak morality, including equality, justice and humility. We must have an Umwertung aller Werte, the “revaluation of all values.”
And that revaluation of values explains a lot about today.
The man of the future must be a beast of prey, an “artist of violence’’ creating new myths, new states based upon the essence of human nature, which Nietzsche identifies as the “Will to Power” being a “a will to war and domination.”
What Nietzsche prescribes then is a return to the pre-Christian past, even before Socrates and Plato who demonstrated that there must be a self-subsisting Good which is connected to the evolution of the universe, and before Zoroastrianism which revised /created classicalJudaism , Hinduism and Buddhism .
Modern man must “eternally return” to the earliest strata of human intellectual life, when man was just starting to construct his own god-myths.
In The Will to Power, Nietzsche emphasized the role of an internal force for superhuman development. He wrote that “the herd” strives for security by creating morality and rules, whereas the supermen have an internal vital force that drives them to go beyond the herd.
That force necessitates and drives them to lie to the herd in order to remain independent and free from the “herd mentality.”
According to Nietzsche, inherited democratic ideals are derived from the false egalitarianism and slave-morality of Christianity. All political history is characterized as a struggle of two wills to power.
Aristocratic and elitist will to power is the will to life, which is contrasted by the will to death, to nothing, of the weak. High culture is aristocratic, while the dominance of the “crowd” leads to decadence. Ressentiment (resentment) is an impulse to blame others for one’s condition, and which has motivated the weak to seize power from the strong.
For Nietzsche, the new philosophy of the weak (or ressentiment) is called democracy, which developed itself in the nation- states, transforming every human being, into “a pygmy of equal rights.”
In fascism, the only true value is the pursuit of one’s own gain over that of others, what Nietzsche called “Triumph of the Will.” All concern for others is deemed as weakness.
Rather, through the influence of Social Darwinism, the weak are viewed as expendable, as threatening the evolution of the whole. Therefore, the pursuit of mastery over others through war and violence is perceived as exemplifying courage. Ruthlessness becomes virtue.
Two key theories were pivotal for the development of modern secularism, on a scale equal to the Copernican or Newtonian revolutions, but with instead moral consequences.
The first of these was Darwin’s theory of evolution, which suggested that the universe could have come into existence spontaneously without the need of a divine creator.
The second of these was the theories of Sigmund Freud, which provided the opportunity to question the notion of sin itself, and to reject much of traditional morality once associated with religion.
And, with occultists having shaped much of the fundamentalism of modern European Christianity, from the Protestant Reformation to the Evangelical movement, the marked excesses of those traditions provided them a pretext by which to reject religious tradition on the whole.
Thus emerged the formative trend of modernism in the twentieth century, which repudiated what were characterized as outmoded “Victorian” values. .
The author then goes on and seems to takes a bit of a shot at freedom and individuality. He has definitely sipped from the cup of Communitarianism
The emphasis on valuing freedom and individuality in the Western world has led to portions of the society moving in very different directions on a number of different subjects.
As an example, a study by pew research has shown that from 1994 to 2014, the US has become more divided as time has moved forward. There is significantly less political overlap, or common agreement between different parties, now, than there was over 20 years ago......
A people can only move forward together, towards something collectively, if they can agree on what to aim at and how to achieve it. Historically, that collective aim would be encapsulated by the tradition. .....
It is this that I say is expressive of the modern, secular and liberal society. An emphasis on freedom and individual unique expression for their own sake, in conjunction with overabundance of choice, information, and the loss of faith in God, is enough to not only unchain us from the sun, but from each other.
Ergo, we have the motivating forces in play for the fracturing of society. Everyone is aiming at different ends. What the modern western society considers its highest values necessarily lead to its people drifting apart from one another, and becoming alienated.
I disagree with him here. As I mentioned earlier Collectivism or the Common Good vs Freedom and Individuality seems a false dichotomy. We can have both subject to individual adherence to Christian values and laws/regulations that do not trample on rights and freedoms of the individual or the community
The divisiveness has nothing to due with Individualism and Freedom but is due in part to diversity and to a larger degree is due to a carefully engineered psychological operation conducted since the mid 1960’s by the folks at Tavistock, CIA and Frankfurt School.
Divide and Rule is a tactic that has proved wildly successful in controlling and modifying the behavior of populations. You can read more in this 4 Part Series starting here.
However, he is right about there needing to be a common goal. That could include many separate goals. Indeed, if the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals could be repackaged and drop the Sustainable that would be a good start.
Unfortunately its based on 2 myths. One myth is that we need to ration the use of energy and consumption of goods, and the other that we cant afford to provide for so many people using the other myth , which is that government can only spend money they borrow or receive from taxes. Ask 100 people how money is created that the government spends and maybe 1 person knows. This is beyond the scope of my essay though
In any event, a Common Goal that eliminates freedoms and rights and is based on Lies can only be held together by brute force and brainwashing. Thats what we have to look forward to
The author goes on to discuss morality
Now let us consider morality and meaning. What role do they play in the modern society which has made a lot of effort to remove God from the social sphere and how does this effect the mental state and morality of its citizens?
Questions on such things as abortion, suicide, sexual identity, race relations, cultural expression, acceptable social behaviours, the role of government or authority and so on, have a variety of opinions associated with them within the secular western world. If a people cannot be united upon simple things, one cannot expect them to be united on larger issues; especially without a guiding principle.
If a tradition which binds the people in a society together has been abandoned and replaced with a focus on vague ideas of freedom and personal expression, coupled with such notions as moral relativism or subjectivism, it is no wonder that we see increases in polarisation......,.
This now takes us on to a very interesting observation by Nietzsche on the issues with morality following from the death of God, where the people affected by it have yet to recognise the gravity of the situation.....
When one gives up on the Christian faith, one pulls the right to Christian morality from under one’s feet.....
When [people] actually believe that they know “intuitively” what is good and evil, when they therefore suppose that they no longer require Christianity as a guarantee of morality, we merely witness the effects of the dominion of the Christian value-judgement and an expression of the strength and depth of this dominion: such that the origin of morality has been forgotten....
Commitment to higher values are themselves necessarily moral commitments. The commitment is made because a people believe it is the right thing to do; a duty because it is good, followed by those in society who are good.
However, as Nietzsche shows very astutely here, when the morality which has its foundations in the Abrahamic tradition is separated from a belief in God, this also separates it from the necessary moral commitments associated with it. These moral conclusions are by no means necessarily “intuitive”.
The modern secular world has yet to ask why it sees truth as a higher value, or why the society should see itself as having a duty to uphold truth as a necessary value at all.
Seeing truth in such high regard is a consequence of the Christian roots of the West. But if Christianity has lost its grip, then the absolute commitment to truth must be justified. The same goes for morality, for reason itself, and to any of the values the society holds....
Furthermore, in a world no longer chained to a uniting principle, to what degree do we apply freedom practically in a society and to what degree do we give it up for the sake of security and comfort? ....
In a faithless society which sees itself as free from God, and with a focus on vague conceptions of freedom, individualism, materialism, consumerism, and hedonism, there is nothing to bind us necessarily to each other. ...
Many fail to see the necessity of faith in everyday [secular] life on many occasions and naively neglect this fact. Ironically, some people have faith in the idea that they don’t have faith; or that faith is somehow synonymous with being naive and lacking critical thinking skills. This is far from the truth...
The author makes very good points. We would all be better off if more people did not break with traditional values so completely and continued with the Christian Faith. But here we are. No practical way of turning that back short of a Second Coming, and even that might not due it. A Messiah would be censored harder than anyone
However, as mentioned previously he is wrong about laying this all on Freedom and Individualism.
The polarization has largely been engineered by the ELite via the education system, MSM and Hollywood and through the political process in conjunction with the deliberate destruction of the Main Street Economy and Middle Class to create unhappiness at the state of affairs. Such discontent leads inevitably to people seeking a target to blame
For over 60 years people blamed Communists, liberals, neocons, Muslims, Blacks, Immigrants, Israel, Jews, Vatican, Gays, China, Terrorists, Straight White Men, Red States, Blue States, the Other Party, etc for the Nations decay. Someone for everyone.
Not having a common faith made it easier to divide us. 9/11 united us for awhile until many saw through the lies that got us into Afghanistan and Iraq.
Nationalism is a glue, but it requires confidence and trust in government and more unity. They have lost our confidence and trust in the system, and thats no accident. Neither is the polarizations. Its become clear both parties are acting on behalf of Globalists and Global Corporations. The great Red - Blue divide seems more about breaking this country into several pieces to make it easier for the Globalists to control
People have been conditioned by the predator elite who wanted to break people away from their beliefs and traditions so as to impose another set of beliefs, and persuaded them that religion is for the superstitious and faith in science and scientists is based on reason. Many like myself were persuaded. We were brainwashed
There is no reason Science and Religion cant coexist. Our history of the conflict between Science and the Church is perpetuated by the myth of Galileos persecution.
The case of Galileo was distorted by those seeking to discredit the church and Christian Religion. Galileo supported Copernicus sun centered theory. Copernicus was a Catholic church official who had published his work in 1543 before Galileo without a negative response.
When the Church adopted the solar based Gregorian calendar in 1586 it based its calculations on the Copernicus astronomical tables.
Galileo got caught up in the politics of the counterreformation which sought to limit individuals interpretations of the scriptures spiritual and moral meanings. The church had long accepted that the bible was not literally true regarding the natural world, written as it was at a time before it was natural world was understood so as to be understood by the people of the time, so reinterpretation of the scriptures was permitted in this limited sense
It was some fundamentalists within Lucifer Protestantism that brought the sense of taking the scriptures literally in all matters. That still exists among those who deny dinosaurs and say the world is only 6000 years old because the bible says so, and this was a position Dominicans within Catholicism agreed with.
Thus, the Dominicans disagreed with Galileo that the scriptures could be reinterpreted based on a sun centered cosmology and he got caught up in a conflict with the post reformation church.
The church sided with Galileo officially in 1616 and overlooking the Inquisitions injunction against further discussion/writing simply advised him not to assert it was true. It was after all only a hypothesis unable to be tested and proven with scientific tools available at the time , and also so as not to confuse lay Catholics who were dealing with the turmoil of the reformation.
In fact, Galileo and Copernician theory were not proven until 1729 by James Bradley measuring the aberration of light. Galileos tidal evidence in his hypothesis was actually proven false in some respects, so fell short of proof necessary - scientifically speaking.
In any event when Galileo came to Pope Urban VIII about his plans for a new book the Pope asked him to treat his idea as a hypothesis and to acknowledge the Churchs authority in theological interpretation. Galileo agreed. Case closed
Unfortunately Galileo did not uphold his word and actually mocked the Popes position referring to him in a fictitious dialogue as Simplicio (simpleton). The pope was displeased and had him arrested in 1633 for going against his instructions.
He actually was able to continue working while under house arrest and publish a book on motion under the force of gravity before his death in 1642.
The author goes on the discuss social exhaustion and Techno-hypnosis.
The rise of the societal exhaustion [is] caused by a lack of trust in the “experts” and people in authority as the commitment to truth slowly begins to reveal more and more corruption.
Techno-hypnosis is the active attempt to escape the burden of consciousness and the dread caused by being overwhelmed by everything one is faced with.....
Becoming God
Furthermore, Nietzsche also alludes to something incredibly interesting. In analysing the seriousness of the situation with regards to the loss of faith in God, he says: “Do we not ourselves have to become gods to appear worthy of it?” ....
Where God was once that which occupied the highest place in our hierarchy of values, upon the loss of faith in a people he is replaced with the people themselves.Either the community is made the highest value as you see expressed in extreme forms of nationalism, or the individual makes themselves a god insofar as they see themselves as their own highest value. .....
Indeed as discussed Transhumanism is indeed the ELites plan to become Gods. Until then, they must be content to become God like in the history books which depict their efforts while living in a most favorable light and monuments will be built to remember them, bridges, roads, stars and territories will carry their name.
He goes on with Secular Religion
If religion, defined vaguely, is the accepted rulings given by an ultimate authority, and in a nihilistic framework there is no ultimate authority above one’s own, then the nihilist hasn’t escaped religion at all. They become the authors of their own religion. They are left to decide for themselves whether they wish to obey the authority of others or not, whether they are willing to experience the difficulties that follow the rejection of the authority of others, and what rituals they wish to perform.
One need to look no further than the popular atheists to see the attempts to build a replacement community. They have their replacements for the high priests who have fans and are looked up to as ambiguous guides.
Richard Dawkins is one such figure. His best selling book The God Delusion has sold millions of copies and receives countless praises by fans which seem to be completely unaware of the devastating critiques offered of his work by the likes of the philosopher of science Michael Ruse who said: “unlike the new atheists, I take scholarship seriously. I have written that The God Delusion made me ashamed to be an atheist and I mean it.”
As I stated at the beginning of this essay, the human being by its very nature is a purpose driven being.
The psychologist and philosopher Viktor Frankl says that “[m]an’s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life and not a “secondary rationalisation” of instinctual drives.”
As I have stated, the nihilism I have been focused on and concerned with throughout this essay is not only the philosophical notion of nihilism that has been reasoned, but also, the psychological condition, the pathological state, and the mental exhaustion that expresses itself as a feeling of meaninglessness.
If Frankl is correct in his evaluation of mankind it follows that just as the sick person seeks a cure for their disease and yearns for it with all their being, then so too does the one stricken by nihilism seek and yearn for meaning as their cure.
With the decline of religious belief (specifically Christianity) around the world and with an increase in atheism/agnosticism, it makes sense that you would see the manifestation of a type of religious behaviour manifest in these communities in their attempts to flee their nihilism and fill the voids that have been left in their rejection of their previous traditions.”......
Despite their commitment to nihilism and their inclination to atheism they are still seeing the benefit of religion (without calling it that). They pick and choose what suits them from it to make up for what they have come to lack in their rejection of it.
We see similar trends in the New Atheism movement with characters like Sam Harris increasingly making attempts to take what he sees as beneficial from religion as can be found throughout his book entitled “Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion”; going as far as incorporating religious practices with a new atheist twist. .....
He makes good pointson the need for a religion. Indeed, this point is not missed by our ELites
On June 29 , 2000 Earth Charter called for at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 was completed and published . Many viewed the Earth Charter as a prototype constitution for the New World Order Constitution. Co-creator Maurice Strong stated, “ the real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments. ”
On 9/9 2001-just two days before 9/11, a celebration of the Earth Charter was held in Vermont and attended by Steven Rockefeller. The event revealed the Ark of Hope, modeled after the Biblical Ark of the Covenant, and a hand-written copy of the Earth Charter on papyrus was placed inside with other sacred items.
Its been slow moving though, so it seems the new religion based on mRNA Vaccines and Masks is another attempt at a secular religion.
There is also some effort being made to combine the Theistic Religions into a Universal Religion. No doubt Christian Values will be replaced by Communitarian Values paying homage to Climate Change and Vaccines
In the 90’s the idea of the Common Good usurping individual Rights and Freedoms started gaining ground among those searching for a new religion. It was called Communitarianism.
Communitarianism , or 'civil society' thinking (the two have similar meanings) has many interpretations, but at its center is a notion that years of celebrating individual freedom have weakened the bonds of community and that the rights of the individual must be balanced against the interests of society as a whole. Inherent in the philosophy is a return to values and morality, which, the school of thought believes, can best be fostered by community organizations. ..."
Hitler appeared as a patriotic German, a typical German, one who wanted to move Germany back into prominence as a major world power. To do this, he initiated Volunteerism, which rapidly migrated into the Big Government of Fascism.
In his first days in the Oval Office, Clinton also advocated Volunteerism, using the same word as Hitler used 60 years before. Clinton also advocated the importance of putting the well-being of the State over that of the individual. Hillary Clinton even got into the act by writing her book, "It Takes A Village", a book that advocated the State getting thoroughly involved in raising children. While the rhetoric is fantastic, and it gets everyone excited, the bottom line fact is that is moves the country further into Big Government, Big Regulation, guided by the Fascist concept that the well-being of the State is more important than that of the individual.
This concept is core to all three programs advocated by Hitler, Clinton, George W. Bush.
The latter inclusion might surprise you.
Amitai Etzioni , one of the leading proponents of Communitarianism George W. Bush praised Bush’s inaugural address as “a communitarian text.” That, the federal faith-based initiative, and the “Community of Character” crusade which was an assault not only on individual rights, but what remains of a much-battered wall of separation between church and state.
Communitarianism is a sham. Communities have no desires, no needs, no aspirations, and no dreams for the future. Only individuals have these characteristics, and the community can only serve to enhance or impede these individual characteristics.
Furthermore, rarely does a community -- a group of individuals -- step forward to enhance, or stop, individual needs and aspirations. Usually throughout history, an individual has stepped forward to perform the function of gaining control over the community engine of government.
At this point, two individuals are facing one another: one individual has all the power and authority of government at his disposal, while the other individual just has his needs and aspirations. If the individual in power chooses to oppose the individual with the aspirations, there is precious little the small individual can do. And, history has shown that people, once deceived as to true motive and true goal, will tolerate an enormous amount of repression, violence, and even murder on the part of the power people running the community government.
The communitarians say you've been enjoying too much individual freedom, and that you must give up some of that for the benefit of the community. But they really mean that they want more power over your life -- to force you to ... obey and conform to their choices."
Bush entrapped Christian churches and charities in his Federal Grant program, plus he included Clinton's pet project -- the AmeriCorps program -- in the Federal Grant system. Like under Hitler Bush seized unprecedented power following a False Flag Event that enabled his government to remove freedoms and rights from its citizens
You may read more about the havoc that occurred under his watch here
Part II
Part I
As mentioned there is a false dichotomy over Common good vs Individualism. The world is not binary. Individual Rights and Freedom benefit the collective community. The community is nothing but a group of individuals who interact and depend on each other and thus its welfare is important to the individual.
So long as everyone adheres to core values the individuals in a community will do better with inalienable rights and freedom than without. The only responsibility is to not infringe on the rights and freedom of others and follow laws and regulations that do not violate core values
Of course, defining these core values is the key. For much of Western Civilization these core values derived from Christian principles, if not in practice in principle. Although the practice of the religion has dwindled, the values lingered.
What are these principles and values?
Perhaps most important is Truth.
Lyingis strongly discouraged or forbidden "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour", one of the Ten Commandments.
Also you shall not murder and
you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Marriage, monogamy and family is the basis of our society and serves as the backbone of a healthy social order. Before Christianity monogamy was not common. Men could have many wives or mistresses.
Many are in the 10 commandments. Perhaps this explains the push for Noahide Laws which appears nowhere in the Bible .
In 1991 The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in a declaration that was passed by both houses of Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization.
They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.”
March 26 was the birthdate of the now late Rebee Schneerson in 1992
Oh really, Seven Noahide Laws? I never heard of them. I do know about the Ten Commandents. What
are the differences?
From Chabad - Noahide Laws
Do not profane G‑d’s Oneness in any way..
Do not curse your Creator.
Do not murder.
Do not eat a limb of a living animal.
Do not steal.
Harness and channel the human libido.
Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.
Ten Commandments
I.YHVH is the LORD your God. You will have no other gods but Him.
II. You will not use the name of the LORD in vain.
III. You will honor the Sabbath day.
IV. You will honor your father and your mother.
VI. You will not commit adultery.
VII. You will not steal.
VIII. You will not lie.
IX. You will not envy another man's wife
X. You will not envy another man's property.
Why Noahide Law which is found in the Talmud but not the Christian Bible? Just look at what is missing.
However, it was becoming clear in the 90’s that these values were fading (even among the Christian Right with their support over Israel and its treatment of Palestinians). We supported a Gulf War based on blatant propaganda of babies being pulled from incubators, supported the continued bombing of Iraq and sanctions, looted Russia/FSU and supported the NATO war against Yugoslavia based on lies, and then of course 9/11 and anthrax attacks and another war based on lies in Iraq.
The American public absorbed every lie without question and quickly surrendered their Rights, Liberty and Dignity with the Patriot Act, removing shoes and surrendering water to TSA, and waved their Flags in support of the atrocities done in their name in Iraq and Afghanistan , while nodding when NSA scientists told us steel framed buildings could crumble to dust from top to bottom due to impact and fires on top floors.
And here we are today and its even uglier as they come after your Children. We seem to be going back in time to a pre-Christian/pagan ethos.
Part VI Conclusion-Satanism Rules the New World Order
Man requires faith and religion, it may be called something else but it is an essential part of our being.
The center of the religion may be an invisible god promising a reward for being good on earth and punishment for those who are bad. Or the religion may be a mortal God like our ELites, or centered on Some secular concept like Nature or Scientism with the high priests being Experts in their field
The religions morality may require
us to wear masks to protect us from Evil and to baptize ourselves with an initial dose of a Vaccine against Evil and then take communion each quarter with a Booster. Those who reject the religion are heretics to be cast out of society and avoided since they carry the Evil in their unvaccinated bodies. Praise Lord Fauci for delivering us from Evil
The problem with this religion is it lacks Christian Values. It rejects the rights of individuals and calls for children and elderly to be sacrificed to the alter of the God of Mammon and Pfizer, and treats man as Evil if he choses to exercise his rights to bodily autonomy and trusts an immune system thats a product of natural evolution over millions of years in favor of some laboratory concoction thats not been adequately tested
Its also a religion centered on Lies and not on Truth.
If I had to name the religion I would call it Satanism. Its values are the antithesis of Christian Values which were the foundation of Western Civilization and America.
So the Christian Era is over. It has been for sometime, living on only in small pockets with its essence slowly fading over time. However, it seems it is all but gone now. With it comes a New Morality where anything is justified so long as it achieves a Common Good as defined by the Psychopathic Predator Elite.
Concepts such as Individual Rights and Freedom are to be memory holed. You will own nothing, obey orders and be happy, or you will be no more.
Short of a divine intervention this is the End of History as we enter into an Age of Darkness and soon a Post Human World.